A Tale Of A Thousand Stars...

By hamnmayo

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Hi! I really enjoyed watching ATOTS and I was so sad to see it end. I've seen many people write One Shots or... More

Chapter 1 - Sick Tian
Chapter 2- The Proposal
Chapter 3 - Telling
Chapter 4 - Could we have a child?
Chapter 5 - Adoption (Part 1)
Chapter 5 - Part 2
Chapter 6 - Sarawat
Chapter 7 - Parent's day off
Chapter 8 - School
Chapter 10 - Love

Chapter 9 - 16 YEARS LATER

316 11 0
By hamnmayo

Hey guys! If you didn't read the spoiler, my last two chapters will be about their lives 16 years later! I think I might do some extra chapters after, but those will come irregularly, as I said last chapter in the spoiler. 




"Wat! Get out of bed! It's time to get ready!" His father called. (Phupha)

Sarawat's POV:

I've been out of bed for a while now. To be honest, I don't think I can say I was ever in bed to begin with, I haven't really slept. It's a big day today. I start University in a week, but I want to move into campus early so I can get to know the place. I'm still nervous though. All I've ever really known was this village, these people, and this culture. I adapt easily, I had to move to Bangkok for 5 years at one point as my dad got a teaching opportunity there. But I was there often a lot anyway to see my grandparents. I'm not going alone though, that's one good thing, I'm going with one of my best friends, P' Ploy, who wants to transfer high schools for  her last two years before going to University. 

A/N: In case you where wondering, Ploy is the daughter of Nam. 

I can't even explain in words how much I'll miss this little village. And my parents, of course. I hope I have a marriage like theirs some day. They've been together for God knows how long, and they never fight. Well, they don't have big fights at least. 

"Phupha!!" Dad called from the other room. 


"Stop putting all the cups in the top cupboard!! I can't reach them!" 

"You're just short!" 

"Hey!! Wat, can you help me get them down?" 

If you call that a big fight, then they have a few of those every now and again, but I don't think I'd even call them fights as they just hug after and tell each other they love the other afterwards. Ew, cheesy. But I still wouldn't mind having someone to be cheesy with. 

"I thought you said I had to go?" I asked. 

"It'll take 5 minutes to get the cups down. Please!" 

My dad's not even that short. Too short for the cabinets, yes, but I'm only a little taller than him. I trudged my way over to the kitchen to help him. 

"Do you have to go so early?" My dad frowned at me. 

"I think it's a good idea, I can get to know the place before I start, it will be helpful, trust me."

"I'll miss you lots." He looked like he wanted to cry. I pulled him into a hug, and frankly I tried not to cry too. 

"I'll miss you too." I said. We hugged for another while but I didn't want to keep Ploy waiting as she's probably further ahead of me in packing and getting ready to leave. 

"Come on, you'll be okay without me, you have dad with you, right?" 

"He's mean." 


He sighed, "I suppose you're right, but I don't know how I'll live without my dear baby." 

"I'm hardly a baby anymore, but if you say so." 

He let go and I started taking the cups out of the cupboard and stacking them elsewhere, while my parents started putting all my stuff in the boot of my car, and Ploy with her parents had already arrived. Nam looked like he had been crying, but I don't blame him, this is a big step for Ploy.

"You must come visit us, and call us whenever you can, work hard at school, okay?" He looked like he wanted to cry again.

"Yes, yes, of course I will." We let go from our hug and I looked at my other dad standing behind me. He pulled me in for a hug. 

"Work hard, don't get too drunk, and don't do anything too stupid, but have some fun, these are some good years of your life ahead of you. Friends are important too, and no girlfriends of boyfriends!" 


"I love you." 

"Mm, love you too." 

I pulled away as it was time to go, and waited for Ploy to say her goodbyes to her parents. Before we got in the car, we made sure we had all our stuff in the car and waved goodbye as our parents blew kisses at us and we blew them back. 

We got into the car and smiled at each other, and drove out of our little village. 

"I didn't sleep a wink, did you?" Ploy asked.

"Of course I didn't. But now that we've done it, it was a lot better than I had thought it would've gone." 

"Same here. But I think we've only gotten through the easy part." 

"Oh. Ahhh why would you remind me?" Ploy giggled along with me. 

"Do you think you'll find a boyfriend within the first year?" At the moment only Ploy knows I like men. I mean I could've told my parents as I know for a fact they would accept it. Well it's obvious they would accept it they're literally gay, haha. But now wasn't the right time, but when I visit I will. Ploy has already been telling me to tell them. 

"Do you think you'll find someone?" I asked. 

"Haha, no. I don't like people that much. I know you will though." 

I scoffed. 


Back at home, Phupha was trying to hug Tian..

"I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" 


"Are you going to stay mad at me forever then?" 

"I'll just find another man." Tian said, trying to open the front door, but Phupha grabbed him. 

"You won't dream of that after I do this." Phupha grinned, before kissing Tian in every place possible. 

"Fine! Fine! I was only going out to the shops, jeez! Do you need anything?" Phupha let go of Tian. 

"I need you." Phupha bit his lip. 

"Then I'm going out now." 

"No!! Come on, when was the last time we had fun?" 

Tian thought to himself for a minute, knowing he would only ever give in to his husband. 



After a long journey to Bangkok, the two friends split ways to find their dorm rooms. They lived very close to each other, which they made sure of as it's nice to have a friend living close by, and Ploy is only 16 so it's good if Wat's with her. 

