Why Us? | A Baji x Chifuyu St...

By Cus_WhyNot

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This story will include: •Angst •Fluff •Lil bit of smut but not too bad (when there is, it's in the future) •... More

Part 1: Where it all started
Part 2: The Space Between Us
Part 3: Was It All Worth It?
Idk bro ✨ Suffer ✨
Part 4: The Confrontation
Part 5: Fight, Fight, Fight
Part 6: Attention Seeker
Part 7: I Forgive You Until The Next 3 Years
Part 8: Toman vs Valhalla!
Part 9: He Snaps
Part 10: How it all ended
Part 11: The Aftermath
Part 12: Who Are You?
Part 13: You're Real!
Part 14: I'm So Happy You're Alive
Part 15: Hell, This Is Hell
Part 16: Tough decision
Part 17: All Alone
Part 18: I'll Do It By Myself
Part 19: Thank You So Much!
Part 20: Happy Together (Happy ending)
Part 21: What Do You Mean..? (sad 'ending')
Part 22: Scare
Extention on part 18 (horny pricks)
Side Stories Part 1
Side Stories Part 2
Side Stories Part 3
Side Stories Part 4
Side Stories Part 5
Side Stories Part 7
Side Stories Part 8
Side Stories Part 9

Side Stories Part 6

672 13 26
By Cus_WhyNot

So I feel like I've been using Chifuyu a little too much so this part will be angst but I'm making it up as I go and I have no idea what's gonna happen.
⚠️Mentions of suicide⚠️

What happens when one person looses someone so close to them? Do they go insane, Depressed, Suicidal, or all of the above?

Life would be just an illusion to them, like an illustration splattered on a crumpled piece of paper, discarded on the side of the road, like roadkill.

Murdered, like they were nothing, nothing, just like a thought pushed out of their mind.

Forgiving may look easy, may look real, but it's all fake. The person, someone who you valued, taken away from you.

You start to slowly forget their face, voice and features. 'Were they really even important to you?'

The question asked over and over again, getting more agitated with yourself when that question flows into your mind.

'of course he was! He was important! He was the love of my life!' repeated in the mind of a Murder.

'why did you kill him then? If you really loved him, you wouldn't of pulled the lever, you wouldn't of kidnapped him! He would still be free! He would still be alive!'

Fighting with your thoughts, something someone would do after killing their lover.

You may be confused or sad what I'm telling you right now, well don't be. This will be my story, my decision making, my mistakes, and the love of my life ripped away from me.
It was a Thursday afternoon, the sun was setting, oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Baji Keisuke, I'm in one of the most powerful mafia group around.

We basically run Shibuya, I dated a boy named Chifuyu Matsuno in middle school. I thought he was the love of my life.

We were in a gang together, 'Tokyo Manji Gang', we were pretty big, and strong. The leader, everyone looked up to.

'The invincible Mikey', but in reality he wasn't so invincible Afterall. He loved his members, every single person, he would usually get to know them.

But there was always downfalls when you had a big gang. Other gangs would target us, it got to a point where we were loosing members.

Members would either be killed or leave because they didn't want to die next. They were weak anyway.

Mikey was always happy and chill until Emma was killed, then Draken, his best friend, was killed right in front of his eyes.

Mikey killed who dared put their hands on him, no one could do anything, everyone was frozen, still.

Everyone looked traumatized, members who were usually happy looked like they were on the verge on passing out, because of what they saw.

Mikey went into hiding, no one saw him for a month, then he called an emergency meeting.

No one felt good, but everyone turned up. Mikey disbanded the gang, he had other plans, he was starting his own mafia.

A lot of people said no that idea, 'that's crazy!' or 'I actually want to live!' was two statements heard the most.

Mikey screamed at everyone, 'fine! If you don't come with me! When I get big enough I'll kill you!'

A lot of members walked away that day, only a total of 8 stayed behind, Smiley, kisaki, Hanma, myself and four others from first and fourth division.

But that was ten years ago, smiley doesn't smile as much since angry is not around him, it's like they complete each other, kisaki was killed and Hanma left.

Some more people join, Koko and Sanzu, he was a spy for us which resulted in deaths from both sides of the mafia.

The other side is the former members of Toman, Takamichi, Angry, Mitsuya, Hanma, Hakkai, Inui, Kazutora and.. Chifuyu.

Of course there's more people but those are just the higher-ups also known as the 'Important people.'

I would be lying if I said I don't still like Chifuyu, although we dated in middle school, I still love him.

The only reason why we split was because I joined Mikey. I couldn't be with him, from an opposing Mafia group.

I would be classed as spy and killed. Smiley and angry had to stop seeing each other and even stop speaking. Koko couldn't contact or see Inui.

