Why Us? | A Baji x Chifuyu St...

By Cus_WhyNot

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This story will include: •Angst •Fluff •Lil bit of smut but not too bad (when there is, it's in the future) •... More

Part 1: Where it all started
Part 2: The Space Between Us
Part 3: Was It All Worth It?
Idk bro ✨ Suffer ✨
Part 4: The Confrontation
Part 5: Fight, Fight, Fight
Part 6: Attention Seeker
Part 7: I Forgive You Until The Next 3 Years
Part 8: Toman vs Valhalla!
Part 9: He Snaps
Part 10: How it all ended
Part 11: The Aftermath
Part 12: Who Are You?
Part 13: You're Real!
Part 14: I'm So Happy You're Alive
Part 15: Hell, This Is Hell
Part 16: Tough decision
Part 17: All Alone
Part 18: I'll Do It By Myself
Part 19: Thank You So Much!
Part 20: Happy Together (Happy ending)
Part 21: What Do You Mean..? (sad 'ending')
Part 22: Scare
Extention on part 18 (horny pricks)
Side Stories Part 1
Side Stories Part 2
Side Stories Part 3
Side Stories Part 4
Side Stories Part 5
Side Stories Part 6
Side Stories Part 7
Side Stories Part 9

Side Stories Part 8

580 14 43
By Cus_WhyNot

Idk if this is a trigger but ⚠️TW: scars, rape and electrocution⚠️

Life was horrible, still is..

"Stop!! Please! Ahh!! It hurts!!"

Being thrown around like you're nothing..

"P-please! I-I'll do anything!! Turn it off!"

Being stepped on like you're just dirt..

"You're lucky you're so young. I was planing on killing ya, but no, I'll wait till you're older."

Living in constant fear that your last day will be around the corner..

"Oh stop crying! It was only 30 volts! I coulda turned it up to 80 but I didn't!"

Having sleepless nights, scared you'll be killed while sleeping.

"Well if you won't shut up it's getting turned up to 80!"

Fear creeping into your mind every chance it gets..

"No! I'm sorry! Please!!"

But I Baji Keisuke have a past no one should ever know.. I could hardly trust anyone.. until I met.. him...
"You spelt Tora wrong." Baji looked up at the young delinquent. "Huh?" He took the pencil and wrote Tora again.

"That's how it's spelt, you just got the stroke order wrong, it made it look.. uh, bad.."

Baji chuckled nervously, "thank you.. uh.."

"Chifuyu." Baji smiled. "Thank you Chifuyu!" Chifuyu proceeded to get up and walk off.

That was the first person I felt genuinely comfortable with other than Mikey and the rest.

After that incident at Mikey's brothers bike shop that got Kazutora locked up, I've been.. different.

For example; Kazutora sacrificed himself for me, he said it was all his fault so I wouldn't suffer along with him..

I only got a year and a half in juvenile prison.. Kazutora got four..

Meeting Chifuyu was one of the best things that happened in my life..

A couple years later, he would come over an comfort me when I couldn't sleep..
Buzz.. buzz... Buzz buzz..

Chifuyu picked up the phone. "Baji? It's so late.."

"Can you please come over..?" Baji's voice sounded shaky.

"Can't sleep again..? Alright I'll be up, give me a sec." Chifuyu hung up the phone and walked to Baji's apartment.

He opened the door, walked in and closed it. He walked into baji's room and saw him laying on the bed shaking.

Chifuyu had no idea why he was like this, but he wanted to help him. He went over and sat down on the bed.

Baji went over and put his head on Chifuyu's lap. They would do this quiet frequently.

It made Baji feel, sucre. Chifuyu would pat his head as Baji would drift off to sleep. Chifuyu would lean against the wall and fall asleep like that.

Chifuyu had some decent size nails so he would put his hand up baji's shirt and do little swirls on his back.

Baji loved that, but Chifuyu noticed his back felt weird, it wasn't smooth it had bumps like scars on his back.

He decided not to look into it, Baji looked so peaceful Afterall. He smiled at the other's look, he attempted to get up but the grip from Baji tightened.

Chifuyu chuckled a little and continued to so swirls on baji's back. "You do have a soft spot. You're not all tough."

Everything was fine, for a while, 5 years later everyone was happy. I don't was dating Chifuyu.

He eventually found out about my scars due to being electrified. (Idk if that's a real think ಥ_ಥ have mercy it's just to make things interesting)

I told him my backstory, I thought he was gonna hate me, but he didn't.. he just cried and hugged me.

He didn't let me go for ages.. I felt so bad for telling him.. he looked genuinely heartbroken..

But he never left my side.. not even when I told him he was in danger.. I was truely grateful to have him by my side..

But soon.. I would come of the age.. he would start coming after me again...
"Baji-san!!" Chifuyu ran up to Baji and hugged him. He had gone away for a trip to the other side of Tokyo for a month so this was the first time they could be together.

Baji hugged Chifuyu as tight as he possibly could. He lifted him up and spinner around.

"I missed you so much! Never leave me for that long again.." Baji burried his head into Chifuyu's shoulder.

