Spider-Man The Web Slinger of...

By S3r_Knight

413 15 7

*Long uploads* Description: Flynn Redmond always wanted to be something more than being a normal teenage boy... More

Volume Zero: Chapter 1, High School Predicment And After School Activities
Volume Zero: Chapter 2, The Calvary Has Arrived
Volume Zero: Chapter 3, Much Needed Respite Before The Storm
Volume Zero: Chapter 4, The Carmine Home And The Officer with A Meanstreak
Volume Zero: Chapter 5, Infiltration In The Barons Den, Part 1
Volume Zero: Chapter 6, Infiltration In The Barons Den, Part 2
Volume Zero: Chapter 7, Defense of Emerald Crown Station Part 1

Okay Lets Start From The Beginning

186 6 5
By S3r_Knight

The city of Vale was never quiet: the chatter of the people, the noises of the cars, and the howling of the wind. The lights in this city were so bright that they can light the entire city. Even on the blackest of nights. The city is always awake no matter what time.

"Vale the city that never sleeps," on top of one of the tallest buildings in Vale stood a young boy. He was in his teens, overlooking the busy streets of Vale near the edge of the roof.

He can feel the harsh windy breeze blowing onto his peachy complexion, his reddish hair being fluttered, the coolness and harshness of it flowing past him. He inhaled and exhaled, sighing "I don't know if I can do this..." The boy muttered in a worried tone. He looked down, then he tensed and his nerves tingled. He slowly walked backward and accidentally fell on his back. Lying on the cold hard ground and deeply sighed in frustration.

The boy clenched his hands against his forehead and sighed in frustration. The boy relaxed, dropping his hands away from his face, he looked up towards the black sky and stared at the broken moon.

"I wish I had the courage and bravery of the huntsmen from the stories. I wish I can be like them," The boy got up still on the ground contemplating, lost in his thoughts. "I have these strange powers and I don't know how to use them," he quietly said. "I want to be a huntsmen but I don't know if I'm ready," The boy doubted his abilities thinking he wouldn't amount to anything.

Then he remembered a particular memory that stuck to him ever since he was a kid, a conversation between him and his grandfather. "Grandpa?"A soft, young, energetic voice rang through his mind, he can see the memory now playing before him. The person he was speaking to responded but the voice was more elderly and full of experience, wisdom, and tiredness. "Yes, Flynn?" he answered back. "How do people become a good huntsmen?" The boy asked with genuine curiosity.

The elderly figure smiled got up from his chair, walked towards the boy, and lowered himself to match the boy's height. He simply patted his head and spoke with a soft gentle voice "Flynn. To become a good huntsman. Is to have four qualities. Bravery, selflessness, kindness, and finally perseverance!" The elderly man responded but the boy looked at his grandpa with confusion. Selflessness? Kindness? Why do you need those things to become a huntsman! It didn't make any sense to the young boy.

"Uhhh grandpa, I don't think that's how people become a good huntsman!" The elderly man tilted his head. "Oh? Alright, Flynn. Then tell me. What do you think makes a good huntsman? Hmmm." The boy pondered for a bit before speaking. "Their strength, a cool weapon, oh and a powerful semblance!"

The elderly nodded his head listening to his grandson with great intent. "Yes, those are excellent points! But it's not necessarily true. You don't need those things to become a good huntsman." The boy looked at his grandfather again and this time he tilted his head and listened.

"Allow me to explain! Sure strength is a good quality. But over time you will wither and age. Instead having experience and knowledge is a greater asset to have! A weapon is useful. But what if you lose that weapon or what if it was damaged. How do you fight now?" Then he pointed his finger to his head. "No, the greatest weapon in one's arsenal is the mind without that you got nothing." He took a deep breath before continuing. "And a semblance! You don't necessarily need a semblance to become a good huntsman. If you did have a semblance, it's about how you use it weak or strong. Let's say you have a weak semblance right? Well, you learn how to use it master its strengths and weaknesses then adapt to them! Making that once "weak" semblance a strong one."

He waited patiently for the boy's response as the boy locked his gaze onto him. "Okay, but what about the other stuff you mentioned earlier?" The boy inquired. "Ah, yes, I'm glad you reminded me," the elderly man replied, taking a deep breath as his old age caught up to him.

"Bravery means having the mental strength to face difficult and impossible odds without breaking down. Selflessness is about showing those around you that you care and will protect them even at the cost of your own life. Kindness can lift the spirits of those in need and boost their confidence. And perseverance means showing that you won't back down or give up, no matter the obstacle, whether it's man or beast," he explained further, taking another deep breath before continuing.

He glanced at his grandson, who looked surprised by what he had just heard. The elderly man coughed a little before concluding his speech. "Do you understand, Flynn? It's not about power, strength, a complicated transforming weapon, or even a semblance. It's about having a good heart and that is what makes a good huntsman," he said, pointing to the boy's chest.

The boy let out a sigh and gazed at his grandfather, his eyes filled with worry. The elderly man noticed this and smiled kindly at him. "Grandpa, how will I know when I'm ready?" the boy asked, waiting for a response.

