Two Loves-Santana Lopez

By MzDinahLopez

129K 3K 540

Santana Lopez x oc "How is it that after all this time, I'm still so in love with you" --- Taylor Fabray is... More

The Start 3x01
Audition 3x02
Time for change 3x02
You in? 3x04
West Side 3x05
World War Glee 3x06
Coming to her Defense 3x06
Who says 3x07
That's enough 3x07
Trouty Mouth 3x08
Sectionals 3x08
Merry Christmas 3x09
Let the plan begin 3x10
Human Nature 3x11
Sam's Plan 3x12
Sexy Latina 3x12
Valentine's Week 3x13
Love Songs 3x13
I did 3x14
It was you 3x14
The After math 3x15
The Future 3x15
Plans 3x16
Times ticking 3x17
The words out 3x18
Prom 3x19
Nationals 3x21
Goodbye Pt.1 3x22
Goodbye pt.2 3x22
New Roommates 4x02
Trust and Jealousy Pt.1
Trust and Jealousy Pt.2
The Club 4x05
Thanksgiving 4x08
Naked 4x12
Diva 4x13
I Do 4x14
I Do pt2 4x14
First Date
Snow Storm 4x15
Snowed in pt2
My Girlfriend 4x16
Guilty Pleasure 4x17
Don't cross them 4x18
Dates and Dreams 4x19
Singing and Dancing 4x20
Memories 4x21
Authors Note
Naya <3
Oh Brittany 4x22

New Beginning 4x01

1.2K 35 27
By MzDinahLopez

^^(Taylor's outfit for the day)^^

Taylor's pov

Welp here I am, New York City.

It's September, I've been here for exactly three months and I've absolutely loved it. From meeting new people and my job to all the amazing spots in the city. I'll give you guys a little update.

So after I moved here in June I got a studio apartment right way, it's huge! I turned it into a three bedroom space with a kitchen and a living room and it overlooks the city! It's about a ten minute walk from Elite which is great and I'm not to far from time square either so I love going to all the cute shops around there. I love going on runs in Central Park and having picnics there in the summer is the best.

Sam and I talk everyday, or at least we try. It was hard seeing each other this summer because I toured a lot more than I thought. Being a runway model means traveling all over the U.S. I didn't mind it, actually I loved it, but I know it's been hard on Sam not being able to see each other. I think with this new gig though I'll be staying in NYC for the time being.

Also Santana and I have been keeping in touch everyday. It's not like when I moved to Carmel and we lost contact with each other, we FaceTime almost everyday and I tell her everything that is happening here in NYC and she lets me now what is going on in Lima. But this week she is moving to Louisville so I know she'll probably get really busy. I miss that girl so much.

And as for Rachel, she still hasn't figured out I live here yet. And I plan on keeping it like that.

So yeah, I couldn't have asked for a better first few months in adult hood, but I guess I kind of deserve it.

I was in my kitchen making myself a cup of coffee when I got a text from my agent Morgan. She's been great, she already got me a huge gig that gets released today, I'm so excited.

Morgan: Come to my office for 9, very important announcement

Taylor: On My Way

I wonder what the announcement is? Welp we'll just have to see I shrugged as I downed my coffee and went to get ready for the day.

As I walked to the Elite building I did my normal "Good Mornings" to the regulars on the streets. Everybody loves me here.

"Morning Taylor, looking lovely as ever this morning" Mr. Carlton waved as I passed by his book store

"Why thank you" I smiled, I love that old man he is the sweetest "I'll be stopping by later to pick up a new book!"

"Don't forget flowers dear" I look to the store next to Mr.Carltons book store and it's Ms.Sherman. She owns a flower shop right next door and I swear these two sweethearts are gonna get together one day, if not I'm gonna make them.

"Of course Ms.Sherman, got to restock for my kitchen table" I beamed as I skipped passed

"Have a good say sweetheart" Ms.Sherman said

"You too" I screamed as I waved back going around the corner.

As I made my way around the corner the entrance to the building was right in front of me and I saw my NYC best friend walking in. She wore tight blue jeans with a black lace top, killer look.

"Oooo Pocahontas she called you in too huh?" I asked her

"Heyyyyy Rapunzel, that she did" I smirked at her while taking my sunglasses off.

Pocahontas and Rapunzel are stupid nicknames we gave each other when we first met. Her real name is Alex Fields, she is Morgans one other client.(I pictured Alex as Shay Mitchell) I met her my first day at work and we have been inseparable since. She's been working with Morgan a year longer then me and she lives a few block down like I do. Alex showed me everything New York had to offer, she honestly made this summer unforgettable.

We hang out most of the week, we go on runs, get meals and basically everything else together. She's kind of why I made extra bedrooms in my studio. She also is 21 and I'm only 20, so she gets me into killer parties too.

But don't worry she hasn't replaced Santana, I know that's what you're all thinking.

Me and Alex knocked on Morgans' door and she called us in.

"So Morgan, what's the big news" Alex asked while sitting down and crossing her legs. Yeah she's basically a badass, kind of like another Santana. Guess I have a type with best friends

"First I have a question" Morgan says spinning around in her chair with a hug smile "You ready for this afternoon Taylor?"

