Drifter |HS|

Від sunflowereyes_vol6

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Drifter- a person who is continually moving from place to place, without any fixed home or job 🧭 Harry is a... Більше

Meet the Cast!
2- Questions & Answers
3- Seaside🎡Slip
4- Overthinker 101
5- 🍓 & Secrets
6- Bar Chats & Taco Runs
7- Lighthouse Views &🌹Gardens
8- Tears & Takeout
9- Sous 👨‍🍳 & Thrill Seeking
10-Begging & Bea Time
12- Lanterns and Longing
13- Mornings & Blindsides
14- All Questions- No Answers
15- Mint & Cedarwood
16- More Tears & Traditions
17- Birthday & Bull Riding
18- Expectations & Anchorage
19- Therapy & Thinking
20- Cards & Condolences
21- Eulogies & Memories
22- Flights & Feelings
23- Heartache & Hot Chocolate
24- Pining & Pic-Nics
25- Guilt Trips & Galas
26- Auctions & Orgasms
27- Love On the Brain
28-Homesick & Heartfelt
29- Competition & Car Ride
30- For-Sale & Forgiveness
31- Christening & Cardinals
32- Christmas Trees & Shaky Knees
33- Citrine & Glistening
34- New Year- Old Times

11- 🎯 and Cobbler

265 13 28
Від sunflowereyes_vol6

Song: It Was a Sin by The Revivalists

May's POV

Harry's sense of adventure and willingness to throw himself into anything really boggles my mind sometimes. He says he doesn't like surprises, but he jumps feet first into things without a second thought. I envy him for that. He's also super talented, like at everything it seems.

We're at "Saxe." It's our hole in the wall axe throwing place in Seaside and of course Harry has already hit the bullseye numerous times. Thankfully, he's my partner so we are winning against Bea and Ellis, but you would think he does this for a living. He's such a natural.

"Harry, how often do you go axe throwing? I feel like I've been set up!" Bea states matter of factly. She made a bet with Harry, $50, that she'd kick his ass today. I guess she's about to eat crow. It's been nothing but laughs since we walked in the door. Bea and Harry's friendly banter has gotten even more competitive as the afternoon goes by. Ellis isn't bad by any means, but he's not Harry, and Bea isn't shy about telling him how she feels.

"My grandmother could throw better than that El! Come on!"

We're playing 5 rounds and we have one more to go. At this moment Harry and I are up by 20 points. We decide to take a small break before the last round, getting another round of drinks while we give our arms a rest. I've noticed that through the shit talking, Bea and Ellis are cuddlier, and that's just not like Bea. I'm curious as to what's going on there.

Harry and Ellis are at the bar so I take this opportunity to ask Bea what's going on, we don't keep secrets from each other so it shocks me she's kept things to herself this long.

"Beabs, you have something you want to tell me?"

She looks up from her phone with a smirk, and I know she knows that I know. "You and Ellis seem to be enjoying each other's company a lot today. I've seen the glances and roaming hands."

"Oh Maysie, I swear, nothing gets by you. I wasn't trying to keep secrets; you just know how I am. I don't do boyfriends, but Ellis is really growing on me. He just won't leave; says he likes me too much and honestly I like him too."

I know my face is in shock as I stare at Bea's confession, the woman who hasn't been in a serious relationship like ever has gone soft for ol' Ellis. Wow. I never thought I'd see the day.

"Did hell freeze over?" I say as I throw my arm around her and give her the biggest hug. "Shut up Maysie, don't make this weird, it's odd enough for me already. I don't know what I'm doing." I can't help but laugh at her, the fish out of water face she makes as she continues to spill her guts. "Bea, it's ok, just take it slow. There's no rush. Do what feels right as long as you're happy."

I never thought I'd be giving Bea relationship advice, but life is funny like that. "Well, we aren't official or anything, but I feel like that's coming sooner rather than later."

