-My Everything- {greenhouse A...

By hello123960

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"You said i was your everything" "You are my everything" What if there was another Woods? ... More



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By hello123960

Season 1: Episode 9: Steph {Part 1}

"So, what happened between you and Jack?" I ask as i brush Hayleys hair.

"What do you mean?" My sister asks playing dumb.

"Dont play dumb. I sort of saw you and Jack talking and may or may not have heard everything... accidentally." I say smiling slightly.

"So, in other words ease dropping on me and Jack for like the fifth time today." She snaps back laughing a little. "I thought you said you and Leo were not going to interfere or mess with our love life."

"Hey, dont turn this on me. And how did you know me and Leo talked about that. You shouldn't, which in conclusion means you were ease dropping on me and Leo." I say smiling.

"I wasn't ease dropping. What do you call it, 'accidentally hearing things you shouldn't." Hayley says laughing using my own words against me.

"Excuse me. That is my line and like i said it was an accident. Now, tell me about Jack and you." I say smiling down at my sister as she laugh a little.

"Well, like you accidentally hear my conversations, I accidentally hear you conversations." Hayley says laugh in before i pull her hair.

"Stop trying to avoid the conversation. I want answers." I say.

"Okay, okay, fine. Just stop pulling my hair." Hayley says as i laugh slightly. "There is something going on i think. We talked like you heard."

"Accidentally." I shoot in.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, he said that he was scared and when he saw me he knew i was the one, I guess." Hayley smiles playing with her hands.

"Well, i am glad that you are happy. You haven't been this happy in a while." I say as i tie Hayley's hair in a ponytail.

"Y/n, can i ask you something?"

"Yea, of course. What is it?"

"This morning you were telling me about you and Aspen. Do you mind telling my more of the story or the more detailed version. You kind of gave me the rough over view i guess."

"Of course. Lets sit on my bed. I have popcorn under my bed." I say as we make our way over to my bed.

"You have popcorn under your bed. Why?" Hayley asks laughing.

"Well, sometimes when Leo says lights out I don't listen and i go off to my room and eat popcorn and watch movies."

"I should come to you room more often." Hayley says laughing as i chuckle at her.

"Any ways let the story begin."


"Mom, mom. It cam, it came." I say excitedly as i run around the house. "The letter. The letter that let me know if I will dance in France."

"Thats great, honey." My mom smiles. "Open the letter."

"I cant. I'm to scared." I say as i throw the letter somewhere. "If i dont open it i will never know if i didn't make it."

"But if you dont open it, then you dont know if you made it and will dance in France." My mom says trying to negotiate with me.

"I dont want to get rejected." I say as i start to past around the room. "But this could make my dance career. And that would be good. But if i dont make it in my life is ruined."

"How about i open the letter." My father says picking up the letter to open it.

"Dont you dare." I start to chase him around the kitchen and jump on his back. "Give me the letter that i dont want to read." I shout trying to grab the letter from my fathers hand.

"Hayley, open the letter." My dad says handing the letter to my mom. "I will hold her off."

"Hayley, if you even touch the envelope i will kill you. Remember i still play softball."

"Congratulations, Y/n Woods we would like to offer you a spot in our dancing competition." Hayley reads out as i scream.

"I did it, I did it." I scream as i start t do my victory dance. "Oh, my god. I have to start training and get 8 dances ready and i have to get my costumes. That also means i have to write 8 songs. Why would you tell my to audition for this. I am going to die."

"Y/n, calm down. You are going to do fine." Hayley say.

"Fine is not good enough. I need to be perfect." I say running of to my room


"I remember that day. You went crazy. In 8 months you had 8 songs and 8 dances and you were going though all of you old costumes trying to make new ones." Hayley laughed.

"It was not funny. I was a mess. I was working 6 days a week with over time and was training and tutoring you and Alex in every other subject. Anyways."


8 months later

"Y/n, come eat. You have been practicing enough." My mom says waking into the garage.

"Enough is not good enough. Everything has to be perfect." I say stopping my music. "This girls have been practicing everyday probably 8 hours a day and training all day everyday. And i am working 2 jobs, overtime to pay for everything." I say taking a seat.

"Y/n, you could have asked for your father or me to help you. You don't have to do everything by yourself. You are the strongest and most powerful girl i know. You can do everything you want. The other girls my have trained everyday but they dont want it as much as you do. They dont work as hard as you do and they certainly do not have the heart like you do. You aren't scared and you are working your ass of because you want it more than any of them."

"Thanks mom." I say taking a breath.


4 months later

"Come on, we are going to be later for our flight." I shout pulling Hayley down the stairs as we all start loading into the car.

"We aren't going to be later. Plus, we dont have to be there till Sunday, and today is Wednesday." My mom says as she gets into the car. "We have everything." We all nod.

"Great let get going." Dad says smiling as he starts the car. "So what is the plan for this week."

"Well, Y/n and i have to go sing her in on Sunday and then on Monday is there first competition and then she will dance again on Wednesday. So every second day she will have to dance and each day a girl goes eliminated."

"Ok, and the hotel is all payed for. We got two rooms right?"

