the destined mate|sope ✔️

By cutemuffins0

21.4K 1.4K 170

[completed✔️] hoseok, an innocent man living a most decent life in their small village. vowed to his own hom... More

|#1: Sunny Day|
|#2:pretty Flower|
|#3:daily reminder's|
|#4:outside At Last!|
|#5:precious eyes|
|#7:painful Truth|
|#8:other Ways|
|#10:first Hang Out|
|#11:nearly Exchange|
|#12:telling mr. Park|
|#13:birthday plan's|
|#14:truth Untold|
|#15:short Explanation|
|#16:happy Birthday!|
|#17:birthday Celebration|
|#19:meeting Each Other|
|#21:getting Ready|
|#22:before the Ceremony|
|#23:the Awaited Event|
|#24:the Awaited Event pt. 2¡|
|#25:own Problem|[m]
|#26:did We Fuck?|
|#27:files And Documents|
|#28:flutters and butterflies|
|#29:late Confession|
|#30:fucking You In Your Heat|[m]
|#31:happiness is a Dream|
|#32:taking jung Hoseok|
|#33:saving his little omega|
|#34:sacrifice is a fact.|
|#35:reasons why you're Changed|
|#36:new beginning|[m]
|#37:morning routine|
|#38:giftedness talent|
|#39:concure you're angers|
|#40:lesson learned|[m]
|#42:telling him|
|#43:making it up for the omega|
|#44:first month of stress|
|#45:short time of having fun|[m]
|#46:Christmas eve with cookies|
|#47:new year has began!|
|#48:valentines so clever|
|#49:love war with the crazy woman|
|#50:gender reveal party!|
|#51:designing the Babies room|
|#52:time flew So fast|
|#53:getting in touch With you|[m]
|#54:finally mate's|[m]
|#55:normal weaknesses|
| the Finale |

|#20:rules And Regulations|

367 26 5
By cutemuffins0

another day, another start for hoseok.

hoseok was still sleeping peacefully on the comfy bed, snoring was he's habit.

since yesterday he was sleeping, didn't wake up because the bed was holding he's body.

it was 7 am, and Seokjin needed to check on him. Seokjin knocked on the door but didn't heard anything, just snores.

he ashum that the boy was still asleep, and he was right. once he got inside he saw a boy sleepin on the cozy bed.

Face backwards, on the pillows and butt up in the air. He usually sleep like that if he was comfortable with the bed.

seokjin laughed silently, dont want the boy to wake up by he's laugh.

he walked towards the bed and wiggled him, the boy just moved and pulled the blanket to he's body.

"hoseok" seokjin called with a sweet voice.

"hmm?" him who answered, head still on the pillow.

"it's already 7,you need to have a small talk with the queen." seokjin said, wanted him too get a new start and eat a good breakfast.

"it's still early" hoseok groaned, realizing that he's not in his home.

"w-wait what time is it?" hoseok asked, nervous because he already forgotten about yesterday's scenarios.

"dont worry hoseok, its just 7 am you can still get ready" seokjin said and he sighed.

he's thankful that seokjin wake him up, if he doesn't well eventually in a easy way he'll get waken up by a loud bell.

"thank y-you.." he thanked him, but to only him being confused.

"what for?"

"that you wake me up"

"it's not a big deal hoseok" he said and hoseok nodded, stretching he's limbs out.

"i gotta go and brush my teeth" he said getting up,rubbing he's eyes.

"take a short bath too, its good to be fresh for a start yea?" he suggested and hoseok nodded smiling.

"okay jinniee hyung" hoseok said and Seokjin crossed he's arms.

"yah! Im not that old"

"still, I'm respectful"

"haha very funny"

"what? Its true, i am"

"fine, just take a bath and pick anything you want to wear in the walk-in closet okay?"

"okay, thanks hyung!" he once again teased the older and Seokjin just smiled and shook he's head, then left the room to give the boy some privacy.