I see the guys making their way back over and I change the subject. I know Bea doesn't want to continue having this conversation. She's so funny, the most random things make her uncomfortable, commitment being one of them. She doesn't do monogamy, wouldn't know what it was if it slapped her in the face, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I hope Ellis is prepared...but I'm pretty sure he's out of his depth with her.

"Here, Sweets," Harry says as he hands me a hard cider. I hate beer and Eli isn't around to make me a margarita, so a Red's Apple Ale will have to do. "Thank you, handsome." Harry dips his head down to mine planting his lips on me, and I can taste the beer on his tongue as he dips into my mouth. A soft hum coming from his throat before he pulls away. I don't think I'll ever get over that feeling.

"You ready to lose, Bea?" Harry asks, tone so serious. I look over at her, a stoic expression written all over her face as she challenges Harry. "It's on Harry, let's do this."

Endless laughs continue to leave my mouth. They are taking this so seriously and I can't help but find amusement in it. Ellis is also laughing as he cheers Bea on, and to my surprise she throws her axe in perfect form and hits the bullseye. She turns around with a massive grin and pumps her fist in the air. I can't help but clap for her, she's so happy.

"Ok ok, don't get too excited yet, we're not done," Harry reminds her, and brings her back down to reality quickly.

Harry steps forward with his axe in hand as he does a few warm up circles with his arm to loosen back up. He takes his mark and steadies himself then throws, hitting just outside the bullseye. I see him hang his head in disappointment as he turns around to look at me, and I make my way towards him telling him it's ok and that we're still in the game.

We all have our turns and as the game is coming to a close, we've nearly tied it up. Me and Harry are still ahead, but only by 5 now. If Bea hits the bullseye, they win, if not, me and Harry take the game. I honestly don't care who wins at this point. The entertainment value of today was enough for me. Bea makes her way up to the mark and stands there staring at the wall in front of her. She shakes her arms a bit and rolls her neck around, getting ready for her throw. Harry is to my left spewing trash talk and trying to distract Bea from her aim. You would think there was a million dollars on the line as Ellis and I look at each other and shrug while laughing.

Bea lifts the axe above her head and makes a perfect throw, the axe tumbling through the air at impeccable speed before it hits the red center of the board. "Bullseye!!" Ellis screams as Bea turns around, running towards him and throwing herself into his body. He picks her up and spins her around before planting a kiss to her lips. Harry is distraught, but I bring his face in between my hands as I look into his emerald eyes. "You're the cutest, I love how competitive you are, but we can't win em all, huh?" He nods, his face like a sad puppy as Bea makes her way over to Harry. "Pay up, H."

Harry pulls his wallet out and quickly grabs a $50 dollar bill. He slaps it into Beas' hand and she thanks him, her bragging tone evident as she slips the money in her pocket with a smirk. I give Harry's hand a squeeze, his ego a bit bruised. "You going to be alright handsome?" I ask with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "I'll manage," he chuckles as we get ready to leave.

We dispose of our trash and make our way to the exit. It's now late afternoon, and I made plans to see my momma tonight and have dinner. I need some time, just us, I miss her. I hug Bea bye and congratulate her on her spectacular win. Ellis high fives me and they make their way to dinner. Harry and I part ways for the evening, him kissing me once more before we go in our separate directions. He says he's going to do some exploring on his own for a bit, he wants to take more pictures for his portfolio, and he needs to get his film developed. "I'll see you later handsome." "Later Sweets," he says with a wink as he makes his way towards the pier.

Harry's POV

5 years ago- London

I touch down back in London, home from nearly a month's work in Hawaii. It's crazy going from 80-degree temps and tropical views, to snowy London and freezing weather. I miss her, haven't seen Megan in nearly a month, the love of my life. She was on my mind everyday while I was away. We facetimed as much as we could with the time difference but it was hard. I never wanted to be away from her that long again.

