Toshiro Hitsugaya: A new Hori...

By UchihaSwordman_16

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Hey there everyone and tell me, have you ever wonder what would happen if Toshiro was adopted by someone in t... More

Chapter 1: Child of Winter
Chapter 2: Babysitting is Hard
Chapter 3: Meeting the Beifongs
Chapter 4: The Academy
Chapter 5: Against the Eagle!
Chapter 7: Duel between Friends
Chapter 8: Bending the Earth
Chapter 9: Revenge is best served cold
Chapter 10: Beware the Parasite
Chapter 11: The Pendulum Begins To Swing
Chapter 12: As The Years Go By (Part 1)
Chapter 13: As The Years Go By(Part 2)
Chapter 14: As The Years Go By(Part 3)
Chapter 15: Your Move
Chapter 16: The Witch Princess

Chapter 6: Attack of the crazy Uncle

132 4 3
By UchihaSwordman_16

*A stage suddenly appears out of the dark as lights reveal a cloaked figure sitting on a chair with a cup on the table in front of him.*

Welcome to the sixth chapter of story and I thank everyone who reviewed the last chapters. Also a special thanks to 'From Kid to King' for giving me an idea for a later chapter.

Now Toph if you kindly would.

*Toph walks into the light.*

Toph: Sure. *Looks at audience* Mr. Red Eyes doesn't own anything in this story and all rights goes to their creators because let be honest, no way he could ever think up someone as cool as me, even with Genjutsu.

You do know I could turn you into girly scared to get dirty girl in this story right?

*Toph turns to him.*

T: Try it and I'll shove a sharp rock right where the sun doesn't shine. *She walks off stage as I take a sip from the cup, only to spit it out.*

What the hell! Okay who replace my cup of sake with mud!

Two months after the field trip, Toshiro was getting closer to learning his Zanpakuto's name and is now a fifth year, much to Yukari's dismay who was still in her fourth year studies with Toph starting her third year studies and Kusaka was starting his fourth year studies.

"You must be cheating somehow!" Yukari had accused him one time during a group study at his home, however she stopped once Unohana, who was watching them study along with Yoruichi, had given Yukari her infamous smile and kindly told her that he wasn't a cheater and shouldn't accuse him of.

He gave Yukari his full sympathy as anyone would say that Unohana wasn't just scary. She was down right terrifying.

Along with that, Toshiro was training harder than ever as he now could control his Shunko better and caught the attention of several captains after killing Mimicry.

His first encounter with the 8th Division captain and his lieutenant was... interesting to say the least.

Right now we find Toshiro talking with his Zanpakuto which was placed across his lap as he sat cross legged, eyes closed.

Toshiro's Inner World

The white hair boy frowned as he observed his surroundings, nothing but blizzard all sides blocking anything from being seen.

"How am I suppose to find you if I can't see through this blizzard?" This has been a routine for the last two months as Toshiro would try to find his Zanpakuto spirit however the blizzard prevented him from going anywhere because if he tried to walk through it, he'll end up in the exact same place.

The voice laughed. "Your the genius Toshiro but don't worry, it took my last wielder three years to find out my name. So its understandable if you'll take twice that time."

Toshiro's frown deepen. "I'm sure I won't take that long to find out your name." He walked into the blizzard, only to reappear in the same spot about a minute later. He growled in annoyance as the voice laughed again.

"I doubt that you'll learn my name before you get out of the Academy." Toshiro then felt someone shaking his shoulder and opened his eyes to meet his Kaa-chan's golden ones.

She smiled and helped her son to his feet. "About time Shiro-chan, its time for dinner and we're having some visitors with us today."

Dining Room

The Dining room was filled with chatter as the people chat and ate. Toshiro and Byakuya were chatting with each other about the school courses, Yoruichi, Kuukaku, and Unohana were discussing about how can Kido be adapted to certain situations, Tessai was silently eating. Kisuke and Isshin were stuffing there faces while Soifon, who was sitting between Yoruichi and Toshiro, glared at him unaware that she was cracking a cup in her grip.

