bloom • sirius black • maraud...

By ehvalentina

71.5K 1.3K 110

Petunia wasn't Lily's only sister. Primrose Evans was smart and brave just like her older sister, Lily. She... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two: an exchange of letters
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two: fifth year
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three

chapter twenty-nine

1.2K 24 0
By ehvalentina


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Fourth Year

As the O.W.L's grew closer the fifth years scrambled to study. After the first attempt at helping Sirius failed I decided to leave him to his own devices. To my utter surprise he and Marlene became study partners. Every time I saw them giggling away in the Common Room I felt a hint of annoyance. For no reason other than I cared about his education. I didn't want him to end up a binman because he hadn't done well on his exams.

As of late, that wasn't the only time Marlene appeared. Sirius usually saved seats for me and Hestia at mealtime but when we got there Marlene was already right at his side. Even Pettigrew brought up the new seating arrangement.

"You got both of your girlfriends there, Pads. Must be nice!" he'd exclaimed snickering. The prat.

"I'm not his girlfriend, you prat!" I shouted right back and kicked him hard under the table for good measure. An agony filled yelp came from him.

Sirius just laughed it off and smoothly moved the conversation on. Looking back Marlene had not denied the girlfriend title and instead ducked her head to hide a blush. I tried not to read into it.

It wasn't that I disliked Marlene; she was one of Lily's best friends and had always been nice to me. We weren't the most familiar with each other; she was older and we ran in different circles but she'd never rubbed me the wrong way. Until now it seemed.

I couldn't really put my finger on it but my irritation grew each time she was around and I tried my best to squash it. I figured it'd be best if I just welcomed her with open arms.

This grew hard when one Saturday morning she showed up to Quidditch practice.

The season was over but a few of the players loved it so much they still had small weekly games. Sirius and Hestia basically begged me to come when they started but now I looked forward to them.

I was the only person who wasn't playing just watching. This was fine with me as I enjoyed the quiet and the crisp morning air. Lily came along a couple of times but Potter had pestered her endlessly. We all got quite the laugh out of it, especially when Lily got fed up and threatened to hex him.

After practice ended everyone had a high from flying and it rubbed off on me. Sirius always greeted me with a dopey smile on his face and came to sit closer than usual as we chatted. Then Hestia would show up ecstatically shouting, 'Did you see how many quaffles I hit?' or 'How many goals did I make? Must've been at least ten!'

It made me happy to see her in a good mood and passion burning in her eyes. I could definitely see her playing professionally in the future. If she did decide to pursue it I'd be there cheering her on at every game.

This particular Saturday me and Hestia were walking towards the pitch when I spotted Marlene sitting in the stands.

My shock must've been obvious because Hestia nudged me and said, "Don't look too excited."

I schooled my features but still had to ask, "Who invited her?"

"Prim, is that jealousy I hear?"

I turned to glare at my friend, "I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous?"

Hestia laughed, "She's totally crushing on Sirius. Don't worry though he only has eyes for you. I'm sure he's only being nice."


She explained, "I know we haven't talked about it but I see how you are with him. It's like how I am with Stephen. It's okay, you guys are cute together. Patricia even asked me if you two were official yet."

This was getting worse and I needed to shut it down, "He's just a friend, Hestia."

"Sure, Prim," she shot me a wink, "I need to run, see you when practice ends."

Before I could get another word in she jogged away to the field where the others were waiting for her. I stood there for a minute trying to comprehend what I'd just heard.

My brain wasn't even fully wrapped around the words when I saw Marlene waving me over. I knew I couldn't pretend I hadn't seen her so I made the reluctant trek over to where she was sitting and plopped down next to her.

"Hey, Prim! How are you doing," she greeted ever so nicely.

I stared straight ahead at the field and responded, "Fine, and you?"

"Happy to be here. Sirius told me he comes out to practice and I decided I'd come check it out. I'm glad you're here, I thought I'd be all by myself," she said. Ugh. Why'd she have to be so nice and likable?

"Oh, that's cool."

The practice was starting and I kept my eyes trained on that instead of looking over as she rattled on, "Yeah, Sirius sure is great. We've been spending lots of time together lately. He's just so funny! I don't think I've laughed as much as I have with him. I mean I don't have to tell you, you two've become good friends this year. Who would've guessed it, right? Kind of thought you hated him. I mean I know Lily can't stand him. Same with Potter. Is it just me or is she warming to him though?"