It took a while to get their stuff all up to their rooms, but unpacking would be even harder. 

Good thing they took an extra week here to do that. 

Wat stared at all the suitcases and boxes he had placed in front of him. There's no point looking at it, it'll only waste time, he thought to himself. But I guess time will have to be wasted as he heard a knock at his door. 

But is this a waste of time? 

He walked to his door expecting to see Ploy, but instead, met by a friendly face of a young guy, maybe about his age. He looked more than friendly to Wat. 

"Can I help you?" Wat stuttered across. 

"Hey, would you mind helping me carry a box to my room? It's right next to yours so it's not a far journey." 

"Oh, sure." 

Wat left his room and followed the guy out to the box. They both picked it up and began walking. 

"Hey, are you going to school here?" Wat asked. 

"Oh yeah, are you?" The guy replied.

"Yeah. Sorry I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"I'm Tine. Yours?" 


Wat was back in his room after helping Tine, but couldn't stop thinking about him. 

'Come on, Wat. You never crush on someone so easily. You just met the guy, get over yourself.' Wat thought. 

It was a long week before starting school. He went to a café, and met a couple people who turned out to also go to the school he's going to, and wanna join the football team with him. 

He met up with them to walk to class the first morning, while he noticed Tine with his small group of friends. He didn't want to appear starring, but Tine caught his eye and smiled sweetly at him. 

"Hey Wat, you alright?" His friend asked.

"Oh yeah, let's go." And they walked to their classes. 

Football practise pretty much started straight away, so Wat and his friends went. It was getting kinda hot, so they took their shirts off and realized the crowd at the window above. They heard girls cheering and even some guys. 

Wat looked at his friends. 

"That's normal." His friends said. 

Wat then saw Tine joining the group of cheering people, before getting his eyes covered by someone behind him. 

Wat laughed to himself before going back to play football. 


Wat was in the music room with his guitar, as he knew the acoustics would be great in there. He played a foreign song his dad taught him when he was about 8, on the same guitar he had when he got adopted. 

"What's that song called?" A student, maybe a little older than him stood in the doorframe of the room when Wat stopped playing. 

"Oh, I don't remember, I got taught it a really long while ago and only remember parts of it." I replied. 

"Oh right, no worries. Do you play often?" 

"Yeah, I play when I can." 

"Wanna try out for our music band? It's not the biggest of groups but you seem to be someone who would fit in well." 

"Oh, yeah, I'd love to. Do you have details on it?"

"I got a sheet saying which dates and times to come at. Some events we're preparing for are on there too. I'm Dim by the way." 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Wat." Dim smiled and left the room to get that sheet he was talking about. 

"Here you go." Dim was back quickly, sounding a little breathless. 

"There was someone asking for you. Ploy, I think? She was in a high school uniform. Do you know her?" Dim asked. 

"Ohh yeah she's a friend. Where was she?" 

"She's outside this room." 

"I better get going then. Nice meeting you, Dim." I said, smiling. 

"Likewise. See ya around." He smiled back at me. 

I left the room with my guitar to be greeted by a happy looking Ploy. 

"How was Uni?" She asked. 

"Awesome. I'm trying out for a football team, I got invited to join a band, I got friends, and-" I paused there not knowing if I should fill Ploy in on Tine. 

"And?" She asked.

"I met this guy last week." I said, timidly. Making Ploy grin. 

"Go on." She smiled. 

"His name is Tine. I helped him carry a box to his room last week. And he goes to this school. I wanna get to know him better. All I know is his name and that he goes to this school. I wish I knew at least what drink he likes, like in SOTUS with Arthit liking Pink Milk, and I'd deliver it to him." 

"Cute." She sniggered. 

"What does he look like?" She asked. 

"Dark hair, a little shorter than me, but I'd say my height, dark eyes, pretty smile,-" 

"That guy over there?" Ploy pointed to a random guy as we walked." 

"Good guess, but no." 

"How about that guy?" 

"Oh. That is him."

"This is an opportunity for you guys!! Forget about me, go walk with him. I wanna get snacks anyways. While you guys are talking, ask him what drink he likes and deliver it to him anonymously, but he'll know it's you so you're making the first move. Got it?" 

"Yeah. Thanks Ploy." 

"Go get him!" 

I ran up to him and greeted him. 

"Are you going home?" He asked me. God that smile is just so cute. 

"Uh yeah. Are you?" 

"Yes, you want to walk with me?" 

"Yeah, I wanna know you better... as we live pretty close and go to the same school." I just about redeemed myself there. 

"Same." I felt happy there. 

"What drink do you like?" I asked, thinking of Ploy. 

"Ah, you know that bubble tea in a bottle stuff? That's good."

"Oh, I like that too! Yellow or purple?" 

"Purple!" We both said at the same time, making each other laugh. 

"What do you like?" 

"Iced lattes are good, and so are Mochas." 

"You're a coffee fan then?" 

"Oh I don't like any others, but those are my best ones." 

We spent the rest of our time talking about school, and random other things we had going on, when we had to split ways. In the morning before I left school, I put some of the purple bubble tea drinks in a white bag and put it in front of his door. And when I came home, I was greeted with a mocha and Iced latte by my door. I smiled and took them inside. 

Maybe this will work out how I hope it will. But I gotta call Ploy and fill her in. 


I had soooo much fun writing this chapter!! Hope you liked it.    :) 

As always, have a great week! 


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