Swallowing his food, Kisuke decided to ask Toshiro about his Zanpakuto. "So Toshiro have you made any progress in learning your Zanpakuto's name?"

Everyone's attention turned to Toshiro who just sighed. "No, he's being really stubborn about it."

"You know I could help learn its name," Kisuke said, hiding a grin behind his trademark fan which he pulled out of nowhere. "After all, I helped Byakuya gain his Zanpakuto's name."

Toshiro looked at Byakuya who nodded his head and looked at his uncle. "You can help me learn my Zanpakuto's name?"

Kisuke's grin widen a bit. "Absolutely! When have I ever lied to you?"

"When you tried to take me to the hot springs when I was nine just to get the attention of the women there." He deadpanned, remembering how once those women took one look at him, they rushed over to him and began pinching his cheeks saying how cute he looked.

Letting out a nervous laugh as Yoruichi gave him a glare, he quickly changed the subject. "Anyways I'm sure I can help learn your Zanpakuto's name with my secret training method."

"No." Everyone looked at Yoruichi in surprise. "But Kaa-chan-"

She looked at her son with a hard look, cutting him off. "Toshiro I'm not going to let you take Kisuke training method because its suicidal."

"Aw come on Yoruichi," Kisuke argued with her. "My training method isn't that dangerous." Yoruichi silence him by throwing her chopsticks at his right hand, an inch away from impaling him.

"Have you forgotten that your 'harmless' training method put Byakuya in the Fourth Division for a month. Your lucky that it was Byakuya himself that asked you to help him otherwise you would be put in jail."

Toshiro looked at his friend with his eyebrows raised who smiled sheepishly. It seems that he left out that little detail.

"Come on Kaa-chan I can handle it." Yoruichi reached over and flicked her son on the forehead, making him grab his head in pain. "Your strong and smart Toshiro, but I can't let you do something this dangerous."


"End of discussion." He sighed, let out an "Hai Kaa-chan", and went back to his food. The rest of the meal continued in silence.


"You want me to do what!" Isshin yelled/whispered as he and Kisuke walked away from the Shihoin manor. "Come on Isshin, beside don't you want to help your little nephew learn his Zanpakuto name?"

"Yes but I don't what to die in the process!" He waved his arms around in a over dramatic manner. "She won't just murder me Kisuke, she'll slaughter me and hide all my remains and that if there is any of me left! Now goodbye!" He walked off as Kisuke gritted his teeth.

He couldn't help but agreed with his friend. His request was insane but the only way he'll be able to help Toshiro with his training. "I'll owe you one Isshin."

This one sentence froze him in his tracks and slowly turned around to his long time friend with a grin, one that held a secret. "Alright you got a deal." And they sealed it with a handshake.

Yoruichi and Toshiro wouldn't know what hit them tomorrow.

The Next Morning

Toshiro was having a pleasant dream, one where he was swimming in ice cold water and enjoying an endless amount of watermelon when suddenly someone's voice rang out.

"~Wakey wakey! Toshiro~"

A bucket of hot water found itself splashed on Toshiro's face, making him shot up and grab his face in pain. Removing his hands from his face, he saw Kisuke-Ojisan standing above him with an empty bucket in his right hand and a cane, which he knew was his Zanpakuto in its sealed state, in his left. Taking a quick look at his surroundings, he saw that he was in a forest clearing, most likely in somewhere in the 1st district.

"Oh your awake Toshiro," He said, hiding a smile behind his fan. "We can finally start your training to learn your Zanpakuto's name."

He blinked and got up to his feet. "Hang on didn't my Kaa-chan forbid me to take your training method? Why'd she change her mind?"

"I managed to convince her with my amazing skills on handling people."

With Yoruichi

The purple hair woman was having a decent morning and was heading to her son's room to wake him up(he tends to sleep in on Sundays) when Isshin had block her path.

