The Alpha and His Engineer (B...

By BakuDeku_Writer

205K 4.4K 1.7K

( Hero Bakugou x Support course Deku) Izuku Midoriya a quirkless omega whose dream diverted from being a her... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Attack
Chapter 3: The Confession
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: UA High
Chapter 6: New Schools
Chapter 7: Another Normal Day
Chapter 8: Finding Out
Chapter 9: Katsuki's Birthday
Chapter 10: Suprise
Chapter 11: Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 13: Internship
Chapter 14: The Enemies' Win
Chapter 15: First Term Finals
Chapter 16: Training Camp
Chapter 17: The Rescue
Chapter 18: Izuku's Birthday
Chapter 19: Trouble
Chapter 20: Nightmares
Chapter 21: The Raid
Chapter 22: Welcome
Chapter 23: Suspicion
Chapter 24: Heat
Chapter 25: Christmas
Chapter 26: School Year's End
Chapter 27: Finale
Chapter 28: Epilogue

Chapter 12: The Sports Festival

6K 130 61
By BakuDeku_Writer

(Hi everyone ^^ welcome to chapter 12. This chapter is going to be longer than the last chapter so don't worry. I think you can tell by the title what this is going to be about lol. The next 4 or so chapters are going to be some of my favorite ones to write so hopefully I can get some fairly good detail in them. Anyway, enough from me, enjoy the chapter.)

Katsuki woke up to a peaceful morning. It had been a long week as Katsuki thought back on it sighing that he didn't have to go through anything like the USJ incident soon. Katsuki stretched out his arms in an attempt to wake up more. After rubbing his eyes he looked down at Izuku, the image clearing as his eyes focussed. Izuku was still in a fairly deep sleep so Katsuki got out of bed not worried that he would wake Izuku up. He then walked out of the room and went downstairs.

The two ended up resiting their usual weekend morning routine, Katsuki would wake up first and make them breakfast. Then, Izuku would wake up and eat with him. And finally, they would go out somewhere. That was their whole weekend, it moved by quickly and before they knew it, it was already Sunday night. Katsuki and Izuku had been playing video games when Izuku looked at the clock shocked. "Kacchan! It's already 9. We have to start getting ready for bed so we don't have a difficult time waking up tomorrow," he said pointing in the direction of the clock. Katsuki looked at the clock and exited out of the game and turned off the TV. Then they got ready for bed taking a quick shower (Whether that's together or separate is up to you), brushing their teeth, and got pajamas on. 

They woke up early, for the first time even Izuku woke up before their alarm went off. They canceled the alarm seeing as they were both awake and headed downstairs. Katsuki made them both some breakfast. After eating they got ready in the bathroom then put their uniforms on and then grabbed their bags as they headed out the door. They made it to Horikoshi high so early that they had to wait for the school to open. Once it did Katsuki gave Izuku a peck on the lips before leaving knowing his omega was safe. They had left so early that even with the waiting at Izuku's school Katsuki arrived fully ready with his gym clothes on and everything over 10 minutes before Kirishima finally arrived, right on time. 

Izuku's class didn't do anything interesting. Izuku did as he usually did taking out his circuitry and grabbing more electronics that the school provided. He wouldn't have been able to do the things that he's done if it wasn't for the fact that the school provided their students with the resources they needed. He was grateful for it since it would have been difficult to acquire the materials otherwise. He started working on his list crossing out the ones he tried since they didn't work. 

Even though it was frustrating that he couldn't find the right way he knew he had to be patient, Tomas Edison and all of the other scientists that worked on the lightbulb didn't just get frustrated and get mad, they spent years making it. Although Izuku knew that he didn't have that much time, he had enough time to cross out which ways didn't work so that he could know how not to make a mistake. Other than that, there was no change, just a generic Monday morning.