"woah" he breathed out, the bathroom was so cool, its modern style.

hoseok brushed he's teeth first, double checked it too confirmed that its shiny, then he took a fresh bath.

He didn't heard the Door being opened by somebody, but he surely heard a ringing tone through the bathroom.

"it must be jimin, i need to answer it." he said, still guilty about what he did to he's bestfriend.

so he got he's bathrobe and put it in he's naked body, he got out checking if someone was there, but didn't see anyone.

he was heading to the night stand when-

"goodmorning" he knew that voice, he turned around and there was a smirking figure.

"ahh!!!" he screamed, thinking that this man will rape him.

"shut up! Just shut up!" yoongi screamed and hoseok shut he's mouth, holding hes robe tight.

"w-what are you doing here!?" hoseok asked, sterned because he was shock.

"what? cant i visit my future queen?" he said and hoseok was still shock, he didn't know what to say.

"look i wont do a thing okay, its just-"

"your saying you wanted to take an advantage to my virginity and-"

"what!? No" he said, cold in he's voice.

"cant you not even know who i am?" he said pressing he's fingers in he's chest.

hoseok take a moment and realized the event where he bumped in to someone and had a connection to him.

he was just staring at yoongi, yoongi who was confused if he did or said something wrong.

"hey are you okay?" he asked, loosing he's control. there is something pushing him to just hold the boy.

"dont, get out" hoseok said looking down, the sudden question if he's okay really soften him.

"i just want-"

"get out!" hoseok Whisper-shouted to yoongi who backup and opened the door.

"if you need anything, just tell me." then he left.

hoseok was catching he's breath, he's wolf is going crazy, he's body getting hotter and hotter and the passed seconds.

"hoseo-oh ny God, what happened!?" seokjin entered the room, didnt even bothered to ask a permission because he needed too check on the poor boy.

"hey hey its okay, what happened??" he asked but still didn't have an answer too the boy.

"omygod, are you in heat?" he said and there was the time where hoseok is realizing that he's pills are in their old house.

"h-hyunggg, itt hurttssss" he said and scrunched in the intimate sensitivity.

"shh its okay, come lets get you too a cold bath to lessen the pain" seokjin said and helped hoseok too walk in the bathroom.

(i dont know how to push away the heat, i didnt research it. i just make a small idea that is -if hoseok is in heat he needed a cold bath- chacha luv lots)
Seokjin was finished preparing the cold bathtub for hoseok, he leave the bathroon and give the boy a privacy.

he waited to the door, to hear if the boy was fine.

"jin, is he okay?" yoongi asked while running, pushing jin to got inside the room.

"he is fine prince, please give him some privacy" seokjin said stopping him from knowing that the boy is in heat.

"is he in heat???" he asked, worried at the boy and soekjin could see it in he's eyes.

'yoongi smelled him, but how?' seokjin thought but pushed it away.

"no prince, just please" he lied, he didn't want them to loose control on each other's touch or smell.

"are you sure-" yoongi didn't finished he's sentence and he heard that the boy is calling the handmaid.

"I'll get going now prince" he protest and got inside the room.

yoongi was confused, he did sense earlier that he is in heat that's why he questioned the younger if he's okay.

he dont want too be that fast but as he was he's alpha

Wait? is he really his alpha? And that made the younger his omega.

his, he will declare it by himself that the boy is his and no body else will have him.

Only him.

When he entered the room, the first thing he smelled is the sweet aroma of the boy.

but he was no longer in heat, he's smell was too strong, maybe that's where yoongi knew he was in heat. but luckily he hid it.

"are you okay now?" he Whispered at him, knowing that yoongi was still in the door.

"yes, thank you" hoseok said and Seokjin just nodded.

"good now use this cologne, so no one will smell you" he said, that cologne was really effective he use it often when he is in heat too.

"okay" hoseok agreed and sprayed it all over he's body.

Seokjin once again smelled him and like what he said earlier it really is effective.