"Yoruichi what a coincidence to find you here!" Yoruichi crossed her arms in annoyance. It was way too early, even for her, to deal with Isshin. "Isshin this is my house of course I would be here. The question is what are you doing here?"

He laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "A old friend can't visit another for no reasons. Come on Yoruichi you know me better than that."

"I know you perfectly well Isshin and that is why I don't trust you with certain things so will you kindly move or will I need to break a bone to make you move."

"Okay okay I'll move." She nodded and stepped to her right when Isshin took a step to her left, blocking her again. She narrowed her eyes at him while he whistled innocently.

She took a step to her left.

He took a step to his right.

She took a step back.

He took a step forward.

She kicked him in the balls.

He fell to the ground in pain, grabbing his jewels as she stepped on him heading to her son's room. Opening the door, she was surprised to see Snowflake trapped in a net and an empty bed. She cut Snowflake down and turned her heels on Isshin who arrived a moment too late to stop her and froze in his tracks.

"Isshin," She growled out, Snowflake copying her as she let out a growl as well at the 10th Division Captain who wisely took a step back. "Where's my son?"

Said man laughed nervously as he stared at the deadly duo advancing on him. "Well Yoruichi I only got one thing to say before you kill me." He quickly took out a bunch of balls from his right sleeve and threw them at two, a smoke cloud blinding the two.

"Later!" He ran for his life right out of the Shihoin Manor as a furious mother chased after him, threatening to kill him, at his heels.

With Toshiro and Kisuke

'I hope Isshin survives long enough.' Kisuke thought but quickly shook out that thought. 'Of course he'll be alright, she won't really kill him. Disfigure him beyond healing but not kill him.'

Toshiro picked up his Zanpakuto, which Kisuke had remember to grab, and gave it a few practice swings before turning to his Ojisan. "So what exactly is your secret training method? Byakuya never actually went into details about it."

Drawing his blade, Kisuke replied. "Its simple really. I'm going to attack and try to kill you while you try to learn your Zanpakuto's name."

He couldn't even let out a what when Kisuke appeared right in front of him and he barely blocked a strike that was aimed at his right shoulder. He held his Zanpakuto with both hands as he tried to push him back. Kisuke's smile widen a bit and he pushed his nephew back a few feet then charged right after him.

Kisuke aimed a stab at Toshiro's chest but he managed to side step it and tried to slice off his left wrist, but Kisuke pulled his arm back in time to block it.

"Your must better than the last time we sparred Toshiro," Kisuke praised as he and Toshiro were once again in a deadlock. "If I wasn't so quick, you would have slice my wrist clean off."

Toshiro smiled and added a little more power, making his Ojisan take a step back in surprise. "If your going to fight like your going to kill me, then I will do the same to you Kisuke-Ojisan." This time, Toshiro won in the dead lock and made Kisuke jump back as he followed with a right swing at his side.

The blond man, however, jumped over the swing and launched an overhead strike at him but Toshiro quickly disappeared in a Shunpo to avoid it. The moment he touched the ground, he spun around in a 180 turn and blocked Toshiro's attempt to cut his back open.

He pushed his nephew back once again and disappeared in Shunpo as Toshiro rolled to the right just as Kisuke appeared in the same spot he was. Toshiro got up and held his left side in pain and saw that a cut was there.

"I told you Toshiro," Kisuke said, turning toward him as Toshiro got into a defensive stance. "I will not hold back because if I do, you won't learn that way at all." Once his sentence was finished, he disappeared in another Shunpo as Toshiro did the same.

The two then reappeared on opposite sides, Zanpakutos out to there sides. The white hair boy then grabbed his left arm as a cut appeared on it and Kisuke turned around to face him. He looked down at his chest, revealing a long and deep cut on it.

"Well you also gotten faster," He commented as he looked at the wound in honest surprise and awe, not looking tired in the least. "I think its time to kick it up a notch."

Toshiro's eyes widen as he stared at his Ojisan who utter two words. "Awake Benihime."

