RAGE | Jasper Hale [3]

By typicalwriternerd

22.4K 711 293

Part three, previous parts ---> PAIN | Jasper Hale [1], LONELINESS | Jasper Hale [2] "Regret won't fix this."... More



4.1K 128 71
By typicalwriternerd

AFTER Charlie's visit last night, all three of us finished unpacking with our magic. It took less than five minutes and after that we just went immediately to bed. Thankfully without any bickering.

Now it was morning and I could hear someone already showering in the bathroom. I groaned and stuck my head under the pillow, just gathering strength to get up and face the day that's ahead of me.

Going back to normal school is going to be tough. I was so used to my studies back in Kaasedera and acting like a sorceress, that I knew that it was going to be tough to act human again.

While I was thinking, I suddenly heard Carlos scream from the bathroom. I jumped from my bed and rushed out to the hallway and towards the bathroom, just to see Carlos standing half naked in front of the shower while Vivi calmly washed her teeth.

"The hell is going on?!" I demanded, glaring at the two of them.

Carlos continuing to grip the towel around his waist pointed at Vivi "She! She just barged in while I was in the shower!"

Genevieve rolled her eyes and spat out the toothpaste, saying "Oh, grow up. It's not like I haven't seen a naked man before"

While they continued to argue, I simply sighed and ran a hand down my face.

"DORA!" they yelled at the same time, staring at me and waiting for me to pick a side.

I just shook my head and said, quietly "Coffee"


"Coffee" I responded a little louder, as I headed downstairs completely ignoring their argument.

I made my coffee and sat down on the counter just blankly staring at the tiles, when I heard my roommates heading downstairs.

"—you have a bigger room!" Carlos argued, walking after Vivi.

"I have more clothes, plus I found this house. So of course I have a bigger room"

"But, where am I supposed to put my vinyls?! There's already no room in my bedroom!"

"Not my problem, Carl"

"Don't call me that! Chica, say something to her!"

"Babe, shut him up!"

I just sighed and took a sip of my coffee, before getting up and holding the cup above my head "Coffee..."

With that I walked to my room ignoring their arguments, just hoping that they'll resolve it themselves. Shutting the door to my room, I sighed in relief as the noise became tuned out. I slid down the door, to sit on the ground with my coffee and look at my new room.

The walls had a dark turquoise wallpaper with golden branches on it, paired with vintage golden frames and golden curtains. The furniture was old and wooden, just like the bed that had beige and dark turquoise covers on it. Actually the room was the same as it was when the other owners lived here, aside from the covers and curtains which Vivi chose. Overall the room was old but beautiful, very much in my style.

Finally after a few moments, I stood up and opened the window, letting some fresh but chilly air inside. Then I started rummaging through my closet, trying to find something to wear while sipping on my coffee.

After, good ten minutes of thinking, I decided to wear black bootcut jeans, AC/DC baggy t-shirt and my leather jacket. I really wasn't feeling good enough to pick something more put together and original.

I pulled my medium length purple hair in a low loose ponytail and left my curtain bangs out. Then I put on a bit stronger makeup, to draw people's attention away from my scar. Although, I already knew that nothing would help with that.

While packing my bag, I put on my silver rings and earrings. When I was done, I left my room and went downstairs where my roommates were finally quiet.

Carlos was just finishing making breakfast as Genevieve sat at the table, reading one of our textbooks. I sat down next to her and just sighed.

I really wasn't looking forward to the next few months.

"It's been quite a while since I was in school... well more like in college, never in my immortal life have I considered going through high school" Genevieve said, while still looking through the textbook.

"Nothing to look forward to Vivi. Believe me" I said, while playing with my rings.

Carlos came over and placed our plates on the table, saying "I remember my school days quite well, actually. I was very popular"

"As a class clown?" I asked, with a raised brow making Vivi snort.