"cool isn't it?" he asked the younger who only nodded.

"thank you again hyung" hoseok thanked him again.

"its nothing hobi ah" he created a new nickname for hoseok, and hoseok indeed loved it.

There's a ringing sound again, earlier he didn't answered it because that yoongi just came inside the room and was about to touch him.

he walked to the night stand where he's phone was and answered it.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!???" he heard on the other line, really loud so he lessen the volume.

"jiminie" hoseok called.

"DONT CALL ME THAT, ANSWER MY QUESTION" he was shouting so hoseok needed too tell him the truth.

"i-im in the palace, they t-took me and-"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!? IM SO WORRIED, YOUR PARENTS DONT WANT TO ME TO KNOW THE TRUTH." he said and the guilt that hoseok had is rising up again.

"im so so sorry chim, that i didn't have the time to say goodbye to you"

"I MISSED YOU, AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN REPLY TO MY TEXT YOU JUST SEENED ME" hoseok really did seen him, but he forgot to reply because of how much tired he was.

"i miss you too chim, but you already know that ill be gone when i turn 18 right?"


"i-I'm sorry"


"o-okay, i have to go now"

"okay, take care okay? bye" then he hung up.

he was just scared, he really feel what is like to be far from your family.

and jimin is so close to hoseok, even in favorite fashion he know the boy, that's why he was so worried.

"shall we go?" seokjin said and the younger nodded.
"hello there, darling" the queen greeted the boy who sat on the table chair.

"hello, goodmorning" hoseok said and the queen nodded.

"morning, so in this day you need to know the rules and regulations of this palace." the queen said and the maids are serving the foods.

"okay mom" hoseok was getting used to the name that the queen suggested.

"first sit up straight, and face straight." she said and hoseok immediately did as he told and do the right pasture that the queen said.

The queen clapped her hands, really amazed at how the boy is a fast learner.

"great job darling, now to the eating manners." she said and handed hoseok the food then hoseok took the plate gently.

"you need to eat quietly, being a queen is a manner of time to endure all of the things you had to do." she said and hoseok just looked at her.

"its okay darling, take your time. Now just look at me and follow my gestures." the queen stated and hoseok dont want to take his eyes off the queen, focusing.

the queen was just eating peacefully, having a unique gestures and the munching process is hard for hoseok, because when he really enjoys the food he never care about how people will think of him.

Hoseok was focused, eyes on the queen.

"your turn darling" she said and hoseok was nervous, but did the queen's desires.

He started of with a small knife, and a fork in he's left hand then sliced the beef gently in to pieces and munch it with the fork.

the queen was looking, how he's jawline is doing its work and flexing the sharp figure of it, he was doing it right.

"good job darling!" the queen complimented and stood up clapping her hands.

"t-thank you" hoseok said, blushing at how the queen's reaction.

"we are done, its easy right?"

"yes" and they giggled.

"later, there will be a volunteer that will be teaching you how to walk properly, and my professional makeup worker will be Tommorow for you to get ready for the ball." she said and hoseok nodded.

"you can now go to where you want to be, i need to do something okay?" she stated stooding up and hoseok did the same thing.

"thank you, mom"

"no worries darling, off you gow now" she said and hoseok walked away.

hoseok was walking, wanting to have a fresh air.

he was looking at his suit that seokjin suggested him, didn't even know that he'll bump into someone.

"o-oh sorry, i didn't see you" hoseok looked up and saw a unfamiliar face.

"its okay, so your my cousins future queen huh?" the man said and hoseok nodded, not really into the future queen thing.

"okay then, where are you going?", he asked.

"to the garden, if will you excuse me ill go ahead" hoseok said and the man nodded.

"okay then nice meeting you?.."


"mm well hoseok, im jungkook" he said and bowed hoseok bowed too.

"I'll go now, jungkook" he said walking of hearing to the other that said an okay.

then he walked off, heading to the garden to have some fresh air.

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