With Toph

Toph sighed as she sat outside on the balcony of her room with a bowl of fruit beside her. The morning was rather dull as Toshiro had training to do, Yukari was practicing her Kido and Kusaka was who knows where. She then picked up an apple and threw it in a random direction and jumped when she felt someone yell and hit the ground.

"Whose there?" She asked, straining her ears as she heard someone climbing up to her and prepared to throw another fruit at whoever it was. "Hello Toph!"

She recognized who the voice belong to and put the fruit back into the bowl. "Captain Goat beard, what are you doing here?" Said man dusted his robes and took a bite of the apple that hit him.

"Oh nothing," He swallowed the piece in his mouth, ignoring the nickname she had for him. "Just running away from Yoruichi before she could get her hands on me and rip me apart." He took another bite. "Speaking of which, mind if I hide in your room for a couple of hours. Thanks!"

Not waiting for an answer, he made his way toward Toph's room but was blocked as said girl stepped into his path, arms crossed together. "May I ask why is Yoruichi trying to kill you?"

Finishing off the apple, he threw away the core and picked up a pear. "She just mad that she doesn't know where Lil Shiro is and decides to attack the nearest person which happens to be me."

Raising an eyebrow, she asked. "And do you know where he is?"

"Of course I do! Now can I stay in your room? Pretty please with ice cream and cherries on top." Toph raised a finger to her chin, looking thoughtful.

"Mmm let me see. Nope." She loosen the sandle on her left foot and kicked it off at Isshin which caught him right in the forehead and sent him stumbling back. Toph smirked as she heard him fall off and hit the ground below before heading back into her room, closing and locking the door as she did.

"Ow, kids today. No respect for there elders." Isshin said to himself as he laid on his head before getting back onto his feet. "I should get out of here before-"

"There you are!" Isshin let out a less than manly scream and disappeared in a Shunpo just as three knives stabbed the spot he was in. Yoruichi chased after him as he ran while screaming.

With Toshiro

Toshiro quickly Shunpo to avoid a crimson color energy blast that tore apart the ground he was standing on. He was forced to keep moving as every time he stopped, Kisuke would aimed a blast at his direction.

'I can't keep running, I have to attack somehow.' He thought as he hid before a large tree and remembered a technique his Kaa-chan taught to him. 'That it!'

Kisuke frowned as he saw multiple copies of Toshiro run toward him, unable to detect the real one among them. "Kamisori, Benihime!" He swung his sword at the copies, creating an arc of energy that slice through all the copies destroying all of them.

He then felt someone behind him and moved to his right to dodge a stab at his back and countered with a thrust at Toshiro's left shoulder. He barely managed to dodge, Kisuke's sword scratching the surface of his skin, by ducking under it and tried to swipe his legs from under him. Kisuke responded by doing a quick backflip, kicking Toshiro's sword from his hands as he did and landed gracefully a few feet away as Toshiro's sword landed right in front of him.

"Sorry about that Toshiro, but I want to see how far you gone in your Hakuda as well." He stabbed his blade into the ground and got into a Hakuda stance which Toshiro followed.

The two disappeared and the air was filled with the sounds of punches and kicks connecting. Toshiro threw a kick at Kisuke's chest but the blond man managed to catch him and throw him over his shoulder but Toshiro righted himself in midair and caught Kisuke in his left cheek with a spinning kick, sending him flying. He stopped himself, Shunpo toward Toshiro and tried to punch Toshiro in the face but the white hair boy ducked under the fist and punched his Ojisan in the stomach, making him fly back by the force put behind it.

Kisuke spat out some blood and grinned. 'He's even better than his Kaa-chan when she was at his age.' He jumped toward his nephew with a fist raised and his grin still on his face.

With Yukari

"Shakkahō!" A ball of red flames engulf and destroyed a wooden training dummy, making Yukari smile. Two months after the field trip, she been improving on her best skill which was Kido and was now able to perform spells from level 1 to 35 with no incantation without tiring herself out. Her little personal training area was a small hill with enough space for a large amount of training dummies to be put around. She spun around and shot another ball of red flames at a bush.

