Chapter 2- The Proposal

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Hi, I'm back with another chapter. I have a few exams out the way so I want to spend some time writing again. 



Tian's POV 

"Alright kids, its time to go home! Your report cards will be sent home soon, you will receive all the assessments you have completed this week, and at the end of the year you will get all your work you have done back." I feel a lot better this week, I've still got a bit of a blocked nose though, aftermath of a cold I presume. 

"Bye P' Seetian!!" All the kids said at once and ran out the room to go do what they like. Their growing up now, so I don't expect them to all go home straight away. I bet some of them are off with each other to hang out around the village before going home. 

"P' Seetian, how are you feeling now?" Mejoo asks. 

"aw, I'm feeling much better now thanks. Is everything ok?" I noticed a look of doubt on her face as she talks. 

"I'm worried about my English assignment... I don't think I did too well on it." She says, revealing the sadness on her face. 

"Oh Mejoo, you did well on it! I know it's not your strongest subject but I can see how well you have been working. After you go off to your new middle school next year I am holding clubs for you guys after school. I can start an English tutoring club if you'd like?" I replied. 

"Thanks P' Seetian! I think that will help." She sounds happier now, I guess I have lifted a weight off her shoulders. 

"No problem Mejoo. Have a good weekend." I say smiling. 

"You too, bye!" She says as she walks out the room with her little woven bag on her shoulder. 

"Bye!" I kneel down to put my things in my bag as I hear someone walk towards me. It's Chief. I raise myself from the floor and smile as I see his face. 

"Hi" I say, trying to contain my happiness as we rarely see each other now, Chief seems so busy with work its hard to see him at home. 

"Hi" He replies. Why does he sound nervous? 

"Are you free on the weekend? I want to take you up to the mountains." Chief says. 

"Really? Yes, yes I would love to!" I say, overjoyed to spend time with Phu. 

Phupha's POV 

Tian sounded really happy to come to the mountains, but I almost feel a bit too happy. I don't think I spend enough time with him. I kiss him lightly and look into his eyes.

" Tian, I want to spend more time with you. I have had a lot of work to do recently but I promise it's clearing up now. " I reassure him. His eyes look like their filling with tears. I can see he feels touched by my statement. 

"Thanks Chief." He smiles. I cup his face and kiss him deeper. I hear him sigh under his breath as he kisses me back. 

" Chief, Seetian?" I hear Ayi's voice and I quickly part away from Tian. I look to the left and see Ayi in the middle of the classroom. 

"I- I left my book on my desk. I came to get it." Ayi says, he plasters a smile on his face and walks to his desk. 

"Yeah yeah, sure. um-" Tian stutters out. 

Ayi smiles again, nearly giggling and we both say our goodbyes to each other and I watch him head out. I can see Tian facing his head to the ground. 

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