
By AceJackPott

904 14 20

The cold harsh wind gusts across the great frozen mountains engulfed by snow. Rivers that barely stand to thi... More

Somnium and Tabernam
-Magia Regnum- and Somnium
Last look at Tambernam
Planets in their multiverse that I probably didn't talk about....

The Race

39 2 0
By AceJackPott

I woke up in the morning with a rush of adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

I could wait any longer than five second to start the race, but of course it's on in six hours...

With full honesty... I tried to find dreams room. But I got lost, and had to ask a guard for help. And they arrested me. Aging. Therefore I had to go through that embarrassing moment with dream in his dressing gown this time. Again. Though he was pretty chill with the fact I had to wake him up so early in the morning. Well not really, it was only six am. I don't know why everyone was so tired on Alpinum. I at least woke up around four, got out of the castle at five and did stuff till eight.

When me and dream got to George's room, for a second we thought that he was captured, but no one in the castle had seen a magiam regnum wandering around. Therefore we believed that he ran away. Until we found him just testing his car out on dream's personal racetrack...

"Wait. you have your own racetrack?"

"Yeah, don't you. I mean you're richer than my whole family could ever be."

"Yeah, but I don't have a race track..."

George gets out of his car and greets us good morning.

He asked us if we wanted to go for a little spin with him before the competition. And Of Course I said yes.

I know the basics of driving, I just don't know any skills, like just before George looked like he was skiding sideways across a wall, I didn't even think that was possible. After a few laps of my and George being expenialy close to each other, I started to lose him and he immediately got in the lead the second I slipped up.

"You know, I'm not that good of a driver, you're gonna have to at least beat me once to have a chance at the games."

"George Is right..."

Dream cut in.

"Every year there is a crazy new theme, like last year it was underwater or some shit. I didn't really pay attention to the label, I was just pissed off that my car wasn't waterproof.


Dream decided to race a few laps with us, and absolutely annihilated both me and george. He lapped us about five times until he ran out of gas.

It was really fun hanging out with them, well until the gerd noticed george.

To be honest, I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to create so much noise when our magia regnum pale was with us.

They started running towards us, waving their swords, shouting and yelling. We got in our cars and drove as fast as we could, to anywhere but there.

Eventually we got the warp pad thing and sadly all of our cars couldn't fit at once. So George ended up getting caught.

"Once you guys get there, Wait for me you assholes!!!!"

He scream before the static was too intense

"We'll Try!!!!"

I parked my car in spot 724

But dream was a few second behind me so he had to park in 735

Once I got out of my car he persuaded me to use something called a Retractor Ring. Apparently ten second before the race it would teleport me to my car. Damn technology these days.

I started to have a look, and saw a club house room.... Thing

When I walked I was amazed at all the species there were, so many different beings with different looks and abilities. It was amazing. OOooo, there was also a food table. I grabbed a few small cakes and admired the view. Of course the track was forming itself so there wasn't much to see.but i still stood there in aww, as i saw magic boards and beams construct the future track for me to drive on. I was watching a strange-looking board, and after staring at it for a while, I realized that once you park your car in a number it shows your name on the board. Oh, I saw George there!!! He died in 885. Apparently once it hits one thousand people, the race starts in ten second. I honestly don't think I would be able to get to my car in ten second from here.

I notice how it's almost at 990 in just a second, it's amazing really.


My voice yells through the crowd.

I don't turn around since I know the only person he knows my real name is dream, therefore it may be an alpinum guard. Someone taps me on the shoulder then turns me around.


"Wait. Jay?!?

I didn't have any more time to react because there was ten second until the race started. And before I knew it cars were racing across the newly built bridge and I was still in the parking gear.

"Shit, Shit, Shit!"

I accelerated forwards coming in 946 place!?!

Fuck, I'm so gonna lose. But that wasn't important right now. The most important thing was not to die. These giant spears were getting thrown at the cars and strange giant statues with weird looking helmet were running around kicking people out of the track, it was terrifying and intimidating.I was guessing it was a roman greek theme,? Eventually I tied up with George so we tried to have a conversation between the exploding cars and sudden screams.


He screamed at me ten miles away...


I tried to reply but didn't know if he heard it over the loud explosion behind us. I was shocked to see the bridge falling behind us.


I screamed at him.

George then started laughing like a mad man....

What's wrong with this dude...




Of course George's words of encouragement motivated me to shift my stick into the fastest gear and don't look back. I honestly tried to ignore and doge all of the golden spears being thrown at me, but it got extremely hard when the map started throwing Fucking Dinosaurs At Us... I Thought These Bitches Were Extinct......