However, once it made contact, someone shot right out yelling, "HOT! HOT! HOT!" Yukari blinked and rubbed her eyes to see Captain Kurosaki rolling around on the ground in an effect to put out his burning robes.

She quickly bowed as one would in the presence of a captain. "Captain Kurosaki, I'm sorry for lighting your robes on fire! Please forgive me!"

"Its no problem," Isshin pat out the fire on his left shoulder and walked up to the still bowing girl and pulled her up. "Your Yukari right? One of Toshiro's friends?"

She nodded as he smile. "Great, say you know any good hiding places around because I really need to find one and fast!"

She blinked again. "Hiding places?" She wonder what could scare a captain when he suddenly screamed and disappeared, a fist hitting the air where his face would have been. Yoruichi growled and stared at the young girl who was shaking in her robes by the anger look on her face.

"Hello Yukari, sorry I can't chat right now but I need to skin a dumbass captain alive." She Shunpo after the still screaming man while Yukari just shook her head to clear her thoughts.

'Toshiro's family is crazy... but dangerous.' She went back to her training, ignoring the fading screams of Isshin as he ran off into the distance with Yoruichi close behind him.

With Toshiro

He slid across the ground on his back before using his hands to jump up and kick his Ojisan in the chin, sending him flying up into the air. Toshiro had a bruise on his right cheek and a bleeding forehead along with a bruised rib. 'He can still beat me in Hakuda, I need to get my Zanpakuto back.'

He saw said blade a few feet away and made a run for it but as he did, Kisuke appeared in front of him with a leg rushing toward his face. Toshiro, however, jumped on the attacking limb and jumped off, making Kisuke stumble and fall to the ground as Toshiro reached and pulled his Zanpakuto out of the ground.

Kisuke got off the ground and dusted himself off. "Well Toshiro, you certainly improved in your Hakuda so I think its safe for me to start being serious." he disappeared in a Shunpo, making Toshiro's eyes widen at the speed before he got sent flying back due to a fist to the chest. Kisuke then disappeared once more as Toshiro quickly got back to his feet, eyes searching for signs of his Ojisan.

"Shibari, Benihime!" Toshiro then found himself trapped in blood red net, making him unable to move. Kisuke landed a few feet away and stabbed his blade into the next. "Hiasobi, Benihime." Orbs started to appear and got closer to Toshiro unmoving form before causing a massive explosion. The blond man watched as the dusted clear, revealing a crater where Toshiro was causing him to panic.

'Oh shit, did I kill him? I didn't even put that much power behind it!' Hiding behind one of the few trees that wasn't destroyed, Toshiro was catching his breath.

"You can't beat him without my help." His Zanpakuto said who was observing the whole battle through Toshiro's eyes. "You've gotten lucky a few time but your luck will run out."

'So help me.' Suddenly he found himself pulled into his inner world, the blizzard still raging around him.

"I cannot help you until you are ready to hear my name and for you to learn that, you must get pass the blizzard."

Toshiro looked around helplessly at the raging blizzard. "How?" The voice growled. "You already know how, you just haven't seen it yet."

He looked at the blizzard, took a deep breath, and walked forward, eyes closing as he did.

With Kisuke

The blond man was watching Toshiro stand still and subconsciously freezing the air around him. 'Come on Toshiro I know you can do this.' His eyes slightly widen as his breathe became visible as the temperature kept dropping.

'Just which Zanpakuto do you have Toshiro?'

Toshiro's Inner World

'Just keep walking, ignore the blizzard. Focus on walking.' Toshiro kept repeating those thoughts as he kept moving forward, pushing out the sound of the blizzard from his head. However as he got deeper, he noticed somethings kept appearing in his mind.

'This ain't just a blizzard right?'

"Correct." The voice responded. "This blizzard represents your negative emotions and thoughts. Anger, insecurity, sadness, everything that causes you grief forms this blizzard. To wield me Toshiro, you cannot let these emotions cloud your judgement otherwise the blizzard will consume you."

