Survivor (#1 The Lost Crown S...

By Sri_1864

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Book 1 of The Lost Crown Series "Miss Selena Wilson, I have enough evidence, right at this instant to announc... More

Chapter 1:- A New Beginning
Chapter 2:- Down We Go
Chapter 3:- Coming Back to Senses
Chapter 4:- Things We Do for Love
Chapter 5:- Mates
Chapter 6:- First Mistake
Chapter 7:- Confessions and Training
Chapter 8:- Perfect Timing, Note the Sarcasm
Chapter 9:- And Gone is the Blindfold
Chapter 10:- Date??
Chapter 11:- They are Still Around
Chapter 12:- Memorial and Date
Chapter 13:- It's Been Long Enough
Chapter 14:- Back from the Past
Chapter 15:- What Begins in Anger Ends in Shame
Chapter 16:- A New Family
Chapter 17:- The Betrayal
Chapter 18:- To Own Up To My Actions
Chapter 19:- On My Way To Recovery
Chapter 20:- Mending A Few Things
Chapter 21:- Never Too Late To Try
Chapter 22:- A Witch's Potion
CHAPTER 23:- A Little Jealousy Is Not That Bad
Chapter 24:- Looking Over Us
Chapter 25:- A Warning Issued
Chapter 26:- Allies
Chapter 27:- A Sneak Into The Past
Chapter 28:- Now In The Present
Chapter 29:- Turn of Events
Chapter 30:- Vyris To The Rescue
Chapter 31:- Story Time, Minus Popcorn
Chapter 32:- Options and Choices
Chapter 33:- Nobody Touches Her Mate
Chapter 34:- Learning From My Mistakes
Chapter 35:- A Step Towards The Right Direction
Chapter 36:- Annoying Interruptions
Chapter 37:- All Is Not Lost
Chapter 38:- Trying Is All We Can Do Sometimes
Chapter 39:- Mine
Chapter 40:- This Fight Is All Of Ours
Chapter 41:- A Year Older
Chapter 42:- Lineage
Chapter 43:- Becoming One (I)
Chapter 44:- Becoming One (II)
Chapter 45:- Love, Young And Old
Chapter 46:- Haunting Past
Chapter 47:- Truce
Chapter 48:- Another Side of the Story
Chapter 49:- Know The Enemy
Chapter 50:- The Next Step
Chapter 51:- Last Moments of Peace
Chapter 52:- It's Time
Chapter 53:- Infiltrate
Chapter 54:- Facing The Demons
Chapter 55:- Gathering Allies
Chapter 56:- A Life Lost
Chapter 57:- Revelation
Chapter 59:- Unexpected Setbacks
Chapter 60: Fit For A King And Queen

Chapter 58:- At The Cost Of What?

1.3K 58 4
By Sri_1864

"You don't need that heart,"

Everybody was still in shock. The werewolves were in awe while the hunters, for the first time that night, shivered in fear. Nobody noticed when she started levitating even though their eyes followed her, slowly rising above them all as a bright purple glow came from within her.

The first time she was converging with Inara.

Lorcan watched the scene with a small smile, while Xavier was in complete amazement. Bright, fluorescent purple lines seemed to surround her, dancing around her as she rose higher. The light grew only a little brighter, and by the time she started coming back to the ground, Xavier could clearly see the purple shining iris of her eyes.

The glow vanished, and there stood Selena in front of them.

She looked magnificent. She looked like a true queen.

Her eyes were the first thing to catch everyone's attention. The taunting, evil kind of smirk that had also settled on her face looked so much unlike her that it almost seemed surreal. Inara was completely on the surface and the one thing that Selena was scared of, that she might not be able to find a balance with her witch, seemed to be futile since Inara and Selena were working together just fine.

Initially, Selena had taken her time to look over the whole field, including all the hunters and werewolves, her family included. Xavier couldn't get over how intoxicating her purples eyes looked as he stared at her completely oblivious to the world around him.

The hunters were too shocked themselves to notice it, but her family was very much aware of the emotions of their alpha. Some of them smiled and looked away but the ones like Aiden kept looking in between the two, waiting for a reaction from Xavier.

Selena's feet raised above the ground as she started levitating. When her eyes landed on Xavier, they stayed there longer than on anyone else as the smirk slowly turned into a smile.

