Life of the Savior - A Naruto...

By AmosUzumaki

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2 Ninjas start their Shinobi lives in chaos, one didn't have parents from birth and the other lost them as a... More

Hi Everyone!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
That Special thing I was gonna give you adorable Reader-Chan's
Chapter 8
Chapter... 9, Holy shoot!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

125 2 2
By AmosUzumaki

Third POV

Sasuke and Gaara were fighting fiercely, and while their fight drew everyone in to watch, Naruto was elsewhere.

As soon as Sasuke thrust his Chidori into Gaara's sand block, the world blotted out, and everyone fell asleep. Everyone except Sakura and Naruto (A/N: and possibly Shikamaru because he's a little b*st*rd), that is. Naruto had quickly changed into his ANBU gear and mask, and was jumping around with his shadow clones, waking everyone up.

Hiruzen was awake by this time, so Naruto yelled, "INVASION BY SOUND, LORD HOKAGE!"

This woke all the shinobi of Konoha up, including Sasuke, who quickly jumped over to Fox's location. "Wha- Fox-"

Fox snapped his fingers at Sasuke's face, "No time for that, Uchiha. My mission has been to protect you. It still is, even though you're going to fight. I need you to stay by my side at all times." Sasuke nodded, though he was a tad bit miffed that he was being 'protected' by someone. Just his Uchiha pride acting up.

Naruto glared out of Fox's ANBU mask, ready to murder anyone who dared to attack his village.

//time-skip to when Jiraiya removes Orochimaru's seal//

"Come here, Naruto." Jiraiya called as Naruto practiced his jutsus.

"Take your shirt off!" Jiraiya yelled as the Uzumaki was walking toward the man.

"YOU REALLY WANNA CHECK OUT MY ABS? IS THAT IT???" Naruto yelled back as he ran over, taking his fishnet shirt off while on the way.




"YOU'RE NOT HELPING YOURSELF!" Naruto yelled as he threw his fishnet shirt at Jiraiya in frustration.

Jiraiya caught the shirt and immediately threw it aside, gagging. "Why on earth is that shirt so stinky?"

"BECAUSE I'VE BEEN TRAINING! ERO-SENNIN!" Naruto rebuked as he walked over, his well-built muscles slicked with sweat from training since morning.

(A/N: I can just imagine the nosebleeds that are on your faces. Y'all are simps and perverts.)

"OK OK OK! Come here." Jiraiya held his right hand with his left, and infused Chakra. As soon as Naruto came close enough for Jiraiya to detect the abnormal heat radiating from the latter, the former stabbed the seal on Naruto's stomach with enough force to send him flying across the river nearby.

The muffled scream that came from the Uzumaki was so painful that Jiraiya rushed over. Tsunade had also heard the scream from across the village, and quickly shunshinned over.

"JIRAIYA! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE-" Tsunade roared, then stopped when she could hear Naruto's whimpers.

"Shh... shh... I'm here, Naru-chan. You're fine." She soothed, then detected the intense heat radiating from the boy.

"Are you telling me..." Tsunade began as she slowly turned her head to a (A/N: it was at this moment that he knew... he f'ed up.) doomed Jiraiya, "THAT YOU MADE HIM TRAIN WHEN HE'S SICK!?"

Naruto whimpered (A/N: my aMaZiNg spelling skills spelled 'scopped'. And I just wrote 'speeled' instead of 'spelled'. Yay me.) and scooped into himself even more at the sound of Tsunade's yelling.

"I-I can take h-him home. M-My mother's a good healer for our c-clan, she can t-take care of him." A certain Hyuuga stuttered as she walked over. Both Sannin turned their heads to the modest and gentle Hinata.

"Are you sure?" Tsunade asked.

"You certainly are missing your shift in the hospital." Jiraiya pointed out, then cowered under Tsunade's angry glare.

"Alright then. I'll leave him to you." Tsunade said, "And YOU'RE COMING WITH ME, JIRAIYA!" she yelled at so named Sannin as she jumped over the river to Jiraiya.

"Don't..." Naruto murmured while in whatever restless sleep he was in. Tsunade turned to Naruto.

"Don't..." Naruto gulped weakly, "yell. It hurts my ears. And Ero-sennin did-" a coughing fit interrupted him, "nothing wrong."

"Fine." Tsunade said as she grabbed Jiraiya's shoulder and shunshinned away.

"O-ok... can you walk?" Hinata asked as she bent down to Naruto.

Naruto instantly brightened up, it was like he could fly whenever he was near the shy girl.

"No no, Nothing like that for our sun princess!" Naruto chuckled as he grabbed Hinata's soft hand with his own callused one and shunshinned them into his room in the Hyuuga compound.

And Hinata fainted over the nickname he gave her.

//time-skip where Shukaku is controlling Gaara//

NARUTO! YOU CAN'T BEAT SHUKAKU, NO MATTER WHAT SEALS YOU USE! HE'S STUBBORN AND STUPID AND WON'T GIVE UP! Kurama boomed in Fox's mind as the latter jumped back with Sakura and Sasuke in his arms.


BECAUSE HE'S MY BROTHER! Kurama screeched, blowing mindscape Naruto's hair all around.

Oh. Right. Naruto muttered. He most CERTAINLY was a genius.

"OK Sa- Uchiha," Fox almost tripped up, "I need you to take the girl and retreat to a safe distance away. And you are NOT going anywhere else."

Sasuke nodded, but noted the slip-up. He Grabbed the just stirring Sakura and jumped farther away.

"OY, RACCOON!" Fox yelled jeeringly. Shukaku, obviously, heard this and roared infuriatingly.

Naruto! Kurama yelled in Naruto's mind.

WHAT? I'M BUSY HERE! Fox yelled back.

JUST LISTEN, HENGE INTO ME! Kurama boomed. Naruto didn't have any ideas, so he complied. He jumped into the air, up to Shukaku's eye level and henged into the monstrous form of the Kyuubi.

Sasuke just watched this in shock.

Didn't Naruto have the Kyuu...

And it hit him

Naruto is Fox.


Third POV

Fox, now identified as Naruto by Sasuke, and henged into the Kyuubi, roared so loud everyone in the whole huge village could hear it. All the shinobi -- both enemy and konoha -- stopped moving, and all genin and chunnin trembled under the killer intent of Kyuubi.

"Jiraiya!" Tsunade yelled as they both were helping Sarutobi fight Orochimaru, "THE KYUUBI GOT OUT! WE NEED SEALERS TO SECURE THE JINCHURIKI!"

"NARUTO IS FINE! WE NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS SNAKE!" Jiraiya yelled as he charged at Orochimaru.

"NO!" A new voice shouted as hands flipped through hand signs, very specific ones, then clapped together. A Shinigami of some sorts emerged behind the sealer, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"NO, SENSEI NO!" Tsunade and Jiraiya yelled as they ran to catch Sarutobi's hands, but Orochimaru kept them busy. 

Sarutobi tried to grab Orochimaru's chest, where his soul was, but instead caught his arms.

//I'm lazy so let's just skip to the part where sarutobi's sealed orochimaru's arms//

"It is done." Sarutobi said simply as he fell over, his soul exiting his body and into the shinigami's stomach.

Jiraiya and Tsunade could only watch as the honored 3rd hokage's last words were muttered, loud enough only for the 2 good sannin.


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