Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

3.1K 147 61

Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 27

36 3 1
By DakotaNee

I see Tony helping Steve out with The Winter Soldier, Tony get whacked in the face by him, making him fly back and hit the side of the burning building. He falls to the ground, pieces of the building fall on top of him, I drop my drink to the floor as it shatters on the ground. A ton of cement just landed on him, Steve looks back to make sure Tony is alright, that's when he gets hit and flies back hitting his back on a car, he falls to the ground next to it. I sob as I watch. Pepper did the same.

I close my eyes again and force myself to put a force field around the 2, making sure they are ok. When I feel their presence in my head I sigh in relief. That means they are still alive. "They are alive." I say to Pepper opening my eyes. She looks at me and nods. I see the cement moving then Tony bursts through it. Steve get's up and goes after The Winter Soldier as he tried to escape. After half an hour The Winter Soldier was gone, the Hydra men were defeated and they were on their way home.

I look at Pepper and sigh, they'd be back home by tomorrow. I laid my head on her shoulder as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "How am I going to be a mother to Captain America? He's going to be gone and going on dangerous missions." "You guys will figure it out I promise. Why don't we try and get some sleep?" I nod, "I dropped my drink and now there is glass all over the floor." I say looking down, "Good thing we didn't take our shoes off." Pepper says, "I'll deal with it you just stay here." I nod as she leaves.

I sigh and close my eyes but I feel a sharp pain in my middle section. I gasp as my hand goes to my lower stomach. "What is this?" I whisper confused, the pain goes away which makes me sigh. Pepper comes back and cleans it up when she leaves to throw it away a sharp pain happened again making me gasp. Pepper comes back, I smile at her through the pain. We get in the elevator and head to our rooms after saying goodnight.

I change into some pajama pants and one of Steve's hoodies. A few minutes later there was another sharp pain making me gasp. "Jarvis are these contractions?" I ask.

What does it feel like Ms. Talia?

"Uhm, a sharp pain. It lasts a few seconds and happens every few minutes."

Yes it is Ms. Talia would you like me to go get Ms. Potts?

"Not yet. W-what do I do?" I ask the light's turn on and I see Jarvis's holographic body come over to me.

Count how many minutes it is apart and how long it lasts.

I nod taking a deep breath, there was pain again, I counted ten seconds then once it stopped I set a timer to see how far apart they were. "13 minutes." I say as another hits me harder then the one before making me groan. "Go get Pepper!" I say as the pain was almost unbearable, it lasted 45 seconds this time. Pepper then runs in coming over to me. "How far apart?" "13 minutes. They last 45 seconds." "Ok call Steve, do you have a diaper bag set?" I nod, "In the closet, it has clothes for me, Amelia-Rose, Steve, a bottle, diapers, wipes, pads, burp rags and whatever." She nods and helps me up, she grabs my phone.

"Thank you Jarvis."

Anytime Talia, I'll see Amelia-Rose when you get home.

I nod with a smile. I dial Steve's number, he picks up on the first ring.

Shouldn't you be sleeping Doll?

I can't. It's time.

Time for what? He asks, we get in the elevator, a contraction hits me making me groan.

THE BABY! SHE'S ON THE WAY! I yell as the pain feels like someone is stabbing me repeatedly.

There was no sound on the other side, but I heard a bang.

Steve?! Steve!?

Talia? I hear Tony say,

She's coming. The baby. I say as the pain leaves my body.

We are on our way, sorry Doll I froze up. We will meet you guys at the hospital. We are 2 hours away. Steve says again

Your going to be here sooner then that Steve the baby wants to come and she's coming NOW

Ok, ok He says then hangs up. Pepper helps me in the car and gets in herself. She drives to the hospital. On the way I get another contraction. "That was only 10 minutes apart." I say through the pain she glances at me and nods. We get to the hospital in 15 minutes. We walk in the ER. "Talia Stark, I'm pregnant and having contractions, my fiancée along with the Avenger's will be here soon." The nurse nods and gets up calling a doctor. They put me on a gurney, "I'll wait here!" Pepper yelled, I nod as they take me into a delivery room.

I put on a hospital gown as another contraction hits me, I tear up from the pain. "Do you want an epidural?" The nurse asks I nod, I move and she sticks the needle in my back. In 15 minutes it was completely numb. "I am going to check you ok?" I nod at the nurse, she puts on gloves and does what she does. "You are 8 centimeters. How long have you been having contractions?" "Uhm, all day, they would actually come ever hour or so." "And you just came in now?" "Well I'm sorry my fiancée was out being a superhero and I was worried." I say back with a glare.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap." I say a few minutes later. She hooks up a bag so I can pee and whatever. "Your fiancée is Steve Rogers right?" I nod at her as she puts an IV in me. "He should be here soon. I am not having this baby until he gets here." She nods, "Would you like some ice chips?" I nod she leaves and comes back a second later. I eat the ice chips waiting for him. The contractions were getting closer and closer now, 5 minutes apart, soon enough I was here for an hour.