For Katsuki on the other hand it was much more important. After training with Kirishima it was a fairly normal morning. That was until his hero work for the day. "Alright, even though UA has been penetrated and you guys have been attacked principle Nezu has decided that you're still doing the sports festival. That means we'll be focusing on improvement for the next week. The sports festival is next Tuesday so get ready for that." Katsuki would be lying if he said that he wasn't excited, he'd seen so many UA sports festivals every year and now he was finally getting to be a part of it, fighting for the top. 

Not only was Katsuki excited Izuku might be able to watch him. Even though you usually have to buy those tickets years in advance they would make an exception for his omega, right? Only time will tell. Everyone quickly made their way to the gym in which they would be enhancing their skills at least a little bit. Katsuki started working on his explosions as always. The training went by quickly and before Katsuki knew it, it was time to leave. Rushing out the door Katsuki started running over to Izuku's school. He waited for Izuku to leave the building standing in his usual spot. It didn't take long for Izuku to start running up to Katsuki.

"Anything interesting happen?" Katsuki asked curious about how Izuku's day went before bragging on about his. "Just the usual," Izuku said smiling. "How about you? You seem to be in a good mood," Izuku said noticing the excitement on his face. Katsuki smirked, "You know me too well. The UA sports festival is happening next Tuesday." Izuku looked super excited. "Kacchan I'm going to get to see you on TV!" he shouted excitedly his eyes becoming more blinding than usual. "Maybe in person even, I have a plan to get you in." Izuku started to get a worried expression. "You're not going to be sneaking in are we?" "Of course not, they wouldn't refuse to let my omega, I'm one of the strongest people in UA." Izuku looked excited "You'd do that for me?"

Katsuki looked down at Izuku and smiled, "Of course I would." The two continued to talk about the sports festival, Katsuki talking about his training as Izuku started brainstorming possible activities through past years just so Katsuki had an idea of what he getting into. They spent a whole week doing just that, talking about the sports festival after school and watching old ones to learn the gist of it. Since the UA sports festival was such a big deal, most schools including Izuku's gave the teachers and students a vacation day. Izuku was excited he said goodbye to Katsuki as he left to get ready for the big day. 

As Katsuki did that Izuku got ready for the day choosing a fancier outfit than usual. He had even bought a shirt for the occasion. He had seen it a few days ago, it was a white T-shirt that said a sports festival on it. It was perfect for him so he bought it for this occasion. The UA sports festival opened to all at 10 AM so he had some time to spend. Even if that's when you can start entering the building, the event doesn't start until 11:30. Izuku had taken his time getting ready so it was already about 9:30 when he was finished. 9:30 was a good time to start heading over to UA.

He saw the UA gate open in all its glory. Even though his boyfriend goes here and he's gone here before he was always in awe at the place. He started walking through the gates when he was suddenly stopped. "May I please see your ticket," a lady with blonde hair and purple horns asked in a bored tone. Izuku looked over at the lady standing next to him. "Oh my goodness you're mount lady!" he said excitedly. "Yeah yeah, it's not a surprise. Now, I need to see your ticket before you can get in." stared at her awkwardly. "W-well um, I don't have one." "Well I'm sorry but no ticket means no entre." "Wait! I'm here to see my boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki, you know, the one with the spikey blonde hair? He said that he checked with his homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa and he said it would be okay." 

Mount lady sighed grabbing her walkie-talkie "Eraser, I need you to come here, says one of your students talked about having his boyfriend come." said changing the channel back with a click. "Alright, just wait here and we'll see." Soon enough a man with black hair and a scarf who looked tired walked up. "What's the problem," he asked sleepily. "This kid says that your student Bakugou Katsuki talked with you and that it was fine that his boyfriend come." Aizawa looked over at the green-haired boy. "Well actually, Ashido Mina asked me and said that it was for one of her friends. Besides, I don't think Bakugou is even dating anyone, have you seen him? You're just trying to get in for free. NOW LEAVE" he said to Izuku making him shiver, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. "But I'm his omega! I-" before Izuku even say anything else he was cut off by Aizawa again. "That could be anyone's bite. I said to leave" he shouted causing Izuku to run off crying. 

