Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

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Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 26

48 3 1
By DakotaNee

28 weeks along now. That is roughly 7 and a half weeks pregnant. I officially waddle everywhere which means I get picked on by everyone, I don't care because they won't be laughing when there is a crying baby in the tower. Telling them this makes them shut right up which makes me smirk every time. My mood swings are hectic, you never know what I will feel every minute. It's kind of fun when I put on a bitchy face and everyone in the tower shuts right up and doesn't piss me off.

Today I was in a happy mood and I didn't know how long that would last so I was savoring it. I got dressed in some leggings with a sports bra with a tank top over it. I put on some sneakers then went down to the training room. I lifted weights for a while, then I moved on to shooting the bow and arrow. "Your getting good at that." I hear behind me, there I see Clint, Steve and Nat dressed in training clothes. "Thanks." I say flashing a smile at him, he came over and helped me with little things. "Do you all want to start off with a jog?" Nat said after a long while. "Sure." I say, they all look at me worried, "Guys come on. I have been training since I was 22 weeks pregnant I can run."

"Ok but if you feel dizzy then stop." "I know." I say, "5 laps." Steve said, we all started in a slow jog. BY the third lap I was breathing heavily while the others were breathing just fine. Half way through the 4th lap I stopped and sat down drinking some water. When they were done jogging they came over. "How about we do some punches?" Nat asked, I nod and went over to the punching bag. I wrapped my hands up and started to hit the bag, though I couldn't kick, I did some lower body strength with her.

We did this until lunch time. I went to my room with Steve, we took a quick shower and I dressed in some comfy clothes. Then we made our way down to the kitchen where Bruce and Tony had food ready. "Where is Thor?" I ask, "He had to go back to Asgard for some family business." I nod, we all get our food and start eating the hamburgers they cooked. "So Talia are you having a baby shower?" Pepper asks me as she sits down with her food. "I haven't really thought about it." I say, "It's your first kid you have to have a baby shower." Nat said, "I though you were going to have one, that's why i didn't say anything." Nat said.

"Ok fine I'll have a baby shower but I'm not planning it." I say, Nat and Pepper jump up and run out, with their food not even gone yet. I shake my head and laugh. "Do you want a baby shower?" Clint asks, I shrug, "Sure I guess, having free gifts from friends to help save money, I'm in." He shakes his head with a laugh.

2 months later I woke up to being shook. I look and see Nat, Lila, Pepper, and Laura. I jump up as fast as I could being 36 weeks pregnant and hugged Lila and Laura. "I missed you guys so much!" I pulled back, "We missed you too." "When did you get here?" "Clint called us a week ago saying the girls were planning you a baby shower." Laura said, "We couldn't miss it!" Lila said, "Happy belated birthday Lila, you what, 20 years old?" Laura gasps and hits my shoulder. "I'm 15 Aunt Talia." "I swore you were turning 20." She laughs and shakes her head smiling. "So go get in the shower, we are having a baby shower outside, the boys are gone for the day." Nat said pushing me to the bathroom.

I just shake my head and jump in. When I was done there were clothes set out. I dried off and put on a pink shirt with blue maternity pants and some sneakers. I brushed my hair, letting it air dry. I walked out and saw Nat and Pepper with some food. "Where is Lila and Laura?" I question taking a bite of food. "They are downstairs." Pepper said as I finished the food she had for me.

We head downstairs, Nat takes me outside where I see decorations up. Saying 'Its A Girl!' with quiet a few presents for 4 women. We all sit down, catching up, then we do the gifts. I open quiet a few bags with clothes, shoes, hairbands, more clothes. "This one is from all of us." Lila said, "By all of us I mean, Dad, mom and Cooper." she added.

I opened it up and saw an album with empty pages and a camera. "So you can record every moment of your experience having your first child." Laura said, "Awww! Thank you guys so much!" I say hugging them all. We eat some cake and ice cream while heading inside with everything and watching romance movies and such. By 5 the boys were back. "How did it go ladies?" Tony asked, "Great! It was a lot of fun!" I say with a huge smile, "That's good." Steve said. I nod, he comes over and sits next to me putting his arm behind me and wrapping it around me so his hand was laying on my stomach.

I then felt a strong kick where Steve's hand was. His head snapped to me then my stomach. He smiled and laid his head on my stomach. I felt a lot more kicks and elbows making me laugh, drawing the attention to me. The kicks stopped for a minute as I laughed, once I stopped they started again, Steve moved his head away from my belly as he gets kicked in the temple, it was a really strong kick. He smiled as his hand when to his temple where he was kicked.

"She's kicking." Nat comes over quickly and sets her hand on my stomach a second the baby kicks she moved her hand away quickly laughing. And soon the others follow. When she stops moving we watch a movie. Around 7 Ton got a call. When he saw the number he got up and walked out of the room. Bruce paused the movie, Tony came back a few minutes later. "Fury need us all of us besides Talia of course. My head snapped to Steve, worry and concern across my whole face. "It'll be alright. I'll go change and I will come back before we leave." I move as he hood up and jogs to the elevator with Nat and Clint.

