An Outsider That Who Knows Ab...

By MavTheStonks14

37.4K 644 359

Y/n L/n has a normal life on his world but suddenly he was Gap to gensokyo. instead of being freak out hes ju... More

Character info
(Chapter 0) Nice Portal Bro
(Chapter 1) New Youkai?
(Chapter 2) Daily life on Gensokyo
(Chapter 3) A New Magician
(Chapter 4) The Bamboo Forest Part 1
(Chapter 5) The Bamboo Forest Part 2
(Chapter 6) The Bamboo Forest Part 3
(Chapter 7) The Bamboo Forest Part 4
(Chapter 8) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 1
(Chapter 10) Misty Lake
(Short Chapter 10.5) Happy Teachers Day Patchouli-Sensei!
(Chapter 11) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 3
(Chapter 12) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 4
(Chapter 13) The Hakurei Shrine
(Chapter 14) Da★Ze
(Short Chapter 15) Human Village... Again
(Chapter 16) What a cute fac- I mean dolls
(Chapter 17) Let Me Say Goodbye To Everyone First
(Chapter 18) Goodbye Gensokyo, Hello Again My Own World
Thank You For Reading
The Gensokyo That Who Knows About An Old Outsider

(Chapter 9) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 2

1.1K 24 6
By MavTheStonks14

Time check its telling what time in gensokyo right now
"Yo" : Dialogue
*Yo* : Action
Yo : thoughts


(Timecheck 3:40 Pm Thursday)

Y/N : "Im tired...i want something to drink..."

Right now im on my room. Guest room of course. lying on the bed

Y/N : "...Maybe i'll get ready before Patchouli-Sensei got mad me..."

Then i take a shower and wear the butler suit that Sakuya gave me... Then head to the library

(Timeskip) (Time check 3:50 Pm Thursday)

While im walking through the library i hear their conversation

Patchouli : "So what brings you here to today Alice?"

Alice : "Im just here to talk about for something. And to stay away for Marisa for a while"

Patchouli : "I see..."

Y/N : "Marisa eh?" Then a doll point a sword in my neck. While i hear Alice say something

Alice : "You know it's bad to listen on other conversation right?"

Then i walk inside of the library while holding her doll

Y/N : "Not a bad weapon Ms. Alice Margatroid"

Then Alice was shock when i say her full name

Alice : "How did you know my name?!"

Patchouli : "Surprising dosen't it?"

Alice : "What do you mean?"

Patchouli : "He's a human that know about us. I don't know how to explain but you can test him"

Y/N : "Hey Pathcouli!"

Patchouli : "I said with Sensei right?"

Y/N : "Right im sorry..."

Alice : "Then. Let me ask you a question"

Y/N : "Go ahead"

Alice : "Where do i live?"

Y/N : "Really? A easy one?"

Alice : "Just answer it!"

Y/N : "The Forest Of Magic. Near to Marisa's house" 

Alice : "What the?"

Patchouli : "Get used to it Alice"

Alice : "Im not done yet! Let me ask you again!"

Y/N : "Sure sure sure..."

Alice : "Did you know my secret? Of course you don't!"

Y/N : "Come here Ms. Alice"

Alice : "huh?"

Then she walk through to me and i whisper it on her ear

Alice : "Wha?!"

Y/N : "Nice secret by the way"

Alice : "Who is this g-guy?! A Stalker or what!?"

Patchouli : "Maybe a Stalker"

Y/N : "Hey!"

Alice : "Anyways give me that!"

Y/N : "Oh right sorry"

Then i lend her the doll and she sit back on her seat

Y/N : "Anyways Patchouli-Sensei. What should i do in here?"

Patchouli : "Just help Koakuma in there. But when i call you please come immediately okay?"

Y/N : "As you wish" Then i head to Koakuma

Koakuma : "Oh do you need something Y/N?"

Y/N : "Well Patchouli-Sensei i should help you in there. But what are you doing by the way?"

Koakuma : "Well im getting ready to collects some ingredients that Master Patchouli told me. So wanna help me?"

Y/N : "Patchouli-Sensei will call me later... So maybe that's a no"

Koakuma : "Then just put this books on the shelf. Can you do it?"