Izuku arrived at the Bakugou's house again crying and Mitsuki looked worried. "Hey, what happened?" Mitsuki asked wanting to know what was wrong. "They didn't let me in to watch Kacchan," he said in between sniffles tears still streaming down his face. "Awe, it's okay. How about we watch Katsuki from here and cheer him on through the TV?" Izuku smiled and nodded wiping the wetness off best he could from his tear-stained face. Mitsuki then left and brought back a bowl of snacks to eat as they watched.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Katsuki was looking around the stadium trying to find Izuku. 'He said he was arriving 20 minutes ago,' Katsuki thought worried. "Hey, looking for Midoriya?" Mina asked walking over to Katsuki. "Yeah, he said he was on his way 20 minutes ago and our house isn't even 10 minutes away." Katsuki then turned on his phone and texted Izuku. *Where are you?* He typed worried that something happened. A ding came from his phone almost immediately, catching Katsuki's eye. *They didn't let me in. A man with black hair which I think is your teacher came up to me and made me leave. Sorry I couldn't make it, I'm cheering you on from home😊* Katsuki smiled at the final comment but scowled at the sentence before it. 

He looked around for Aizawa spotting him talking with Present Mic. "Oi Aizawa sensei!" Katsuki yelled approaching the two. "Did you kick out a boy that's slightly shorter than me with messy green hair and a mark on his neck?" Aizawa thought back to earlier this morning nodding. "Yeah, said he was dating you, crazy right?" Katsuki looked furious. "Well guess what, HE IS! You told MY omega that he can't come in to see ME" he screamed getting angrier every second he thought about it. Aizawa used his scarf to capture Katsuki and to stop the tantrum. "Look, I would love to do something about it now, but they're not allowing anyone in anymore since the festival's starting. Now get ready 'cause your group is going first." Katsuki sighed stomping off to the area they were supposed to wait at.

Luckily everyone was out of hearing range so they had no clue why he was so angry. The Bakusquad did have a theory though. "Hey man, I'm sorry Midoriya didn't get to watch," Kirishima said trying to calm Katsuki down before they had to start. Katsuki sighed, "It's whatever," he said calming his nerves trying to not get nervous. Today was a big day, his first debut as a hero and he wasn't going to mess it up. Once the 1st years were called up they entered the main part of the stadium awaiting instructions. 

Midnight walked onto the stage  "Alright everyone who's ready for another festival!" She said making the crowd go wild, the echo of the stadium making it seem like people from all angles were cheering. The screen above Midnight started to glow switching between many images. "Let's see what your first trial will be," she said watching as the switching slowed. It continued to slow and finally stopped on one. "For our first obstacle, you'll be doing an obstacle course," Midnight said enthusiastically as the class sighed already ready to get on with it tired of waiting. "Before we start, Bakugou Katsuki from class 1-A will be making the announcements to all of the students," she said making the students grunt. Katsuki walked up onto the makeshift stage and walked right up to the microphone a smirk starting to form. "Just know that I'm going to beat you all, you're just stepping stones to my victory," he said making all of the other 1st year's scowl at class 1-A.  

1-A looked at Katsuki in shock, 'how could he have said something like that' they thought as the other students kept giving them glares. Once Katsuki walked off the stage the students walked over to their starting position. Having so many students it became crowded in the area they waited in and Katsuki was glad that he was close to the front. He would be one of the first people out of the group so he would get a head start. There was a loud ding indicating that the course had begun. Everyone started pushing and shoving each other trying to get out faster. Once the first few students got out of the chaos it slowly inched forward. Once Katsuki made it to the open area he blasted off passing everyone through the air. After a while, many more people had squeezed out from that area starting to run down the straight path. As they did so a blanket of ice coated the floor. Katsuki smirked having avoided it completely by using his most efficient route anyway.