"Morgan you have no idea" I grinned

"We are going to her place this afternoon to celebrate" Alex cheered shaking my shoulder "I remember when this happened to me, it's gonna be life changing"

"I can't wait" I sighed in happiness, I mean I'm lucky to get this gig so early on in my career.

"So now to the business I called you in for" Morgan started while clapping her hands together "You both know how Elite is allies with Victoria Secret right?"

"Of course" Alex and I nodded at the same time. We both cheeky smiled at each other hopping this was going where we think it was

"Well ladies...Victoria Secret is looking for two new angels and they want to pick them from Elite"

"No fucking way" Alex swore shooting up from her chair

"And as you may not know a lot of my clients from the past have been picked up by them, and I'm gonna make sure you to girls are the next ones" Morgan explained

"Omg!" I screamed now shooting up from my chair. Alex drew me in for a big hug and we jumped up and down.

"Now I don't want to get your hopes up, but within Elite you guys are the top two so far, especially with your gig coming up this afternoon Taylor. And I'm gonna be working extra hard these next few months to get you guys more runway gigs, so be ready" Morgan clarified and she couldn't help the smile from forming on her face as she saw us so happy

"We'll do whatever it takes" I answered and Alex nodded in agreement

"Great, now your free till I tell you otherwise" Morgan stated "And congrats Taylor"

"Thank you" I blushed and with that Alex linked arms and we strutted out fo the building.

Once we walked out the door me and Alex turned toward each other and just screamed in excitement.

"I can't believe we might become angles" I cheered "This is the best day ever!"

"Tay, when the world sees us with those wings they are gonna crumble to the floor in our beauty" Alex claimed whipping her hair to the side for show making me chuckle. "Now time to celebrate your day"

And we linked arms again heading to our favorite lunch spot.


"Ready to head to Times Square" Alex asked me as I slurped up my drink

"Yup, let's go" And with that we are off to time square.

As we were walking a few blocks away from time square I think Alex could sense I was getting tensed because my arm around her started to get tight.

"You good babes?" She asked

"Yeah, just getting a little nervous" I admitted "What if people don't like it, my face will be the only thing people will look at"

"Girl I get it, but I promise you they will love it, they will love you. Now it's almost time let's go!" Alex encouraged me while we dragging me to time square, can always count on her to hype me up.

We quickly started speeding up, the image was releasing at 12 and it was 11:50. And all the other images around the city would be shown too. I couldn't wait and then all of a sudden we got there, and I felt like I couldn't breath.

"You gonna FaceTime Sam?" Alex asked and I nodded my head furiously. He knew what day it was so I knew he would answer

As I pulled my iPhone out to call him, Alex got us through the crowd closer to our spot. As I called him he wasn't answering and I started to freak out more. Why isn't he answering, he knows how big this is for me. Ugh whatever, this is my day I'm not gonna ruin it. So I put my phone in my back pocket.

"This is it, you ready?" Alex smiled

"So ready" I relied all of a sudden getting a boost of confidence from her

"5...4....3...2...1" We both whispered and boom there it was. In time square on the major screen my Clavin Klein add popped up.

(Picture something like this)

I stood there speechless as everyone turned there heads to look at the new image on the screen. There I was, front and center at time square. Alex was squealing jumping up and down next to me shaking my shoulders and I still couldn't believe it.

"Rapunzel that is one of the best Calvin Klein ads I have ever seen, holy shit" Alex praised as neither of us could take our eyes off of it "Omg do you here that, everybody is complementing you"

"Wow I-I look....amazing" I slowly smiled seeing how badass I looked

"See I told you" Alex grinned as she bought me in for a hug "There is no way in hell Victoria Secret won't pick you to be an angel now"

All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, finally Sam. Wonder what he thinks of it. But when I pulled my phone out, it wasn't Sam, it was Santana. A even bigger smile came over my face.

"It's Santana isn't it" Alex chuckled while shaking her head. I blushed and she just motioned me that she'll walk away. Alex knows everything about the Sam and Santana situation, but we don't talk about it unless it comes up. We both agree I had to leave that drama in the past and focus on the now.

Alex hasn't meet either of them yet, they don't even know what she looks like. But I can tell Alex favors one, but she won't tell me.

"Hey" I smiled into my phone

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Santana screamed making me have to move my phone away from my ear it was so loud "Tay holy shit, this-this as hell"

"I know right" I cheered also blushing a little, but she couldn't see that

"You are all over social media right now. Twitter is blowing up with you" Santana claimed and all of a sudden I got nervous

"Uh-Uh good or bad reviews?" I asked and I think she sensed my worry tone

"All good Tay, all good" Santana reassured me "Everybody wants to know who you are, calling you the mysterious Calvin Klein girl. Oh wait never mind, they just found an article about Nationals. They know who you are."

I chuckled into my phone, all the nerves leaving my system. All these nerves are giving me a workout.