The smaller one just laughed and patted his head. "You had Kazutora with you. And your 19, I'm sure you could handle being by yourself."

The hug around Chifuyu's waist for tighter. "No.. it's not the same.." Baji stood back up and kissed Chifuyu.

Chifuyu pushed Baji away. "Save it for the car dumbass, people are looking." Baji just kisses Chifuyu again.

"I don't care!" He pouted. "God you're such a big baby aren't you." Chifuyu grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

Baji dragged his feet and randomly stopped. "If you keep going slower it's longer till you can kiss me." With that Baji sped up and basically pulled Chifuyu to the car.

Their happiness was soon over when they got to the car. The windows were broken and the tires slashed.

"What the fuck?" Both of them were so confused then Baji saw a note, he let go of Chifuyu's hand and went over to the note.


You've come of age.

I'm after you and your little boyfriend.

I'm disappointed you are gay. You use to hate me.

I would break it off with him or you'll find him dead next week.

Baji's heart sunk. He gripped the paper. Chifuyu came up to him.

"What is it?" Baji crumpled up the paper and stuffed it in his pocket. "Nothing.. I'll just call Kazutora to pick us up.."

He pulled out his phone and called Kazutora. Minuets lasted Kazutora turned up.

They went off home. Baji's mind was running, until someone touched his hand, he jumped a little.

"Are you alright Baji-san?" It's just Chifuyu.. "yeah I'm alright, just thinking of who could've done it.."

"Oh alright.. I'll be here to support you! Don't worry Baji-san! I'll always be by your side!"

"Yeah.." Baji looked out the window. "Always by my side.."
I did end up breaking up with Chifuyu.. I couldn't put him in danger! You may call me stupid or idiotic.. same thing I know but...

I couldn't do it.. I couldn't keep it in my mind that he was going to be in danger if he stayed with me..

Though it didn't help much... This takes place 5 minutes after I broke up with Chifuyu...
"Ok! I've done it! Don't hurt him!!" Baji called out, he knew he was near. He broke up with him the last day he could.

He wanted to spend every second he could with him.. he cried himself to sleep. Usually Chifuyu would be there to help him sleep..

Not this time.. he eventually got to sleep at 5am but at least he got some sleep..

He woke up to a note next to him stuck on his water bottle. He waited till he woke up a little more before reading it.


Do us a favour, go check your ex's apartment.

He knew exactly what happened. He began go shake and he instantly ran down to check Chifuyu's apparent.

As soon as he got to his level he saw police tape, he looked at Chifuyu's apparent.

His door was off its hinges in pieces on the ground. Baji jumped over the police tape and looked inside the apartment.

It looked relatively normal, other than it completely ripped up. Baji's heart pace picked up.

He ran into Chifuyu's room and his heart stopped. He had his legs taped together, hands tied to the headboard and it looked like he was suffocated but cause of death his definitely his throat slit.

Something seemed a little off about it, Baji walked over and removed the covers just to see he was completely naked with bruises, bite marks and Hickey's all over his body.

His asshole looked ripped and cum was still dripping out of it. Baji broke down, he started crying and violently shaking.

He felt like throwing up, he couldn't believe what he was looking at. Someone he loved so much.. like this...
I was taken out of the room.. I found a note back in my apartment saying I did it too late and this was punishment.

It said some graphic things I wish I never read.
Beautiful Baji~

You were too late to break up with him but hey I'll tell you.

He was great, I mean the struggling was a problem so I had to tie him up, you got yourself a strong one.

He was sure hard to deal with, but his cries is what made it better. He had such a pretty face, I saw you didn't remove the pillow.

You should've, you would saw what I did to it. I had to break his jaw, he was yelling too much.

He would've let everyone know what was going on. He died in his mind it was your fault.

You broke up with him too late causing his death. He could if lived. But hey, your selfish self wanted him.

But too bad I took his virginity then took his life. I wish he would of told you how good I was as I fucked his brains out.

Anyway, sleep well Kei, see you soon.
I couldn't sleep after that, I wanted to die but Kazutora stopped me he truely looked after me..

Then he was next...

Anyone who got too close to me would get killed. Kazutora got killed in a less hurtful way but still a horrible way..

His tongue was cut out because he "spoke too much" and he was shot and killed..

Years went past where I was alone.. my friends got killed.. he was really a heartless asshole..

One day I decided to throw my life away and kill him..

I stabbed him as many of my friends he killed, I stabbed him an extra 5 for Chifuyu and I shot him for myself..

Now the cops are after me.. recording this really wasted my time.. but I guess this will explain everything to everyone..

Baji pushed the stop button and saved it, he stood up and looked over the edge of the building.

"Maybe the end of my life will make up for all the lives lost.."

Then... Baji jumped...

Hey guys I can confirm I'm not dead though I feel it. But anyway that doesn't matter what matters is you guys! Thank you so much for still following me by reading this book this far!

It really means a lot! And sorry for not updating recently I haven't been feeling the best, uh but ye.

Have the best day/night! Love you all!! Look after yourselves!

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