He huffed and put is hands on his hips "If you're going to be such a smart ass, then i won't be making breakfast for you anymore"

I raised my hands up "Okay, okay sorry"

When we were all done with breakfast, we headed out to Carlos's car. He got into the driver's seat, Vivi into the passenger's seat and I got in the back.

Our drive was thankfully peaceful, as some music played to fill in the silence. All three of us were a bit on edge. Well, maybe not Carlos because... well. He's Carlos.

I was actually falling a bit asleep, which was a weird experience for me since I don't need that much rest anymore as a sorceress. But then again. The last few days were very tiresome emotionally, and that's a tiredness that even my seidr couldn't fix.

Finally we made it to the parking lot, where every student was already looking at Carlos' black 1965 mustang coupe with red seats. Because of course he couldn't pick a normal car to bring here. But once again. He's Carlos.

He pulled up in the corner where he wouldn't bother anyone for a while, and all three of us exited the car. With me being the last one, as Carlos folded the seat and took my hand in his to help me get out.

"Thanks" I said and squeezed his hand with a smile.

Carlos of course being the drama queen he is, bowed slightly saying "Anything for my Lady"

I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder lightly "Stop it, you idiot"

He laughed and kissed my hand "Sorry, mi princesa"

Before I could roll my eyes again, Genevieve spoke up.

"Dora, your friends are here as well"

I looked away from Carlos and towards the parking spots that I already knew were theirs. And indeed they were here, and looking straight at me.

But I frowned slightly, seeing that neither Bella or Edward were with the group. Instead they were standing by Bella's truck, trying hard not to look at me or the other Cullens.


As I looked their way, my eyes briefly connected with the black eyes of the one and only Jasper Hale.

We held each other's gaze for a few seconds. As it was no secret that we still longed for the times when things were simpler. For a time when we were together...

Thinking about that, I looked away instantly much like he did. Almost in perfect sync.

"Well of course they are. They're back to living here and the humans think that they're also human so you know..." I mumbled.

"Hmm... I do wonder what possessed them to try and pass for high schoolers. Your sister's boy looks the part... but the others don't fit the picture" Genevieve said, her eyes still focused on the vampires "Not a good strategy..."

I rolled my eyes and punched her shoulder lightly "Vivi. It's not a mission, so get out of your head a bit, okay?"

Instantly, Genevieve relaxed and her eyes focused back on us "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I got too occupied with passing as a student and you know how I get"

"We know" said both me and Carlos, with deadpanned looks.

"Either way, what are you gonna do?" I asked, Carlos.

He grinned "I'll be your stay at home husband, honey! I'll cook, clean and wash your clothes waiting for your return!"

Genevieve and I just stared at him, making him slowly lose his grin and pout.

"Fine. I'll also look for a job, since I'm "too old looking" to pass as a student with you. Which is very rude by the way, chica!"

I laughed and ruffled his brown locks "Lose the pout, Carlos. You look very handsome, just not high school handsome"

Right away the man nodded, looking much more confident "Yes, yes you're right. I am handsome"

"For a dumbass" Vivi added.

Before Carlos could open his mouth to start yet another argument, I put my hand over his lips.

"Nope! No more arguing today, kids!"

Genevieve grinned, responding "Of course, babe"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Carlos "I'm gonna take my hand down and you won't start another bickering match. You understand me?"

He nodded and I lifted my hand from his lips.

"Anything for you, mi princesa" he said, before kissing my cheek quickly.

I shook my head and let him. Knowing that Carlos was a very physical person. He loved hugging and kissing people close to him. Also I got used to it and sometimes even kissed his cheek in return.

"Okay, I'll be going now. I'll pick you up, just text me the time and don't cause trouble kids" Carlos said while getting into his car.

Genevieve laughed "Just don't burn the house down, Carlos"

He gasped, acting offended "Me?! Never! What kind of stay at home husband would I be?!"

"A shitty one, so don't do that or we'll get a divorce" I said, with a grin.