"You won't," the elderly man replied, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders and looking into his eyes. "It's just a leap of faith, Flynn. That all it is. Life is full of risks, and sometimes you have to take them. If you don't, you'll never get anywhere," he continued, his voice full of encouragement.

"Whether it's a dream or a goal, if you love it, go for it and achieve it. If you want to become a huntsman or pursue any other profession, just go for it and try your best to achieve it," he added.

The boy's eyes filled with tears as he thanked his grandfather softly. With newfound confidence, he rose from the ground and dug through his backpack. "Homework, notes, a sandwich from two days ago. Where is it?" he mumbled to himself.

After a few more minutes later his eyes perked up and smiled. "Finally I found them!" The boy held up a strange device and placed it on his wrist, he picked up the second one out of his backpack and placed it on his other wrist.

The boy stood up and began walking towards the edge of the roof. Stopping near the end, the boy looked at his wrist inspecting the two devices, and look towards the ground. He began inhaling and exhaling, his hands begin to fidget, and he starts sweating. "It's a leap of faith Flynn," he said quietly. "ITS A LEAP OF FAITH!" the moment he shouted he jumped.


He was now falling to the ground at this instant the adrenaline kicked in and he turned quickly. He looked at the roof he jumped off and extended his right arm "Please WORK!" He pressed the trigger mechanism on the device but it didn't do anything. He looked at the device perplexed and shocked "WHAT!"

Then he remembered he didn't put the cartridges into the device "CRAP!" He immediately began searching  through his pockets until he pulled one singular cartridge, "OH THANK GOD!"

He laughed uncontrollably and smiled he immediately inserted the cartridge into the device. Then he pressed hard on the trigger mechanism with his middle and ring finger and it shot a strand of white string. Sticking onto the building window and he slammed himself towards it.

He began to hyperventilate and placed his forehead against the window and sighed deeply. He began to laugh hysterically, tears coming out of his eyes. Lifted his head off the window and shouted, "HOLY CRAP IT WORKED!"

He looked at the device and smiled he was glad that the device worked as intended. "It took me 3 weeks, sacrificing my school grades, over this contraption." He looked at the device and smiled joyfully, "But it was all worth it in the end!" He turned and looked at his left hand still on the building window. When he tried to move it, it didn't budge he sighed in disappointment, "I still can't make it unstick." 

Then he closed his eyes and calmed himself down, inhaling and exhaling. Thinking about his grandfather's speech. "Come on Flynn just believe in yourself," he whispered.

After a few minutes of waiting his left hand began to unloosen against the window, he lifted his left hand off the window opened his eyes, and looked at it. He smiled confidently "YES!" Flynn shouted with excitement raising both his hands in the air. Then he panicked and immediately placed his hands against the window worried that he might fall.

Then he looked at his feet still firmly on the window he looked towards the ground. He took a deep breath before launching his entire body out off of the window performing a backflip. He began to free-fall again, instead of panicking he smiled confidently.


Flynn then shot a singular strand of webbing to a nearby building. Then proceeded to swing across the city of Vale. Under the glistening moonlight. 
He shouted with excitement as he began swinging between building after building.  He can feel the wind hitting his face. When he swung to the next building he immediately let go of the web string. Using the momentum to wall run across the building. Then he jumped and began to swing to the next set of buildings.

He was having the time of his life he never felt more alive. The adrenaline running through his veins, the feeling of swinging to greater heights, it was total bliss. But then while not paying attention being lost in the excitement he didn't notice the building right in front of him. He rammed himself face-first into the building and began slowly skidding downwards.


Okay let's take it from the top.

Hi, my name is Flynn Redmond, I am 17 years old, I attend Clovis Jade High School , I'm a senior and I'm about to graduate in the near future.

My life as a normal teenager was 'alright' I couldn't complain but it was pretty boring. You see when I was a boy I always wanted to be a huntsman. Protecting the innocent, arresting the guilty, hunting Grimm, going on grand adventures. Forming bonds with fellow students in those prestigious academies. But I  never got the chance. I was unfit and wasn't accepted into any combat schools or huntsman academy, due to my lack of combat experience, weak aura, and no semblance. But soon my life would forever be changed in this particular moment. What I'm about to tell you is something completely unbelievable. I mean, to be honest, if I was you I wouldn't believe it either. But allow me to explain to you my strange "power".

It's not a semblance as far as I know, but it's something. It's strange but unique at the same time. These powers allow me to do things not even normal humans can do. I noticed my strength has increased drastically, I can lift heavy objects without much trouble, and I can climb on surfaces like a lizard or a spider.

I also gained a strong resilience to all forms of harm like diseases or illnesses, and physical trauma. Also, I would like to mention that it doesn't mean I'm technically "immune" to any sickens. I assume I have a better tolerance for them.

My reflexes are out of this world as if my body can move on its own. Also, this strange sense of awareness that is always active. I can react to things quicker than most.

But you may be asking yourself how did this kid have these powers? Allow me to explain it to you. I got these powers from a trip to Atlas in my sophomore year of high school. It was a history field trip to learn about the different cultures of other kingdoms. We were touring a science exhibit, Atlas is known for their technological genius, I mean these people made a legion of robotic soldiers and giant mechs! How cool is that!