Y/N : "Yeah i can do that"

Koakuma : "Then thank you" Then she leave 

Y/N : "Alright let's put this one in here and..."

(Timeskip) (Time check 4:40 Pm Thursday)

Y/N : "And... Done!"

Im done placing the books on the shelf and now im talking a rest. Because i've been walking and finding the places for the books

Y/N : *Sigh* "Im tired already... Now what?"

Patchouli : "Great job Y/N"

Then i quickly stand up

Y/N : "H-Hello Patchouli-Sensei! Are been watching me? Or you just came...?"

Patchouli : "I've been watching you in the whole time"

Y/N : "Then you must be calling me eariler... Sorry i didn't hear it"

Patchouli : "It's fine. Im just happy cause all the books in the floors you bring it back to the shelf"

Y/N : "Oh"

Patchouli : "Anyways im done talking to Alice"

Y/N : "So what are you gonna do now?"

Patchouli : "Im just need to wait for Koakuma for the ingredients that i've been request to her"

Y/N : "I see. Then what im gonna do now?"

Patchouli : "We are done training you so do what do you want for a while"

Y/N : "Then thank you. Cya later"

Then i head out to the library and i head to my room

Y/N : "Lying down it's the best in here... Maybe i could fall asleep in here..." Then i close my eyes and fell asleep...

Sakuya's POV

I was walking through the library to call Y/N because i need his help with something

Sakuya : "Mistress Patchouli"

Patchouli : "What is it Sakuya?"

Sakuya : "Is Y/N in here?"

Patchouli : "He's not here. I gave him some free time for a hour. Why?"

Sakuya : "I just need his help with something"

Patchouli : "Have you tried checking the garden or his room?"

Sakuya : "The garden. He's not in there but maybe his room. Thank you Mistress Patchouli"

Patchouli : "Your welcome"

Then i leave the library and head to Y/N's room

Sakuya : *Knock* *Knock* "Y/N?"

I call his name but there's no response. So i call him again 

Sakuya :"Y/N?" 

still no response so i open the door and i saw him sleeping on the floor

Sakuya : *Sigh* "I know you faking your sleep Y/N so get up in there i need you help... Y/N?" He's still not responding... Maybe he's really asleep... But why on the floor?

And i carry him to his bed 

Sakuya : "You must be tired. Then i'll you sleep for a while" Then i leave his room

(Timeskip) (Time check 8:50 Pm Thursday)

 Y/N's POV

I just woke up in my deep sleep right now and there's a food in the table

Y/N : "Maybe Sakuya bring me some food.. I should thank her later..." Then i started eating and going to the library right now. And Koakuma saw me

Koakuma : "Oh hello Y/N"

Y/N : "Yeah hello... Where's Patchouli-Sensei?"

Koakuma : "She's sleeping right now"

Y/N : "Ahh i see. Wait sleeping?!"

Koakuma : "Yes sleeping why?"

Y/N : "What time it is now?!"

Koakuma : "It's almost 9:00 In the night"

Y/N : "Oh no Patchouli must mad at me!'

Koakuma : "Don't worry she's not"

Y/N : "Are you sure about that?"

Koakuma : "Mhm. She said to me when you come in here you should help me with this books again"

Y/N : "Oh what happen though?"

Koakuma : "Well Marisa came in here again"

Y/N : "That girl..."

Koakuma : "So anyways mind helping me?"

Y/N : "Oh sure why not?" Then help her again to place the books on their own places

(Timeskip) (Time check 9:20 Pm Thursday)

Koakuma : "Thank you again Y/N"

Y/N : "Anytime"

Koakuma : "Go to sleep now i just need to clean this table then im going to rest too"

Y/N : "i can't..."

Koakuma : "Hmm? Why?"

Y/N : "I just woke up"

Koakuma : "eh? You just woke up?"

Y/N : "Yeah i didn't even notice i fell asleep though"

Koakuma : "Then what are you gonna do now?"

