POV: We're having fun!

By Popcorn_ZN_FT

103 13 0

Wanna have some fun? Escape from our reality here? Want to be with the Avengers too? The MCU? Feel a bit craz... More

Beach Day!!! (Zane)
And that, is how our friendship started...(Zane)
Little Troubles ~Part 1~ (Zane & Nang)
Little Troubles ~ Part 2 ~

Spooky Adventures ( Zane & Nang )

12 2 0
By Popcorn_ZN_FT

In the past, two warriors, Tuah and Jebat have been the best of friends and both have served their king, Sultan Mahmud Shah, forever faithfully side by side. They swore to fight and protect their nation together, standing by each other throughout their brotherhood, ending up spreading their glory around the land.

But, as they say, good things will come to an end and for their case, it did. The Sultan turned evil. Greed and power consumed his ego. As a result it began, bring to down the people to their suffering, making our justice warrior, Jebat protest against it. He wanted to protect the people. Tuah however, keep his loyalty, he made an oath to Sultan staying by the royals side. Jebat went to the castle one day, wanting to confront the Sultan about this, instead of proper communication, a horrific battle between two dearest brother emerges. 

" Are you really on the king's side on this? You really want to let harm be on its way to our country people?" Jebat repeat in pain, one last time. 

" I will always be loyal to the king, I made an oath on it. I'm not backing down from executing his orders for me." Tuah replied, standing tall on his grounds.

" I guess we can't avoid this fight then, brother." he sighed before looking at the friend and warrior whom he have fought together and respected, throughout the years as he unsheathed the Taming Sari keris, getting ready to fight. 

" It appears to be so, brother." Tuah takes his stance as he faced the one who he saw as his best friend, close enough to see as a brother in his life. But, it was inevitable.

They strike at each other for 7 days and night until Tuah was able to take the Taming Sari keris from Jebat, stabbing him at the abdoment. Tuah then left the scene and went back to his house. Jebat however, grab the cindai cloth in the room and wrap it around the wound, having some medicinal features and help to clot the blood for the time being. He finally goes out and run amok in the village for 3 days, killing anybody whoever got into his line of sight as the phrase 'A fair king is a king saluted, a tyrant king is a king disputed.' keeps on rolling out of his mouth. And nobody could stop him.

The last day, he arrived at Tuah's house, finally getting weak. He met Tuah there, collapsing on his friends arms as Tuah kneels down. He lays Jebat on his laps, knowing his time has come. Jebat then decided to tell his last wish to his brother, looking sadly into his eyes.

" Please... take care of my child later on... he at least... deserve the right to live happily..." He said as blood started to crawl out of his mouth. 

" Don't worry, I will adopt him as mine if that will make you feel assured, Jebat."

" Thank you... take.. care..."

" Rest well, brother."

And Jebat let out his last breath in Tuah's embrace.






New York, the city that is always lively due to the streets always filled with people bustling around. As sun rises, the sky paints itself with the hue of blue-


And that day, two of the most 'brave' people on the tower is greeted with a floating decapitated body, blood was gushing out of every crook of the body and disfigured face 'grinning' at them. They hugged in fright at sight in front of them, to gore for them maybe ( Z ~ for a superhero, I don't think it's that bad though. Are they really that mighty? ), with a pale face on each of them. Just as they stopped screaming, the translucent figure moved closer.

" I want.. your body~" It groaned as it gets nearer. It moves it's hand towards them, showing the skin almost peeled off and full off worms. It sent shivers down their spine, tears started forming in their scared eyes. 

" GET IT OFF!!! AAAAAGHH!!!!" Tony screamed as one of the worms fall onto him. 

" GET OFF OF ME, METAL MAN!!! DON'T COME NEAR ME!!! AAAAAGHH!!" Loki shouted in fear and disgust. Thrusting the iron  man towards the dead vision, shaking him off, but Tony was holding a death grip onto Loki for his dear life.  

Just when they were trying to scramble away from the couch, they heard giggles coming from behind the sofa. 

" AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!!" Both of them shrieked as they turn around to face the figures at the back, only to find the second pair of twins in the tower.

" Introducing you guys." Nang deadpanned at them, not really showing any emotions.

The figure in front of them couldn't hold their laughter in and burst into a fit of cackle as the two supposed 'superheroes' look at the three of them in fear and confusion. 

" Hey, Y/n! Meet our new friends!" Zane cheered as he waves at the hideous creature in front of them.

" Tony and Loki." Nang continued, motioning at the owner of the names.

The disfigured translucent creature suddenly reformed itself into a lady's body, wearing some casual hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. She had (h/c)-ette hair up in a ponytail, cascading at the back of her head and have (e/c) orbs looking cheerily at the two pale humans in front of her. She's still see-through and floating around in front of the television. 

" Heyya! Nice to meet ya!" she said as she waved her hand slightly at them and grinning like a madman after the prank she pulled off, with the help of the Ford twins though. But still! It's her idea.

" I must say, You guys are quite close." she said, chuckling at the two hugging people on the couch before Tony shoves Loki off the sofa. Loki only grunts as Tony look at Y/n in deep confusion, despite the dread feeling that is trying to engulf him.

Both men were lost for words. Weren't it--- they meant, she** was just about to eat them or something? Or take them? She had a name? More specifically, she knew their friends?!

" Y-Y-You're a g-ghost?!" Tony stuttered.

" Yup! And I'm friends with those somewhat gloomy and chill twins behind you."

" More like caretaker! You've been with us for like what.. a decade?" Zane chimed in. " Just admit it, you're old."

" You ungrateful swine!!!"

" See! Who uses that kind of insults at this time of age!!!" Zane defended himself as he dodges the attacks aimed at him by Y/n. Then, a male ghost pats Y/n's shoulder.

" Give it up, Y/n. You know they're right."

" Argh! You guys are gonna get it." Y/n flipped at the mocking gesture Zane did and wanted to just choke that kid but the other ghost prevented her, holding her back.

" And that is Kestrel. We call him Kest." Nang said, not minding the situation that's happening around her.

" I've never seen anything like this in my whole life..." Loki muttered in his breath but is still heard loud enough for the others around him.

" Of course you haven't. We are the reason you can see her, dumbass." Nang sassed at the supposed 'god' that got scared of something as measly as that.

" Hahaha, yeah! You should have seen the look on your faces! It's a masterpiece!" Zane cackled just as he said that.

" What?! how are you helping us see ghost?!" Tony chocked out, fear that he might see those awful creatures permanently.

" You don't even realize that our hands are on your shoulders? Wow... No wonder Nat could beat you up easily." Nang replied, looking down at the superheroes.

" Hey!" Loki looked over to his side, seeing they really were holding their shoulders.

" Now you know how it feels to see ghost daily~. By the way, you have quite a few of them on the lower floors." the ghost chimed in.

" What is ' them' ? Is it the ghost?" Tony asked as his voice getting smaller. He didn't really care if they were holding them to see, what he cared about was seeing a real ghost in front of him. Even imagining that there's more is freaking the billionaire out.

" Yup. Not really friendly if I must say." Y/n empathize as she started 'laying down' on her back and floats around, giggling at the reaction of the billionaire after she said that.

" True." Kest nodded at her statement.

" Oh, and we are gonna let go now. We want to eat breakfast." Nang interrupted.

" I'm starving! Say bye to Y/n and Kest!" Zane joined in on his older sister.

" W-Wait!!" Tony tried to ask more, but the twins already let go of their hands. " Nevermind.. Bye guys."

They all headed to the dining area. The others are already there and were perplexed as two of them have pale complexions while the twins are basically in a better mood than them...

Well, I guess people might be lost at what is happening within the Avengers tower for there to exist new faces and Tony and Loki getting jumpscared on by them.

Shall we go back to how it all started?






The Ford fraternal twins are born on the 13th November (Z ~ coincidentally on friday *wink* *wink*) and for them, being together is what have kept them safe throughout the years. They once fell so ill when they were just around 3 years old but they manage to survive a normally fatal disease. But, after receiving treatment at the hospital, they accidentally got an ability that no human can achieve.

