It All Started With A 'Hi' ||...

By lernjerge

16.3K 691 34

In a quiet library, amidst the hushed whispers of turning pages, a chance encounter changes everything for Is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (M)
Chapter 5 (M)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (M)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 12

361 18 0
By lernjerge

After classes ended, Ishie rushed towards Mina's room to fetch the girl for lunch. But a notification ding on her phone indicating that she have received a message from the unknown number.

From: xxxxx-xxxxxx

Sorry, awhile ago. I didn't text back cause I need to rushed for my next class.

She smiled, typing a reply.

To: xxxxx-xxxxxx

No, it's okay. I need to rushed for my next class too at that time.

To: xxxxx-xxxxxx

I have been texting you in a minute now. What's your name?

From: xxxxx-xxxxxx

That's a secret 😉 I'll let you know soon. Bye! Need to go for lunch.

Ishie groaned, she wants to know if the stranger is a girl or a boy . But base on her observation, it's a girl.

To: Stranger

Since, I don't know you. And you don't know me, better I'll name you stranger on my contact. Hihi, have fun on lunch!

She walked in the corridors until it's Mina's room, she found the girl looking and giggling on her phone. She felt jealous.

Mina was the only one who's inside the classroom, bet she's waiting for the girl who promise to fetch her.

"Who is that?" Ishie asked as she approached Mina who snapped her head towards the girl. She smiled before shrugging her shoulder.

"It's nothing. Lets go? I'm starving." Mina said, grabbing Ishie's hand as they head out to the classroom with their bags on their shoulders.

She's jealous, it's her first time seeing Mina giggling while looking on her phone. She didn't talk, as she let the girl lead their way on the cafeteria.

As the two entered the cafeteria, Dahyun raised her hand to grabbed their friends attention. When Mina saw Dahyun, she hastily approach her friends with a smile, with Ishie who's tailing behind her with a poker face.

"What's with that poker face cousin?" Dahyun asked while eyeing Ishie. The latter just shrugged her shoulder as she sit beside Chaeyoung not wanting to answer her cousin, Dahyun.

"Nothing, where's Lisa?" She asked roaming her eyes.

"She's eating with your two sisters and Rosé right there." Jihyo said pointing at the corner where the Kim sisters and her sister who's enjoying eating lunch.

"Alright, I'll eat lunch with them." But before she could walk away, a hand grabbed her wrist, it was Mina.

"I- i thought y-you're eating lunch with us?" Mina asked quietly, looking at the girl with sad eyes.

"I miss eating lunch with my sisters', maybe next time." Ishie said, as Mina slowly unwrapped her hand on the girls' wrist, nodding her head.

Ishie walk away, as she walks towards wherein her sisters and her two band mates eating. Mina just look at where the girls' at thinking why of the sudden gloomy mood of the girl.

"Here." Jihyo said, as she slid down some foods on Mina. "Sana, ordered it. Now, eat."

"Thank you." She quitely said, as she looks at Ishie again who's eating quitely between her sisters.


"Yah! It's so sudden that you're eating lunch with us." Jisoo said, biting the chicken on her hand.

"Yeah, every time I asked you to grabbed lunch with me, you always declined it." Lisa said, sipping on her ice tea. Ishie just rolled her eyes.

"I miss eating with you guys." She said taking a chicken thigh on Jisoo's bucket.

"YAH-" Before Jisoo could react, Jennie glared at her older sister, eyeing her to shut up.

"Do you have a problem baby?" Jennie asked looking at her younger sister, who scrunched her nose with the nickname.

"Unnie, stop babying me. Just baby, Lalisa instead." Ishie mumble, rolling her eyes again. While her bestfriend on the other hand is a blushing mess.

"But you're still my baby, duh." Jennie said, poking the latter cheeks. "So.. tell me what's your problem? You won't eat lunch with us when your mood is good."

"I don't know. I saw Mina, smiling and giggling on her phone when I fetch her at her class." Ishie said, grumbling on her seat, playing her food with the fork.

"Hmm, are you perhaps jealous?" Jisoo asked, eyeing her grumbling sister.

"Me? Jealous? No way. We're not even on a relationshi-"

"Then why are you acting like that, if you're not jealous?" Jennie interrupt her sister. "If you're not jealous, you won't act like that. Now, finish your food and ask Mina for a date." Jennie said, letting out a small laughed.

"We'll study together at home later." The girl said, wiping the chicken crumbs on her mouth.

"Well, that's a good opportunity to talk. Right Babe?" Rosé said, looking at Jisoo who's nodding her head in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." She said as she stand up. "Lets go Lis, lunch will be over in a minute." Grabbing her bestfriend hand as they headed out of the cafeteria.


"What happen to her? She looks grumpy when you two got here." Nayeon ask Mina, when she see Lisa and Ishie heading out of the cafeteria.

"I don't even know. I'm just waiting for her in my classroom while I'm using my phone." Mina said, pouting.

"Oh, maybe she see you smiling while texting someone?" Sana asked, Mina shrugged her shoulder as she finished her food, wiping her mouth.

"Lets go, lunch will be over in a minute." Jihyo said, cleaning their trash. "And you two have plans later right?" She asked making Mina nod her head. "Then, talk to her."

Mina just nodded her head, as the bell rang indicating that lunch is over and time for the next class.

The girls headed off outside, walking their way to towards their next class.
While Ishie on the other hand still thinking on what her sister told her.

"Me? Jealous? I think so." Ishie shake her head, looking outside of the window waiting for the class to start.


Here's a boring update y'all.
I can't think straight, my brain just got damage from the quizzes 😪


Adiós Amigos! ❤️

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