By grxcisxhy

3.4K 40 2

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. She fell in love with him when they were together, then fell... More

act i
i. the birthday
ii. the hybrid
iii. the end of the affair
iv. disturbing behavior
v. the reckoning
vi. smells like teen spirit
viii. ordinary people
ix. homecoming - the ties that bind
x. dangerous liaisons
xi. all my children
act ii
xii. after school special
xiii. catch me if you can
xiv. a view to kill

vii. ghost world

115 2 0
By grxcisxhy

Madelyn was sitting in her room at the Salvatore house, having nothing to do as Rebekah was dress shopping for homecoming in the next town over. That's why she got confused when someone knocked on her door, knowing that the Salvatore brothers would rather ignore her existence.

"Rebekah?" she called out. "Did you forget something?"

Madelyn opened her bedroom door to find no one standing on the other side. She frowned, going to close the door when she noticed a note stuck to it.

Find Bonnie.

Her frown only deepened as she noticed there was no name, but she vaguely recognized the handwriting. She peaked her head out of the room, looking around the hallway to no luck.

"Well, who am I to ignore some mysterious note."


Madelyn walked towards Caroline and Bonnie, only finding them after searching the town square and ending up compelling someone to tell her where to find the Bennett witch. 

Caroline noticed the vampire first. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for a certain Bennett witch," Madelyn said, not stopping in her stride until she reached them.

"Why would Bonnie talk to you?" 

"Just because Rebekah has it out for you, doesn't mean you need to be a bitch to me," Madelyn snarled.

"Relax," Bonnie interfered. "Madelyn is a friendly vampire to the witches. I trust her."

"Bonnie!" Caroline scolded. "Why?"

Bonnie and Madelyn shared a look. "I just do. You'll have to trust me on that."

"I know. I trust you, Bon, but I don't trust her."

"I think you're forgetting that I'm the one who found out how to save your boyfriend," Madelyn said.

"Maybe you only did that so Rebekah could get her claws into him," Caroline said.

Madelyn rolled her eyes. "I didn't know Rebekah was going to infiltrate your life like that, I swear."

"Okay, enough of this," Bonnie said. "What did you need?"

"I'm not really sure. This note was stuck to my door, but no signature and no one was around." Madelyn pulled out the note from her pocket handing it to Bonnie.

Bonnie looked at it, making sure there was nothing on the other side. "That's weird. This was all that was on your door?"

Madelyn nodded before smirking at Caroline. "Guess your stuck with me until we figure it out."

"What? No!" she protested.

"It'll be fine, Caroline. Let's just go." Bonnie reached down to grab her back, but it wasn't closed so everything spilled out of it. Bonnie sighed and moved to grab her fallen grimoire when it opened on its own without any wind.

"Okay, did your grimoire just..." Caroline trailed off. 

"I think so."

Bonnie bent down and grabbed the book examining the page. "It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter."

"What's veiled matter?" Caroline asked.

"Ghosts," Madelyn answered, her eyes widening. "Looks like we just got one step closer to solving the problem."


"So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life," Caroline said as the three girls entered the dark and musty basement.

"Yeah," Bonnie said. "Sorry, I know it's creepy, but we needed a private place around here to do the spell."

Madelyn looked around the basement, making sure to keep her hands to herself. "Isn't this the place where they burned all the witches? There's no chance it's haunted by said witches, is there?"

"They're not here anymore," Bonnie said, taking out her grimoire. "And they made it clear they were never coming back."

Madelyn nodded awkwardly before busying herself with lighting the candles around the room with Caroline.

"Ready?" Caroline asked after lighting the last candle.

"Do you need to channel..." Madelyn trailed off when she saw the Bonnie was already chanting.

The two vampires stepped back to let Bonnie have space to do her thing. A breeze flowed through the basement, growing stronger the longer Bonnie chanted.

"Bonnie, I don't like this," Caroline said, shifting on her feet nervously.

"I-It's okay," Madelyn said, though she sounded unsure. "She knows when she should stop."

