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The cold harsh wind gusts across the great frozen mountains engulfed by snow. Rivers that barely stand to this day 'cause of the treacherous snow storms, freezing them before a fish could even see light. There are barely any forests on this planet, the only trees you could possibly find are the ones frozen in ice. Or some say, Frozen in time. This is the glorious tundra of Alpinum. The planet frozen in time.

I know how cringy this must sound, but that's just what the history books say. I mean, couldn't our ancestry write more about our planet? Well I guess they were just lazy... like me.

When you grow up in Alpinum, you learn to adapt to the cold. I didn't, haven't, and won't.

I'm something some people and my parents like to call a fire bug.

A fire bug in Alpinum is a person or child that is addicted to lanterns, campfires, matches, anything that contains a flame with it or inside of it. My friends found it funny how They adapted to the ice and snow, and how they learned to evolve to not feel the cold.

They found it funny how I was afraid of the snow, how I couldn't dive into freezing water without screaming and crying, how I couldn't adapt like them, evolve like them, learn like them. Eventually they stopped being my friends and started to realize how hopeless I was, how I couldn't grow up like them and adapt to the cold. While they wore summer outfits in the middle of the worst snowstorm Alpinum has ever seen, I was covered with more jackets and fur than a...... a thing with a fur jacket, i don't know, i got nothing.

I normally spend all my time near a campfire or fireplace, so that's when my so-called 'Friends' started giving me nicknames.That's how I once got the nickname of, @bL@zE. It was a cool nickname, but I didn't keep it for too long because the only reason they gave me that nickname was for making fun of me.

I hate it here, I hate it in Alpinum, how you're expected to live in these freezing temperatures and conditions. How you're expected to do everything people say. How you're expected to eat little, stay fit and spend 13 hours a day out in the freezing cold hunting for food.

It's a Fucking nightmare! I swear Alpinum is the worst planet in the entire Rilexverse.

In the Rilexversec there are hundreds of planets, but I only know the eight most popular ones, such as...


Varius isn't really a planet, it's an enormous casino the size of a planet , that also orbits around our solar system, so if you think really hard about it, technically it is a planet. At Varius many things could happen, you could be set for life, you could become bankrupt, you could even find love, or even get married there!


I know Alpinum is technically my home planet, but it is known as one of the most popular planets, even though it's shit.


Tabernam is a planet that is kind of similar to Varius, but instead of a casino, it's practically a shopping mall. Sells anything, Guns, Food, clothing, Weapons, People, house stuff, and Cars.

When I mean cars i don't just mean Toyotas or Ferrari or porches, i mean ˈsībərˌpəNGk Type of cars, they are so cool!!!

But my parents, the King and Queen of Alpinum. They disapprove of the ways that the ENTIRE RIlEXVERUSE Follows. No one from Alpinum is allowed to enter the Games. I don't know why. It's a stupid rule.

Magia Regnum,

The planet of Magia regnum is a very beautiful planet. Cover with forests, flower fields, even vines holding fruits that glow. As beautiful as this planet sounds, it has dangerous entities that will destroy anything that may resemble human life. And the people that live there aren't hunters or savages or even scary! They are.... What's the word? Umm Tacky?

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