Carlos gasped dramatically, saying "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, sweetheart I would. And I would take the kids" I said, seriously.

He gasped again "I knew you were trouble the day we got married!"

"And now you gotta deal with it, pretty boy. So hurry home and prepare that dinner" I said while bending down and kissing his cheek through the rolled down window.

He nodded "Right away, honey!" with that we all laughed and Carlos drove away.

None of us noticed the way the Cullens were looking between me and Carlos.

As Carlos disappeared out of the parking lot, Genevieve and I looked at each other with a smile.

"So, if I remember our schedule correctly then... we have Chemistry now" I said while trying to find the schedule in my bag.

Genevieve hummed, asking "Are you good at chemistry?"

My heart panged painfully, as I remember how Jasper was always the one to do everything related to chemistry. I was always bad at it and was scared of any experiment involving fire...

How ironic that my default ability was fire.

"No, I really suck at it. Do you know anything about chemistry?"

"Also no, it was always useless in my life" Genevieve responded, making me frown a bit.

"But aren't you, like... very good at making potions?"


"Isn't chemistry like making potions?" I asked, still frowning.

Vivi looked confused as she shook her head "No. no it's totally different"

"But you mix things to get a certain reaction or a certain kind of liquid. Just like in chemistry" I

said, still looking at her with a dumbfounded look.

"Totally different. I assure you" Genevieve said in the confidence that would make me believe that the sun was blue.

"Okay, then" I said, deciding to drop the subject.

Slowly together we made our way towards the entrance, ignoring all the whispering about us. Suddenly coming back here seemed like an even worse idea...

Just as some of my anxiety came back, I felt Vivi gently grab my hand and squeeze it.

I looked at her and smiled seeing that she understood exactly what was going on.

"Thanks" I said to her, running my thumb over her knuckles.

She nodded, whispering "Don't think about them. They're just idiotic teenagers, nothing more"

I chuckled dryly "Well, teenagers scare the living shit out of me"

Vivi laughed "Oh, please. I would be more worried about the pale squad that's following us"

Reaching out with my seidr, I instantly got an electric shock running down my spine. Signalling that indeed, the Cullens were not far behind us.

Glancing at Vivi, I just chuckled and shook my head.

When we entered, I thought that everyone would stare at us and whisper some more. But to my surprise everyone was just minding their own business. I don't think that they even noticed us entering.

"Okay, let's head to the office and get your stuff set up. Then we'll head to class" I said, leading Vivi through the corridors.

As Genevieve talked to the secretary, I waited outside looking over the schedule when I noticed someone waking up to me. I glanced up and sighed internally.

"Yes, Bella?"

She awkwardly played with the end of her flannel, while saying "Hi, Thea. I em... I'm sorry for yesterday. I really appreciate your help and protection, I shouldn't ask you to remove it. I'm sorry"

I just sighed and ran a hand through my bangs "Bella, I'm tired of this. Really. At one moment you're acting like a self absorbed bitch and in the other you're all apologetic and sweet. Please just decide which one you wanna be, cause all this bipolar shit is making my head spin"

Bella went red and looked down at her shoes "Okay, I'll just... I'm really sorry. You've done so much for me and you always were there and then the cliffs—" she cut herself off, choking on tears "I'm so so sorry, Thea"

Seeing her tear up like that, made me curse and wrap my arms around her "Shh... it's okay. I'm okay and we're fine. Don't sweat it, sis. I'm not dying again anytime soon"

We stayed there, just hugging each other while I glared at anyone who looked at us wrong. Finally, when I noticed Edward stop not far away from us, clearly waiting for Bella, I pulled away.

"Okay, get your shit together Bells. We're fine, okay? Just don't go and pull any more shit. I'm serious"

She nodded and let me wipe her cheeks, while she said "Okay, I won't. I swear that, I won't. Thank you, really thank you and I'm—"

"Say sorry one more time and I'll kick your skinny ass" I said, glaring at her.