Y/N : "Well i don't know... Maybe helping Meiling in the gate or something like that"

Koakuma : "Well helping Meiling in there it's not bad. Then go help her in there but don't push your self"

Y/N : "Alright. And don't over work in there and goodnight"

Koakuma : "Yeah goodnight" Then i leave the library

Y/N : "Maybe i should get a coffee for the night..."

Then i head to the kitchen and hoping there's some ingredients for a perfect coffee

Y/N : "Alright let's see if there's any coffee in here..."

Sakuya : "What are you doing in there?"

I jump out cause of Sakuya

Y/N : "Oh it's you..."

Sakuya : "Let me ask this again. What are you doing in here?"

Y/N : "I just need a coffee for tonight"

Sakuya : "Why coffee? it's night and you need to sleep"

Y/N : "That's the point i can't sleep"

Sakuya : "Did you just wake up?"

Y/N : "Well yeah i just"

Sakuya : "And why you need a coffee?"

Y/N : "For me and Meiling of course"

Sakuya : "Why you need to give coffee to Meiling?"

Y/N : "Of course to keep her awake and me"

Sakuya : "I haven't try that... But wait in here i'll make you a coffee"

Y/N : "Make it kinda strong and thanks"

Sakuya : "Your welcome"

Then she started to make some coffee for me and Meiling

Sakuya : "So how's your sleep?"

Y/N : "Doing good i guess. I mean this is the first time i woke up in this hour"

Sakuya : "Get used to it"

Y/N : "Yeah maybe... Anyways thank you for the food earlier"

Sakuya : "No problem Y/N. Anyways here"

She lend me a two coffee

Sakuya : "On the left it's for you and on the it's for Meiling got it?"

Y/N : "Thank you"

Sakuya : "By the way... Are you gonna help Meiling guarding the gate in there?"

Y/N : "Well yeah i don't have anything to do at this hour so yeah im gonna help her"

Sakuya : "Alright then be careful in there"

Y/N : "Thanks"

Then i head to the gate and saw Meiling practicing some battle position

Y/N : "Hey Meiling"

Meiling : "huh? Oh hello Y/N! Why are you still awake?"

Y/N : "I just woke up. Here" i hand her the coffee

Meiling : "Oh thank you"

Y/N : "Your welcome"

Then i sit near to her

Meiling : "So what are you doing in here?"

Y/N : *Sip* "Im gonna help you guarding in here"

Meiling : "Oh then thank you"

Y/N : "If you want you can take a nap in there. I'll wake you up when Sakuya comes to check us. If she's gonna come here..."

Meiling : "Well i can't because you gave me a coffee and this one it's my favorite one"

Y/N : "Oh really? Then Sakuya really good at making some things like this eh?"

Meiling : "I know right?" *Sip*

Y/N : *Whisper* "She might be a good wife material though..."

Meiling : "I know"

Y/N : "Wait you hear me?"

Meiling : "Well it's quiet tonight so of course i hear you!"

Y/N : "God that's embarrassing... Please don't tell her i said that"

Meiling : "Why would i?"

Y/N : "Then thank you Meiling"

Meiling : "Heh. Thank you too because of this coffee!"

Y/N : "Heh no problem"

Then we began talking till the sun raise

(Timeskip) (Time check 1:00 Am Friday)

After some hour later Meiling began to fall asleep

Y/N : "You tired?"

Meiling : "Y-Yeah..."

Y/N : "Then take a nap for a while then i'll wake you up when it's morning"

Meiling : "Thanks..." and she asleep while standing

Y/N : "Wow she fell asleep while stand standing... Welp im the one who gonna guard this gate for a while..."

After some time later Meiling it's still asleep while im the only one who's is awake right now...

Y/N : *Humming bad apple*

??? : "Hey"

Y/N : "Hmm?" I look behind and i saw Sakuya

Sakuya : "Why Meiling it's asleep?"

Y/N : "Oh i-i uh let her sleep for a w-while... Wait im gonna wake he-"

Sakuya : "No it's fine. You are awake so it's all matter now. and it's good for Meiling to have a little nap for tonight"

Y/N : "Right... So why are still awake?"

Sakya : "Before i go to sleep im checking Meiling first that's all"

Y/N : "But you waking up 6:00 In the morning right? So your sleeping schedule it's kinda bad..."

