Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

777K 35.4K 25.7K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Bonus #5

3.5K 161 79
By LadysDaze

Bonus Five - Anniversary

(AN- A bit of a different bonus... but I thought you'd all appreciate some soft and love-struck Bakugou. So enjoy~)

"Ideas for an anniversary gift?"


Kirishima and Kaminari pondered for a moment. It had been nearly a year since they graduated from UA. Despite this, Bakugou had never once reached out to them himself and asked them both to meet him somewhere. They had hung out quite often, but it was always either Kirishima or Kaminari who got the ball rolling.

But seeing what the topic Bakugou wasted no time bringing up... it suddenly made sense why he asked the pair of boys for their help. Kirishima and you had always been close when you were at UA, and as much as he hated to admit it, Bakugou was too wrapped up in his ego to realize until after he started dating you that the reason he hated Kirishima always being with you or around you during your high school years... was because Bakugou was jealous but blissfully unaware of his growing crush on you.

So, Kirishima would most definitely know some ideas of what you might like or want to do. As for Kaminari? Well... he'd always been the flirty type, so Bakugou was really hoping Kaminari would for once give him good advice on how to be romantic and not make the ash-blonde want to strangle him to death.

"Hm." Kirishima shook his head. "One year is an important milestone for a relationship! You'll need to do something big!"

"Especially since Ashido and I were certain you'd only last a week with (Name)... yet here you are a year later Blasty." Kaminari chuckled and gave Bakugou a thumbs up. "Who knew you could woo a woman enough for her to stick with you for nearly a year!!"

"I'm one more dumb fucking comment away from reaching across the fucking table and throwing you out of the window." Bakugou warned.

"Please don't." Kirishima begged. "This is my favorite ramen shop... I'd like to be able to come back."

The pair of blondes next to Kirishima each behaved themselves once more. Silence came across the table again, the only sound being Kaminari slurping up his own ramen meal. It was short-lived though, as Kaminari suddenly slammed his hand onto the table.

"I've got it!" The electric hero declared.

"Alright. Out with it." Bakugou told him and Kaminari smiled proudly.

"It's been a year! Invite her to move in with you, dude!"

Kaminari was expecting to be raged at for the idea. He knew the idea was a good one... but he also knew how Bakugou could be. So, Kaminari and Kirishima both widened their eyes when Bakugou's face turned bright pink and he shook his head back and forth.

"T-too early for that shit, Dunce Face." Bakugou coughed out before stuffing his own face with his usual spicy ramen.

"Oh! But you do want (Name) to move in with you eventually?!" Kirishima was beaming.

"I don't fucking know?! It hasn't even been a year!" Bakugou huffed. "We haven't even exchanged those three dumb fucking words either."

Kaminari and Kirishima blinked. There were two options here for what those three words could be: 'I hate you' or...

"Dude. Are you saying you love (Name)?" Kirishima asked Bakugou.

To shock Kirishima and Kaminari further- Bakugou's face was now as red as his eyes. He glanced off to the side and both of his noisy friends let out cries of joy and praise. Bakugou wanted to keel over... this was so fucking embarrassing to talk about.

"That's what you should do then!!" Kaminari told him, a gleam in his yellow hues. "Take her out and have a romantic evening and then right when the moment is perfect- confess your love!!"

"That would be so damn manly!" Kirishima agreed and slapped the table to make his point.

"H-Huh?!" He screamed back. "You both are real idiots if you think its that easy!"

"If you love (Name) and she loves you back... it'll be easy." Kirishima told him and smiled.

"Yeah, man!" Kaminari nodded his head. "Trust us! It'll be great!"

That was five days ago.

So... he was really questioning himself as to why he was taking their advice and planning to tell you how he felt tonight. He had made plans with you and was now walking up the stairs to your apartment unit. His heart pounded and his breathing was ragged.

They were morons. This wasn't easy at all. What if you rejected him? What if it was too early? What if he was misreading this feeling like he did when he found out it wasn't hatred he felt towards you... but adoration. Fuck... he was out of his element.

Too late to turn back now, as he had knocked on your door. Bakugou still looked as he usually did even if he was anxious as hell about how tonight would go. This was you though... the literal embodiment of patience and understanding. He had a pretty good chance of having a few tries to really tell you how he felt.

"Hey!" Your voice spoke as the door opened. "Long time no see, Katsuki!"

He rolled his eyes at your stupid joke. He saw you the day before yesterday where he ended up spending the night. Needless to say, he didn't mind the impromptu sleepover- especially when he ended up with you in his arms the following morning.

"You're fucking hilarious."

"I'm glad you see my skills at comedy."

"You're the only good joke here." He smirked at you and watched as you stuck your tongue out at him.