'I understand.' He kept walking, memories appearing in his head. His first meeting with Toph and his and Yukari battle with Mimicry, along with that was failures in his past. His first attempt at Shunko, his first kido, everything.

He pushed them all out of his mind and kept walking until the voice said. "You may stop now Toshiro." It sounded much closer than before and when he did as he was told, he looked up in shock and awe at the sight before him.

Standing before him was a massive ice dragon, his massive wings spread out wide and eyes glowing red. All around him was a large icy landscape, the blizzard nowhere to be seen.

"Your my..." He said as the dragon finished for him. "Zanpakuto. Congratulations Toshiro, you are the youngest person to pass my test."

Toshiro looked around, observing the landscape with awe. "Is this means I'm ready to learn your name?"

"Yes but I will warn you now, this is the first of many tests to come. Each one will present a different challenge and each one more difficult than the last. Do you think your ready for these tests?"

He wanted to say that he was but something in the back of his head told him otherwise. He shook his head. "No but I will try my best to overcome each one."

The dragon laughed, his voice echoing across the landscape. "A good answer. Now repeat after me."

With Kisuke

He watched Toshiro slowly raised his Zanpakuto above his head then suddenly he was hit with a burst of frozen Reiatsu, freezing everything around him and frost forming on his clothes and Zanpakuto.

Toshiro's eyes snapped open and he yelled in a clear voice. "Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens Hyōrinmaru!" Everything around him was frozen in a burst of ice and Kisuke had to raise his Reiatsu to keep from being frozen as well. Along with that, a pillar of blue light shot into the sky and Kisuke thought.

'Everyone in the entire Seireitei will see that, including Yoruichi.'

Within Seireitei

True to his word, everyone stared at the massive pillar of light most wondering what it was while others knew but couldn't believe who it belong to. Yoruichi turned away from her captive, who was tied upside down to a tree and dropped the knife she had, Shunpoing toward it leaving Isshin(who else could it be) stuck.

With Kisuke and Toshiro

Toshiro stood while trying to catch his breath, unused to the massive release of Reiatsu he just did. Kisuke pulled out his fan from his sleeves and walked toward him, a grin hidden behind the fan.

"Well now Toshiro, let me be the first to say-" He was cut off as Toshiro yelled and swung his sword at him, a massive ice dragon heading toward him, catching him completely off guard.

When Yoruichi would arrive, she would find a frozen clearing, a pass out Toshiro with a smile on his face, and Kisuke who was frozen in a block of ice.

Yes! Finished! I am sorry as this would have been updated sooner but I had certain matters to finish. Once again thanks to 'From Kid to King' for an idea for a later chapter and please leave your reviews.

Also Omake!

Omake: Toshiro first meeting with Kyoraku and his lieutenant.

"Well well so this is the famous new genius." Toshiro looked at the source of the voice to see none other Captain Kyoraku and his lieutenant Lisa walking toward him. He was studying for a exam in his family garden with Snowflake resting beside him when the two came up to him, waking the large tiger from her nap.

"Captain Kyoraku and Lieutenant Yadomaru." He got up to bow when said captain just ruffled his hair, Snowflake letting out a growl before Toshiro scratched her under the chin to calm her.

The pink wearing man laughed slightly and said. "Now no need for formalities, just call me Kyoraku and this," He gestured to the women beside him who was staring at Toshiro with a odd look in her eyes. "is my beautiful lieutenant Lisa."

She said nothing as she walked closer to him and kneed to his level, just staring at him with an unblinking gaze. Toshiro was starting to feel nervous as Kyoraku just smile at the duo while Snowflake growled at her.

Finally she said, "Your cute." And with that she began to pinch and pull at his cheeks while Kyoraku laugh and Snowflake went back to sleep, sensing no ill intent from the women.

After that she would come at random times of each month to pinch and pull at his cheeks, much to his embarrassment and Yoruichi's amusement.

Omake end

And that is it for now, until next time! *Lights black out and stage disappears in a cloud of smoke.*

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