As he continued to fly through the course he saw robots coming up. He blasted himself upward even more than before, avoiding even the 0 point robot from the exam as he continued to use his explosions to propel him upward. Passing the robots without even touching them he smirked as he saw others having to deal with them as he continued. He passed most of the course with ease, blasting past it not even doing it as intended. Although some people had gotten close to him Katsuki was able to make a larger explosion and put them off course. Once he reached the minefield he smirked seeing the end of the course. He continued to use his explosions to propel himself. Everything was going well, he was going to get first with ease and there was no one in his way. That's what he thought before he saw Todoroki right next to him, using his ice to glide across the ground Todoroki was focused on the exit as well.

Katsuki focused back on what he was doing creating a bigger explosion yelling "You won't beat me icy-hot" as he accelerated. Todoroki saw this and he too started picking up the pace wanting to win. It was a tight match with Katsuki and Todoroki being neck and neck both moving slightly ahead as they zipped through the end of the course. Katsuki was able to get ahead of Todoroki in the end but it had only been an inch and could have gone either way. Katsuki smirked happily as glad that he was able to get first in the end. People started to stream in as Present Mic commentated on everything the students did. Finally, the final accepted student came walked over to the crowd meaning that the next thing could start. 

Midnight walked up onto the stage once more and the big screen started to switch between images once more landing on cavalry battle. "You'll be doing cavalry battles next. You will create teams of three to four people, one person will be sitting on top of the others with a headband on your head with your team point value on it. That point will be all team member's points from your place value. Up on the board, you can see what your points are. Third place gets two hundred points, second gets two hundred five points, and first place gets ten million. In the end, the four teams with the most points move on." Midnight continued to explain the rules as everyone started to plan out who they were going to try to team up with. 

Once they were done Katsuki rounded up Kirishima, Sero, and Mina to make the ultimate team. Once his team was ready and their plan was set a girl with pink hair walked up to him, "Hey you, the one who got first let me be on your team." Katsuki scoffed looking at her, "I already got a full team, even if I didn't I wouldn't have teamed up with you," he said turning his back on the girl. She just walked away, finding another group to be with. Katsuki looked back at his team who ignored the previous encounter and smirked, their plan would make them unstoppable. Soon enough everyone was ready, riders being carried on the shoulders of their teammates. The bell rang indicating that the games had begun.

Teams started charging at each other trying to get points fast. Katsuki already knew that his group would be targeted most so they had come up with a solution. As the teams came up on them Katsuki would blast up, grabbing the other team's headbands in the process, they weren't disqualified as long as you didn't touch the ground so it was a genius tactic. The first few teams charged at them, attempting to surround the team as they ran in from all sides. Katsuki smirked as he started standing on his friends' arms his arms facing Kirishima as to not hurt the others. Kirishima hardened already ready for the blast so Katsuki blasted up off of his friends drawing the attention away from the three.

The teams looked in shock as Katsuki blasted into the air, unreachable from any of them. He made his way to one of the teams, they still stood there in shock so he used this to his advantage, taking their headband before blasting back into the air making sure everyone's eyes were on him and not his teammates. Once they were in a good spot, Sero used his tape to grab Katsuki and bring him back down. Sure enough, once Katsuki was on the ground again the teams came for him again. Almost all of the teams wanted the precious 10 million points so they had to deal with a lot of opponents meaning throughout the whole time they always had people chasing after them. Their strategy worked, although some like Monoma tried to block Katsuki's attack with hardened air, he came in a second time and shattered their defenses the second time taking all of their headbands before being tapped again.

There were only a few minutes left on the counter meaning everyone was desperate to get some points to be able to participate in the finals. Everything was going great, although their team was being targeted a lot they were able to maneuver around it, using Katsuki's explosions even when they were on the ground to propel them faster. By the last two minutes, there was only one obstacle left, Shoto Todoroki. Iida was in the front of the group with Momo and the pink-haired girl from earlier in the back, Todoroki on top of them all. They were trying to get the 10 million points just before time finished and Katsuki wasn't having it. 