 They can interact with the dead. 

Not the normal talking with them or see them, no. They can do more than that. Ghost are basically humans or animals that are not physical to other people for them. They can touch them and basically be friends with them or something. Hell, they even have a ghost friend they met when they were just 5 and she have stayed with them throughout their lives. Yup, you guessed it. It's Y/n. Back to the topic, yes, they got to experience what normal people can't. But,

The ghosts can kill them too.

Having an extra ways to die is not fun since not all ghost are good; Poltergeist, banshee, vengeful spirit, wraith, oni and even demons. They might just pop up and just bring dangers to them, who knows. Even hearing their unholy screams and moaning ( Z ~ gotcha! you dirty-brained people! ) are already giving them shivers sometimes, let alone seeing their 'pretty' faces around daily.

But luckily, they can prevent the ghost coming near them or something like that from happening by at least holding their hands. Basically, by making physical contact with the other twin, they create some kind of barrier between them and those who are in the 'other' realm. Everyone around them find it normal to see them holding hands with each other on daily basis.  And that is one of the reason they are inseparable since childhood.

The older twin is Nang, a girl with long, wavy brown hair and hazel-coloured eyes, while the younger one is Zane, a boy with short, shiny black hair and dark brown eyes. Despite being older, Nang is actually quite short compared to her brother but she is always the one to protect her family from the front. Zane however, is one to do stuff behind the scene because he likes to see his sister showcase her strong self so people would admire Nang just like he does. Well, nobody can really surpass his protective side of Nang but at least they can understand why he is close to his twin. Yes, he might actually develop siscon towards Nang but can you really blame him? They don't really have any family other than their grandparents after the 'accident', as the government says.

Anyways, he just love his sister that much. Moving on, even after living with each other for basically their whole lives, the twins still have their differences. For example, Zane is more towards the dark academia aesthetics while Nang on the other hand is more into fairycore aesthetics. Zane is more into sports while Nang's heart lies within the beauty of martial arts. Zane is more expressive than his sister and Nang has a good leadership skill. Oh, and let's not forget, Nang have better handwriting. Zane on the other hand, let's just say sometimes he doesn't even understand what he writes at one point. ( Z ~ this is true... sadly, I have the handwriting of a goblin )

 At school, the twins are quite talented and can do basically anything together; Academics, sports and even housekeeping, they can do it all. The school doesn't really complain about their slight weird behaviour of talking with nothing. It doesn't really bring harm to others so they just shrug it off as a 'twin thing'.

Back to how it all started, the twins were on their normal daily walk. Blue sky, green trees, hands coming out of the ground and blood patches on the lake. Yeah, that's normal, for the twins at least. Strolling around, they stumbled upon mumbling sounds in the alleyway, seeing a silhouette of a man pacing around there.

Both twins look at each other, trying to see if the other is thinking the same thing they did. With a nod, they decided to inch forward to see what it was all about. Upon closer look, they saw a man pacing back and forth in the alleyway, mumbling strings of words to himself, looking so distress. Seeing that he didn't realize their presence, Zane being a dumbass, suddenly ask with that mysterious stranger.

" Are you okay, sir?" he asked the guy wearing an office attire, earning a shocked look from the latter.

His dumb action received a hit on the head by his sister as Nang had a tick mark forming on her face.

" Ow! What was that for?!" Zane complained, not understanding the reason behind the attack.

" He's transparent, idiot." - Nang

" Oh. Oh shit! What have I done?!" - Zane

" Exactly." - Nang

" You can see me?!"

" Nang, what do we do?!" - Zane

" Let's see what he wants first. We can't really do anything since he'll just end up bothering us all day long." - Nang

The now identified as a ghost stranger started moving towards them in a desperate manner.

" Wait! Don't come closer or-!" - Zane

Just as the guy was within a few feet range around the twins, lights flashed and the guy was thrown backwards harshly.

". . . Or that will happen. Are you okay?" - Zane

" Um, Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy."

