SBI Oneshots

By scarlett_littlered

16.3K 315 84

A nice family dynamic that sometimes includes Tubbo (possibly Ranboo now) . If you like these stories I do r... More

Day At The Park
The Flirting Battle
Family Is Always There For Each Other
A Nice Beach Trip
Normal Family
First Words
Do Not Interact With Him
Wilbur Is...
Locked Out
Friend! Pt2
Save The Day
A Bad Prank

Magical Adventure

505 11 0
By scarlett_littlered

"PHIL!" Phil sighed at the sweet song that was Tubbo screaming early in the morning. Techno glared and brushed his middle length brown hair. Wilbur and Tommy glanced at Tubbo eating their breakfast with a confused look. Phil put his coffee down and looked at the smaller heavily breathing child.

"Having a good morning Tubbo?" Tubbo paused to catch his breath.

"There's... something... out...side..." Tommy took Tubbos arm and sat him on the sofa. He came back with a glass of water to help Tubbo out.

"You good now man?" Tubbo nodded and Tommy smiled. "Now what's wrong."

"I was coming round like you said for the sleepover before I tripped in the ally. The trash bag fell over and this weird purple, pink and cyan looking thing was spinning around on the floor and I had no clue what it was!" Tubbo told the family.

"Can you take us to it?" Techno asked standing up and walking to the door. Tubbo nodded and ran out the door. Wilbur sighed not knowing he was going outside and placed a beanie on his messy hair before following along. Tubbo ran to the fallen trash back and the continuing spinning circle on the ground. Phil crouched down.

"What the fuck?" Phil circled the outline of it. It didn't feel like concrete but a soft clay material that felt very cold. As Phil touched the lines inside they felt like different things. Pink felt soft,  Purple felt almost toxic and cyan felt calming. As another reddish colour started to form a white hand reached out and grabbed Phils arm.

"PHIL!" Tommy and Tubbo shouted. Techno grabbed onto Phil but more than half of his body was gone. Tommy grabbed onto to the disappearing Techno as Tubbo reached out for him and tripped pushing them all in. The shouts of them soon disappeared as the portal grew a dark red. A white hand with painted black nails points at Wilbur then back down at the portal. Wilbur shrugs as the hand disappears and jumps in not seeing a point in staying up there when they're having all the fun. He cheered being enveloped in colours and smelled no one but the things on the other side could describe.

Wilbur opened his eyes to see a world so colourful he thought he was gonna vomit. The feeling of the nice air even made him want to vomit. Jesus is this a my little pony heaven? Wilbur laughed to himself and moved his fringe. He then felt something that wasn't his beanie. He looked down at himself. He looks to see his outfit changed. His black shirt turned into a bright pale yellow with a white suit like outside. His trousers were white. His beanie turned into a white top hat with a pale blue ribbon. His normal shoes turned into white boots with yellow laces. A pink looking fly flew near his face and as his hand flew by his face he felt a scale kinda feeling on his face. He ran towards the very clear water and saw baby blue scales covering his cheek. The movement of his body made him aware of the scales on his arms, legs, thighs and back.

Phil woke up next to shuffling around him. he looked at himself making sure nothing was broken but something else surprised him. His normal dark green cloak was now pastel green. His black vest was now white and his hair now in a ponytail was brighter. His hat that was white and green were now a full pastle rainbow. His trousers leggings were white and his sandles became proper shoes. He also noticed the large wings coming from his back. He admired his soft white wings moving them around. He laughed somehow figuring out how to fly up a small bit. He landed and looked at the distressed Wilbur. He looked to his left to see a now shuffling Tommy.

Tommy woke up to the sound of his fathers laughter. Phil seemed to notice not much of a change. Tommy's sleeves were a pastel pink and his jenes were a pastel blue. Oh and he had what seemed to be dog ears and a tail but Phil was a bird so what's to be expected now. Tommy's sense of smell seemed to be really heightened but he doesn't know why yet. A very sweet smell came from the boy near him. Tommy jumped at the soft touch of his own tail accidentally touching his arm. Tommy was in shock realising what was on his head and back. As he opened his mouth to shout his lip was cut by teeth that seemed to sharpen in his mouth.

