
By stanbeynika1

7.6K 554 322

Will Detective Maraj & Detective Knowles put aside their differences in order to solve the biggest case of th... More

Bad News
I Agreed
The Massage
Does this count as a date?
Revisiting Our Case
Here we go
Was This Too Easy?
"Friend" Date

The Interrogation

926 73 35
By stanbeynika1

                                  Onika P.O.V.

Orlando, Florida.
8:47 p.m.

I cannot believe I overslept! It's been 30 minutes since i've woken up and I'm heading out of the house. The suspect we're interrogating lives across town so I'll be a little late, as always. I told Knowles that I was going to be late and she called me yelling! I nearly crashed at how loud she got. After all of that was over, I finally made it to our suspects house. I got out of my car and checked the time, it was 9:10.

"Nice of you to FINALLY join me Maraj"

"Fuck you Knowles"

*Beyoncé murmurs*
"I bet you would like to do so"

"What was that? Crickets"

"Maraj let's go over the plan before we go on there. I've been here for about 10 minutes and I've seen about 4 shadows in the house"

"Yes because he lives there with his girlfriend and their two kids, did you even read the case?"

"Of course I did, I just skipped over that. Like I was saying, I saw 4 shadows. Hopefully his girlfriend doesn't interfere in our questioning. Remember we are NOT arresting him-"

"Yes, i've done this before rookie. We're just scaring him"

"Look at you taking the lead. You ready to head in?"

"Yeah let me grab my gun in case he wanna try it"

"Girl come on"

We started walking towards his house. We got to the front porch and Knowles knocked on the door. A woman's voice answered.

"Who is it?"

Knowles replied.


The woman opened the door and we showed her our badges.

"Hi, I'm detective Maraj and this is detective Knowles. We're here to question Mr. Adam Rodriguez. Is he here?"

The woman looked at us hesitantly before answering with a "yes, i'll go get him" and closed the door. When the door closed, I heard a lot of moving and shuffling. I already knew what was happening so I told Knowles to go to the back since she's quite taller than I am. As Knowles was heading to the back, the woman appeared at the door again and informed me that Mr. Rodriguez was not here. Instead of arguing with her, I just waited for Knowles to call me back there.


At the sound of my name, I ran to the back to see Knowles and Rodriguez tussling. I was kinda amazed because she has him down pretty good. I went over to cuff him and we took him to the station with us. I hate that we had to do it this way but he made it hard for us. We got in the car and it was a silent ride.

"Why'd you try to run?" I asked

He ignored my question so I didn't pressure him. We have evidence to put him in the pen but he's not the guy we're looking for. We finally made it to the station and Knowles called out an officer to bring Mr. Rodriguez in. The both of us entered the station and our chief stopped us.

"Aren't you guys clocked out? What happened?"

"Mr. Rodriguez decided to do it the hard way so instead of us questioning him at his home, we brung him here. We have enough evidence to put him in jail. I'll threaten him into cooperating, has has too much to lose" I said.

After I finished saying that, he looked between the two of us and smiled then walked away. We then walked into the interrogation room that Mr. Rodriguez was in.

"I want a lawyer"

"Woah not you making demands" said Knowles

"I want my lawyer or I'm not talking"

"Fine, I'll send an officer in so you can call your lawyer" Knowles said

"Although it was your right to a lawyer, you don't really need one. It's either you talk or you go to jail. We have enough evidence to have you convicted. I'm sure you don't want to jeopardize the relationship with your girlfriend and your two kids. Just give us what we want, don't lie to us, and you can leave."

"Wow, you are really persuasive. Adam, if you're not convinced that telling us what we want to know is the right thing to do then I don't know what else could convince you."

"Oh, did I mention that you could face up to 20 years if you're convicted? I'm sure you don't want to spend the majority of the rest of your life in that hell hole. But as promised, we'll have an officer escort you to call your lawyer. While you sit here for a few, think about what I just said"

I left the interrogation room and instructed Knowles to follow me. She saw that I was headed towards the exit doors and she stopped me.

"Maraj, where are you going? Our suspect is in there. We have to interrogate him!"

"First off Knowles, I have to drive you to your car. Secondly, this is how you get suspects to crack. We can legally hold him for 48 hours. I'm sure it'll only take him a few hours to crack, so we'll interrogate him in the morning. His family is on the line, he'll give us what we want.   Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I wasn't given the title, "Best detective in Orange county", because I didn't know what I was doing. He'll crack. Let me drive you to your car so we can go home and get rested, God knows you need it"

She looked at me and sighed in defeat. We left the building and I drove her to her car.

"Drive safe girl, see you tomorrow morning"

"See ya in the morning Maraj"

We drove our separate ways. After about 40 minutes, I FINALLY made it home. It was way past 12 and I was beyond tired. I took a quick shower. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

Orlando, Florida
6:30 a.m.