Been thinking about her beautiful body, the way I miss her touch, and her lips on me. Miss holding her, our laughs, and quality time. I love my job but it's hard. It's hard being with anyone when you're gone for so long. She said she understood what she was getting into. I laid it all out for her before we even got together. I'm gone for weeks at a time, and she was ok with that. She said she loved me and she would make it work. I proposed to her before I left, it felt like the right time, and she said yes. I hated leaving only a couple of days after, but we spent our time wrapped up in each other before I had to leave. It didn't seem fair, but she was so happy from the proposal; she didn't let it bother her too much. At least I thought so anyway.

We'd been together a year and a half now, doing this long-distance relationship thing, and we were making it work. On some trips I would fly her out to see me if her schedule allowed. It was always nice to have her in my element. It was almost like a vacation, one I never wanted to end.

The ride share finally arrives in front of my flat. It's nearly 10 PM and I am absolutely beat. I know my adrenaline will kick in when I see her though. Can't wait to see her, it feels like forever since I've touched her skin.

I unlock the door and make my way inside. The lights are off except a lamp in the corner of the living room. I'm sure Megan is asleep; she has to work in the morning and she goes to bed early during the week. I don't know how anyone can be asleep by 8 or 9 o'clock, but that's how she's always been. Early to bed, early to rise.

I don't want to wake her but I can't help myself, I have to see her. I leave my bags by the door and make my way up the short flight of stairs. As I walk down the hall, I hear a screaming noise and I'm immediately on alert. Holy shit, what was that?

I get to the door as quickly as I can, opening it and yelling out Megan's name, but I soon realize those weren't screams coming from her- they were moans.

My fiancé, on top of another man, in pure ecstasy as I stand here, stupefied. I wanted to pinch myself. Is this real?


She quickly hops off the man below her as she pulls the sheet up to cover her naked body. He quickly gets up to grab his clothes from the floor. My mind is racing and I wonder how long this little affair has been going on. How dumb could I be? Is this just a random hookup or did this start before I left?

It really doesn't matter, she cheated nonetheless, but I have so many questions. All of a sudden, I feel nauseous, my heart beating out of my chest and my palms sweating. I can't even look at her. The feel of betrayal running through me. I'm disgusted.

I turn to leave the room and go into the hall bath, as the contents of my stomach begin to make their way up my throat. I make it to the toilet just in time as I empty my stomach. Fuck!

As I hover over the toilet, I hear banging on the bathroom door and a crying Megan trying to form words. "Har...Har...Harry, I'm s' s' so sorry...he doesn't mean anything...please come out so we can talk."

I can't look at her, I can't get the thought of her naked and on top of another man out of my brain. It will be permanently etched in my psyche for the rest of my life. She continues to bang on the door, sobs and apologies leaving her mouth. I have nothing to say to her as I sit on the bathroom floor, this doesn't feel real. I'm hoping I'll wake up soon and this will all have been a nightmare. We can start this day over, it never happened-but it did.

I'm not sure how long I sat there. Megan finally gave up and moved away from the door. I grab my phone from my pocket and check the time, it's nearly 2 AM. I quickly make my way back downstairs hoping I don't see her. I can't look at her right now. I grab my suitcase and my keys as I make my way to the garage. I haven't driven my car in nearly a month so I hope it has gas. I quickly throw my things inside and peel out, mind racing of where I can go.

A couple of weeks pass and Megan has texted me daily asking where I am; I never respond. She wants to meet up and talk but I can't make myself do it. I've been staying with an old mate of mine, Theo, but I don't want to wear out my welcome. I know he would never look at it that way, but I've got to get out of here.

I arrange for all my things to be put in storage. I call the landlord and have my name taken off the lease and I schedule myself up for the next 6 months with jobs all over the globe. I have to stay busy; I have to forget about her, and I have to find myself again.

First stop- Nepal.