So in reality, no one was happy, smiley just wanted to see angry again, Koko wanted to just speak to Inui again and me?

I was Chifuyu back in my arms, I want to show him how much I still love him. Right now Mikey has called a meeting. I'm off to that now.

Baji walked into the room and everyone was already seated, he was the last one to turn up.

This was a meeting for the higher-ups. Baji took it upon himself to go sit right next to Mikey, one of the only seats available.

"Sorry I'm late boss.." when talking to Mikey you need to speak softly at first.

"Don't do it again Baji.. but I called you all here because.." He lent back in his chair, cracking his back.

He lent forward, opening a folder with a map of Shibuya, a certain area was circled in a red marker.

That's the part of the city Toman runs. Mikey pulled a pen out of his jacket. "As you all know we have an issue with an insignificant group of people who call themselves a mafia group.."

Everyone's mouths felt like they were glued shut, they all have at least one person they hold dear in their hearts in that group.

"Well you remember my words on how anyone who turned their backs on me that day, I was going to kill when I get big..?"

Everyone was knew what he was talking about, they wanted to speak up and try and change his mind, but if they were to do so.. they would get killed.

"Well I've killed everyone except them." He got his pen and rammed it into the circle on the map.

"We're going to go, capture the higher-ups, kill the rest and take that land for ourselves." He stood up, pushing his chair back.

"Do you all understand?" His voice was cold as ice, and deadly quiet but yet so threatening. Everyone at the table stood up and bowed to their leader all in unison answered; "yes sir!"

The leader strolled out, the other's dreading the day to come. It could and would happen at any time.

Mikey was ruthless, careless. Once he got blood on his hands, everything changed, he stopped caring for his friends, his dark impulses took control and he was willing and was craving the blood on his hands more.

It gave him this feeling of freedom, he felt like he could do absolutely anything. Being so powerful that police, FBI can't even take you down makes one crave for more power.

The fact that he didn't rule over all of Shibuya send the leader into a lunatic just wanting power, money and freedom.

Loosing his loved ones sure took a impact on him, he was left with nothing other than the blind people whom decided to follow in his shadow.

He use to be the one who makes sure his friends are alright if they fell, now he's one to step on them for being 'too weak.'

He wasn't that dumb to go charging straight into an opposing groups territory. Anyway he had to set up something he was going to keep his captives in.

"Word is around town Mikey is planning on taking this land." Takemichi is a leader who doesn't take threats lightly.

"Yeah but boss, there's no way we'll live after they come charging on guns blazing." Chifuyu, a terrifying second leader. He wasn't as important as Takemichi but still pretty important.

"Chifuyu's right, they'll just come in here killing everyone, they have some insane firepower." Mitsuya, in charge of first division with Hakkai.

"Can confirm, although I was there when they were only small the weapons were insane, we don't stand a chance." Hanma in charge of second division with Kazutora.

"We've got no where to run either, they have us surrounded with territory, we only have this one spot when they have the reso of Shibuya and most of Tokyo." Angry, in charge of third division with Inui.

First division, in control of the rest when the bosses are off fighting for some reasonable land.

Second division, in charge of scouting and spying, they look at opposing threats and find stuff out about them.

Third division, in charge of land and money to just afford what they can get to protect themselves.

And the bosses, to rule over the rest and firepower, weapons and order.

"Look I know, but we need to at least try, last time we had a spy come in here a lot of people were killed, taken away from their families, loved ones. If we give up we're basically handing out lives to them."

Everyone looked around at each other. "Takemichi's right, everything we fought for would be for nothing." Kazutora stood up. "I'm with boss, if I'm dying, I'm dying for the safety of our members and the people who live here!" Inui stood up with Kazutora.

Takemichi smiled, "that settles it then, we'll put up defences, we'll have sixth, fifth and fourth division out around this part of the city, be on guard, they could attack at any time!" The sixth, fifth and fourth division leaders stood up and walked out.

They told their divisions everything, they went out for their part. "We'll have first division and every captain and vice captain up here with Chifuyu and I, the rest will be armed protecting this building!"

Everyone stood up and bowed. They told their divisions orders and they got suited up with bullet proof chest plates and guns, they got in position.

"Now if everything goes to shit I have an escape route, I can't ensure that our blood won't be spilt but I can try my best that it won't."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, they were happy Takemichi didn't change over the course of ten years.

It had been days since Toman set up defences, no activity had happened since, members started getting tired and impatient some even backed out.

They wanted to live for their families, but no matter where they ran, they weren't safe.

Hours after leaving their territory they were slaughtered with their families, kids even pet's.

The safest option was to stay put and stick through it, everyone fighting knew there was no way out alive, now was their last chance to call their families and bid their goodbyes.