I dial Steve's number again. He picks up on the first call.

Steven Grant Rogers I swear to god if you aren't in this hospital in 10 minutes your American Ass will never get another fucking child again!! I yelled into the phone.

I can't do this alone please Steve.

Doll I'm 5 minutes away the team right behind me. Just hang in there love.

Hurry up please, Pepper is waiting in the waiting room. A nurse will escort you, and Tony to my room.

You want me in there while your giving birth? I heard Tony ask, he must have the phone on speaker.

You my only family left, I need you in there with me.

Ok. Tony sounded sick.

Is that alright with you?

Of course. "You look a little green there Tony." I heard Clint tease, making me laugh lightly.

See you all when the baby is delivered.

I hang up and set my phone down. In a few minutes the door opens, there I see Steve in his suit and Tony in his under clothes, which were black. Steve runs over to me and kisses me softly. "How many centimeters are you?" "An hour ago I was 8." He nods, Tony comes over and hugs me. "You do look pale, you don't have to be in here Tony if you don't want to." He shakes his head, "Your right, I am your only family, I can take this." "You pass out and this baby will die from me laughing so hard." He rolls his eyes but there was a small smile.

"I saw you guys on tv. Scared the hell out of me and Pepper." "Scared the hell out of me to." Tony said, I weakly hit his chest. A nurse comes in and checks me again. "9 centimeters, almost there." She says with a small smile I nod eating my ice chips. "Maybe another hour or 2 and you'll be fully dilated." "Ok thank you." She nods, "When you feel like your fully dilated press that red button." "How will I know?" "Mother's instinct. Every mother has it." I nod as she leaves.

"Anyone else scared?" I ask, "Your the one pushing the baby out of your vagina you tell us." Tony says making me laugh. It was a while until I felt something inside me change. "Uh Steve?" He looks at me, "Can you uh, check down there." He nods and moves the sheet. "Uhm, there is clear liquid all over your legs and the bed." He says, "My water just broke." Tony pushes the red button, 5 nurses and a doctor come in. "My water broke." I say to them. "Ok let's get this started shall we?" The doctor said with a smile.

I groan as I feel a sharp pain. "I shouldn't be feeling this I had an epidural done!" I yell as excruciating pain went through my full body. "She put it in the wrong place." The doctors informed. "Can't she have another one?" Tony says upset, "It's to late for that Mr. Stark. The baby is coming and she's coming now!" Dr. Jones said, "So what does that mean?" Steve asks the Doctor. "She is doing this all natural." "They say giving birth is the second most painful thing in the world." "It is. I am so sorry Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stark and Ms. Stark." He said.

I scream as another contraction hits me. "Ok, when you are ready I need you to push as hard as you can." I nod a nurse goes behind me and sets a cool rag on my forehead and neck, taking the sweat off of me. I grab onto both of their hands and scream as I push as hard as I can. "Ok good, I can see her." I take a deep breath, tears fall down my sweaty face as I push again. Steve bends down and sets his forehead on mine. "I'm so sorry Doll. I'm so sorry." He whispers. "It hurts." I say crying. Tony bends over and kisses my sweaty forehead.

"Imagine having Amelia-Rose pumpkin. Imagine a little mini Steve running about." I laugh, "Ok." "Ok now push." Steve says, I take a deep breath. "Deep breath in, push and out." Dr. Jones says, I nod as I push again, I stopped the scream but not the loud groan. "Ok I see her head crowning. If you give me one more push, you'll have your baby in your arms." Dr. Jones said. I take a deep breath and push as hard as I can.

I scream and cry at the same time. Then I see her in his arms. "Mr. Rogers would you like to do the honors of cutting the cord?" Dr. Jones said, "S-sure." He said quietly. Steve moves and goes over, a nurse hands him scissors. "Go ahead Steve. You've dealt with my pregnant ass." He laughs as he cuts it, then he comes back over. "Why isn't she crying?" I ask, "She should be crying." I say as I start to panic, Dr. Jones looks at her, moves quickly and sets her down.

He starts pumping her chest with 2 fingers. "What's happening?!!" I scream. "Why isn't she crying!?" Tony said loudly, Steve's face dropped as he looked at our baby, I cried as I watched the nurses and doctor work on her, then I hear a small cough and then crying. I sigh in relief. Dr. Jones brings the baby to me, I hold out my arms and take her. "She had fluid in her lungs, she should be alright." I nod looking at my sweet Babygirl.