3 years later- Tacoma, Washington

Traveling the world can be lonely but it can also be rewarding. My job as a photo journalist has really taken off over the last few years. My name has gotten out there and I'm getting calls from people everywhere wanting to utilize my skills.

Work life is booming but my private life not so much. I left Megan in the rearview and never looked back. I have buried myself in work over the past 3 years and I don't regret it. When I need to feel something, I might pick up a girl at a bar, but that's honestly not happening very often either. I'm happy, but I also feel like something is missing. Drifting through life, even though I'm busy as hell, gets to be so isolating at times. Sometimes I wonder if relationships will ever be for me again. I'm almost scared to even try. I feel like the light hearted, easy going guy I used to be; I worked really hard to get him back, and I don't want to lose him again.

I'm currently sitting in the airport eating my lunch, waiting for my next flight. There's a rack of magazines in the corners that I decide to peruse since I've still got over 2 hours of time to kill. I just got done photographing Mount Rainier a couple of days ago. I've never seen anything like it. They are going to use my photos for a brochure in Tacoma, it's unreal.

I see a Southern Vintage magazine on the rack so I pick it up. I honestly don't spend much time in the southern part of the U.S so I would like to see what's down that way. I feel like it's worth checking out at some point. As I get half way through there's a layout in the middle for 'Lee's Bed and Breakfast.' It screams southern charm, like I would know what that is, but I've heard about it. There's a picture of three women, all beautiful in their own way, but the sapphire eyed, dirty blonde in the front has caught my eye. I look underneath to see their names- 'Katie Lee: Founder, Loretta Lee: Owner, May Lee: Co-owner.'

May Lee...I mumble to myself. Her eyes so captivating as I continue to stare at the picture. I read the article about Lee's and take in the pictures of the bed and breakfast. It's beautiful, the rich architecture is stunning. I can tell an immense amount of love and care has gone into maintaining it. I feel a need to visit and see what this place is all about, but it will have to wait until things calm down with work and that's going to be a while.

The address of the B&B is at the end of the article so I snap a picture of it with my phone for safe keeping. One day I'll take a vacation and meet this blue-eyed girl in person. One day.

May's POV

Dinner at my momma's was different. I could tell she was tired, taking care of my granny becoming harder as the days went on. I encouraged her to hire more in-home care but she was resistant. Said she felt guilty doing that when she could be there herself. My mother was so stubborn, but I really couldn't be mad because I was the same way when it came to family matters like this. We already had one caregiver that came out to the house daily, but I felt like my mom needed a break, some true time off for herself.

"Momma, take a week off, or just a long weekend. Go visit some of your friends you haven't seen in a while. You deserve it."

I might as well have been talking to the wall because she shot me down really quick- "Maysie, I'm not doing it. She's my mother and I'll take care of her. End of discussion."

My momma wasn't always so curt with me and it kind of took me off guard. I didn't take it personally though because I knew her frustration was displaced; she was worn out and she knew I was right, but felt too guilty to admit it. It was fine though, I wouldn't argue. She would come around when it was right for her so I'll just bide my time.

Enough about me, "how's that handsome man of yours," she asks me. It was scary how quickly her tone and mood could change.

"Momma, we're not together, you know this, but he's good. He leaves insanely early Monday morning. I really don't want to think about it."

I knew I should mention New Zealand to her but I didn't. I didn't want to discuss it. My mind was made up. "Maysie, that man is so smitten with you. I don't care if you're together or not, I haven't seen you this way in I don't know when."

I can't talk about this anymore. I'm such an idiot. I can't keep up this charade, I'm just fooling myself. Harry is leaving and that's it. I live here in Seaside, and he lives... well, wherever he damn well pleases. Not here.

"Momma, I've got to go. Thank you for dinner, have a good night."

I can tell she's surprised as I get up to leave. She quickly runs to the kitchen to grab some of her famous peach cobbler and hands it to me. "Give this to Harry, I think he'll love it." I nod my head in agreement as she pulls my body into her, wrapping her arms around me as she holds me there. I'm on the verge of tears yet again, but I fight them with everything I have as I hug her back. She knows me so well it's scary. Just like her, my mood changes on a dime and I'm a mess.