There was no 'hopefully I'll return home.' It was look after yourselves and maybe we'll see each other soon, in heaven, hell or wherever we end up in.

If you were even slightly associated with Toman, Mikey was after you. Some families didn't answer, that's when they knew, their time was coming to an end.

The battle could start at any time, civilians were evacuated to a safer location so none of them would be caught in the crossfire.

Nerves were racking up by the minute, although members could be standing there for another month it still played on their mind.

The end was soon, the heat of the day and the cold of the night fatigued the weak, they wouldn't last long.

It was a sad reality, the fight hadn't even started and some members would be on the ground due to fatigue and hunger.

Food and water was provided until everything was cut. Food trucks stopped coming in, water stopped.

This was all caused by Mikey, he was the mastermind behind all of this. Soon members on the outskirts saw a truck.

"Hey! A food truck slipped past! We have food!" Oh how silly they were, celebrating before the fight had even started.

The truck never slowed, one captain realised this and shot the driver, the truck swerved out of control, many people jumped out of the back, they were armed.

Gunshots were heard, "it's started!" Angry's voice echoed throughout the room, all the higher-ups were on edge.

Their only goal was to keep Takemichi alive, they were willing to disregard their lives for their boss.

"A battlefield, that's how you would describe this." Outside the head of Bonten strided so confidentiality in the Middle of the battle taking place outside a 'important' building keeping the higher-ups safe.

Both sides members were dropping like flies. It was pretty even, though the higher-ups for Bonten was traveling quickly to the battlefield making the fight unfair.

The first level inside members fired at Mikey as he shot at the other's with Sanzu striding beside him.

He sniffed the air, "the smell of death and war smells amazing boss!" Sanzu was always crazy.

"It is but remember what we disgusted before we came here, were keeping the higher-ups alive if we can, if they get difficult, kill them."

Sanzu laughed while shooting someone so helplessly trying to crawl to safety. "Alright boss!!"

Outside Toman Triumphed with the battle, "we might actually get to go home!" Then roaring motorcycles was heard flying down towards their direction.

The members turned around just to be shot down with minimal effort. Not all higher-ups were there.

Soon charging into the building to help Sanzu and Mikey.

Rising levels, the elevator was 'malfunctioning' before Mikey got there therefore they had to take the stairs.

That hardly slowed them down. Slaughtering members who just wanted to return home, bodies flew down to the underground car parking.

Some layed motionless on the stair case. Gunshot fire filled the air, members fought for their lives but never stood a chance.

Mikey held a person by their hair holding a gun to their head over the staircase.

"Tell me where the higher-ups are! Or I will kill you!" The member shook, fear overtook their body.

"T-top floor!" Mikey pushed the member off making them fly down to the bottom landing on the ground killing them.

"I hate people who betray someone." He continued to walk up the stairs, he was accompanied by Koko, Sanzu and smiley.

"We'll get to the top in no time."

"Look they're getting closer! Boss you Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Kazutora go! Angry Hanna and myself will stay behind and hold them off as long as we can but protect the boss!"

Mitsuya and Hakkai nodded as they opened the secret escape route and let Takemichi and Chifuyu in first, next was Kazutora then Mitsuya then Hakkai.

Angry closed it back up making it look like it was only them and there was no escape route.

Suddenly there was banging and the door broke down. "Seriously?! Just you up here!?" Sanzu screeched. The three held their guns up.

They were prepared to fire though Inui and angry never wanted to. As soon as smiley saw angry he stopped smiling, he missed his twin so much.

But now his twin was holding a gun towards him. Koko was so happy to see Inui in a good condition, he felt so bad that their last interaction was a fight.

He said some stuff he shouldn't of. It was quiet, just a stand off until shots were fired.

Angry was shot in the leg by sanzu, it brought him down, he shot sanzu in the arm knocking the gun out of his hands and sending it down the stairwell.

He held his leg in pain, the pain was excruciating, it travelled up his leg throughout his body.

Some more gunshots were fired, hanma got a hit on sanzu sending him back when no shots were fired at Hanma. He continued to shoot at Sanzu, one hit him dead centre of his head, it knocked him back, he fell back into the stairwell, he tumbled down the stairs, each step hurting more, the time he hit the wall he was dead.

Angry went for a kill on Mikey but was shot in the wrist by smiley, the scream was horrifying. Smiley felt so bad but he couldn't let his boss get killed.

"Good, you shot him, now stop the pain and kill him." Mikey pushed smiley forward in front of angry, he couldn't do it.

Inui shot at him, smiley just turned shooting him in the chest, he fell back holding his chest, Mikey shot him in the head to 'end the suffering.' Koko stood there in horror

Mikey turned to him "this is war, he's dead now, finish what's there." Mikey got impatient and shot angry dead centre of his head.

