High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem R...

By LittleRed11204

78.6K 4K 7.1K

In the late 1600's, two rival captains of the seas are put to their toughest test: surviving together on a de... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen [M]
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight [M]
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Eleven

2.5K 147 188
By LittleRed11204

I continued writing in my journal for the rest of the evening; filling up about ten pages with my interesting feelings for Rosie. I don't understand why I even have them in the first place now. She has brought up multiple times that she has a boyfriend and that she is helplessly in love with him. I am obviously going to respect that and not try to force my new feelings onto her; even if we never get off this island.

I grew tired and decided to call it a night, getting up and stretching a little before walking inside my home. The fire was just embers at this point and the only real light source was coming from a candle Rosie had lit. She was sitting and had a canvas displayed in front of her. The light flickering on the canvas showcased the shadows she was able to create with the consistency of the oil paint. I decided to make myself known to her because she was fully concentrated on the forming artwork in her sights.

"Hey Rosie." I said quietly after she had brought her brush away from the canvas so if she got scared by my voice, she wouldn't mess up. She turned her head towards my voice and smiled softly as our eyes met,

"Hi, are you going to bed now?" She asked me as she brushed the few strands of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail out of her face. I nodded my head and took my boots, hat, and coat off,

"I am. You can continue painting if you aren't tired yet. The light won't bother me; the only thing that will bother me is if you talk." She rolled her eyes at me,

"I'll make sure to scream your name for fun."

"You better not because if you do, my fist is going through that canvas."

"Alright, shut up and sleep." She told me as she turned back around to face her canvas. I laughed a little to myself and laid down on my bed, facing her,

"Night." I said, finding a comfortable sleeping position.

"Night," Rosie said in return as she halfheartedly waved a paint brush, like she was waving to me. I cracked a smile and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep and get my energy back for the new day.

But my mind wasn't letting me fall asleep. There were a lot of thoughts clouding it, making it impossible for me to sleep. And the reason my thoughts were alive tonight was because of Rosie. I just pushed all those thoughts and emotions aside and started to just imagine myself relaxing on the beach. Doing this has always helped me fall asleep because it makes my body relax as well.

I finally felt my body sink down into my bed and I let out a big sigh as I started to slip into unconsciousness. But before I could fully get under the spell of sleep, warm fingers danced across my face. I kept still and felt them lightly drag from my jawline all the way up to my temple. I then heard her whisper softly in the night air,

"Y/n, what do you truly think of me?"

Uh, excuse you? I don't know why in the world she wants to know what I truly think about her. And why does she even care anyways? She literally hates me. I felt her fingers pull back from my skin and stupidly enough, I already missed the small touches. I willed my mind to keep me awake and I heard her blow the candle out; moving things around for a little while after.

I heard her still moving around my home before I felt her body lay down next to mine. I could tell by the way her body pressed against mine that she was facing me. Rosie snuggled her face up against my neck and then I felt her softly grab my arm and place it over top of her body so I was hugging her. I really tried to keep my breathing steady and my heartbeat to chill out because right now it is beating way too fast for my liking.

Hopefully her idiot side kicks in and she doesn't know why my heart is beating super fast.

After some time, she got comfortable and I heard her breathing steady out. I then waited a little longer before actually pulling her body closer to mine. I rested my head on top of hers and drifted off to sleep with a small, content smile on my face.


I was awoken by water being splashed on my face, causing me to sit straight up. I wiped away the water while cursing Rosie out as I heard her laughing next to me.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" I asked her as I blinked away the remaining amount of water. I saw that she had her black hair down and my damn bandana wrapped around her head. She just shrugged her shoulders with a smile,

"Needed to find a creative way to wake you up." She told me.

"No you didn't! Just let me sleep, woman!" I said as I got up and went outside to get some space. I heard her chuckling behind me and I scoffed, walking in the direction of the jungle.

"You forgot your sword!" Rosie shouted from behind me. I yelled back at her,

"I wanna test my luck today!" I walked into the jungle as I wanted to get some extra materials in case I needed to make something real quick, or fix something. Apparently Rosie didn't like my answer as I heard rushed footsteps coming from behind me and my sword was soon placed into my hands. Her warm hand was placed over top of mine for a split second,

"Please bring it with you, ya idiot." She told her as I just rolled my eyes, shoving her hand off of mine because I didn't want to get flustered or anything. She looked a tad confused at the action, but didn't speak on it.

"I'll make sure to bring it with me," I sighed as I started to grab some materials like palm leaves, vines, sticks, etc. Rosie seemed to understand what I was doing and also grabbed some stuff; very little compared to me, but it was something. A stupid squirrel ran across the pathway I've made and I almost threw a log at it because it scared me. I huffed out annoyed because everything just seems to piss me off today. Rosie waking me up with water also didn't help either.