Sakuya : "Im used to it so no need to worry about"

Y/N : "No i mean... Never mind... So 

Then Sakuya leaves and enter the mansion again

Y/N : "Weird..."

(Timeskip) (Time check 2:30 Am Friday)

Y/N : "I can't sleep..."

Right now im still on the same place but i put Meiling on my lap to make sure that she won't fall while standing asleep

Y/N : "Hey Meiling. Still asleep?"

Meiling : "..."

Y/N : "That's a yes..." I began to stroke her hair "So this is her life in here when it's night... It's kinda... No it's really boring... I should bring a book here so i don't get bored..."

It's been an hour but now im bored... I don't even know what im gonna do right now...

Y/N : "...I can't fall asleep even i try... God i miss them..."

(Timeskip) (Time check 5:30 Am Friday)

Y/N : "God finally it's morning. Hey Meiling wake up it's morning" Then meiling woke up

Meiling : "Huh...? Oh goodmorning Y/N... Am i on your lap?"

Y/N : "Yes i put you in here"

Meiling : "That's why i have a good sleep... Anyways thank you"

Y/N : "Your welcome"

Then Meiling stand up

Meiling : "So you better get ready for today Y/N"

Y/N : "Why though?"

Meiling : "Cause Lady Patchouli might need you later or maybe Sakuya too!"

Y/N : "Right... Then morning and have a nice day"

Then i leave Meiling on the gate and start getting ready for today

(Timeskip) (Time check 6:20 Am Friday)

Y/N : "Alright all done! Now let's go to Patchouli"

Then i head to the library and i just remember

Y/N : "Right... Patchouli wakes up 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning... Then what should do... Doing the chores in here? No i hate it... Maybe Koakuma needs me in there... No she might not need my help cause we clean in there last night... Maybe going to the Misty lake and go fishing? Yeah that one sounds cool. I need to ask Sakuya if they have some Fishing rod"


Sakuya : "You need what?"

Y/N : "Fishing rod. You guys have it right?"

Sakuya : "No we don't have that"

Y/N : "Well that's sucks"

Sakuya : *chuckle* "Just kidding. Go to the storage room. The fishing rod it's in there"

Y/N : "Oh thank you Sakuya"

Sakuya : "Anytime"

Then i head to the storage room and asking some of the fairy where is the storage room too

Y/N : "Thank you"

Maid Fairy : "Welcome" Then she head out

Y/N : "Alright i can do this even i hate walking too much"

After some time im in the storage room now and finding the fishing rod that i need

Y/N : "Where are you little boy..." Then some of the books fell on my head "The heck?" I check the book and remove the dust and it looks like a spell books that haven't use for decades "Should i use this book or leave this one in here... Oh right the rod!" Then i found the rod it's just near to the door and pick it up and run to the gate of the mansion while meiling saw me

Meiling : "Hey where are you going!?"

Y/N : "Im gonna go to the Misty lake then later im gonna come home!"

Meiling : "Then be careful Y/N!"

Y/N : "I will!" And then i run again


Y/N : "Finally im here..." Yes the Misty lake was too foggy but today it's my lucky day cause it's not too foggy. So i can see well

Y/N : "Alright now let's find a place to stay with"

While im walking i hear someone calling me but i didn't pay attention on it

Y/N : *Whisper* "Please not Cirno or something bad..."

??? : "Hey! I've been calling you!"

Y/N : "What the hell do you want?"

A/N : Do you think i have anything to say now? I just want to say hello there kiddo. Wait nevermind im the kid in here.

Random Places - (Rumia) (Mystia)

Human Village - (Keine)

Hakurei Shrine - (Reimu)

Forest Of Magic - (Marisa) (Alice - New) (Rinnosuke)

Scarlet Devil Mansion - (Remilia) (Flandre) (Meiling) (Sakuya) (Patchouli) (Koakuma)

Bamboo Forest Of the Lost - (Mokou)

Eientei - (Kaguya) (Eirin) (Reisen) (Tewi)

Higan - (Komachi) (Eiki)

Close Friends : (Mokou)

[Word Count 2728]

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