"Yes. Y/n and i will take one and you and the kids can have the other." Mom says to our father.

"Mommy, why does Y/n get her own room?" Little Alex asks.

"Because she has to wake up i early and go to the gym and show up to rehearsals and meetings."



"Come on mom, we are going to be late and i am not going to be that one late kid." I say dragging my mother along with me to the studio.

"We are 10 minutes early we are on time. You dont have to worry." Mom says as we walk into the studio.

"And you are?" Some man in a suite says.

"Y/n Woods."

"Ahh, go to the room on the left. We are going to our meeting soon. Your mother will be in the room beside you." The dude says. "The parents are just going to have to go over some rules and regulations." My mom nods and we start walking to the rooms.

"See you soon kid." My mom says as we hug and go to our separate rooms.

"Hello, my name is Aspen. I have won this competition twice. If you want to place well you should hang out with me." The girl says.

"Well, i am not interested in your handouts. i can win without your help." I say smirking and looking at the girl  up and down.

"No one talks to me like that." She says shocked.

"Well, obviously some one should." I snap back.

"I'm sorry?" She says confused.

"I accept your apology." I smirk as i walk away to go sit down as i hear some snickers. Minutes later the suite man walks in and starts to talk about the rules and the schedule for rehearsal rooms and some other thing.



"Are you ready?"  My mom asks as i finish doing my hair. 

"Yep, i have my USP ready, my extra costumes just in case along with extra dance shoes and all my hair stuff along with my make up." I list off making sure i have everything. 

"Okay, i am going to drop you off then you father and I will come watch you."

"That works for me."

I walked into the studio and found a place to practice and stretch.

I put my headphones in my ears and started to warm up and do the sketch of my dance.

"If that is how you dance on stage, then you will not even come close to winning." Aspen says walking up to me.

"Well if i looked like you i dont think i would win anything ether." I say smiling. "Plus, i know i am better than you and your worthless sister."

"You dont get to talk to me like that."

"I get to talk however i want. Free country." I say. "Now get out." I snap as i close the door and get back to work.

About an hour later a suit guy comes in telling us it is time to get ready. Everyone rushes of to there places and starts get changed.

After my dance the everyone cheers as i smile and do a little bow before running of stage smiling.

The week goes on and more and more people are sent home until it is just Aspen and her sister Izzy and of course me. To night was going to be the semi-finals and i was ready. I wasn't scared but i could tell that Aspen and Izzy were.

I fished my dance and like normal everyone cheered and i smiled running off. I was confident and I knew i was going to move on.

Next it was Izzy and she was almost done her dance and she slipped on her dress and fell. She tried to make it look like it was part of the dance but the judges didn't seem to impressed.

Sure enough i was right and Aspen and i moved on.

The Night Of The Finals

I got this, i got this, i kept on repeating in my head trying to calm myself down.

I walk out to the side of the stage. Aspe was up first and i decided to watch. As soon as she started dancing I recognized the song and the choreography. It was my dance and song. The song i put months of effort into.

I walk up to one of the people in charge of the completion.

"Excuse me, but this is my song and dance."

"What do you mean?" The suit guy asks.

"I wrote this song and made this dance. Aspen stole it." I explain.

"Okay, i will tell the judges. You might still have to preform a different song and dance." He says.

I nod as he walks out to talk to the judges that just nod. I couldn't tell what they were say saying or doing. Then suit dude comes back.

"Okay, so... they said you will have to preform the same song and dance and at the end they will get the police involved." He says as i nod and he keeps on talking. "If this is your dance and song, they will get fined and kicked out of the dance competition. Do you have any proof?"

"I have all my work on my computer back at the hotel and all my dances and songs are made by me. If that helps."

"Okay, i will ask one of your parents to go and get your computer and we will tried to get this sorted out." I nod and Aspen comes off stage, smiling smugly as i walk up on stage and get into position and start to dance.

I finish and walk of stage and see the police in the wings. "Okay, everyone come with me." On officer calls out. "Okay, before we start would anyone like to confess to stealing a song."

Everyone shakes there head and we all get taken into individual questioning with lie detectors and what not until my father comes back with my computer and i give them the proof.

"I would never do such a thing." Aspen shouts outraged.

"Why would you do that Aspen?" Her mother yells at her.

"I wanted to win so, i stole her song and dance. This is al you fault, you should have gotten me the better dance teacher." Aspen shouts again as they continue to argue.

"Okay, since we got this solved, miss. woods, you win and Aspen you are banned from ever dancing here again and this will be sent out to all studios." One of the judges says. "Lets go we have to crown our winner.

"Lady's and gentleman. I give you our winner... Miss Y/n woods." I walk out on stage and flower are thrown every were and cheers fill the room. I get handed a big shinny trophy and smile as i get photos taken of me.


"And that is what happened my dancing year in Paris." I ya finishing the story.

"I still can't believe that happened to you. Out of all people you." My sister say laughing.

"We should get to bed before Leo comes in her and beats our asses." I say laughing as i get up to leave Hayley's room.

"Goodnight, y/n/n"

"Goodnight little sister."

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