Professional Restraint

By Siberiantiggy

713K 21.1K 10.2K

When a young data scientist unexpectedly steals the heart of a highly sought after executive, the passion bet... More

Season List for Professional Restraint
1 The Substitute
2 Late Night Rendezvous
3 Distractions
4 Business & Pleasure
5 Unexpected Detours
6 Tuscana
7 Let Loose
8 Ella of My Dreams
9 Game Plan
10 What a Week!
11 Anticipation
12 Up, Up, and Away
13 Adventure
14 Gravity
15 Wound Tight
16 Sightseeing
17 Hot Seat
18 Itchy Palm
19 Everything is Fine
20 Incredible
21 Deeper
22 Lucky You
23 Best Night's Sleep
24 Mask
25 Soon Kitten
26 On Second Thought
28 Let's Go!
29 Fuck This!
30 Remember this Moment
31 All Ears
32 Forget You...
33 Peachy
34 Let the Adventure Begin
35 Wow
36 Let the Games Begin
37 Casanova
38 Good Girl
39 Imagine That...
40 Happy Place
41 Are You In Or Out?
42 Show Off
43 Seriously

27 Time to Celebrate

16.1K 498 295
By Siberiantiggy


I twist, checking my reflection in the mirror. Burgundy and black lace overlay swish mid thigh in my reflection, hinting at the top lace band of my thigh highs as I do one last look over. Biting my lip, I remember how Liam's gaze darkened as he asked me if I wore them for him. The way his lips felt on my calf...

Tonight I certainly wore them for him.

I spilled my guts to Soph the moment we were alone, and she was ravenous for details. Though not even she could pry them all from me.

Checking the clock, I know Tim should be here any moment. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was nervous for him and Sophia to be out with Liam. As far as they're concerned, we're a done deal. Lord knows it would be easier if Tim were distracted. If only things with Abby were more serious. Declan certainly seems to have a sizable chunk of Sophia's attention.

"God damn, sweet cheeks, you trying to give the man a heart attack?" Tim gawks at me from the doorway, appearing from nowhere. He openly checks me out, letting out a wolf whistle.

"Oh my god, stop," I whine.

Tim tosses his head back and lets out a throaty chuckle. I can't help but check him out. Fitted black slacks and a tailored blue button-down shirt complete the look with the top two buttons undone.

"You don't clean up bad yourself," I say, widening my eyes for effect.

Contrary to my reaction, Tim eats it up, turning slowly and flexing as he strikes a pose. "This could have been all yours, but no... you had to go for the suave businessman in a suit."

Bringing my fingers to my lips to stifle a giggle, I force myself to play along. "I don't know how I can ever forgive myself... I was a fool."

"Alas, that ship has sailed." Tim holds out his elbow for me. "But that doesn't mean we can't still have a great night, you know, for Sophia's sake."

"For Sophia." I nod and take his elbow, but break down in a giggling fit. Tim fares no better and we stagger out of the house like two drunk people.

He opens the door on his jeep for me, waiting until I'm buckled in before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat.

The night has barely begun and already my face hurts from smiling so hard. As he drives down town, the music blasts and we sing horribly off key, but my soul is overflowing with joy.

We park in the upper level of a parking garage and take the skyway to the adjoining building. Half way there, I feel the base through the floor. Ahead of us are a stream of people dressed in club wear lining up.

At the end of the sky way a man in an onyx suit stands, directing people onward. He's possibly the biggest man I have ever seen; his thick beard and tattoos remind me of a biker.

He barely says two words to the people ahead before sending them left to the club. I feel my nerves growing exponentially the closer we get to our turn.

"Party?" He asks, looking Tim over then pausing on me.

"Um Sophia's birthday," I squeak out.

He arches a brow, making me swallow hard and shift almost behind Tim.

"Hernandez," Tim says with a laugh. He laces his fingers with mine, giving me a reassuring squeeze. "But she said something about Declan picking the spot..."

The bouncer watches us, waiting for a better answer.

"Moore?" I whisper.

The bouncer winks at me and steps aside, pulling back a curtain to a door I didn't even know was there. I look down the hallway to the left, where the loud music echos, having assumed that was our destination.

"Mustn't keep the man waiting, sweet cheeks," Tim says, urging me on.

I latch onto his arm for dear life as we make our way through the dark, sloping hallway. Whatever they lined the hallway with dampens the sound, but soon heavy bass dance music envelops us.

With a final twist, the hallway opens up to a platform, overlooking a cavernous club below. My jaw drops, taking in the celestial lighting on the ceiling, making it look like the night sky on steroids. Light ripples and swirls in a way that gives a galaxy feel.

Tim looks wide eyed around as a grin splits his face. "Damn girl, Sophia better watch herself. This guy's pulling out all the stops."

He's in his element... me, not so much.

"First time?" The bouncer at the stairs asks. He's dressed in black and silver with his blonde hair slicked back.

All I can manage is a nod. Thankfully, Tim swoops in. "Yeah, for a birthday, no less."

The bouncer arches a brow and his gaze slowly travels over Tim. "Happy birthday," he says with a wink, making my jaw drop.

"I wish, handsome, but mines not for another two months." Charm oozes off of Tim so effortlessly it's aggravating. "It's our friend Sophia's day. She should be here with Declan somewhere..."

His eyes light up as something clicks. "Mr. Moore. You guys are on the sky deck over there." He nods towards the far side where a platform on the same level as this one sits, then leans in. "Scorpio, hmm?"

"You know your signs," Tim practically purrs, making me feel like a third wheel. "I better get this one over to her boyfriend before he goes all cave man on me."

