Twin Drama Filming [REWRITE]

By amz_19

374 28 2

[REWRITE] Y started get tons of letter and pictures that he need to save them, he need to save the twin but t... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 16

8 0 0
By amz_19



He let him go as he lock the door before looking at him.

"Tell me now, who are you"

The man then open his cap and mask that he has been wearing before y back off a few step.

"You are the one who always send that?"

"Does your member know about this?"

"No, no one know", he only answer one of his question. "Even though I can let them know but I can't or we will lose this fight"

Y surely has a lot of questions to ask but for sure he can't show to him that he was rushing or poor this kid.

"Do you have any schedule?", Jeongin nodded his head. "Yeah, Stray Kids do have schedule". Jeongin then tap his hand on the floor wants him to sit down.

"Why?", Jeongin chuckled at his question before look back at y and shrugged his shoulder.

"But seriously, I hope you don't blame yourself for what happen to Bomin hyung"

"You have done your best to do your part", Y let out a long sigh. He hope that he will not break down in front of this kid. His tiredness somehow automatically show in front of him. "But why? Why am I only the one who need to do this, I don't think that the other casting know about this. Why am I only the one who get those envelope and other things"

"You already know why.... Byung ho is one of the reason why. Don't worry hyung, I'm also in a part of this. You not alone", before showing he smile at Y. His weight on his shoulder somehow already lose it weight because of his smile. Pat yourself sungyoon ah, they done great job to diet.

"But there must be something more...."

"Yeah, Byung ho doesn't know who is Kang Woo, that's why I'm sending all those. He still need to keep his identity remain mystery."

"Who's Kang Woo?"

"You received 3 of the medical report right", that's make him remember when he received the shoebill too.

Jeongin continue, "it's 4,6 and 12 years long medical report, 4 years of medical report is belong to Jiwoo. 6 years, belong to Jino, Jiwoo older brother and 12 years long is belong to Jino hyung wife, Eun-Ji........"

"It's should have more actually..."

"WAIT WHAT?", Y widened his eyes looking at him. Jeongin put his finger point hand on his lips ask him to shut up. "At least please slow down your voice hyung I don't want them to see me here"

"Wait, how you even go inside here?", Jeongin show artist card that he get. "I stole this from Bomin bag before someone make a copy of this so that I can get inside here",

"You kids, you shouldn't have stole that!!"

"Tell me if we have any other option before to let you know why only you having those envelope and without letting you know who is the one who send this"

Y show his hand ask him to continue what their conversation earlier. " It started from 12 years of medical report, Eun-Ji. I'm sure you already know who is she. Eun-Ji noona is close to her cousin. It's not her fault but she only the one who survived in car accident while her cousin and her uncle passed away. She still a kid back then."

"That's when her aunt blame her for anything. She do want to let her parents know but they to busy to even picked up their phone. Years passed by only her older brother know about this. Her parents really care about their children but they too much busy to even know latest news of them. Everytime they want to tell them, the timing is not helping them at all and it's drag them until years before her brother scream at them after what has happened to his sister. And yeah, as you already read, her aunt passed away after fight with her parents. I don't read all of them but Kang Woo say that most of the report contain picture of noona wound and there is other things too."

"All the medical report are related to each other?", Jeongin nodded. "Yeah"

"6 years of medical report, it's belong to Jino hyung. After what happened, he started to hard to get up or even move around. That's when he start to have thought of suicide. He even hearing things that aren't there. I don't understand anything since the report is in English and Malay language. But basically it's from mental institution that he go in Malaysia to once in a while. He lost everything and he stop everything after doctor diagnosed him having depression. I'm not sure what types but for sure he have different types of symptoms that make him weaker than before."

"Finally the last one", Jeongin continued, "my best friend"

" My best friend, Yoon Jiwoo. He still in coma state. I'm still waiting for him to awake even though it's already pass 4 years already", he look down looking at his lap.

"That's why you are the one who get those, the real reason is because of Jiwoo, not his brother"

Jeongin met his gaze as he saw y body went rigid, and confusion crossed his features. "What do you mean?"

" Kang Woo, Jiwoo, Hae-won and Roody is my best friend with the other friends you might know too as well since they also idol singer like us. All 4 of them are goldenness. They really love your group a lot hyung", still in rigid position, shock hear what that Jeongin say to him.

" For those envelope, picture, medical report and so on, it's from Roody and Kang Woo. They know how to hack. As a hacker themselves, they can't tell their identity to anyone. That why you found me, it's my part to send all those to you."

"I have my part too, to look out one of my member, Seungmin.", Which Jeongin hope that his hyung is fine and nothing will happen.

"They really a great hacker. You ask them anything and they know how to do it since being a hacker they need to understands security concepts and technologies."

"But they can ask other idol too?"

"Yeah, but they trust you. Out of all the idol that they know and they stan, they trust you and believe in you that you are the only one who can stop all of this"

"What happen to them", Jeongin raised his eyebrows. What do he mean by that?


"Roody is now in LA and he just come here sometime to visit Jiwoo and our friends, nothing else and he went back there to continue his live there. Kang Woo is working with Day6. Byung ho doesn't know about them.... If he know then they're dead for sure. Byung ho will make everyone around the twin hyung suffer. He capable for anything."

And Jeongin tell everything that happen between Jiwoo, Hae-won, Kang Woo and Roody.

"Actually before Jiwoo in coma state and before Roody move to LA, someone actually keep follow them"

"Jiwoo and Roody always walk around the Seoul and sing Golden Child song when they walk around. They have been punched and their throats has been stab with knife just because they sing your group song. But I suspected and believe it's Byung ho to pay people to do all those. Luckily for Roody, Byung ho can't get track him down, his identity and relationship with Jiwoo so he's fine. That's how he can escape to LA."

"But you know....", Y hesitated to continue since he don't want to bring the mood to the worst state but he really need to ask. "Why they doing all those, you know.... you can just let it behind. Why they and you doing all these?". He somehow regret his questions before he look at Jeongin who just smile at him.

"They are my best friend, me, Kang Woo and Roody have no reason why we doing these. You don't need a reason to help people. If we don't help stop this, then who will stop it? Plus we will see a lot of people more in suffering, in pain if we just stand there doing nothing"

"Let me stop talking for a while and rest, my neck hurt because of you headlock me earlier", Y then look at Jeongin who just resting his back on the floor, close his eyes and let out his long sigh.

To be continued.......

Updated : 29 September 2021

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