"May, my beautiful baby girl, you deserve happiness," she whispers to me. "I'm not going to tell you what to do, I know I say this all the time, but you know I'm always here and I love you."

"Love you too momma," I whisper back as a single tear falls and I wipe it away as quickly as I can.

I make it back to the B&B and decide to go see Harry, peach cobbler in hand. It's not too late, only 9:30, and I'm sure he's still up, at least I hope so. I rush up the stairs and to the end of the hall, Harry's door now in front of me. I reach my hand up to knock but then pull it away before my knuckles connect.

Why am I nervous?

I roll my eyes at myself, not knowing what my deal is as I swiftly knock on the door. I hear movement and soon see a shirtless Harry standing in front of me, a wide grin on his face. "Sweets, what do I owe the pleasure?"

I hold out my hand with the peach cobbler and Harry looks down. He takes it from me and holds it up to his face to get a good look. I can tell he's a bit puzzled as to what's in the container. "Ever had peach cobbler, Curly?" He shakes his head no at me, but his eyes light up with intrigue. "No, sounds delicious though," he admits. He motions for me to come in and I do, taking a seat on the couch across from the bed.

"My momma was adamant that I bring that to you, so I need a full review when you're done." He laughs and agrees as he takes the lid off and gives the sweet fruity goodness a sniff. "Wow, smells divine." Harry devours the whole bowl in record time. I sat there in awe watching him, in shock of how turned on I was by his chewing, his jawline so taut.

Something is wrong with me.

"Well, you can tell your mum that's the best peach cobbler I've ever had," he says with all seriousness. I just gape at him, he thinks he's so funny, "Harry that's the only peach cobbler you've ever had." "Yeah, I know, and it's the best." I smile at him as I agree, "ok handsome, I'll let her know."

I get up and make my way to the door, feeling really tired from the day and I can tell Harry was busy with something, pictures and film laying all over the desk. "Leaving so quickly sunflower girl?" That nickname gets me every time. "Well, you looked a little occupied, wanted to let you get back to it." He gives me an odd look, like he knows I've got more on my mind, "or you could spend the night with me, I missed sleeping with you last night."

His confession makes me happy to know I wasn't the only one that felt lonely.

"Are you sure? I don't want to take you away from your work." Harry looks offended at my question as he pulls me towards him, his eyes intently on mine. "May, what's wrong?" I can't get into this right now; I can't bare my soul after the conversation I just had with my momma. It's too much. "I'm just tired, Harry, that's all."

I don't know if he believes me, but he plants kisses all over my face anyway. From my forehead and down to my jaw, my ear, and then to my neck. Soft, delicate kisses as he whispers to me, sickly sweet words that make me weak. "You're a terrible liar May, but I'm going to let it pass for now pretty girl," he says as he sucks at the skin on my shoulder and I let out a breathy moan. I drop my head back as he moves his mouth down my chest, his lips working in perfect accuracy.

"Let me take your mind off whatever is bothering you."

I have no control with Harry. I feel like his words are law as they leave his lips, and I can't help but succumb to him whenever he says things like this. We make our way over to the bed as we undress each other; quickly finding ourselves wrapped up in the sheets below us. Harry's mouth is all over me as I return the favor, hands roaming, squeezing, and working each other up.

We pleasure each other until we both reach our highs, moans and groans radiating loudly through the room, and I pray we didn't wake anyone. Harry helps clean me up before we settle back into bed, my head hitting the pillow quickly, and my body melding to his as we both doze off.

I'm so fucked.


Hello! Hope you're all doing well! I'm still reeling from last nights Chicago show and Harry singing TBSL! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please leave me your thoughts and don't forget to vote.

Love you to pieces. <3


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