Tubbo wakes up and his green shirt turned into green dungarees and a yellow shirt underneath with a bee on the dungarees. His ends of his hair was also dyed a light yellow. He then noticed a set of fairy wings fluttering behind him. He was amazed by it and followed what Phil did and it seemed to work. A light yellow powder seemed to emit from the wings whenever he flew. He laughed flying around the boys dropping some dust on the last sleepy boy. 

Techno woke up with a sneeze and he looked like royalty. He stood up and had a look at himself in the lake Wilbur was crying at. He had a crown his normally brown hair was long and pink flowing around him. He had a red cloak behind him and boots. He also noticed pig ears on his head. Besides from the pig ears, a animal he seemed wasn't that impressive, he felt badass. He smirked at himself and looked around. Wilbur and Tommy did not seem to have a good time.

Suddenly it settles in for all of them that they are in a different world and they start to scream apart from Phil who was enjoying flying around. When Tubbo noticed he fell to the floor muttering to himself. Techno looked around getting mad at the hair in his face. Wilbur and Tommy kept looking at themselves then each other and kept screaming. Phil relised he has to take the father roll even in a different... world?.. reality? He doesn't know where ever they are but he doesn't get a break.

"Okay guys just look around for the portal then we can get home." Phil said. Everyone soon enough calmed down and looked around. Techno groaned as he kept trying to fling the long hair away but it kept landing in front of his face. Wilbur noticed and smiled. Wilbur went over to the white vines and ripped them off.

"Hey Techno can you sit down?" Techno looked confused but sat down. Wilbur grabbed his hair and started platting it.

"Woah when did you learn to do that?" Tubbo asks flying over then still looking.

"Nikis hair was very long when we were kids. I learned how to do it when she was tired over staying up studying and her hair wouldn't move out the way." Wilbur explained smiling. He finished it off wrapping the end in a nice bow.

"Thanks Wil." Techno stood up and spun around liking his hair. Tommy walks over to Tubbo and looks down at him. Lower than before... Tommy gasped realising.

"YOU'RE SO SHORT! Tommy screamed laughing at him. Tubbo looked up noticing his height was around his waist. Tubbo pretends to kick Tommy but Tommy jumped far out of the way. He growled towards Tubbo as he glared in response. As Tubbo glared he noticed a blob in the distance that seemed to be getting bigger.

"Uh guys?" Tubbo stood next to Tommy. As the group got closer the clothes and hair was very visible. It was both as bright as the sun Tommy even shielded his eyes for a second. The group stood and looked away from the two. They followed their eyesight to see them staring at Techno that was now just standing up. Phil took a step towards the crowd.

"Our queen!" One shouted. Suddenly, the entire group ran towards Techno and picked him up and slid him to the middle so no one could grab him.

"Techno!" Phil tried to fly above but they threw random things at him stopping him.

"HEH!?" Techno screamed as the crowd chanted running away. The group stood their stunned as he was taken. Phils outstretched arm fell to his side still trying to comprehend what just happened. All of them were confused until Tubbo bursted out laughing.

"Tubbo our brother just got kidnapped and your laughing?" Wilbur glared at Tubbo not thinking he was this cruel.

"They were calling him queen." Tubbo says making Tommy laugh and Wilbur smile.

"Oh my god they think he's a queen." Phil says holding his head in his hand sighing. Wilbur stood next to Phil and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I mean he was rocking that outfit." Wilbur mutters making Tommy and Tubbo laugh harder and Phil chuckle. Tommy fell to the floor laughing too hard.

"Alright let's go save your brother." Phil says and they walk the same direction as the crowd.

They enjoyed the soft music of flutes and guitars from the village houses. Tubbo flew up and got a flute trying to match the same tune as the others. Tubbo was practically walking along the sky before Wilbur grabbed his foot bringing him back down.

"Come on do you want to be captured?" Tubbo pouted and continued walking. They walked towards the gate before getting pulled aside by a cat human hybrid with sky blue eyes.