I look at Pepper, Lila, Cooper and Laura. Steve, Nat and Clint comes back. Steve puts his shield on the ground and runs over to me hugging me. "You have to be careful. You can't get hurt." I whisper in his ear. "I won't. I promise. I love you." "I love you too." I say back. He kisses me gently for a minute then pills away. Tony then hugs me. "I'll make sure he is ok." "Ok but you too Tony. Don't do anything I I wouldn't." "Aw! But the so boring!" I laugh and hug him again.

He pulls away a few minutes later and the whole team is gone. I walk to the kitchen where Lile, Laura, Cooper and Pepper were. "Here is tea. It'll help calm you down. You can't go into stress Talia." "I know." I say taking a sip of the tea. It does help but not much. "Why don't you go lay down?" I shake my head, I can't. I won't be able to sleep."

"Yes you will." Laura said I shake my head. "Come on." Laura said, she wraps an arm around my waist as we make our way down to my bedroom. She helps me into the bed and puts the covers over me. She sits down next to me and rubs my leg, I yawn loudly. "It's ok Talia. They'll be ok." She whispers as I doze off. When I wake up I was alone in my room. I got up and went down to the living room. There I saw all the girls and Cooper. "Why did you put sleep medication in my tea?" "Because you wouldn't fall asleep if I hadn't." Laura said, "How long was I out?" "All night. It's 9 in the morning." Pepper said, she got up and left, a minute later she came back with some food.

I sit down and eat. "Any word?" "Tony called and said they would be back in about 3 days." Lila said. I look at them all with a frown. "If you go into to much stress then you'll have the babies early and we don't want to do that ok. Don't worry Steve will be alright." Pepper says coming over to me. "I called Clint, I have to go to work tomorrow so we are heading out later, do you want to go shopping with us all to hang out?" Laura said, I nod. I go to my room and take a quick shower then dress in some clothes I throw my hair up in a high ponytail. I walk out after grabbing my purse and phone.

I walk into the living room and wait as the others gather their things then we are off to the mall. After 3 hours we come home with lots of bags. We bought things for Amelia-Rose and for myself. It was 2 when we were at the elevator saying our goodbyes to Laura, Lila and Cooper. I hug all of them tightly. "Don't worry when the baby is born Clint will have you all come over for a few days." They smile at me and get in the elevator. "Tell Clint we love him." I nod as the doors close, I turn around and look at Pepper.

We sigh as we head into the living room. "Want to order in?" Pepper asks, "Sure. I want Sushi." "Same, I'll order it." Pepper says then leaves, I turn on the tv, the news was on.

In Sylvica the Avenger's are chasing down the man known as The Winter Soldier. He blew up a garage that had 25 people. Captain America went straight in and saves 9 lives. Black Widow saved 8, and Hawkeye saved 8. It seems like Captain America is wounded, it seems that he has a burn on him arm, it went right through his suit. The reporter said, with the Avengers in the background.

Pepper walks in and sits down as she reads the headlines and such. "You should not be watching this." "NO I have to." I say to her before she can change it.

But on everyone's mind is where is Elementiss? Or better yet known as Talia Stark. Last we heard from her was when Captain America proposed to her and said she was baring his child. The lady stops talking as the camera points to the Avengers, we see Captain America get hit by The Winter Soldier's metal arm, he flies all the way back in the fire. I gasp as I watch, Tony flies in and saves him, setting him on the ground. I feel Pepper's hand on my knee squeezing it in comfort.

"Ms. Potts, Ms. Talia the delivery guy is here for your food." "Send him up Jarvis." Pepper said getting up. She walks out of the room as I see Steve sit up slowly, his hand on his head that was bleeding. I see Tony getting shot at by some of Winter Soldier's men, he blasts them with his suit. Nat was fighting some men with Clint. They're were at least 30 Hydra men, along with The Winter Soldier's arm, I could see the team getting tired.

I closed my eyes and whispered under my breath, putting some of my strength into them, this was a new found power ever since I got pregnant. When I open them again, you could barely see a black mist around them.

It looks like even though Elementiss isn't here with the Avenger's she is watching, it seems like this is her force field we saw during the attack in New York. I bet the Avenger's thank you Elementiss.

The reporter says yet she doesn't walk on screen. Pepper comes back with the food. "What's around them all?" "My force field." "How?" "New power. But look, they are winning now." I point out to her. She looks at the screen and nods. She hands me some chopsticks as we eat while watching making sure they are ok. "It seems like they are fine. Are you ok?" I nod, I was only a little tired that's all, but that's what I get for using my powers while this pregnant.

What I see next almost completely breaks me...

Sorry for that late update up hope this chapter makes up for it. I can't wait till you see the next chapter! See you all next time!

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