Sleep is overrated. Life as a detective is sleep depriving. It took me 10 minutes to finally get out of bed. I could use a massage right about now. Actually, let me make an appointment. I pulled out my phone and called my local massage/spa.

*Phone Call*
"Hi, this is Taylor as Massage Suite. How may I assist you?"

"Good morning Taylor. I know it's extremely early but I wanted to make an appointment. I am in dying need of a full body massage. Do you have any openings for this afternoon?"

"Sure, I can squeeze you in at 4, will anyone be accompanying you?"

"4 sounds great and I'll see if my partner wants to come. She looks like she needs a massage as well. Thank you so much Taylor"

"You're very welcome Ms.?"


"Ms. Maraj. I'll see you soon"

*End of Call*

When the call ended, I went to take a warm shower. It felt so good to be under something warm. While in the shower, I started thinking about my mom. I miss her, she's a phone call away. I should call her later today. After showering and thinking. I got out, dried off and got into my bed. I looked at my clock and I had about an hour to spare. I didn't wanna risk going to sleep so I just put on some music and stared at the ceiling. An hour later, I was in my closet looking for a chill outfit and moisturizing my body. I found something comfortable to wear and put it on. I got everything I needed and then headed out. I arrived at work earlier than usual, I hope Knowles is already here. Speaking of Knowles, our relationship has gotten better. She probably still doesn't like me but she's being very mature, which I appreciate. Finally arriving at the station, I got out and entered the building. I went to the side room and got me a coffee to wake me up some more. After that, I got on the elevator and went to the narcotics unit. Getting off, I was greeted by the other detectives and I was surprised to see that Knowles was here as well. She walked up to me.

"You ready to interrogate? Rodriguez looks like he's ready to tell us something!"

"See? I told you it would work. Let me put my stuff down then we can head in there."

I headed to my office, put my stuff down then the both of us headed to the interrogation area. We entered the room that Rodriguez is being held in and he indeed looked ready to tell us whatever we wanted.

"Good morning Rodriguez" I said. "You ready to tell us what we want?"

"Yes! Whatever I need to get out of here!"

"Good, Knowles will start then I will finish. Don't speak if you're not being spoken to. Don't lie with your responses, i'm good at catching liars. Knowles, begin"

"Good morning Rodriguez. Let's get right into it. What exactly do you do for Mr. Harris?"

"I sell drugs for him, that's it. Whatever else he does, I have nothing else to do with that"

"If you say so. What kind of drugs do you sell for him?"

"You know the usual. Weed, meth, heroine."

"Is that all?"

"Yes I swear."

"Detective Maraj, your turn"

"I'm gonna get right into it. Where can we find Mr. Harris? Don't lie either"

"I don't know! I've never met the man"

"Are you sure? Then what is this picture. Is this not you with him?"

"Fuck! Okay i've met him but I don't know where to find him. He's everywhere. I'm playing with my life by even telling y'all this. Can I get immunity? I only sell drugs for my kids and soon to be girlfriend."

"You know, for you to be such a big man. You sure do give up information quickly" Knowles said.

"Exactly, I was expecting this to be hard. We could've did this at his house. Well I think that's all the questions we have for you. If you run anything back to anyone, we will know. Please keep in mind that we have stuff to convict you. You don't wanna mess with me sir."

"So I can go?"

"Yes. Knowles, get him an officer to uncuff him and escort him to the front. I'll be in my office so come in there when you're done."

I left the room and went to my office. It was only 10 in the morning. I decided to look more into Mr. Harris life. He is indeed a drug lord but there's also evidence that ties him to murders. I'm playing with fire right now, this man is dangerous. A knock sounded off on my door.

"Come in"

"Hey Maraj"

"Knowles, call me Onika"

"Well if that's the case, call me Bey"

"Hey Bey, I wanted to ask you something"

"And that would be?"

"Would you like to get a massage with me? I need one and it looks like you do to. The appointment is at 4 so let me-"

"Are you paying? If so then hell yeah! My back and shoulders are tight!"

"Great. More importantly, I've found out where we can find Mr. Harris. The P.I. has spotted him at this warehouse a numerous amount of times. Of course we're not gonna rush in though, this man is dangerous. Um, come up with a plan and I'll do the same and we'll see who's idea is better, okay?"

"Why can we go in right away?"

"Knowles did you hear me? This man is dangerous. We'll get killed if we go in. I'm only 30, I got a life to live girl"

"You're 30? You look younger. I'm 28"

"I figured you were younger, you act immature."

"Not you trying to roast"

"I didn't try, I did"

"Yeah whatever, I'll be back in 30 with my great ass plan"


Okay this was my longest chapter. The story WILL get better! Just read along. Also, I'll be updating every weekend because i'm still in school! Anyways, do y'all like it?

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