Marlene shifted in her seat next to me and paused for a long moment before saying, "Prim, is there a reason you don't like me?"

This made me turn to look at her and I noted she wore a sad frown. I felt bad for making her feel like she'd done something wrong.

Trying to smooth it over I replied, "I don't dislike you. I'm just focused on the game."

The girl next to me cocked her head and said, "You've been staring blank-eyed at the field this entire time. It's like you don't want to talk to me or something. It's not just today either, you always leave or quiet down when I'm around. You were never like that before. We used to get on great. I loved spending time with both you and Lily. Did I do something to upset you?"

Hestia's words from earlier came to mind but I pushed them away. Instead I said, "No, maybe it's just me. I've been feeling a little off lately. That's all."

I knew it was vague but I hoped it'd get the conversation to end.

I wasn't so lucky because she continued, "Is this about Sirius? I don't want to step on any toes."


Marlene squared her shoulders but for some reason, a blush appeared on her cheeks, "I'm sure I've made it obvious by now but I fancy Sirius. I have for a while but I barely got the courage to properly speak to him. Although sometimes I feel like there's something going on between the two of you. I really don't want to get in the middle of it. So let me know and I'll back off. I'm not that type of girl but if I have a chance I want to take it."

This news shocked me. Even more so the fact that a second person today alone made the insinuation me and Sirius were involved in any romantic capacity.

I immediately jumped to correct this bit, "We're just friends."

"Really," Marlene asked with a growing smile, "I mean I heard whispers here and there about the two of you but I figured they weren't true."

"Yup," was all I could muster. A sinking feeling in my stomach stopped me from saying anything more.

My monosyllabic response didn't deter Marlene as she went on and on about Sirius until the practice ended. It was the worst Saturday I'd had yet.

The players quickly went off to the locker rooms to change after the game and promptly came back out.

Sirius walked over with one of his usual blinding smiles. I could barely offer one back knowing he probably only sported it to greet Marlene with.

"Prim, hey!" he exclaimed.

I meekly answered, "Hey."

He gave me a questioning look. I was usually all smiles when practice was over but after this morning I couldn't muster even one.

Marlene piped in, "You were great out there, Sirius."

"Yeah, well thanks for coming. Prim's been to every one of these. She's like our unofficial cheerleader," he laughed.

Marlene was standing up, "Lucky her. Listen, I have to run to a club meeting but it was great seeing you. Maybe I'll show up to more of these."

"Sounds good, I'll see you later!" Sirius supplied.

With one last goodbye to the two of us, she was on her way. As I saw her retreating form, Sirius came to sit next to me like he usually did. His leg pressed snuggly against mine but it wasn't the same. This morning had been spoiled and I didn't know how to sort out the mess in my mind.

"You're thinking too much," Sirius said, bumping my shoulder playfully.

I turned to look at him, really look at him. The soft expression he wore and the glint in his eye that I always sought out. His long curly hair that I liked to tug on when he was being especially annoying. The way he leaned forward when he talked to me and the way I often found myself doing too.

Next thing I knew I'd asked, "Do you fancy Marlene?"

Sirius furrowed his brow in confusion but then wiped this expression away to answer, "No, she's just a friend. There is this girl though..."

"A girl?" My mouth seemed to be working on its own.

He looked wistful, "Yeah, she's a firecracker. Fiery. I like it though. There's lots of things I like about her. Actually, I think I like everything about her. She's kind of perfect. I don't think she realizes it though."

His eyes were twinkling in this way I always felt hypnotized by. I felt like I couldn't look away and before my mouth could get me into trouble again I heard a voice shout, "Get a room!"

This broke the spell and I quickly looked away. We'd inched closer together and I felt a little embarrassed as I scooted over.

The voice had come from none other than Potter who stood a little ways away alongside Hestia and a few other teammates. Sirius stood shaking his head in their direction.

"You coming, Prim?" I nodded, "I'm about to shove Prongs' broomstick where the sun doesn't shine."

This got a genuine laugh out of me, "Oh this I want to see!"

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