'You okay?' She asked him through their mind link. Xavier blinked as her voice brought him out of the daze. Pride, respect, and love were shining in his eyes as he drank in the sight of her. Xavier didn't even notice when the smile tool over his face as he nodded to answer his mate.

Ryan, Connor, and the other wolves looked away. Their animal instincts allowed them to see more than just outwardly visible. It made them feel as if made them feel like they were intruding in a very intimate moment between their leaders.

Selena turned her head and looked at the rest of her family. None of them except Lorcan had expected the huge show that Inara put up. They all looked shocked and proud as well, but Selena's only concern was to check if they were hurt. They weren't. She stopped the frown from taking over her face as it seemed very strange that they didn't have any injuries. She decided to leave that topic for later.

Selena turned her head to look at Jayce and Evelyn on the other side. Both of them looked okay too, healed even.

When did Saanjh get the time to heal so many of them? She thought curiously.

With relief and newfound energy to finally end this damn war, she turned towards the hunters. Her eyes fell on a hunter standing on the far left, a larger than normal knife in his hand, the blade red with blood. She didn't know how, but she knew that the blood in the knife was her mate's.

She stared at the man with her head slightly tilted as he stared back at her in horror. None of them had any idea what was going on.

However, when the knife fell from the man's hand, and he flinched while looking at them, they noticed how abnormally blue his hands were.

The man cried in terror, looking back at her once before he fell on the floor.

The blood in his body was being frozen solid. His limbs were the first ones to stop getting the oxygenated blood. As soon as he fell, gasps and desperate attempts to draw as much air as possible could be heard before they saw the life squeezed being out of him.

Within a mere minute, the man was dead and there was nothing the hunters could do.

The second hunter that her eyes fell on was Jared.

While still levitating, she flew to where the man stood. Her head tilted to the left as she just stared at him.

In the meantime, taking advantage of a shocked Max and a downed Leon, Connor and Aiden rushed over to their mates to make sure that they were okay.

 Her lips had a small smile as she spoke to the man direct.

"Three werewolf lives were lost today by your hands," she said calmly. They saw his Adam's apple bob before Jared scoffed tried to hide his anger.

Selena's eyebrows furrowed and she couldn't help the smile that started spreading on her face.

"You shot down three wolves," her voice started to echo as if she was speaking in a huge auditorium.

Jared's eyes widened. Even Max took a step back, he knew Selena's mother was a witch, but he was told that it wasn't possible for someone to be both a witch and a werewolf. He cursed Irene in his mind and watched the scene unfold.

"One of them," Selena continued, she was still levitating and started revolving around him slowly, "was your mate, who went against everything and everyone to get in your good books."

"Y-You hated her," he said in a shaking voice.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I still do," she said, coming back to float in front of him again, "She was the worst kind of werewolf. But no one, not even her deserved to be shot in the heart by their mate."

"I-I..." Jared stuttered but stopped when he saw the smile falling off her face, and the fire burning in her glowing, purple eyes.

Selena's lips settled in a straight line and her eyes stared back at Jared. Jared's scared expression slowly turned into pain as one of his hands pressed against his chest. He scrunched his face and groaned before he fell to his knees.

He screamed in pain as he fell on the ground and rolled to lie on his back. His cries of pain didn't stop even for a second as his hands moved clutched his chest. However, in the very next second, it seemed like his hands were being held back to the ground by an invisible force as he laid there thrashing and screaming.

With one final cry, the life seeped out of Jared's eyes just as his heart came flying out of his chest and dropped on the ground a few inches away from his body. His eyes were wide opened still when he took his last breath.

"You don't need that heart if you aren't using it properly," she whispered in a spine-chilling voice and turned around. She heard a few gasps and turned her head to the left and stared at another hunter, Naomi. She had tears streaming down her face as she looked at Selena with hatred, clutching a silver knife tightly in her hands.

Xavier noticed how she tilted her head to the side again. This seemed to be a trait of her witch, he found it adorable nevertheless.

'I cannot believe you called her adorable just after she pulled out the moron's heart.' Zion mumbled. The wolf was in awe too.

'She might be drenched in our enemy's blood or even in mud, I will still find her adorable.'

'She's so hot.'

'Very sexy.'

"Might wanna drool after the war is over, Xav." Xavier turned to the side to see his mother grinning at him. The alpha couldn't help but chuckle.

"You were his lover." It wasn't a question the way Selena said it. She knew, she could see it in her eyes.