Bonnie continued to chant until she felt someone grabbing her hands. The wind stopped as she opened her eyes.

"Oh, my God," Caroline said, shock evident on her features. "Is that your..."

"Grams," Bonnie said. 

"I can't believe you're here," Bonnie spoke through happy tears. 

"Now stop your crying, we don't have time for tears," Sheila said. "Nice to see you again, Caroline. Madelyn."

Caroline chuckled. "Hi, miss Sheila."

"Sheila Bennett," Madelyn said. "The last time I saw you you were still a teenager."

Sheila gave an amused smiling before turning back to Bonnie. "A fine mess you've made, honey. The witches told you there'd be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway."

"I didn't have a choice," Bonnie said. "I love him and I- I couldn't just let him go."

"I understand, but you cracked open the door to the other side," Sheila said. "There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open. Giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business."

"How do you know this?" 

"Witches talk. Even on the other side. Who do you think makes all the rules?"

"What does the witch want?" Madelyn asked.

"That's Original vampire business, not yours," a new voice said. "You made sure of that when you stood up to Klaus."

Madelyn turned to the bottom of the stairs. "Guillaume."

"Mon chère soeur," William said.

"Who is he?" Caroline asked.

William smiled at the blond. "I'm her brother, and I'm here to help Bonnie return nature back to its balance."

"He's right," Sheila said. "You upset the balance of nature. And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door."

"How?" Bonnie asked.

"You need to destroy the talisman," William said. "She's using it to draw power from this side."

"We need to find a spell to do that." Sheila squeezed Bonnie's hands.

"The talisman? Elena's necklace?" Caroline said.

"That's right," William said.

"Okay, me, you, and Blondie will go get it while the Bennett witches find the spell," Madelyn said.

"I don't know where it is," Caroline said. 

"Well, figure it out before this bitch of witch kills us all," Madelyn said, not caring about insulting the Original witch. 

Caroline nodded and pulled out her phone, dialing Elena's number. When she came back from her conversation she had a furrow in her brow.

"So, Elena doesn't have the necklace. Damon does. I texted him so now we just have to wait."

"Great," Madelyn said sarcastically. "Well, might as well start moving towards the Salvatore house."

"Why there?"

"Where else would he hide it?" Madelyn shrugged.

"Come on," William said. "We don't have all day."


Madelyn and Will kept rummaging in spots near where Damon had said he hid the necklace while Caroline called Elena again.

"So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon," Caroline told her best friend. 

Madelyn listened with her vamp hearing as Elena responded.

"Listen, I need you to get Bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back."

"It's not like we can do anything without the necklace," Madelyn said.

"Who was that?" Elena asked.

"Rebekah's vampire bestie," Caroline said.

"Madelyn? She's helping you?"

"Yeah. I don't know why, but Bonnie trusts her." Caroline looked back over to where Madelyn and William were still looking. Madelyn gave her best fake smile in return.

"Let's just find this necklace ladies," William said. "As much I love being able to interact with the real world again, there's an evil witch who needs stopping."

"And who was that?"

"Madelyn's dead witch brother," Caroline said. "Anyways, I thought you were fine with getting rid of them."

"I was- I am," Elena said. "Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan."

"Okay, let's just find it first and then we can talk to dear Bonnie about choosing between boyfriend dramas," Madelyn said, grabbing the phone from Caroline. "Talk later, Gilbert."

"You heard us on the phone earlier talking about Jeremy and Anna?"

"Yeah, so?" Madelyn said. "It's not hard to do when you have vamp hearing."

Before Caroline could say something about people's privacy William said, "I give up! It's not anywhere in this room."

Caroline's phone vibrated in Madelyn's hand. 

"Caroline's phone, this is Madelyn speaking," she answered sarcastically.

"Madelyn? As in the vampire?" 

Madelyn smirked over at Caroline. "Why're you calling, Jer Bear?"

Caroline's eyes widened, reaching for the phone. "Give me my phone."

Madelyn just dodged her and listened to Jeremy.

"Did you find that necklace?" he asked.

"Not yet."