But I digress where was I? Oh yes, the science exhibit, this place was amazing. It had prototypes of the first  Atlesian Knights and Paladins. They showcased old civilian vehicles and military ones too. Oh and a strange gravity dust-powered motorcycle thing it was so cool. Sorry, I lost myself anyway so I was taking pictures of these cool inventions and whatnot.

Then suddenly a spider landed on my hand  I was shocked because it's a freaking spider who wouldn't be shocked.  But it didn't do anything just explored my hand I tried to keep my cool but having an arachnid crawling around your hand is overwhelming. I began to shake losing my composure then the spider stopped raised its fangs and dug them deep into my skin. I yelped and smacked the spider out of my hand.

At first, I didn't feel anything I looked at the spider now dead all curled up I crouch down to have a better view. It looked strange I mean it didn't look like any other spider, this had a colorful texture to it. It was brownish but it had blue and red highlights on its body.  I assume it was a new species of arachnids, a specific type of spider only regional to Atlas, or was Atlas experimenting on spiders? I don't know but my mind jumped to different ideas to find a conclusion. 

But then I noticed I was far away from the group I panicked and began to run back to them. I was vastly approaching them. The parent who was assigned to chaperone the group was calling out the names of the students to make sure everyone was there. I made it just in time for the parent to call out my name.

I began to breathe heavily but it wasn't normal, it was like I was out of air, I couldn't breathe. I began to cough everyone turned and looked at me. My face turned red and I immediately fell to the ground the parent rushed over to check up on me. The parent ordered all of the students to call for someone or call the ambulance. My final thoughts were, before blacking out was the Spider venomous.

A few days later I woke up in a hospital somewhere around Mantle. The city here is a bit more worn and modern compared to the futurism of Atlas.

But the state I was in was horrendous my entire body felt horrible everything was sore. I couldn't even lift my head, my arms, legs, EVERYTHING.  It's like my body refused to do anything.

But I had feeling in my gut that something bad was going to happen. I struggled at first but after a few minutes, suddenly I couldn't feel the soreness anymore. I could freely move my arms and my legs around without any struggle. Then I placed my hand on the table to the right of me. But when I tried to remove it, my hand was firmly stuck on it. I tried to wrestle it off but to no avail, it wouldn't budge.

Now I started to panic I immediately placed my left hand on my right wrist and pulled with all my might. But slowly but surely my right hand was beginning to detach from the surface of the table. The moment it was finally detached I flew out of my bed due to the force I applied to remove my stuck hand. I must've caused quite the ruckus because the doctor and nurse stormed in to investigate the commotion.

They saw me laying on the floor with pillows, blankets, and equipment scattered throughout the room. It was quite the mess. They looked at me with perplexed faces and didn't know what to make of this. So the nurse helped me get back up and started cleaning up the mess I caused.

I was quite embarrassed, to say the least. So I was guided back to my bed and the doctor gave me the rundown. On what happened for the past few days. The school has already called my grandmother about what happened and I will be leaving shortly with the rest of the history class. Because the field trip was over.

The doctor told me that the bite wasn't too grievous but they didn't find a trace of poison which was strange. But the bite did leave a huge lump but nothing too serious. They prescribed me an ointment to help heal the lump and it would disappear in a few days.

The doctor patted me on the shoulder and recommended that I rest for the time being. Saying that my teacher would pick me up in a few hours. Both the doctor and nurse left the room quietly shutting the door behind them.

Now I was alone left in thought. I couldn't piece together how the doctors couldn't find a single trace of poison. Because I was hundred percent sure I was poisoned. I assume that the venom wasn't that potent but who knows.

A few hours go by I was all ready to go. My history teacher knocked on the door and told me it was time to go. The doctors and nurses said their goodbyes to me and we left the hospital and went straight into the bus filled with students and parents.

Everybody on the bus showed some concern for me asking if I was all right. I assured them that I was ok. The trip to the airport wasn't too long but the stay at the airport was. But eventually, we arrived on our plane and went straight back to Vale. Home sweet home.

When I got back home my grandmother embraced me in a big hug asking if I was alright over and over.  I felt like, I repeated 'I am alright' for the hundredth time.

Now things got stranger when I got home I noticed that my strength was not normal. I could lift things that would seem too heavy, but it felt like I was carrying a feather. Then I noticed that my hands could stick to anything that I touch. Like in the hospital incident with the nightstand or this one time I got my scroll stuck on my hand, it wouldn't let go for a few hours. And this strange tingling sensation it's like giving me a warning and I would immediately react to it.

Ok, you get the gist of who I am and how I got these powers. You may be asking yourself 'what is he going to do now?' Well, I'll tell you what I did. With these powers, I could finally achieve my dream to become a huntsman! Fight evil, go on adventures, and save the world like in the stories my grandparents would tell me when I was a kid!

Now I'm in my senior year of high school and for the past 2 years, I've used my powers to fight crime. Stopping criminals and solving problems. My goal was to clean the streets of Vale. So I've become a notorious masked vigilante known as...


So you wanna know the rest? Well, stick around because things are only going to get crazier from here!

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