"Boo." You whined at him but smiled still. "But, what's with the sudden invite out?"

He rose a brow at you. "The hell do you mean?"

You exhaled and shook your head. "Well... you usually make plans more in advance, but instead of telling me the morning of, saying you're coming over and to cancel any plans I had. You're lucky I was free tonight."

He inhaled slowly. Did you... no. You had to be pulling his damn leg.

"I fucking expected you to be free tonight and expect me to take you out, mind reader."

"I'm not a mind reader... if I was, I'd be able to understand what you just said."

One of his carmine hues twitched. For fuck's sake! Did you forget what today was?!

Weren't you usually the one who gushed and held days like this in mind?! If so, how could you forget such a fucking important day?! Did you not care? He remembered! How could you fucking not?! The constant accusations and theories of why you were not talking about today being your anniversary with him was only driving his anger up the wall.

"Oi! You know what today is right?!" He barked at you. "Cause this ain't the fucking attitude I'd like for tonight!!"

You looked even more confused. "It's... Saturday? A Saturday in mid-April?"

His mouth fell open and he stared at you in shock. You blinked, worry crossing over your features. Something must have happened. You could tell from his posture that he was upset about something. You didn't watch the news or read any news today... so did something happen when he was at work earlier!?

"W-what is it, Katsuki?" You asked with worry. "D-did something happen at Jeanist's today? Did he fire you and you didn't know how to tell me? Did you get a serious talking to? Are you hurt?! Or dying?!"

"Why the fuck would I be here if I was dying?!" He called back at you. "Also, I wasn't fucking fired! I'm a damn great employee for that asshole!!"

"S-so why are you here then?" You asked him, worry turning into confusion.

"Why am I here?! Why am I here?!" He pointed at you, eyes widening and now both eyes twitching. "It's our Goddamn first year anniversary, you moron!!"

You blinked and took him in a bit more with that information. He was dressed up nicer than usual, even in clothing that wasn't entirely black. Even his hair looked to have been a bit more groomed than usual. Around the wrist of one of his arms was a gift bag. You inhaled slowly and looked back at him.

You were still confused as hell though.

You looked at him puzzled. "Katsuki? What are you talking about... our first year anniversary is a week from now."

Bakugou looked up at you and sneered. "No its fucking not! Its today!"

"I'm certain its seven days from now." You told him and saw one of his eyes begin to twitch.

"I asked you out for coffee on this fucking day a year ago... don't think I'd remember the day we fucking graduated?!"

He watched as you blinked a few times and then started to sputter out in giggles. His temper was rising but then it cooled very quickly when you flung yourself onto him and hugged him tightly. A year ago he'd be tempted to push you off him... but you and your sweet touches had converted him. So, he hugged you back with just as much love and affection.

"You count today as our anniversary?" You muttered to him, chuckling gently. "I was counting our first date as the day we started dating."

"Well... yeah." He breathed out. "Sure I wasn't your boyfriend a damn year ago... but I told you I liked you a year ago today. So... today's our fucking anniversary."

You hummed and then pulled away from him. "Alright then. From now on... today is our anniversary!"

That smile that drove him and his heart wild was on your face and he had to awkwardly pretend to cough to not end up with pink cheeks, or pinker cheeks. Your smile didn't falter and you dragged him inside of your apartment.

"O-oi!" He called out to you, but you didn't stop.

"You're lucky I plan ahead and have your gift for you already!" You told him and pushed him towards the couch in your apartment's living room. "So wait here and let me get it!"

You hadn't even your gift and he was still trying to find the right moment and nerve to tell you he was in love with you. But damn it... tonight already started off with him finding out that he might have misunderstood what an anniversary was. It did make sense for it to be the day you started dating... not the day you confessed and agreed to go on a date.

Your footsteps returned and he glanced up to see you coming toward him with a wrapped present. He blinked as you eagerly put it into his hands. You looked giddy and he couldn't help how curious he was about this present if it was making you so excited.

"You first." He instructed you. "I gave you mine first."

You nodded and took the gift bag that was still around one of his wrists. He watched with silent concern as you opened his gift. He hoped you'd like it. Fuck... why the hell did he care? Oh, that's right... you somehow wormed your way into being just as important to him as being a top hero... so he wanted to make you as happy as possible as a result. Being in love with someone was fucking weird.

"Katsuki..." Your voice dragged him back to what was in front of him.

He looked at you with actual focus and attention this time. Your eyes were soft and you gently pressed the scarf against one of your cheeks. Your eyes of (eye color) looking up to him with such a smitten gaze that he nearly choked.

"You do pay attention to me after all..." You chuckled.

"You complained all winter that you lost your favorite scarf and all the others were ripped or frayed... so I thought I should make you one myself."

