Chances. » Lirry/Narry

By Sad_Serenade01

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My life crumbled into pieces, every part of me turned into dust. On the edge of the universe holding onto a s... More



145 27 30
By Sad_Serenade01

Tuesday, April 1, 2014. 

Harry's POV

"Harry, I miss the days when you would talk to me. Can you at least acknowledge my existence?" Niall asks me with a big smile on his face.

Eventually his smile fades away and begins to look worried.

"Why have you been so distant, Harry? What happened?" He continues to ask me.

I shake my head and walk away from the boy. "Harry, please tell me." Niall says running to catch up to me.

He manages to get in front of me and stands in my way.

"Why won't you tell me anything anymore?" He says upset that I still refused to talk to him.

Niall, I don't want to talk to anyone.

No one.

"Niall-" I whisper before the tears come out again.

"Oh no, you aren't pregnant again, are you?" He shouts nervously getting everyone's attention.

"Niall-no, I am not pregnant again-"

"Oh thank god."

"Please just stop asking, I'm okay."

Biggest lie I've ever told. I am far from being 'okay'. It's more like...I'm depressed or I'm lonely.

Niall doesn't say anything, he can tell I was lying. I look at the floor but then back at him.

"What ever happened to, 'No Niall, I need you. I need you more than anything in the world.' Guess you don't need me anymore..." He whispers with tears in his eyes. "Thanks, Harry..." He walks away slowly.

I watch as he walks all alone down the hall. As much as I want to run to him so I can kiss him, I don't bother. I let the perfect chance to fix my life just the slightest bit, walk away from me.

You only regret the chances you don't take.

"Niall!" I shout at him hoping that he will turn around and come back.

I watch as he turns around and stops walking.

"Happy birthday, Niall." I shout.

"Thanks, Harry..." He shouts still offended. Niall turns around and disappears down the stairs.

You are the worst best friend in the entire world.

Go over there and fuck him. Go over there and fuck him. Do not let him walk away without a hickey on his eighteenth birthday.

"Bye, Niall." I choke out. I turn the other direction and walk towards the other stairs.

I wipe my tears from my eyes and carefully walk down the stairs. I reach in my back pocket and grab my phone to listen to music. I carefully place my headphones in each ear as I walk out of the giant school. I watch as the torrent of rain falls to the ground in front of me.

I need to get my drivers license.

I take a deep breath in and run into the storm. I take my headphones out of my ears and stuff them into my back pocket.

I am not going to buy a new pair of headphones.

The rain makes it hard to see but I somehow make it across every street without getting hit by a car. I arrive at Daphne's house and quickly knock on the door.

Hurry up, please...

"Hello?" The girl calls out as she opens the door with Mikey around her neck. I can tell that she's annoyed.

"I'm here to pick up Mikey. How was she?" I ask squeezing the water from my hair onto her porch.

"Cute but very picky." She says as Mikey giggles.

"Okay Mikey, time to go home." I bite my lip as Daphne notices the pouring rain.

"Would you like a ride home?" Daphne asks kindly.

"Yes, please. I'm soaking wet though."

"I don't mind, I need to get a new car anyways. Get in the car." She teases and walks out of the house with Mikey on her shoulders. "Have you ever taken a shower before?" Daphne asks Mikey before she leaves the porch.

"No, but I will when I am a big girl." She squeals.

"Well, this is gonna be fun. Hold on!" She shouts running into the pouring rain and into the unlocked car. "Get in, get in."

Mikey and Daphne quickly get into the car as I wait for them to sit down.

"Hurry up, Harry!" Daphne shouts in her child voice.

I chuckle and set my soggy body down next to Daphne. I close the door and instantly Daphne asks me, "Liam's house or-"

"Yeah..." I mumble awkwardly. I fix my hair as she begins to drive a few streets down.

"Did you have fun, Mikey?" I ask from the front of the car.

"Yeah!" She replies joyfully.

"That's good." I lean my head against the window until Daphne arrives at the building.

"Thanks, Daphne. I'm sorry I got your car wet." I sigh stepping back into the rain.

"No problem, Harry. I have to get going now. Bye." She smiles at me as I take Mikey from the car and close the door behind me.

I hurriedly run into the building and up the stairs. I can't help but giggle with the child in my arms.

"We're home, Mikey." I sigh as I set her down in front of the door. I take out the key from my other back pocket and unlock the door.

"Yay!" She squeals running into the apartment.

I look over at the door beside mine. It stays completely silent and abandoned. I gulp loudly and enter the opened door.

I close the door behind me and take off my soaking wet shoes and hoodie. I make a small pile of my wet clothing and leave it on the floor.

"Harry?" A deep voice calls out from a few feet in front of me. I look up and instantly look back down.

"Liam, what are you doing here?" I ask anxiously.

"I thought you left." He says sounding hurt.

I look up at him but automatically regret my decision. I push through the man as he grabs onto my arm.

"I did...leave." I say turning to face him. "I came to get my stuff...But you weren't here so I've been staying here for the past couple of days..." I gulp loudly again. "It's been three weeks but still...Uh, I'm just gonna go-"

"I have Dylan." Liam says suddenly causing me to freeze.

"What are you talking about-"

"He was discharged from the hospital and I took him-"

"Are you even allowed to? Liam, you aren't even the father how were you allowed to take the child?" I ask confused.

"Harry, don't worry about it-"

"No, how did you get my child? Be honest with me, Liam." I say starting to get irritated.