Iida got ready to run, charging up his calf-engines as Katsuki thought out his next plan. Katsuki couldn't think of a good plan and soon enough Todoroki's team was zooming toward his. In an attempt to keep his headband he blasted off, flying high in the air to keep it for just about 30 seconds more. Katsuki smirked seeing the team become immobile before realizing that Todoroki was no longer on his team's shoulders. By instinct alone, Katsuki was able to avoid Todoroki's hand not a moment too soon. Todoroki had a jet pack on and some kind of fancy boots, allowing him to fly in the air. Katsuki looked at the timer, only 'only 10 seconds left, I can manage,' he thought as he continued to blast away from Todoroki who was catching up quickly after floating there shocked for about a minute. Todoroki caught up to Katsuki and shot his arm out aiming for Katsuki's headband. He was able to block the attack but Todoroki went in for another catching Katsuki off guard. 

Todoroki grabbed the headband just as the time ended. Katsuki thought he had lost his headband but no, they looked back at the replay, and sure enough, Todoroki took it off a second too late, meaning that Katsuki and his team were able to stay in the first pace with their over 10 million point headband. Katsuki already knew that he was going on to the final trial, the one-on-one fights but it wasn't enough if he didn't get first. Present Mic who had been commenting the whole time announced the winners, "In the first place, we have team Bakugou! In second, team Todoroki! In third, team Shinso! And finally, in fourth place, we have team Yaoyorozu! The rest of your teams are eliminated, those who have made it this far, be prepared for battle, choose one teammate to not fight, only three of you will be battling." Katsuki smirked ready to win once more.

After a quick discussion with his teammates, Sero opted out since he was the one with the least amount of combat abilities. The teams all lined up looking at the board to see who they were fighting. Katsuki looked to see he was fighting Uraraka, "Uraraka?" he said confused as to why he hadn't gotten a harder opponent. He wasn't complaining because it meant an easy win, but he wanted to show people what he was made of so he hoped to have harder opponents later. The first few people started their battles as Katsuki waited ready for a fight. Once he was called up he was confident as ever, he was going to show off everything he has and it was going to be awesome. 

Once the battle started, Uraraka charged at Katsuki waiting for the explosion. Katsuki blew a small explosion her way ready to see what she would do. She continued to charge at Katsuki, not even using any attacks that made him even more curious. After a while of being blown up, Uraraka smirked putting her hand together and releasing some of the levitated rocks. Katsuki looked up to see rubble coming toward him at a fast speed. He put his right arm up waiting for the right moment. Once the rubble was only about 10 feet from the ground Katsuki set off the explosion. Uraraka looked at him in slight belief, 'How did he do that?' she thought. Seeing the cocky smirk that was painted on Katsuki's face she got frustrated. 

She started getting blown up once more picking up more rubble than before for one ultimate finishing move. It was taking a toll on her stomach but she would endure so that she wouldn't lose her first match. Once she thought there was enough she put her hands together again letting hundreds of pieces of rubble fall to the ground. Katsuki looked up and smirked, 'Finally some kind of challenge,' he thought putting his arm in the air once more, palm facing the sky. Katsuki's palm started to spark indicating that he was charging up for a big explosion. Once all rubble was in range he let it loose, rubble being incinerated as it fell to the ground. The only things that made it to the ground were little pebbles of burned and broken concrete. 

Uraraka put her hands over her mouth trying not to throw up from the repercussions of all the quirk usage. Katsuki looked at Uraraka with some slight sympathy but was focusing on the fact that he won and was already super excited, adrenaline running through his system. He moved on to the next round, fighting a guy named Shinso. The guy wasn't in either of the hero courses so Katsuki had no expectations for this guy. Once the fight began Katsuki charged at the purple-haired kid who just stood still. "You must be so arrogant, attacking me just like that," he said smirking. "Why you little-" he couldn't finish before his body stopped on its own.

