The Game of Love. [SEQUEL] [C...

By StarsShine2000

9.6K 436 69

Mackenzie, the rich and popular girl, on her birthday, enters the baby project. She is partnered up with Mar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/N: Not a chapter
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter:/ extremely short filler.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
A/N- Short notice
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Epilouge...of the sequel.

Chapter 7

547 27 2
By StarsShine2000


"Hey Caro, what the hell is the deal with this shit? Why do I have a grocery list and not *gulp gulp* my dress" I slur, chugging down the vodka. "Mackenzie?! Are you drinking?" Chirps Caroline from the other end of the phone.

I gulp down more before smashing the bottle by the wooden floor and laughing aloud. "Bye" was what I said and hung up. The lavender walls comforted me as I chugged beer down this time, and tripping over my feet reached for the door.


"She's what?!" I flung my folder down. "Drunk, Mark, DRUNK" says Caro's voice from the other end. "Turns out she got the grocery list instead of her dress, and got fired cause it was an important project." I wrenched my hand through my hair. "Where is she?" I ask. "At work" Caro hangs up.

I dash to my car and fire her up. I speed out the drive way and out.
I park my car and jump out. I make my way to Mackenzie's compartment. I fling the door open. She's not there. I run down, looking everywhere for my boo, but oh no she didn't make it ANY easier for me.

I finally decided to head home and call her or maybe she was just home, when a giggle followed by a small moan made their way into my head.

That's Mackenzie's voice! Relief washed my body and I ran towards the bathroom. There, infront me, making out with some stranger was Mackenzie. Without her top.

Anger tore through my body, filling my veins, and making my head fill with jealousy. I saw Mackenzie's hand travel to his pants, and that was when I lost it. "MACKENZIE!!!" I screeched, pulling them apart. Mackenzie looked petrified. "How dare you?!" I scream at the boy, punching him in the face.

He fell to the ground with a bloody nose. "Hey baby" Mackenzie slurred, clearly drunk, alcohol smellable in her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her chest brushing mine and she gazed into my eyes, irritating me.

"How much did you have too drink?" I ask. "Ohh onfy 5 to sex bottles nahh much" she looks at her nose and jumbles her words. "Only 5 to 6 bottles!?" I run a hand in my hair. She nods clumsily, "of voda-vode-vad-vadaka..." She laughs at her stupidness. "Vodka!" "Yeaaa and and and chum-caham-chama-chamapange" she says "and bear, the quilt, whine, brandieee, and a few more, babey" she laughs. "The quilt?" I question. She holds up tequila. Oh.

"You had, vodka, tequila, beer, wine, brandy, champagnes and a few more?! Are you insane?! Do you want to kill yourself?! You could have gotten hurt!!" I rant. She tries to place herself on me and kiss, but I shove her off. "Babeyyy" she whines. "Don't baby me, Mackenzie. I can't believe you got that drunk and had a go on a guy and-" "actually it was 5 guyzz" she slurrs, twirling her finger around a strand of her hair sloppily.

Hurt tore through my body, unexplainable hurt. I ran a hand through my hair. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to leave her there, I was upset that she cheated on me, but I knew she was drunk and didn't want her too leave her here. I was confused.

I decided to take her home, and not talk to her, go to another room. Ignore her.

So I picked her up and drove away, Mackenzie slurring, giggling, flirting all the way home. I got home, took off her shoes, and pushed her in bed. I told Caro what happened, she felt sorry for me on her and her sisters behalf. After saying good night to Caro, I went to the guest bedroom.

Mainly to let the pain subside.

¿In the morning¿


I woke up and tried to get up, but the pain in my head was too, too strong. I was about to open my mouth to call Mark, but then everything struck me in a painful memory flash.

Shit shit shit shit

What had I done? I had cheated on Mark. With a guy who I cheated on again. And again. And again. I felt like a whore. I was a whore. I jumped out of bed and yelled "MARK?! CARO!!" and Caro waddled in. She looked disappointed.

"Caro! I'm sorry! I didn't know I didn't know I just I-I was-was so-so DRUNK Caro! I felt so upset that I lost my only job, I got my drinks out from the lavender closet and I began to chug it, OMG CARO don't go! Caro I'm being serious....befor-before chugging I-I called Mark and he-he didn't pick up" I began to bawl now, "and Lisa told me he was cheating on me"

"AND YOU BELIEVED HER?!!! SHE'S BEEN ATTACKING MARK SINCE YOU STARTED YOUR JOB!!!! FLIRTING AND ACTING SAPPY AND-" she suddenly stopped her rant, eyes going wide. "Caro?" I whispered, tears still flowing. "Ow ow ow" she whined. "That hurts, Mackenzie ow" she pressed her hand on the lower of her stomach.

"Caro, when's your due date?" I asked. "13th June" she whispered. "Its 5th June today." I reassured her. "But let's go to the doctor"

She nodded, and got up. "I'll call Matthew" I grabbed my phone and we both left. On the way, Caro's contractions got worse. We arrived and Matthew was waiting. He supported Caro and told her not to worry.

I sat on the waiting chair, sad and teary. What I had done was unspeakable. Suddenly, crying, no sobbing came in from the ultrasound room. I burst in, only to be pushed by two nurses who broke the news to me.

"She was having twins" one sighed. "That's great! That's AMAZING! Wait-was having?!" "Yes. She was having. One boy, one girl. No one knew. Her boy-"


"Her girl has been born. Healthy. But her boy has passed away."

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