" Back to your question earlier, yes, we can see you. Why do you ask?" - Nang

" I need your help! The whole world is at stake! Please!"

" Fine. We'll help you this time only." - Nang

" Thanks a lot! Please follow me!"

" I hope this one doesn't end up in some shitty cult or something." - Nang

" I'm sorry for getting us in this, Nang..." - Zane

" It's fine. I'm rather glad we're together, so our safety is kinda guaranteed." - Nang

Arriving at a taxi stand, the three of them waited for a while. Seeing that not a taxi might come in a few more minutes, Zane decided to get to know with the undead man with them.

" Uh... So what's your name?" - Zane

" I'm Phil Coulson. You can call me Phil." - Phil

" Gotcha. I'm Zane and this is my twin, Nang." - Zane

" It's nice to meet you both. I'm really grateful for your help." - Phil

" Well, you seem pretty nice and you don't seem like you will harm us." - Zane

Phil smiled a little, appreciating what Zane just said. Just then, a taxi came and by Phil's instruction, they headed towards the Avengers tower. Once they arrive at the front door with the help of their ghost friend, they hit the intercom, waiting for any kind of response.

" How can I help you?" A male robotic voice came from it.

" We need to see the Avengers. It's urgent." Nang said, putting on a poker face as she stand in front of her younger twin.

" Shouldn't you guys be better at home? How did you guys get here anyways?" The voice switched to a mocking voice, revealing an arrogant person behind it.

" We have information that could be of use and the whole world is at stake." Yup, Zane is fangirling from behind, admiring his sister as if they're not at a building full of superheroes.

" You're just saying nonsense. Go home kiddo."

" Use my name. Maybe they'll hear you out." - Phil

" Phil Coulson. Does it ring any bells?"

The intercom went silent for a while, giving the impression as if they were thinking or they just didn't care about it. However, the other started to talk again.

" We'll hear you guys out. But leave us after that. Get in the elevator and one of us will come get you."

" Alright."






" So you couple are the ones that crash into this building?" A redhead woman asked just as the elevator door opened. She wore a black sleeveless turtleneck and had her hair down. Signalling them to follow her, they walked along the corridor.

" We're twins."

" I see. So, how do you know Phil?"

" We'll explain with everyone later."

" Fine."

They entered a room with the woman leading them in. They stand near the entrance as the woman sat in her seat. A brunette started to speak, not waiting for the others to question what is happening.

" So, what is it that's so urgent that you need to come find us?"

" We have the power of interacting with the dead and Phil asked for our help to give the message to you." - Nang

" And how are we supposed to believe that?"

" Good point." - Nang

" You're just thinking of that now?" The brunette responded.

" We literally met Phil just a few minutes ago, what do you expect?" - Nang

" Oh! I know! Phil can tell us all he knows about you guys! You can be the judge after that!" - Zane

" But won't you guys just tell us things from the internet?" The redhead rebutted.

" Well, he can tell us things that only you guys share with him. Fair enough?" - Zane

They nodded only to realized they knew nothing about the man.

" Wait a minute.. " The man in a science coat voices, " We knew nothing about Coulson. Only that he was a high-ranking Shield agent. With that being said now how are we supposed to believe anything you say is true?" 

" Great going Jolly Green!" The brunette pouring a cup of tequila interjects  " Yeah, how do we suppose to believe you now huh?"

Now quite amused, the mighty heroes wonders how these set of kids will convince them. Just then a strong mist of wind howl through the room, shattering the perfect tequila bottle. Everyone in the room was stunned.

" What just--"

" It was just the AC acting up! There's no such thing of ghosts---" 

 * CLINK.....* 

Unknowingly a soundless sound was heard. Before anyone could react a loud clash hits. The lights flickers fiercely. Metals roaring breaking each lights from the ceiling, sparking like some firework show going off. Everyone scramble around the room taking cover.

" Jarvis! Who's messing with the system!?" The brunette man with a tequila cup shouts crawling under the table.

" Jarvis?.. Jarvis!? JARVIS!!!?"