"You're going to turn around and walk out of bounds," Shinso said as Katsuki's involuntarily followed the command. 'Stop moving! You're supposed to win.' Katsuki kept on trying to break out of the quirk. 'Move!' he kept on trying to command his body but it just made him panic more as he kept on stepping toward the boundary. 

Izuku sat on the edge of the couch worried for Katsuki. "C'mon Kacchan, stop moving then you can blast him out of the arena. You got this Kacchan," he repeated knowing that Katsuki couldn't hear him and it probably didn't do anything. However, even knowing that Izuku kept on doing it, feeling as if it would help in some way or another. 'You got this Kacchan,' he thought as he set his notebook beside him so that he could focus on Katsuki's battle most definitely writing everything down afterward.

Even though Izuku thought his efforts were in vain, Katsuki heard them in the back of his head. 'You got this Kacchan' repeating on loop ringing in his ears as he tried to break free. 'Come on, you have to break out of this. You have to win for Deku,' he thought finding even more motivation. His brain finally started to start getting control once more and he was able to stop right before he stepped out, a giant explosion coming from his hand as he started breathing heavily at the panic and shock, that wasn't because of his own will, something inside of him allowed him to break out of it. Due to the explosion the air all around him was displaced, blowing harshly at the people nearby. Once the strong wind stopped people started watching again. "An incredible recovery from Bakugou, I've never seen anything like it." Present Mic said as the crowds cheered. Bakugou turned back at Shinso with eyes that looked like he had a killing intent in them. 

Katsuki charged at Shinso once more setting off one explosion to push him back. "How did you get out of that?" Shinso asked confused as to what happened. Katsuki stayed silent testing a theory of his. Shinso started to get anxious, "C'mon say something," he said knowing he was about to lose. Katsuki smirked, he had found Shinso's weakness. He can't control people unless they talk so he stayed silent attacking with explosions, knocking him out of bounds quickly. "And Bakugou wins," Present Mic announced as Shinso flew out of bounds from the final explosion. Katsuki smirked, only two more battles until he claimed number one. 

His second to last fight ended pretty quickly, he used his explosions to keep dark shadow at bay as he threw explosions at Tokoyami. Katsuki's explosions admitted light so he was able to win easily by weakening dark shadow even more than before. Once dark shadow was out of his way, it only took two explosions to knock Tokoyami out of bounds. Katsuki smirked, he would finally get a challenge, he knew he was fighting against Todoroki and was excited about a decent fight. 

Katsuki stepped onto the arena once more ready to fight his hardest. So far the battles had been easy and Katsuki was able to beat them easily but he knew by watching Todoroki's battles from the other room that he had a challenge coming. Even though Katsuki knew this would be hard he smirked not wanting to show any emotion but confidence. The battle started and Todoroki immediately shot a huge piece of ice his way. Katsuki was able to blast a hole in the ice, stopping the ice's progression toward him completely. 

This continued, Todoroki throwing ice at Katsuki as Katsuki continued to move closer with every blast. Katsuki was able to last out long enough so that Todoroki started to get affected by his ice, movements slowing as he continued to get exposed to such cold. Katsuki smirked as he saw his opponent's movements slow continuing to move closer to him. Soon enough Katsuki made it to Todoroki getting a good hit in, he tried to follow on with another attack but Todoroki send out another blast of ice covering the whole arena. Katsuki luckily hadn't gotten stuck out of bounds.

Katsuki created explosions, freeing his body bit by bit as he continued to break the ice away. Soon Katsuki made it back over to Todoroki's location blasting and wearing down his defenses more and more. After enough Todoroki finally slumped down onto the floor making Katsuki the victor. Katsuki caught his breath calming down the best he could adrenaline still running through his system after the match. Even if it looked as if he could throw explosions carelessly with no repercussions that wasn't the case. Even if he set them off with ease, too many at one time ends up hurting his arms. Luckily it's not permanent as long as he doesn't do so too often. Even if Katsuki had used more explosions than he was used to, it was fine since he wasn't going to use that many for at least a while. 