"Okay, so— I mean okay"

I rolled my eyes and ruffled her hair "Okay, now go. We're fine"

Hesitantly she hugged me one more time, before returning to her boyfriend. I watched her go and made sure to take down my mental shield to let Edward know just how much of a fucking asshole he was.

Of course he just looked down like a kicked puppy and avoided my gaze.

"I'm all set, you ready?" Vivi said, as she left the office.

I looked at her and raised a brow, asking "Do I look ready?"

"Hell, no" she responded with a grin.

A few minutes later, we were talking with the Chemistry teacher. He wasn't happy to have me back along with a new student, so close to the graduation but there was nothing he could do. We convinced him that Genevieve didn't need an introduction and that I would simply sit with her and help her along.

We did use some magic to accomplish this.

I led Vivi to one of the last desks and sat down, pulling out my textbooks hoping that they would save us.

Class started to fill up with students, while Vivi and I tried to understand in what hellish language was the Chemistry textbook, written in.

"—this makes no sense!" Genevieve raged, re-reading the same page again and again.

"No, shit Sherlock!" I said, feeling like I was about to rip all my hair out.

Neither of us focused on the fact that a familiar pair sat down in the row next to us.

"Why did you choose Chemistry? Is it possible to change this hellish class?" Vivi asked, annoyed.

I looked up from the book and glared at her "I didn't choose this class! They gave me whatever was available!"

"If you're quite done, Miss Summers, Miss Auclair. I would like for this lesson to begin" said the teacher, gaining our attention along with the whole class.

Fucking great.

Before Genevieve could say something terrible, I gripped her hand squeezing it painfully as I answered the teacher "Of course, sir. We apologise"

He only nodded and started writing something on the blackboard, while I released Vivi's hand making her hiss.

"Damn, you didn't have to burn me too" she mumbled, while rubbing her slightly burned hand.

Glancing at her hand, I frowned "Sorry, didn't mean to. I slip, sometimes"

She nodded and suddenly froze while looking at the row next to us.

Confused, I turned just to freeze as well, as I saw Jasper and Alice sitting there. Jasper was stoically looking down at his notebook, but he did look our way as Alice smiled and waved unsurely at us.

Our gaze connected the second time today, but this time he smiled at me. It was small and a bit sad, but still.

It was there...

Vivi smiled and waved back, while I just nodded and turned back to stare blankly at the blackboard. My heart was beating fast in my chest, as my cheeks grew hotter.

I didn't know why I reacted this way... I saw them earlier today. I saw him. So why—?

"Dora, don't burn the desk"

Glancing down, I yelped seeing the purple veins on my hands and the smoking desk. Quickly I took my hands away, while Vivi tried to blow out the smoke and smell of burned plastic.

"Girls, what are you doing?" the teacher asked, looking at the surely comedic scene we created.

We both froze and grinned sheepishly, as I responded "Nothing! Sorry. Please continue!"

The teacher rolled his eyes and turned back to the blackboard, making me sigh in relief.

Being human was truly exhausting...

Here we go! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Now I want to explain something real quick! I know that some of you don't want Thea to always forgive Bella, but as you all know. One of Thea's flaws as a character is her weakness towards her sister and for now I want to keep that. Because I know how awesome it would be if she'd be perfect and always made all the right decisions. But the truth is that perfect characters aren't realistic. We all have family members, friends or lovers that we have a "soft spot" for, and even if what they're doing is wrong we forgive them. We know it's bad, but we're still gonna do it. Because we're all human. And humans make mistakes. Just like Thea does with Bella. With that out of the way, please tell me how you liked Thea/Vivi/Carlos combo as roommates? Do you want more of that? What would you like to see done with their characters? And what do you wanna see happen in the near future?

Also here! Grab the moodboard I made for Thea! By the way, what do you think about this book's cover and chapter banners?

As always, if you have any questions or ideas please leave a comment ;)

Love y'all!!

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