"Tay this is amazing. I'm so proud of you. You always said I would rule this world, but look at you now" Santana awed

"Thank you" I said not liking all the attention on me "How's school going?"

"It-it's going okay" Santana answered

"That's not terribly convincing" I joked

"It's different...but hey Tay I got to go now. I just wanted to call you as soon as I could. And again so proud of you, you look fine as fuck"

"Thanks again" I gigged

"Bye, miss you" Santana sighed almost sounding like she didn't want to hangup

"Miss you too" And with that she hung up the phone. Once I set my phone down I saw all the text messages I was getting from everyone, all great compliments, I loved it. But still nothing from Sam.

"Omg that's you" I looked to my side to see a young women, about in her 20s, pointing at my billboard and then at me.

"That's me" I blushed and all of a sudden everyone crowded around me asking for my autograph, my phone number and a picture. I searched the crowd for Alex, she was sort of use to this, her first add was with Ralph Lauren. Isn't Morgan good.

I tried making my way through the crowd, dodging all the pictures until I heard a girl screaming.

"Okay that's it back it up from the chick, she's mine. Move it or loose it" I looked behind me to see Alex parting the crowd like a Red Sea. I sighed in relief and she smirked at me.

"Seem, you're already a big hit" She then grabbed my hand and started leading me through the crowd. Time to go home.


Alex and I were in my apartment watching our favorite show Pretty little Liars(Yes I had too, plus it's my favorite) while eating a box of Chinese take out. We snuck through back alleys to get to my apartment, just incase anyone was following. Then we decided it was the best to stay in for dinner. We were also kind of tipsy, we took a few shots for my ad.

"I swear Ali is alive" I stated while sticking a bunch of noddles in my mouth

"No way" Alex shook her head with a mouth full of food making me laugh

"Please, don't talk with your mouth full. You'll make me barf" I laughed and she just rolled her eyes sticking her tongue out, showing me all her food

"Disgusting" I screamed while throwing a pillow at her

"Rude" She bickered and I just stick my tongue out at her.

Before she could have a comeback my phone started to ring. It was Sam wanting a FaceTime call.

"It's Sam, I'm gonna take this real quick" I said getting up from the couch and pausing the show

"Fineeee, I'm going to change into Pjs" Alex told me as she waked into basically her room, she has a bunch of clothes in there.

I walked over to my desk and pulled out my chair. Time for this wonderful chat.

"Hi" I said not to enthused as I saw his face pop up on my screen.

"Hey babe" He slightly smiled, not sure if he knows what he missed today

I stayed quite not really knowing what to say to him. I've been talking about this day for a while now and the fact he missed that special moment with me hurt.

"Im sorry" He apologized looking down, welp he does know what he missed today

"It's fine" I lied but he didn't need to know that.

"It's looks really good though" He said trying to save himself

"Thanks" I slightly grinned "Everybody loves it"

"Of course they would, it's you" He replied saving himself even more with that cute comment.

Before he said anything else, in my camera at the top of the screen I saw Alex walk out of "her room" with nothing but booty shorts and a sports bra, our typical summer pjs. I try not to use too much AC, so it gets hot in here. I saw Sam's eyes go wide, this might be the first time he is ever seeing Alex.

"Who-who's that" Sam asked pointing behind me

"That's Alex" I answered in a duh tone

"THAT'S ALEX?!" He fumed

"Yeah why?" I asked

"I-I just didn't know she looked like that" Sam stuttered and I gave him an eyebrow raise

"What is that suppose too mean?" I sassed kind of annoyed by his answer

Before he could say anything, Alex came skipping over standing behind me wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Is this the famous Sam" Alex wondered as she bent down to see him better, leaving her face right at mine.

"Yes it is" I faked smiled, of course she comes over to meet him at this moment

"You snatched yourself a hottie Rapunzel" Alex joked even though she has already seen pictures of him before "I've heard great things about you"

"Trust me I can say the same about you" He laughed sarcastically and I wanted to go through my phone and punch him. Great first impression babe.

There was a bit moment of awkward silence so I decided to break it.

"Welp we are in the middle of our show, I'll call you later okay?" I told him

"Yeah, bye" And before I could say anything else he hung up the phone. Fuck him. I groaned and threw my phone on the table.

"Uh oh, boyfriend problems?" Alex asked while walking to her spot on the couch

"Honestly I have no idea" I answered following her

"Welp girls are better anyways" she winked at me and I just chuckled while pressing play.


Alex and I had finished watching Pretty little lairs and she went out passed out in her room, she usually does that when she drinks. I was making my way into my room when I realized I wanted a glass of water. So I went over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass, as I was standing there I heard whispering behind the door.

What the hell, I thought. I put my glass in the sink and walked over to grab a pan, yup just like Rapunzel.

Whoever was behind this door they were arguing. When I opened the door there they were...Rachel and Kurt.

"Surprise" Rachel cheered waving her hands, I lowered the pan and looked at them.


There we have it, season 4 has begun. Hope you guys liked this chapter, did a lot of planing for this one. And do you guys want me tot stick with Taylor's pov of go back to third person. Let me know what you think!

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