Katsuki was exhilarated, he had won. Getting 1st on the hero course exam wasn't enough, if he wasn't top for everything then it wasn't enough. Katsuki gladly walked onto the podium standing tall and proud at the top. Everyone got on the podium and soon All Might gave everyone their medals and Katsuki smiled at the gold coloring of his. He loved the way it reflected the sunlight perfectly, shining in all of its glory around his neck.

"Katsuki Bakugou, as the winner of the 1st years please come up to make some kind of speech," a bored voice came from the commentary room, Mr. Aizawa. Katsuki gladly walked up to Midnight who was holding the microphone out for him. He grabbed it and enthusiastically shouted, "That was for you Deku," before returning to his spot on the podium. Soon enough everything was prepared for the 2nd years so Katsuki made his exit with the others who had been on the podium and went up to the rest of his class, joining his friends who sat on the top row. 

The rest of the day wasn't anything special, Katsuki just sat and either watched the other students or talked with his friends as they waited for the day to end since they had already gone. 'Deku would've loved this,' he thought as he pictured Izuku's shining face, mumbling and writing in his notes as the matches continued on. How he missed the boy already and wished he would've been able to make it. Katsuki sighed, 'No use in thinking about that now, the day will be over soon enough,' he thought as he exited his daydream and watched the matches. 

Izuku on the other hand was watching every match intently writing as much as he could about every student. He had made sure to write all about the students that he was able to see what their quirks were making sure to write all about Katsuki's battles. He had never seen a mind control quirk before and was excited to add that to his notebook as well as Katsuki's classmates. He wrote more about Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina as he got to see their quirks in action. Even if he couldn't have made it to see the matches in person he was able to see a lot and was excited to see that Katsuki was being able to work with such powerful people.

Soon enough the day ended and Katsuki hurried home wanting to know Izuku's reaction. As soon as he could he left through the doors of the school not even waving goodbye to his friends before blasting his way back home. Katsuki smiled as he opened the door seeing Izuku bolt off his spot from the couch and toward Katsuki. "You did so well Kacchan! I watched all of your matches and you kicked butt. I knew you could do it. That match with that guy Shinso was so cool, I've never heard of someone with a control quirk." Izuku continued to talk all bout Katsuki's matches. 

Katsuki smiled glad that even if Izuku wasn't able to see the festival with his own eyes he was incredibly excited just because of seeing him on TV. The whole rest of the day was used as a celebration for Katsuki. Getting to eat slightly fancier food than usual he was happy that his family was so proud of him. For Katsuki however, wasn't enough for him. If he wasn't always on the top then it wouldn't be good enough. 

Katsuki smiled as he lie in bed staring at the ceiling as Izuku cuddled into Katsuki's chest, small snores escaping his mouth. Katsuki stayed up later than Izuku giving himself a moment of appreciation before he got ready to push himself above and beyond once more. After having enough of staring at the ceiling, Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku and he too fell asleep falling into a deep dreamless sleep, ready to see what wonders tomorrow would bring. 

(Alright, that's chapter. I was actually wondering if I should at least give you guys the ideas I have for later stories giving you an idea of what to expect. I think I'll say the titles of some of the ideas I have so that you guys can comment on which one you'd like me to do first. It'll just give me an idea of what to start brainstorming so that once I'm done with this story, I can easily start the next one. Don't worry though because this story won't be done for a little while so you still have a few months or so. I just want to share some of the titles so I know what interests you all most. Schools started picking up so I don't know if I can stick with the once-a-week timeline but I'll try. Anyways, thank you for reading, and will see you in the next chapter.)

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