"Harry, it's not like that-"

"Tell me, Liam. How did you get my child!?" I almost shout.

"He's my child too, Harry." He says shutting me up.

"You are lying, that child is Niall's, not yours." I say starting to cry again.

"No, Harry I'm not-"

"How do you know? You could be lying so you can rape me or something-"

"I got a test done...I just wanted to know..."

"No, no you are lying!" I shout at him.

"Harry, I'm not lying to you. I wouldn't lie to you, ever." He says trying to calm me down.

"No, no. Not again, Liam, not again-"

"Harry, please calm down." He says starting to worry about me.

"I was with Niall it was his child, I know it-"

"Are you suggesting that it was incorrect!? I had it done twice, Harry. Both times, I got the same results." Liam says with tears all over his face.

"No, Liam, this can't be happening...It lied-"

"Fine, you can believe whatever the hell you want. If you want to see Dylan he's in that crib we had for him. You know, the one we had set up before you left."

"Don't blame this all on me, Liam! You were the one who tried to rape me. If you wouldn't have done that, I wouldn't have left. And you left Mikey all alone, may I remind you." I shout at him.

"What choice did I have? I was called into work early and Mikey didn't get up so I asked the neighbors to take care of her for me-"

"Because of that, an innocent person was murdered. Fucking murdered by his own step father and I did nothing about it."

"That isn't my fault you let him die! I was doing what I had to do, how is it my fault Nathan was killed!? I wasn't even aware of what was happening, I was at work. Do not blame this on me, Harry. It's not my fault." He says trying to calm down.

"I didn't let him die-"

"You just said that you saw him get murdered but you did nothing about it-"

I let Nathan die. No, I tried to help him. I didn't let him die.

"Why weren't you there when I came back a couple days later!?" I shout trying to change the subject.

"Mikey wasn't at home and I couldn't find her. I tried to look around to see if she was out but I couldn't find her. I figured that you took her so I stayed in a hotel hoping to search for you and Mikey everyday until I found you. To my surprise, you actually came back." He says still crying. "And I was almost certain I would never see you again."

"Liam, I'm okay-"

"But I didn't know that! I thought that you were pulling off that stunt from last year. How was I supposed to know if you left with nothing that could've been uselful to staying alive?"

"Liam, I'm okay. She's okay. Can we just stop fighting, please!?" I ask trying to calm down.

Liam doesn't say anything and looks at the floor with tears all over his face.

"Please?" I ask quieter.

He still refuses to say anything or look at me. I sigh and wipe my tears off my cheeks. I walk up to Liam and gently place my lips onto his. He pulls away and tries to walk the other direction, but I grab his arm.

"Please." I whisper looking at the floor as I let go of his arm.

"Dylan is a very heavy sleeper." Liam teases and I chuckle at him.

"I'm sorry, Liam." I look up to see him smiling at me.

"It's fine, Harry." He bites his lip.

"I'm sorry that I left you...I was scared."

"Harry, don't apologize...I need to apologize for that, though." He takes a step closer to me and grabs onto my right hand. "I'm sorry, Harry. I just...Love you too much, I guess...I shouldn't have drank that much either. Sorry about that." He says scratching his forehead with his free hand.

"I accept your apology, Liam. I love you too much too." I say biting my lip.

"No, it's different, Harry-"

"No, it's not." I interrupt him as I cry again.

Liam wipes my tears away with his fingers. "Harry, you cry too much." Liam teases.

I chuckle at him, "I am well aware of that."

"I'm going to go to bed, you can leave if you want-"

"Goodnight, Liam." I whisper as he places his lips on mine. I let him enjoy the moment as I secretly fangirl inside.

I missed him...I don't care if it has only been three weeks...That's long enough.

He pulls away and smiles. "Goodnight, Harry."

I move out of Liam's way as he enters his bedroom. I walk over to the crib that was set up in the middle of the living room. I sit down on the couch beside the crib and admire my child as he sleeps.

"For now, you'll have blonde hair. Trust me, it turns brown sooner than you might realize." I say to my child who was sound asleep. "I want to hold you but I don't want to wake you up." I whisper. "You've gotten so big, I don't even recognize you...I'm just glad you are okay." I say tearing up again.

The fuck is wrong with me...I am such a girl.

I wrap his tiny hands around my pinkie. "Awe, your hands are so tiny." I giggle to myself. "I'm tired, Dylan. I hope you are awake tomorrow, I really want to hold you. I love you...And your sister...And your father. Goodnight, Dylan." I say slowly standing up. I take my pinkie from the child's hand and enter Liam's bedroom.

I take off my now damp pants and set them onto the floor. I lay in the bed beside Liam, who was on his phone.

"You aren't leaving?" He asks confused as I take his arm and wrap it around myself.

"Where would I go, Liam?" I ask him as I close my eyes. I turn on my side and lay my head on his bare chest. "I missed this, Liam." I open my eyes to see Liam smiling again.

"Me or my bare chest?" He teases again.

"Both, mainly you though." I chuckle. "Goodnight, Liam." I yawn and close my eyes again.

"Goodnight, Harry." He says before kissing me again.

We both enjoy the kiss as I secretly try to not turn it into something more like I always do.

He wraps his arms around my body and pulls away. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Night, Liam."

"I love you, Harry."

Having those words come out of the mouths of two men is unbelievable, though, this isn't necessarily a good thing no matter how much I enjoy it.

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