Silence and he watched as your eyes widened. He was confused for a moment until he ran over his words and realized what he had just said.

"Y-you made this?!" You were shocked. "I-I know your parents are involved in the fashion industry... but you never told me you know how to make clothes too!"

"Only winter shit." He coughed out. "Cause I get fucking cold."

He was red, but you still smiled and allowed your heart to beat as fast as it pleased. He was a real softy at his core, wasn't he? To think that jerk who didn't apologize for bumping into you and thus sending you down a flight of stairs would one day be the holder of your heart... it was enough for you to think you were the character in some kind of romance novel.

But no. This was real. And you somehow bagged the hidden treasure that was Bakugou Katsuki.

"Well... I'll make sure to wear it often so your hard work is showed off and so you know how much I adore it! You even picked out the fabric I like!"

"Only cause its the fabric of the clothes you've 'borrowed' from me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You smirked at him. "Me taking your clothes? Why would I do such a thing?"

He growled as he watched you wrap the scarf around your neck and proudly showed it off. You looked fucking good in that scarf, but maybe he was biased? He didn't get much of a chance to think about it as you were now looking at him with those bright eyes of yours.

"Your turn to open your gift!" You told him.

He nodded and carefully tore open the wrapping paper. After a moment, the gift was in his hands, freed of the paper, and his eyes were widening. It was dorky as hell, but he couldn't help the little smile that came across his features for a split second as he started to thumb through the pages.

"I guess we both were a bit creative, huh?" You smiled at him as he continued to look through the scrapbook.

He hummed and turned another page. You must have had this idea for a long time, as there were photos, article excerpts, and more from months ago, if not nearly a year ago. You looked to have decided to highlight the last four years you both knew each other. All focused on him and his accomplishments or anytime he made the news with praise.

"Huh?" He blinked when he turned another page. "Where the hell is the rest of it?"

You laughed. "Well... guess I'll have to keep updating it, huh? Seeing as I plan to stick by you for a long long time and watch you become the great hero I know you are."

He exhaled and shook his head. "I'm in love with such a fucking dork."

Bakugou looked back at a few other pages he was really fond of already, not noticing how your face got red or how you were starting to levitate small little objects in your living room. He only noticed when the silence persisted for too long and he glanced at you.

"What the fuck is that face for?" He raised a brow at you.

"K-Katsu...you-" You shook your head and he saw little tears budding in the corners of your eyes. "You... love me?"

He inhaled and cursed himself out for saying it without even realizing it. This wasn't how he wanted to tell you! So out of the blue and without him really making sure you knew he was damn serious.

So when you tackled him onto the ground, he didn't know what to think. Especially since his mind started to short circuit when you started to pepper his face with soft, sweet, and short kisses. The cute little outfit you had put on for what you assumed to be a regular date had been paired with a shade of lipstick that matched and he just knew his face was now also covered in that shade of lipsticks on the shape of kisses.

"I love you too." You told him once your kiss attack ended.

He inhaled and felt his chest flutter. You loved him. You... loved him.

"Fucking good..." He coughed, trying to hold it together and not show you how happy and relieved he was that you returned this feeling to him as well.

"Glad to hear you say it though..." You admitted. "I was worried I'd blow a fuse in your head if I told you so suddenly."

His eyes widened at that and he let the words sink in. You were most definitely bad for his heart, seeing as you had made it feel like it was about to burst from his chest yet again. He wanted to laugh in euphoria thanks to this feeling, but he was still him. So, he instead just smirked and allowed you to stay on top of him from the awkward position on the floor.

He was upwards and looking at you from his chest only. Your legs tangled with his and your arms holding him close to you. His mind slowed for a moment and he allowed the words to finally settle nicely into his mind.

He loved you. You loved him.

He inhaled and then shook his head. His arms wrapped around you and then pushed you into his chest. Bakugou then fully relaxed against the floor now. Everything felt right. A year later and he had never felt so damn good in his life and after tonight... he was sure it was only to get that much better.

It was like you had said moments ago.... I plan to stick by you for a long long time.

Yeah... he'd do so also. His one strange thing was still so confusing, but also so delightful. He'd be a moron if he fucked this up with you... especially when his feelings were only further evolving and becoming that much more attached to you.

Who knew what would come next for you and him. Who knew what you'd face together.

All he knew... was that today was now officially his and your anniversary and that he kept falling further and further in love with you with each passing day.



As a thanks for all my followers across my writing platforms, I'll be holding a giveaway and a contest for all my followers! You can win one-shots, mini-series, OC fics, continuations of finished series, x-readers and more! MUST BE FOLLOWING ME, but new followers are welcome to join.

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All information is inside of the book, so please check it out! You can find it on my page near the top of my recently published works!

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