A sly smile slips on the bouncer's lips as he realizes I'm not Tim's date. He steps aside and I see Tim slip him a business card in the palm of his hand as he ushers me to the stairs. The bouncer fights a smile and tilts his head. "Welcome to Interstellar."

Half way down the stairs Tim flashes me a cheeky grin and I can't help but laugh. "What, he was hot!" Tim defends. "I'm a sucker for a man in a suit, even more so when I get it off of him."

My eyes go impossibly wide and a smack him in the gut. "You were just giving me a hard time for going after a guy in a suit, were you not?" I arch a brow at his hypocrisy.

"I'm speaking from experience, Elle-Bell. I never said I didn't have the same damn issue." Tim laughs and cuts our way through the crowded floor over to the other stairs.

Before we can talk to the bouncer, Sophia spots us from above and hollers. "El! Timmy!" Her dark locks cascade to frame her face in curly perfection, and the lighting makes her skin tight red dress look like it's on fire as she waves like a maniac. The man at the bottom of the steps doesn't even ask us any questions and simply steps aside, gesturing for us to pass.

We barely clear the top step and Sophia crashes into us, wrapping us in a group hug. I laugh at her exuberance and grin, feeling free after a long week.

"Girl!" Soph exclaims, pulling back and letting her gaze rake over me. I feel my cheeks burn at her attention. "You look good. Where'd you get this?"

Slowly spinning to give her the full view, I remember her gift. "Liam's friend Carissa knew some fantastic stores, you would have died!" Hoisting the little black and red bag up at eye level, I catch her attention instantly. "I got you something, too."

Sophia snatches it away and grabs my hand to drag me over to the lounge area, complete with sleek black leather sofas. I practically fall next to her, but her attention is all on her present. Time ticks by so slowly as she reads the card and I chew on my nail, hoping I chose right.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm so happy we crashed into each other in highschool." She fans her eyes as she sets the card down. "I swear, though, if you make me cry and mess up my makeup, there will be hell to pay." My own eyes start to water and thoughts of looking like a sad clown have me following suit.

"Oh my god, open the bag before you guys both start crying." Tim teases, having followed us over with a small black box in his hands.

She rolls her eyes, but tugs him to sit on the other side of her and digs into the bag. Her eyes widen and her lips part as she pulls the silver dress out. Judging by the aww in her gaze, I guessed right. Sophia holds the silver and crystal garment against her body, the club lights making it sparkle like a star. Tim's box is next and holds a silver sparkling necklace and matching earrings that go with the dress perfectly.

Without warning, she pulls us back in for another hug. "You guys are the best! Seriously, how did I get so lucky?" Suddenly, her attention is past us and she reaches out. "Oh! But now it's time to celebrate!"

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as a thrill runs through me. I don't need to turn to know; I can feel Liam standing beside me.

I bite my lip to hide a grin and force myself to turn slowly. Sure enough, Declan and Liam stand ready with a tray of shots. As my gaze slowly lifts, roaming up his delicious form, my mouth parches.

If Liam in a suit is perfection, then Liam in casual club attire is next level. He's opted for all black dress pants and shirt, but has the top buttons undone, making it more casual and teasing at what lies beneath. Finally, my eyes meet his and I could die, having been caught checking him out.

His gaze darkens as it slowly rakes over me. "You look stunning."

My body heats under his attention. A single look is enough to bring back all the feelings from the other night, leaving me sitting up straighter to hide how I shift in my seat, pressing my thighs tighter.

Liam holds the tray out for me to take one of the colorful shots. His gaze shifts from mine to a bright pink one and without thought, I take it, earning a ghost of a smirk.

Fortunately, Tim dives in, breaking the spell as he grabs a couple of shots. He flashes Liam a toothy grin and nods to Declan as he passes a shot to Sophia.

"Quite a spot you picked, man," Tim says, raising the glass.

Declan grins and shrugs. "What can I say? I wanted to make an impression."

Sophia rolls her eyes, but even in this lighting I can see the blush colouring her cheeks. "Enough talking, more drinking," she cuts in. "There is far too much to celebrate. We're already behind!"

Declan nods and lifts his glass high, waiting for the rest of us to follow. His crystal blue eyes sparkle in the low light, but his attention is solely focused on Sophia. "To the birthday girl."

Her lips tug into a sly smile as her gaze shifts to me. I swallow hard, knowing that look all too well. "To El and Liam, the dream team that saved the day."

My gaze automatically drifts to Liam, who is already watching me. He nods, lifting his drink as Tim hoots.

Liam tilts his head to toss back the drink, exposing his neck. His Adam's apple bobs as the shot races down his throat, leaving me parched.

Sophia clears her throat, breaking the spell, and I toss my shot back. I brace myself, fully expecting the sharp burn, but instead sweet strawberries are all I can taste.

As if he can read my mind, Liam leans in close to be heard over the loud music. "I didn't take you for a tequila drinker."

I smile and blush at his thoughtfulness. Carissa's words about men like Liam being detailed and deliberate come to mind. Being around him is so effortless and natural because of it.

One by one, empty shot glasses are slammed on the table. Fast club music fades into a more sensual bass beat and Sophia shouts to dance, dragging Tim and Declan to the dance floor. I laugh, watching them plow into the smaller platform, overlooking the sea of club goers below.

My heart skips a beat, reacting to Liam as he holds out a hand for me. His emerald gaze burns bright in the sparking club lighting. "Dance with me." It's not even a request, but my body obeys before I even think about it.

I graze my fingertips across his outstretched palm as a coy smile tugs at my lips. Looking up through my dark lashes, he seems ready to devour me and it sends a thrill coursing through me.

"Of course, Sir."

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