We made it back to my home and I just placed everything on the outside because I didn't need any of it inside right now. Rosie threw her like two sticks and three leaves down next to my pile and smiled. I rolled my eyes at her and just sat down on the tree stump nearby, thinking about what I should do today. Then an idea came to me,

"I'm going to explore the rest of the island." I said abruptly as I stood up from the stump and turned east, ready to venture down the beach and into uncharted territory. But a hand wrapped around my wrist before I could start my advancement. I lowered my head in disappointment and slowly turned around to see Rosie looking back at me with worried eyes.


"Duh, I'll be back."

"No." I quirked an eyebrow at her response,

"I wasn't looking for your feedback." I told her as her gaze hardened,

"And I'd like you alive, so I'm coming along. Stay here," she said as she let me go, turning to grab her things, "I mean it." I groaned as I was about to sprint off without her. I impatiently waited for her and she handed me my pouch, which I suspiciously took from her grasp. I opened it cautiously and sighed in relief as it was a cooked fish, some mangos, and raspberries.

"Thanks, let's get going." I said with no emotion as I turned on my heels and started walking. She quickly caught up with me and we were now walking side by side. There was a comfortable silence that loomed over us and neither of us felt the need to break it. We rounded the beach and were now into new territory because we have never been past here. I drew my sword out for precautionary reasons and continued on, scanning my new surroundings. Rosie did the same as me and I noticed a lot of new things.

There were less trees over here, almost like a small plains that had multiple different plants growing. One caught my eye right away and it was a pineapple plant. I smiled and mentally noted it as we continued on. I saw some grass that was pressed down and guessed that some jaguars sleep here at night. Never come here at night, got it.

We have both been walking for about an hour now and the island still goes on for quite a while since we haven't changed directions yet. Rosie now felt the need to have some sort of conversation even though I was enjoying just listening to nature and our footsteps.

"Never have I ever seen a Kraken before." I put up five fingers and kept them all up, Rosie doing the same. Now it was my turn,

"Never have I ever not had an orgasm." I kept my fingers up and glanced over at her, curious to see what her answer would be. I always joke about how having sex with Chanyeol must suck, so let's see if I'm right. I watched as a blush made its way to her face and she looked away, putting a finger down.

"Damn he's that bad?" I said with a laugh as this was very amusing to me. She groaned out in embarrassment, covering her face slightly,

"Just shut up. He isn't even bad, he's the person I had my first time with."

"Wasn't much of a first time if you didn't cum." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Next thing I know is I'm on the ground because she forcefully pushed me down. I laughed some more as she just walked angrily ahead of me. I stood up and brushed myself off, "it's your turn!" I shouted at her.

"Never have I ever stolen from a child!" She yelled back to me as she held her fingers above her head so I could see. She didn't put one down, so she's still at four. I put one down,

"Got me there." She whipped her head around after hearing me say that; her eyebrows raising in shock,

"You've stolen from a damn child!?"

"Duh, I'm poor. They were snobby, no good kid and deserved it." I told her as I was now standing next to her since she stopped walking.

"When was this?"

"Oh, this was when I was ten, so we were both technically kids, but I still stole from a kid." She rolled her eyes at me,

"I meant like as an adult, but I'm curious as to what you stole." Rosie said to me as she tilted her head. I chuckled a bit as I remembered the event.

"Well, it was just at the market area and I was sitting on an empty crate, overlooking everything. A carriage came into the market and out hopped a wealthy family. It was a man, woman, and two daughters. They obviously caught my attention because very rarely did the wealthy come here. I could tell by their facial expressions that they didn't want to be there. But, they walked through to the old man Jon's stand; he sold the finest meats in the town. I got off my crate and went closer to them, observing them from a few meters away. One of the daughters then dropped a ring she was wearing. My eyes followed it as it bounced along the uneven ground. I picked it up and looked at the girl, wondering if I should return it. She glared at me and started calling me mean things, so I just took off running. I ran for a while and I didn't feel bad about it then, and I still don't feel bad about it. That girl was rude and I was able to sell the ring for a decent amount. It got my family and I food for a few days."

Once I finished my story, I looked over at Rosie, seeing her deep in thought. I furrowed my eyebrows at her,

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her. Then it was as if something clicked in her head, eyes snapping right to mine, jaw dropping,

"That girl was me!" I then also felt my jaw drop slightly, but the more I thought about it, the funnier it got. I laughed and she just marched over to me and whacked my shoulder,

"Shut up! I remember being so mad you stole my ring! I told my parents and they were also furious as a poor kid took off with something of value."

"I should've known a stuck up, bratty little girl was you. Seems like your parents definitely taught you well in the ways of hating people lower than you." I said as I continued walking, leaving her behind.

"Hey, you know I've changed! We went through this before!" She shouted after me, picking up her pace to soon be next to me.

"I know, but I still hate how people like you treat people like me." I told her with a glare as she just shut up and continued walking next to me.

