Clarity ~ m.c.

By kat_5sosAussies

5.8K 274 22

After losing her mom to the war in Afghanistan Lauren thought it was the hardest thing she would have to go t... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•Chaper 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
•Chapter 39•
•Chapter 40•
•Chapter 41•
•Chapter 42•
•Chapter 43•
•Chapter 44•
***Autor's Note***
•Chapter 45•
•Chapter 46•
•Chapter 48•
•Chapter 49•
•Chapter 50•
Author's Note

•Chapter 47•

70 5 0
By kat_5sosAussies


Boom Clap- Charlie XCX

Love Me Harder- Ariana Grande

Maps- Maroon 5

***Lauren's POV***

I was startled awake by the pilot on the loud speaker on the plane,

". . . We will be making our decent into Boston in just a few minutes. . ." He spoke.

Stretching, I looked out the window watching the Boston skyline get closer as we started to land back in my hometown. After doing a bunch of interviews back in Australia with my teammates it was now time for my interviews in America. As nice as it is to be back home it's kind of weird. I mean the last time I was in America I was leaving to move to Australia to get away from my dad, but now that he's finally out of our lives I'm returning home not only to do interviews but to chase down the only boy who I'm crazy about.

Thinking about Michael I quickly looked through my bag and found the letter Michael left for me back home along with the concert ticket and backstage pass. I was excited to see him, mainly because I was going to surprise him. The ticket was good for any concert but the only time where we were going to be in the same city was Washington D.C. plus Dominique was going to the One Direction concert in D.C. too. Which was awesome because then I can visit Dominique too.

"Lauren." I heard a low whisper coming from Andrew as he started to wake up since we've been flying all night.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"What's that?" He asked me noticing the letter in my hand.

"Oh it's the letter from Michael." I blush. I had to tell my family about it but I wouldn't let anyone read it.

"You know he was really happy for you when you were in the Olympics." Andrew told me. "He was very persistent about watching you and wouldn't shut up about how amazing you were."

"Really?" I blushed again, slightly embarrassed that I was having this conversation with my brother and the effect Michael has on me even when I'm not near him.

"Yep." he said and it grew silent for a moment between us. He glanced out the window and saw the skyline around us. "You know after mom died I never would have imagined what happened to us would have ever happen." He remarked in amazement.

"You say it likes it's a good thing." I slightly chuckle questioning him.

"Well it's obviously not, especially what dad did to you, but in a way it made us stronger." he pointed out.

"And trust less." I added. "Like come on Andrew I push people away." I told him.

"Oh come on Lauren you can't be bitter about it. Look what happened with Michael and the guys."

"Um I kind of need more of an explanation." I say.

"I've never seen you get closer or more trusting to anyone faster than with them." He said. "Since mom died I've watched you push so many people away and even though you thought you were just pushing Michael away it actually made him crazier about you." He told me.

"And you know that because?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Lauren it was pretty obvious." Andrew explained. "You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it." he laughed and I chuckled with him.

"You know you understand a lot of my problems more than a 13 year old boy should." I laughed.

"Hey I'm your brother, I know your problems whether I want too or not, we're that close." He pointed out.

"I know and your awesome for that." I said while hugging him.

"Okay. Okay. I maybe your brother but no public hugs I don't need my friends knowing that I have a soft spot for helping my sisters." He said trying to be cool and pushed me away and I laughed even more.

"Oh I'm sorry am I hurting your big tuff reputation?" I joked pinching his check to embarrass him more.

"Really?" he laughed.

"Hey I'm your sister and it's in my job description to embarrass you." I told him. "But that doesn't mean you can't give me a hug."

"I know." he sighed and gave me a hug.

"Now was that so hard? Just because you want to be cool doesn't mean you can give us hugs." I told him and he just rolled his eyes laughing.

The pilot went back on the loud speaker about how we were making our descent and the rest of our family finally woke up. Time to start these interviews.

***A few days later***

***Michael's POV***

Waking up in my bunk, I groggily climb out to start another day of tour. Walking to the front of the tour bus, someone from the crew was making breakfast while watching TV, the news was on. Calum and Ashton were already up sitting at the table with cups of coffee, still looking half asleep and exhausted from our show last night. Luke was nowhere to be found, still asleep in his bunk but would be getting up any minute now.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and then took a seat next to Calum. However, I was still half asleep, so I ended up placing my head in my arms and almost fell back asleep if food wasn't placed I front of me. Cal, Ash and I ate in silence while watching the news trying to wake up when Luke stumbled into the kitchen.

"Where are we?" Luke yawned while rubbing his eyes and took the seat next to Ash opposite of Cal and me.

"Hershey Park Stadium." Cal told him.

Last night we had our show in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, the next shows were at Hershey Park Stadium also in Pennsylvania. Between the two cities it was like a 5 hour drive so it doesn't surprise me that we were here already. Luke filled his plate with food and ate with us as one of our security guards changed the channel to the Today show -a popular morning show in New York.

"It would be so cool to be the musical guest on the show." Ashton said and we all agreed. I continued to stuff a mouth full of pancakes in my mouth, they were starting to introduce one of their special guests of the morning, but I was so hungry that I didn't bother to pay too much attention to it.

"Today our special guest is Olympic gymnast Lauren Jacobs." One of the interviews said and I thought I was going to choke on my food as everyone's head shot up and jaws dropped.

There she was sitting in a chair with the interviewers. She was wearing a white dress with a dark green jacket, and tall black combat boots. Her burgundy dyed hair was braided back into a ponytail and she had her Olympic medals hanging around her neck. She looked amazing and different. Not different because she was wearing new clothes but a different that she looked really happy and confident.

They continued to talk to her about the Olympics, Lauren's life and everything when it hit me. She's here in America! Did she get my letter? No shit she got my letter there was no why she could miss it when she got home. Does she plan on coming to a concert and seeing me? Millions of questions started running through my head. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my bands name mentioned.

"Now since living in Australia, is it true that you're friends with the members of the band 5 Seconds of Summer?" Lauren was asked.

"Yep." Lauren confirmed. "It funny out of all the people my aunt and uncle could have been neighbors with it happened to be them." Lauren joked.

"Wait they were your neighbors!" one interviewer asked her.

"Yeah, we hung out all the time, we're best friends. I even went to school with Luke before he left to go on tour and I left to train with my team in Melbourne." Lauren explained.

"Well I have to know." A different interviewer interjected. "Who's your favorite in the band then?"

"Awe come on their my friends, I can't choose, that's weird." Lauren tried to avoid the question.

"Well you can still have a favorite." Interviewer continued. "Besides I heard you actually dated one of the members, Michael Clifford right?"

"Yes." Lauren said. I felt bad this must be so uncomfortable and awkward for her, you could actually see that she was getting uncomfortable being asked these questions. "But I do plan on going to one of the concerts with my best friend Dominique so I'll see them again." Lauren quickly added and then they started to talk about Dominique and the Olympics again.

"She's coming to see us!" I shouted, I didn't even mean to say anything at all.

"I know I heard it too!" Calum mimicked me.

"I think she's really coming to see you Mike." Ash laughed.

"You think so?"

"Mate you're so stupid sometimes, why else would she want to come to one of our shows?" Calum said.

"True." I said quietly.

"Now the real question is which show is she coming too?" Luke said as we continued to watch the rest of Lauren's interview.

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