Tears fell down my face as I looked down at her. I looked up and saw Steve had tears falling down his face. "Would you like to hold her?" He nods and gently takes her in his arms. I look at Tony who was also crying silently. He takes Amelia-Rose and holds her, "Can you push one more time to get the placenta?" I nod again and do as he said, it didn't hurt. Tony hands me my daughter back, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hi my sweet Babygirl. You scared mommy for a few minutes there." She just stared at me, her eyes weren't colored yet, I read babies get their eye color around 3 days, but you sometimes could see their color eyes when they are first born. "Tony why don't you get the team and bring them in?" I ask he nods and leaves. The doctor and nurses clean my bedsheets and clear the machines besides the IV and the heart monitor. "Steve in that diaper bag over there is a fuzzy pink blanket and a mini Captain America stuffed animal. Would you mind getting It for her?" "Of course not." He says and kisses my cheek,

I down at my child with a smile. I look at Dr. Jones, "Try feeding her, sometimes premature babies have a hard time latching on to their mother." I nod, moving the blanket off my chest. Steve comes over as he watches Amelia-Jones latch on and start eating. I smile up at him, he leans down and gently kisses me. I switch her to the other one and she eats. Then the door opens and my friends walk in. Steve laid the blanket over me.

They come over to me, "She's eating, but she is almost done." I say to them they nod. I peak under the blanket and watch her eyes close, drifting off to sleep. Steve moves behind me. "Ok she's done." I say to him I move the blanket up so he can take her then I move the bed sheets over myself. He hands Amelia-Rose to Nat who was the closest. "Dr. Jones we will talk later." I say to him he nods and leaves. They all pass her around until an hour later I get her back. "So she was born at 11:45 pm, March 2nd." I whisper to them all.

"Now I am tired, I'll see all you guys when I leave in a few days." They all gently hug me then leave, leaving me and Steve alone. "Would you mind going and getting me food at McDonalds? You know what I like." He nods and heads out, leaving me and Amelia-Rose in the room alone until a nurse takes her away. Steve comes back half an hour later with food for both of us. We eat while talking. "You have to tell Fury your off for Family Leave for at least 4 months." "Of course my Doll." I smile, he lays down next to me and that's how I fell asleep until I was woken up to feed Amelia-Rose.

They would come in and wake us up every 4 hours to feed her. At 9 Steve grabs us some food at McDonalds. I was holding Amelia-Rose when he got back she was eating. I ate one handed which was difficult so when he was done eating he took her and burped her. "I have to pee." I say to him. He calls in a nurse. "Can I try and walk to the bathroom?" I ask her. "Of course." She comes over and helps me get down, making me wince.

She helps me walk to the bathroom then waits outside. When I was done I cleaned up, she came back in and helped me to the bed. Then she leaves. "So we need a nickname for her." I say quietly as she sleeps in his arms. "You know a great way to bond without baby is her laying on our bare chest, she'll feel the heat coming form you and recognize you better." I say softly. He hands me her and takes his shirt off. Then he takes her back and gently lays her on his chest as he sits down in the chair.

We both sit and watch tv for a while until she wakes up. I feed her then we eat ourselves. "Can you call in a nurse?" I ask him he nods, putting on a shirt and calling a nurse. When she comes in she decides to check the baby and myself. "Can it be possible if we 3 can fit in the tub and relax with her?" "Yeah. Most newly parents do that. I can go run it for you guys." "That'd be great thank you." She nods and heads in the bathroom. Steve gets our clothes, the nurse walks out a few minutes later. "It's all set up. There is light music, bubbles, and even some candles." "Thank you."

She smiles and leaves. I slowly get up with the help of Steve. When I get to the bathroom I take the hospital gown off and get in the warm tub. Steve undresses Amelia-Rose and then himself. Then he gets in next to me. "How are you?" He asks me, "Sore like a mother fucker." He chuckles, "But it was worth it." I say again looking s our daughter. "I like Amirose as a nickname." I say out of the blue. "I like that too." He says with a smile.

We stay in the bathtub for a few hours, Steve gets out and gets dressed then he dresses Amirose and has a nurse take her out. He comes back and helps me out, wrapping a towel around me. "Now I'm going to bleed for the next few weeks." He kisses me softly, "It's alright Doll." He helps me get dressed then we walk into the delivery room my bed sheets were clean which made me happy.

When I laid down a while later Dr. Jones comes in with Tony. He was holding Amirose. "So we are here to talk about what happened with the epidural." Dr. Jones said. "I want to sue them." Tony says out of the blue I give him a look. "I don't. I was the one giving birth. I'm not sueing you guys and Tony can't if I say I don't since it impacted myself and not him." "Why not?" Tony asks, "Because given that giving birth to her naturally hurt like a son of a bitch," "Language." Steve says I roll my eyes and ignore him.

"I wouldn't change it for the world. Giving birth to her naturally changed us both. I'm not sueing them." I say to him. He huffs. "Be mad all you want, but give me my child." "No!" He says walking out of the room, I roll my eyes and look at Dr. Jones. "Sorry about him." He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm just glad you didn't sue us." I shrug, "It didn't do no damage." He nods and walks out. "You have a kind heart." Steve says. I look at him. "Language seriously Steve." "Sorry it just came out." I shake my head with a small smile.

"Go retrieve our child." He smiles and walks out. I slowly drift off to sleep.

This is way past over due I am so sorry. Lately I just haven't been feeling up to writing. Honestly I needed the 5 month break from writing anything at all. I just hope you all have a Happy New Year.

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