We finally rounded another part of the island, which made me happy because it wasn't too large. Well, it was, but wasn't at the same time. I kicked some rocks as I walked, pretending that I had a goal in front of me a few times. I felt Rosie's judgmental eyes on me a couple of times while doing it. The rest of the island wasn't as interesting as I thought it was going to be. Until I spotted something interesting in the distance. I squinted my eyes and pointed,

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked Rosie as she stopped walking and stood right up against me to see my line of sight. She also squinted at me and followed where I was pointing.

"Uh, I think so! Let's go!" She said happily as she started to skip over to the completely abandoned and run down lighthouse. I followed suit and swung my sword around in my hand as I was getting a little bored, but I'm still excited about the find. I observed the surrounding water and didn't see any worn down docks, so I'm a little confused.

Rosie was now standing in front of the abandoned building and I walked up next to her. The door was barely hanging in by the hinges as it was almost completely rotten. I just kicked the door in, the hinges flying off with it and crashing against the floor. I then scooted back and smiled at Rosie, pointing towards the now open entrance,

"Ladies first."

"But you're a lady too."

"But you ran over here first, therefore you enter first." I explained to her as I gestured towards the entrance once more. She whined,

"No!" Then she smiled, "you saw it first!" I groaned and closed my eyes as I knew she got me there. She squealed happily and rushed to get behind me, pushing me towards the unknown. I tightened my grip on my sword and held it out in front.

"Alright, then stay out here. If you hear me scream, run and don't look back." I told her as I stepped forward, only to get lurched back by her. I stumbled back a little and looked over at her, "what?"

"I'm coming with you, stupid."

"But someone has to stay alive. All in favor of you staying out here, raise your hand," I raised mine and forcefully took Rosie's hand and did the same. She squirmed away and I smiled at her, "Great! Glad you agree!" I turned on my heels and walked forward again.

"Y/n!" She shouted at me angrily. I stopped and sighed, turned my head to see what this idiot wanted.

"That is my name." I said sarcastically at her as I dramatically sighed afterwards.

"You piss me off." She stated as she hooked her right arm with my left, getting her sword up. I stared at her for a little before accepting that she'll be tagging along with me. Guess we can both die instead, how fun.

We started to walk into the lighthouse and damn did it look bad in here. The stones were barely together and small pieces crumbled down every time we stepped. Sunlight seeped through the cracks and vines were growing out of the floorboards. I felt Rosie tighten her grip on my arm and I readjusted my grip on my sword. I looked up to see a crappy wooden staircase that goes up to the top. There were multiple stairs missing and it didn't look safe at all.

But, there could be some useful things up there. I whispered to Rosie,

"I call going up the stairs." I felt a harsh pinch on my side and I flinched,

"Uncalled for." I stated as she decided to do it again, making me elbow her in the ribs. She groaned out and I smirked to myself as her grip loosened, allowing me to slip away from her. I walked to the first stair and stepped onto it with my left foot. It went straight through it and I gave Rosie an awkward smile as she was very unamused. I waved her off,

"It's going to be completely fine." She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms, waiting for the inevitable. I took a deep breath and cautiously placed my foot on the now first step. It held my weight and I smiled to myself as I continued up the stairs. A few more broke underneath me and I just know Rosie was holding her breath. I glanced at her quickly and saw her biting her fingernail, making me chuckle to myself at how, dare I say, cute she looks.

I could see the top floor and I stepped onto it, hearing the boards creaking under my weight. I saw a desk and multiple cabinets around up here which I am happy about. I walked over to the desk and screamed as the board from underneath me gave out, causing me to fall through. I'm holding myself up by my arms, gritting my teeth as I hear Rosie screaming from below me. I'm literally dangling about 5 meters above the ground floor and a fall from here would not be pretty.

"Y/n! I'm coming up! Please stay safe!" Rosie yelled as I heard frantic footsteps coming up the stairs, some wood being heard breaking. I tried to use my upper body strength to get me out of this situation, but my body isn't in the right position to help me with that.

I'm just 'hanging out' and I panicked as I felt my left hand starting to slip. My eyes widened and Rosie shouted for me once more and it sounded like she's over halfway up the stairs. I tried to find something to grab onto, but of course there's nothing in this old ass lighthouse to help me out.

Then my left hand couldn't hold me any longer and I was only holding myself up with my right hand. I glanced over to see Rosie with tears streaming down her face as she frantically made her way up the last few stairs. I looked back up to the board I was holding onto and heard the wood starting to crack. I looked back to Rosie with a sad smile on my face as the wood started to bend,

"I'm sorry, Rosie."

Then the air was filled with a loud snap of wood and a scream falling from Rosie's lips.

uhhhh... so this story may be ending sooner than u think... or is it? YUHHH it is going to be smt else next chapter, like DEATH. or not, idk i still need to write it LMAO. also we already at the 40k word mark... what the fuck. anyway, thank u for reading this eventful chapter, see you guys later <3

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