Great... another obstacle to add to my doge section...

It started getting real intents when all the great drivers were there and the losers were either dead or dying... eventually I got into 73 place and caught up with Dream, but of course he was so laser focused on his driving that he didn't even bother to acknowledge my existence...

As I was footering around with different buttons I found around the car, I accidentally flipped a switch and then my tracks were fire red, I don't know how fast I was going, but I was going so fuckin fast that I ended up in sixth place!! I looked behind me and saw flames in the tracks of train tracks or something. I was dumbfounded for a second, until I realized I was tied with Jay...

"You- You're alive..."

"Well no shit sherlock..."

Jay seemed different, I mean it's not the fact that he had more sas in his words then I remember, but he seemed broken, unhappy, and defeated.

"How, how are you alive...?"

I knew that was a really hard question to answer for him, but I just needed to know, why didn't anyone bother telling me... why didn't he come find me...

"Well after you Fuckin left me to die!!! Your mother took me to hospitium and saved my life... well half saved it."
"Cut to the chase, I'm dying sapnap and when you win you get anything you want... so i'm sorry, but i can't let you pass..."

Before I could say anything, he started raming me into the wall!!! By nest friend trying to ouch me off a bridge while I was trying to avoid giant spears, dinosaurs and Fuckin meteorites!!!

I honestly was hurt when all the other players saw us and just ignored us... passing by as if i wasn't on the brink of death. I bolted my car against the railing of the side of the bridge, and sparks started flying off catching shattered cars on fire. Honestly even with all of this going on, I was mostly horrified at the sight of being 36th place...

I looked back at my friend's desperate face of winning, and threw all of that hatred I could see A wish of death in his eye...

I'll win the game for you buddy...

I slammed on the break causing me to lunge forward hitting my head on the windshield, and I can only imagine that the force of Jay pushing me off the bridge sling shotted him into the water....

When I woke up, which felt like hours later, I saw Dream sitting next to me. We weren't in hospitium or anything, but on a side street. We looked beaten up, and then I remember...

"What Happened To Jay?!?"

"Oh he fuckin flew of the side of the bridge like half-an-hour ago"


I didn't really know what to say, I never expected my plan to actually work... I just expected it for him to crash...

I started looking around and dream was confused by my actions until I asked.

"Then... Then what happened to George?"

I had a sudden realization


Dream hung his head in shame...

"I wasn't able to save both of you and he insisted that his life was a train wreck anyway."

I tried to hold back tears at the thought of losing him, but as I was about to break, some confetti busted from the ground and a pedestal too.

I turned around to see a crown and a scroll sitting there on the stool... for the first winner of the game.

I opened the scroll and read aloud

"To the winner of the first game."

"It is my honor to present to you, your award"

Yet another scroll was presented to me and on the scroll it said.

"My Wish is...:

I'm guessing that on the blank part of the page I would write my one wish... Was this a joke. A cheap trick. Just a little laugh for the viewers. I can't accept this.

I turned to face dream, tears trickling down his face. And I gave the scroll to him. He looked confused and concerned. He didn't say anything though I could tell by the look in his eye. He was wondering if I was giving away the chance of a lifetime. His eyes sparkled with hope.

A gave him a silent nod and he swiped the tainted paper from me. And started writing something down. I couldn't tell what he was writing since the ink wasn't leaking to the back of the scroll.

He passed the scroll back to me and I placed it back on the pedestal.

The scroll sunken into its surface and there was silence.

I turned to see dream even more hopeless than before. Pondering what he could have possibly written.

But before I could even let a word whip out of my mouth. I was interrupted by a ticking noise

The ticking of a timer or a pocket watch.

Out of nowhere a great puff of smoke surrounded us, alarmed dream, and spooking me. And out of the thick fog, was George...

Sure he was beaten up and his clothes were wrecked But he was alive.

Me and Dream ran over to embrace him in our arms.

"Don't you dare Ever Fuckin Scare Me Like That Again."

We all embarrassed ourselves in laughter, and then George pointed out that I hadn't finished reading the scroll. I picked up the golden plates scroll once more.

My Wish is,

A Second Chance


I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry, when I was writing the things with Jay saying he wouldn't let him win all I could think about was.... "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"

But guys this is the end of the book....

I'm pretty proud of it. And I wouldn't mind at all if you used my book for inspiration or stole my characters!!! This is just for fun!!!

Love you all!!!


And I would really appreciate it if you all amazing people followed...

But it's your choice!

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