The twins hold one another hands, surpassing their laughs from the sudden explosion. They knew well who was the cause of this mess. Guess Phil wanted to do some action. 

" There is nothing wrong with the system, Sir. Please remain calm."

" What do you mean----!!!"

" No shit Sherlock!"

Zane cry out. He shook his sister's arm in a worry matter. " Um.. did you just heard what I heard?!"

" AND first of all-- just EW! "

" Haa... no way...just ew.." Nang's mouth agapes in disgust from shock.

" Yes, way!" Her brother makes a disturbed face.

" No way I'm gonna say that!"

" You're being a little too descriptive here you know..." The older sibling making a revulsion face.

Carefully the heroes turn towards the bickering twins, staying on guard as the lights keep on flickering, giving off an eerie atmosphere. Everyone had their mouth shut except Nat, who proceeded to interrogate the teens in front of them.

"What are you guys talking about ?!"

" You tell them, Nang!" Zane urged the female next to him.

" I ain't telling them anything! And that's final!!!" she gave an ultimatum, not opening her mouth at all after that.

Seeing that she was ignored, the irk she felt at the moment is incomparable to anything she ever experienced. Guess all the attention given to her these past years had caused her to expect people to always pay attention to her.

" If you guys aren't talking, then expect that there would be guns aiming at your heads!!!" Nat threatened, menace reeked from every fibre of her being. Murderous gaze bore through their heads as all the Avengers waited for answers from the pair.

Hearing the threat thrown at them, they both flinched before sending piercing glares towards the heroes. Zane stepped forward, shielding Nang who was giving silent threats at the supposed adults in the room as they stand gallantly at one side of the conference room.

" EXCUSE ME?!" Zane getting prepare to throw hands. " First of all, we came here willing to notify you about some life crisis. Second, I-- we had almost gotten our heads exploded because of your dumbasses. Third! I had to hear about a decapacitate man. And this what we get in return?! Guns aiming at my precious head?! You bet your asses I'm about to fucken throw--- *SMACK* Ack!!!"

" Are you done?" Nang retorts smacking the back of her younger brother's head, crossing her arms. Zane aggressively rubs his now bruised head in pain,

" What was that for?! You should have hit them not me!" pouting his lip from the sudden assault.

The young man whine in pain while his sister wasn't anywhere amused regarding their circumstance. Quickly recovering from her strike, Zane jumps back into character.

" *SIGH*  Fine. Since you want to know so much about it, I'll tell you. Phil was killed by Loki using his handy-dandy-staff on the aircraft. WHATEVER YOU MAY CALL THAT! He told us in great detail about it. Anyways~ Would you like to hear more?" A smile plastered on his face, though it didn't reach his eyes.

" OH! Never mind~ " Zane cheeky response waving his hand.

" Let me just mention the glorious part where his heart gets rips through--- OH! And AND!!! The BEST part is where the blood starts gushing down like some beating pus!"

Zane dramatically wiggles his fingers like he was telling a scary story time to bunch of kids. The room fell into deafening silent as they reminisced the day it all occurred.

 " Guess you'll believe us now. By the way, he went through all this trouble because he had something important to tell you jackasses." Nang interjects continuing her brother's speech.

After a long pause Nang spoke freely again. " Now shall we start from the beginning again?" She innocently blinks, smiling sweetly. ( The devil is speaking. RUN! ~ N)






Seeing that they don't really have the skills to use the high-tech gadgets in front of them, it was bound to bring problems on their side. Phil was getting frustrated seeing that it would take too much time trying to teach them the ropes, the three ended up being frustrated for different reasons.

At this, the younger twin decided to bring up the method they both know would be more efficient yet taxing.

" You think we could let him possess my body for a while?" - Zane

" But won't you get tired later? Plus, your body would take quite a big toll after that." - Nang

" But look at Phil. He looked pretty desperate. I think it must be that important." - Zane

" Fine. Make sure you get some rest later." - Nang

" Yeah, I know sis." - Zane

The twins let go of their hands and Zane closed his eyes, bracing himself for what is to happen. Taking a deep breath before saying,

" Whenever you're ready Phil." - Zane

Nang saw Phil get into Zane's body and he trembled a little from the impact. Once Zane finally open his eyes again, the once dark brown irises change into green ones.