"What's going on?" Caroline asked

"Ghosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell," Jeremy said.

Madelyn shrugged. "He probably had it coming."

Jeremy chose to ignore her comment. "You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the founding families."

"It's not where it's supposed to be. So unless you know how to find Damon or want to help find it yourself then don't complain," Madelyn said.

A look of realization crossed Caroline's face. She snatched the phone away from Madelyn. "Unless someone took it."

"Who?" Jeremy asked.

"Well, who do you think?"

Madelyn gave Caroline a look of approval at the revelation.

"She said she didn't take it," Jeremy responded after a moment of silence on his end.

"Oh, and you believe her," Caroline chastised. 

"You know what, yeah, yeah I do believe her," Jeremy said matter-of-factly.

"You know what, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought. So wake up, Jeremy, before you lose everything." Caroline hung up the phone harshly.

"You tell him, Caroline," Madelyn encouraged quietly.

"Do you really think Anna stole that necklace?" William asked, his faint French accent thickening with urgency.

"I have a very strong feeling," Caroline said, storming out of Damon's room.

"I guess we should follow her."


Madelyn drove a car Rebekah and her compelled from a dealership after Klaus had left them. She waited in anticipation for Caroline to finish the call she was on with Bonnie.

"Jeremy's got the necklace," Caroline said after ending the call.

"Looks like you were right, baby vamp," Madelyn said.

Caroline wore a proud look on her face. "He's going to meet Bonnie and us at the witch house."

"Woah, Mads. Slow down," William said. "What's going on up there?"

Madelyn looked further down the road, noticing a car crashed into a tree, the engine still running.

"That's Mrs. Lockwood's car," Caroline said.

Madelyn slammed on the brakes when she noticed someone walking on the street in front of the car. "Oh, my god."

With the car fully stopped Caroline took that as her chance to get out of the car.

"Caroline!" Madelyn yelled.

"Go! Help Bonnie with the spell!"

"But what about you? I can help."

Caroline managed a genuine smile. "I'll be okay. Now drive!"

Madelyn hesitated before stepping on the gas, forcing herself not to look in her rearview mirror.


Madelyn and William rushed down the basement stairs where Bonnie was grabbing the necklace from Jeremy and throwing it in the fire. 

Madelyn threw the Gilbert a dirty look before grabbing Bonnie's left hand so the witch could channel her. William grabbed Madelyn's other hand and chanted along with Bonnie. A third voice joined in on the chanting from the other side of Bonnie— her Grams.

The necklace sparked in the fire as their chanting grew louder. The fire grew larger until the sparking stopped and they finished chanting.

Madelyn quickly turned to her brother before he disappeared while Bonnie had a private moment with her Grams as well.

"I never apologized for what I did to our parents," Madelyn rushed out. "When I told you the truth, I didn't-"

"It's okay, Mads," William said, putting a gentle hand on his sister's face. "I forgave you a long time ago. You are the witches' salvation and I'm proud to call you family."

A few tears fell from Madelyn's eyes. "You're not mad at me? Not even about Kol?"

William smiled. "No. You love him, and even if I hate to accept it, he loves you too."

"I'll miss you, brother," Madelyn sobbed.

"No need to miss me. We'll meet again someday." He placed a kiss on her forehead. "Be good, sister."

"I will. Promise."

She grabbed the hand resting on her face, giving it a gentle squeeze before his touch was gone and he was no longer visible, leaving Madelyn to hold herself as she cried.


Madelyn tuned out Bonnie and Jeremy's conversation, figuring she owed them as much. She sat by the fire as Bonnie sent him away.

As Bonnie turned around to apologize the fire sparked again, making Madelyn flinch before leaning forward to inspect the cause.

"What the bloody hell?" Madelyn reached into the fire, pulling the necklace that looked brand new.

She held it up to Bonnie who looked just as shocked as her.

"Guess the Original bitch needs this for more than letting ghosts into our world," Madelyn said.

"Maybe," Bonnie said, grabbing the necklace. She looked at it more closely, feeling the magic radiating off of it. 


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