Selena scoffed, her lips curled into a smile.

"Attack them!" Max shouted, suddenly coming back to his senses.

There were still more than a hundred hunters there and no matter how strong, it wasn't possible for anyone to take over so many weapons.

Needless to say, Xavier still wasn't very confident about the outcome of this war.

Selena started levitating again, this time lower than before but still above the heads of all the werewolves and the hunters. Xavier, while trying to fight one of the hunters, noticed that she wasn't alone either. Right beside her, on one side was Lorcan. On the other side, there was Asteria, and right beside her, Saanjh.

Their eyes glowed brightly showing their witches and warlocks in power and they held each other's hands. Each of them had a fire in their eyes, staring down at the fight on the ground below them as they had the hands of the ones adjacent to them.

"You ready?" Selena asked, her eyes focused on the huge group of hunters in front of them.

"More than I will ever be again."

Selena smirked, "Let's do this."

The wolves on the ground who could hear this little chat, clearly noticed how the three pairs of hands tightened. Their eyes caught the purplish wave that came out of the four witches. The wave only went forward as it pushed the hunters a few inches back while turning the varieties of guns in their hands into dust. They now had no gun power whatsoever.

The hunters turned to look at their leader in shock and Max groaned.

"Fight them, you morons!" he shouted.

The hunters gave what seemed like a war cry and started running towards the werewolves. The wolves were ready this time, they scoffed and started running too. With the guns, the doubts in the minds of some of them had also turned to dust.

Selena's eyes returned to their normal colour as she and the other witches landed on the ground.

"You okay?" Lorcan asked, his eyes still hard.

Selena nodded stiffly. Her eyes slipped to Asteria once but she looked back again, "Let's finish this now."

She entered the battlefield. Lorcan sighed and joined after her, Leaving Saanjh and Asteria there.

"Let's talk after this is over," Asteria said softly, scared he wouldn't agree. Saanjh only smiled at her softly and reassuringly, gave her hand a squeeze, and with a nod, went after Lorcan. Asteria followed after.

Max had sneaked to where Leon was. He pulled his brother up and stood watching the scene with wide eyes.

"How astounding," Leon whispered, Max noticed that his eyes were still on Selena.

He huffed in disbelieved and watched the alpha pair.

Xavier and Selena were fighting side by side, Jayce and Ryan right by their sides, serving both of their alphas. Connor and Evelyn were a little distance away and with them was Damien and Adriana.

Many of the wolves had changed into their animal form, one of them was Xavier. Selena fought the hunters whom she recognized with vengeance. She needed to avenge her pack, this was her one chance. She was busy fighting with one of the hunters when Xavier jumped over her head and bit off the head of a hunter who was trying to sneak up on her from the back. Selena paid little attention to it and kept fighting.

When she was done with this man, she turned and came face to face with Naomi. Her witch was exhausted with how much power she had used already but there was too much adrenaline pumping through her to allow her to sit still.

Her eyes were blinking between silver and bright purple. She took steady steps towards her and as soon as her hand found the back of her neck, she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her side.

Her lips curled in pain as she looked down to see the hilt of a knife sticking out of her stomach, on the same spot where Leon had knifed her.

She groaned. One of her hands held Naomi by her neck and the other one pulled the knife out of her own body. She heard the howl nearby and recognized it to be Xavier's. He knew.

Selena smirked as she pushed the knife into Naomi's stomach, making the girl gasp and her eyes widen. She pushed her away from her and harshly on the ground and she was instantly attacked by the huge black wolf.

Selena looked at the scene until Xavier stepped away. Blood splattered all around her by the time Xavier was done, her body was in shambles. He turned around with his hackled still raised, still looking around for more hunters to kill.

Selena turned around and started helping the other wolves.

Connor and Evelyn were also in their wolf forms. Meanwhile, among the others, it was Seth who first noticed that the hunters were using knives too.

"They have knives! The knives weren't destroyed!" Seth announced, everyone on the ground heard him.

Simultaneously, the wolves also felt a heard and sharp tug in their mind. In instinct, every single eye turned to their previous Luna. She stood there with her mouth and eyes wide open, a huge knife sticking out of her chest.

Several loud, feral growls were heard before the man holding the knife onto Adriana was on the ground with Damien on top of him. Within seconds, the man was dead and Damien stood in human form, slowly placing himself under her and holding her close to his heart.