He died instantly, smiley dropped down and hugged his twin, he was crying. "No no! Please! He's my second half! I never meant for him to get hurt!"

Hanma aimed to shoot at smiley when Koko shot him three times, one in the head and two in the chest, he died along with them.

Koko ran over to Inui, he put his hands on inui's face, he cried, he lost someone he loved due to a fire and now his best friend.

"Since you love them so much die with them." Two gunshots, both landed the back of both their heads.

Smiley dies hugging his twin, and Koko died holding his best friend. Mikey clicked his tongue and walked down the stairs.

"Gunshots.." in the lead there was Kazutora, Chifuyu, Takemichi, Mitsuya then Hakkai.

They weren't read for what was ahead. Suddenly Kazutora stopped, he squinted then gunshots, Kazutora fell.

"Kazutora!!" Chifuyu cried, "back the other way! Get Takemichi to safety!" Chifuyu pulled out his gun and saw who was ahead, it was Baji.

He stopped, he dropped his gun, Baji and Chifuyu just stared at each other then someone pushed past him and another gun shot went off.

"No wait!!" Too late, Chifuyu dropped to the floor. No blood? Mitsuya was curious then he dropped, Hakkai dropped last.

Takemichi was last standing. He tried to shake the rest awake, it was a dart. The group with Mikey was planning on killing while the exit route was just for capturing.

"Get them!" Baji ordered, Takemichi shot, he got a couple then he was shot with the dart.

Bonten was victorious after all, everyone from Toman was either dead or captured. Bonten cheered while Baji was filled extreme dread.

Who knows what Mikey was going to do with them but it wasn't going to be good, why did he capture only them and not all of them?

The ones left alive were all taking a drink for their success, Baji took a drink Mikey gave him. "You did good." Baji took a sip and instantly started to get light headed.

Mikey caught him, "this is the only way to do this.. sorry buddy.."

Baji woke up with his head spinning he got up, he saw 2 levers and some glass in front of him.

He looks out to see something he was dreading. Chifuyu and Takemichi, different platforms in front of the levers, they had ropes around their necks.

He heard Mikey's voice. "You have to choose one Baji! The lever you pull is the person who dies. You pull the one in front of Takemichi he dies if you pull the one in front of Chifuyu he'll die."

Baji shook his head, "No Mikey! This is wrong! You can't do this!" There was a laugh.

"But I can! And I have! Pull a lever!" Baji looked at both Chifuyu and Takemichi. He started to stall.

"Choose one!" Mikey a voice was more aggravated, he was getting impatient.

Chifuyu's face was teary and bloody, he looked at Baji in fear, not of him, but of the fact he was scared about dying.

"If I choose one, you'll let the other one go right..?" It took a little bit for Mikey to answer, "oh for sure." His voice dripped with sarcasm.

He looked at both of the levers, he lowered his hand down on his right one and pulled it. There was a scream then blood sprayed everywhere, he looked up and was horrified.

Chifuyu's head and body was separate and blood spraying everywhere. There was a sadistic laugh.

"You actually killed him!!" Baji's chest felt tight. He looked at the lever once again and saw it was in front of Chifuyu.

"N-no! But I pulled Takemichi's lever!! I-I swear!" He fell back, he had some of Chifuyu's blood on his face.

This was a nightmare come true. Suddenly there were sirens. Police flooded in and took Mikey and everyone else, they handcuffed Baji and pulled him up.

Baji couldn't hear anything his ears were ringing, once he saw Chifuyu in be that state he started to cry and hyperventilate. The police helped him and shoved him in the car.

He was arguing with his thoughts in his cell, he didn't even go to court he just pleaded guilty. He met with Mikey one last time.

Mikey wanted to tell him something.

"This may make you feel better or worse, no matter witch never you pulled it would of killed Chifuyu anyway! It was hooked up like that! And maybe if you stalled a little longer he would be alive!"

Rage filled Baji he pulled towards Mikey, he wanted to kill him so bad but he was restrained once again.

"Why did I even choose you! I should of gone with Chifuyu!" They were taken away from each other.

Baji was thrown back into his cell, his cell felt colder more than usual. But there was a little spirit there who floated in front of him.

It had its hands on his face and looked at him, "I know you didn't mean it Baji-san.. I still love you too... Please keep living for me..."

Chifuyu kissed his head then disappeared, Baji felt that and cried for hours on end. "I'm sorry Fuyu.. I love you..."

Word count!: 3702!!

This was pretty sad to write, there was some parts like with the twins where I cried but I somehow really enjoyed writing this, it was emotional and moving for me.

Well I hope y'all have an amazing day/night!! Love you all!!

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