"What are you doing!? Do you want to die!" They looked at him confused and he sighed. "If anyone but workers or royalty walks through these gates they'll die. I know we just got a new ruler but he didn't change the rules so it'll stay the same. If you want to go into the castle you'll have to sneak inside." Tommy put his hand up. "Uh yeah?"

"Why are you letting us sneak inside?" Tommy asked tilting his head.

"Because its boring around here and I want to see if you'll be able to get in and out alive." The cat smiles showing his sharp teeth. Phil gulps his wings shivering. "Anyway go find a man named Purpled. He'll help you out just for a spec of food. You'll definitely know its him." The cat laughed. As the four walked away Wilbur turned around.

"What's your name cat?"

"Antfrost." Wilbur smiled.

"Well Antfrost. I expect to see that smile while we're running out of the gate in about five hours." Antfrost smirked.

"I'll be waiting." Wilbur jogged back to the others looking for a man named Purpled. When they saw a sleeping man covered in pastel purple skin and dark purple armour they assumed they found him. Tommy looked and saw a stand selling apples and bread.

"Tubbo... go get it." Tubbo nodded and ran through all of the people. He swiped the bread on the side. As he reached a hand grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Tubbo bit the man's arm and started running.

"Ow! If you wanted It I would have given you it!" Tubbo returns. Phil grabbed it and walked over to the sleeping Purpled. He shook his arm and yelped as a knife almost touched his neck.

"Hello." Purpled spoke glaring at the older.

"We need to get in." Wilbur said. Purpled looked at the apple and bread in Phils hands. Purpled took the food.

"Latch on the back. Don't make too much trouble." They all cheered and ran into the hall. They ended up in the main hall where a bunch of people were rushing around.

"How do we know where to go?" Tubbo asked. Phil laughed and pointed at a sign.

King's room at the top

"Found it." Phil lead the group. They all groaned at the sight of multiple stairs. Phil smiled and grabbed Wilbur and started flying up.

"Woah cool! Fly me bee boy!" Tubbo glared and started flying up without him. "Fuck you!" Tommy started chasing Tubbo up. Phil reached the top and threw Wilbur through the door.

"TECHNO WE'RE" Techno looked at Wilbur, Phil and Tubbo as grapes were hovered over his mouth on a long red couch.

"Oh. Hey guys." Technos monotone voice confused the group. Shouldn't he be freaking out right now?

"We're!... here!... to!!!" Tommy shouted crawling towards the door. He looked at Techno. "WHAT THE FUCK!"

"Yeah this place is pretty cool. They treat me like royalty I love it here. If you wanna leave without me that's fine." He ate more grapes. The others stayed silent as a door on the other side opened. A orange haired female opened the door holding a giant pink dress.

"Your dress your highness" She said with a smile.

"Nevermind let's leave." Guards appeared as the girl spoke again.

"Your not trying to leave are you?"

"Out the window!" Techno and Wilbur jump. Tommy jumps after. Phil jumps. Techno and Wilbur grab his legs. Tubbo runs out as a sword almost hits his wings. Tubbo grabbed Tommy's arms.

"Aw fuck your heavy!" Tubbo complained.

"Fuck you bee boy and fly!" Tubbo groans. Wilbur looked around and caught the eye of Antfrost. He smirked at his and Antfrost nodded in respect. Antfrost started running up the tower but they both knew he had no chance.

While flying Phil spots a portal they jumped in on the castles prison bars.

"Oh god Phil don-!" Phil smiled and dropped them down. He laughed as he dropped down into the portal.

"Do-" Tommy didn't get the chance before Tubbo dropped him inside. Tubbo turned around and saw Antfrost. He smirked and flipped him off as he fell backwards into the portal.

They all returned back where they were and the portal disappeared.

"BAHAHA!" Tommy laughed when he saw Techno still having the long pink hair. While laughing Tommy acadently cut himself on his now sharper teeth. They all stood up and Tubbo noticed he was taller but not what he once was. Phils hair landed in front of his face and noticed it was still very blonde and Wilbur clothes were still bright.

"Let's never speak of this to anyone." Techno says trying to sort his hair trying to get all the sticks and leaves out.

"Okay Queen." Wilbur says and Techno punches him.

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