" Uh, hello? HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!? Did it work? Did it?! Huh, it feels weird to have a body again..." The once somewhat soothing voice the teenager had, turns lower pitched. Everyone that is new to the event that is happening looked a bit shocked.

" Loud and clear!" Captain rebukes.

" Uh, what's wrong with your brother, little fella?" Tony asked, unsure.

" That's not my brother. That's Phil." - Nang

" But that's not possible! He's-" Nat was cut off by the male teen in the conference room.

" Dead. I know." - Phil

" Haven't you heard of ghost possessing people's body? That's basically common knowledge" - Nang

" Anyways, I need to tell you guys about the Hydra Bases location. Everyone's life is at stake." - Phil

Phil walk towards the tablet and set all the coordinates of the hydra bases he managed to uncover as a dead man. He explains all the plan he listen too while he was in their secret meetings. All the torture they had done to innocent people made him almost vomit, but having no body have it's own perks of not having gag reflex.

" And that's all I got for now. I'm planning to find more bases that I have yet to uncover." - Phil

" So you're going to travel around the world aimlessly again?" - Nat

" Not really. I've got some clues to where the other bases could be from all the bases I've found. I just need to confirm the exact location and come back to give the coordinates to you guys. Since I don't have a body, physical and financial limitations doesn't hinder me and I'm not seen to others since I'm a ghost. Quite useful if I must say." - Phil

" Damn... Our job just got easier..." - Tony

" You think? We just hit the jackpot!" - Nat

" We can reduce much more casualties this way. Less innocent people would be caught in the crossfire too." - Steve

" We might even end that despicable organization for good this time." - Clint

As everyone discuss the sudden new trump card they received, a certain twin felt uncomfortable with all the hauntings she is seeing and touches she get after letting go of Zane's hand for a long period. She decided to finally voice out her uneasiness to the others.

" Um, are you done with Zane's body? I'm not in a good position here." - Nang

" Ah, yes. It was nice to be able to help you guys again." Phil said as he got closer to Nang. " Please give him my thanks, Nang. I'm gonna go straight ahead to do my mission. Thank you, I'm indebted to you both."

" It's cool. Just tell us a good restaurant to go too and we're even."

They both chuckled a little before Phil hold out a hand.

" It's nice meeting you guys." - Phil

" The same can be said to you." - Nang

They both shook hands and light flashed inside the conference room. Zane immediately collapsed into Nang's arms right after, looking pale as a paper. Clutching tightly onto Nang's clothes, the younger brother fight the urge to vomit right then and there. Wheezing trying to catch his breath. 

" N-Nang... I feel s-sick... I.. I-- can't-- " Zane pants heavily.

" Breath Zane. I need you to breath for me." She caressed his back. " Deep breaths, okay? Like me."

" There, just like that you're doing so well. Just keep breathing." She affirms rocking him back and forth like a child.

" What did you see?"

" . . . "

" You know you'll never gonna forget it if you don't tell me what it is, right? Come on, you're gonna feel better after this."

" I... I.. I don't want to talk about it.."

" But I need to you tell me." She tries to sooth him. Zane tremble for a brief moment before trying to regain his voice.

" People.. people... getting tortured... Limbs getting chopped...Ugh.." he wince, shutting his eyes tightly. " Injections that causes them to suffer... Electrocution... Their bodies getting littered with injuries every day... Their scars and shoutings are neverending... I'm scared..." He meekly whispers. Pulling his sister closer.

"..It's okay. You're safe. You'll forget once you wake up, so sleep." She comforts him.

" Yeah..."

After a while, soft, chopped snores could be heard from the slightly trembling teen. His slumped stature are held firmly by the other twin despite having a slightly smaller build than her brother. The clutch on Nang's clothes never loosen up, might be from the intense trauma the boy had to go through earlier.

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