Lorcan instantly went over to them, as the pack doctor who had now made an appearance to the front side, also rushed over to the scene.

While the doctor checked her wounds, Adriana coughed up blood. She frowned and coughed again before she looked at Damien, her eyes wide in alert, "You h-have to look out f-for them, love."

"We both will. You hold on, you hear me?" Damien said, his voice coarse, barely holding on to his tears.

Adriana somehow smiled but the pain she was under was very clear. The two seemed completely out of the world, ignoring the battle still going on around them. But their family made sure no one reached them.

"It's t-time for me, Damien," her eyes rolled but they focused again as Damien shook her.

"No," he answered roughly, the lone tear finally sneaking out. His voice broke as he continued, "You don't get to decide that, Addy. No one gets to take you away from me. You go, I go remember? We promised!"

"Make sure the k-kids are okay, baby," she choked on her words as Damien pulled her closer.

"We need to take her to the hospital, Alpha Damien," the doctor said softly, not wanting to face the wrath of a mate.

The siblings stood there watching over their mother with worry and distress when they heard their alpha.

"Protect them!" Xavier had shouted.

The warriors started going ahead, penetrating the hunters' line, now more careful after knowing about the knives. Selena, Aiden, Jayce, Connor, Evelyn, Ryan and Xavier surrounded, Damien, Adriana, Lorcan and the doctor, to make sure no hunter reached them.

Connor, Jayce and Selena were the only ones in wolf form.

Asteria and Saanjh and started levitating again, looking from above wherever they needed help.

They saw Max standing in one corner looking over the whole scene. Quietly, they flew up to him and stood behind the oblivious leader.

One harsh kick from Saanjh had the man yelping in surprise and pain as he fell on his knees. Saanjh's glowing eyes made sure Max didn't get up.

"Where is he?" Asteria asked.

"Where is who?"

"Do not pretend to be dumb with me."

Max started laughing. "Did you really think I will let him fall into your hands?" he sneered, "You killed my family, all of them, and you will never find my brother."

"Well, we will see about that," Saanjh muttered as he turned and started walking towards where the rest of the hunters remained.

Most of them were killed, and a few that remained were being finished by the rest of the warriors.

In the middle of hundreds of torn bodies, Damien lay with Adriana in his arms.

"I need to take her to the hospital Alpha. She is not healing, she might have Wolfsbane in her."

Damien sniffled and nodded weakly. No one had ever seen their previous alpha like this, so much broken, so hopeless. Their hearts shattered as the scene played out.

Lorcan helped Damien, and with his magic, took Damien, Adriana, Roy and the doctor to the hospital.

Xavier stood beside Selena as she put her hands on both sides of his face, holding it so he was staring right into her eyes, "She will be okay."

Xavier nodded, but there was no emotion in his eyes, as if he didn't believe the words coming out of her.

"Here is your man, Alpha."

The leaders and the warriors all turned around, Xavier's eyes instantly turned dark. He stared at Max blankly, so did the rest of them until someone else spoke up again.

"What do you want to do with this one?"

Selena looked behind Max and her eyes widened.

"I can kill him if you want, I didn't get as many kills as I would have liked," Selena recognized Vishal saying as he held Elijah by his neck. "A group of hunters were sneaking out by the back, so baba and I followed them, we found him there tied and beaten to death almost."

"Put him down," Selena said, "He isn't a bad guy."

Vishal shrugged and put Elijah down gently without questioning her.

Max scoffed, "I can't believe out of everyone he made it out alive."

"It's Max's son, Elijah," Selena answered the silent question that hung in the air.

Elijah couldn't stand on his own two legs and Vishal had to hold on to the boy, support him with his body. He was so weak, his eyes were barely open, but when he blinked, his eyes fell on Selena.

He tried to smile but all he could manage was a grimace, "You m-made it."

Selena took a few steps towards him, "I did, thanks to you."

He managed a small smile this time, "Good."

"He is losing consciousness, Selena," Vishal muttered as he felt more of the boy's weight on his body.

"C'mon, I'll take you guys to the hospital," Asteria said. Vishal didn't look so sure so Saanjh joined them too as Asteria now helped them to the hospital.

"Now,what do we do with you?" Xavier muttered, his eyes silver, as he took menacingsteps towards Max.

Someone tried to shoot her but they didn't know that Inara had predicted much and had a barrier ready to protect her human.

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