By grxcisxhy

3.5K 40 2

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. She fell in love with him when they were together, then fell... More

act i
i. the birthday
ii. the hybrid
iii. the end of the affair
iv. disturbing behavior
vi. smells like teen spirit
vii. ghost world
viii. ordinary people
ix. homecoming - the ties that bind
x. dangerous liaisons
xi. all my children
act ii
xii. after school special
xiii. catch me if you can
xiv. a view to kill

v. the reckoning

152 1 0
By grxcisxhy

Madelyn groaned, walking next to Klaus as they approached the building. "I don't get why I couldn't have stayed with Rebekah."

"Because Rebekah needs to prove that she's strong enough to be with Stefan alone," Klaus said, pushing through the metal doors. "Besides, don't you enjoy a fun high school tradition?"

"I don't enjoy high school, period." Madelyn looked at the interior of the school in disgust. "It's full of a bunch a fake, young people who think failing their tests is the worst of their problems."

"Well, then it's a good thing we're only here for one person." Klaus smirked.

He sped away, leaving Madelyn alone as he went to search for his doppelganger.

"You know, I think I'll take the scenic route," Madelyn said to herself, turning and walking the other way.


Madelyn could hear voices in the hallway she just entered. The voices turned into sounds of kissing as she grew nearer. She paused in her tracks as she took in two teens making out against the wall.

"You two are adorable," a girl said.

The couple jumped, turning their attention to Rebekah on the opposite side of them than Madelyn was.

Madelyn smirked. "I was just about to say the same thing."

The couple now turned toward the new voice. Madelyn's smirk widened upon recognizing them from Klaus's descriptions.

"Uh, do we know you?" Caroline asked.

"You're Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes you Tyler," Rebekah said.

"The werewolf," Madelyn whispered, making the couple jump again as she was much closer than before.

"And who are you?" Caroline asked, trying to shield Tyler from both girls.

"I'm the new girl," Rebekah said before flashing her fangs and running at the blond.

"Caroline!" Tyler yelled, trying to interfere, but Madelyn was quicker.

She trapped his arms behind his back and kept him from getting closer to the girls. "I wish I could kill you, it'd be much more fun, but the boss has a specific request for you."

"Boss?" Tyler asked, still struggling in her hold.

"I believe you've met him before. His name is Klaus, and he's got big plans for you."

Caroline managed to get away from Rebekah for a moment, calling out, "Tyler!"

"Don't worry sweetheart. We won't kill him." Madelyn smirked. "Yet."

Caroline lunged for them, but Madelyn sped away with Tyler, Rebekah following close behind.


The two girls found Klaus and the doppelganger in the gym along with a few others. Rebekah dragged Tyler with her, having switched places with Madelyn because the blond would fair better with a werewolf bite.

"Get off of me!" Tyler said.

"Hush now," Rebekah told him.

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah." Rebekah gave everyone a devilish grin at Nik's introduction. "Word of warning— she can be quite mean."

"Don't be an ass," Rebekah said.

"Leave him alone!" Elena shouted.

"Ooh, she's feisty," Madelyn taunted.

"Oh, I almost forgot. This is Madelyn, an honorary family member, been with us for centuries. If you would, Maddy, please hand over the wolf."

Rebekah loosened her grip on Tyler so that Madelyn could push him into Klaus.

"No!" Elena shouted.

"I'm going to make this very simple— Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition," Klaus said, having moved so everyone would have a clearer view of what's to come. "It's quite horrible, actually."

"Quite," Madelyn agreed. "Very slow. Agonizing. The works."

Klaus smirked, biting into his wrist as everyone was looking at the brunette. When they heard Tyler's muffled protests they turned to see Klaus forcing his blood into the wolf's system.

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake..." Klaus positioned his hands to snap the wolf's neck. "You better hurry."



The teens were gathered around Tyler's limp body while the vampires had sat on the bleachers, listening to them talk.

"He killed him," Matt said.

"He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire," Elena said.

"And if Bonnie's successful," Klaus interrupted, "he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena... for safe-keeping." 

Bonnie and Elena shared a look before the witch and Matt headed for the exit.

"You go with them, Madelyn."

"With pleasure." Madelyn smirked, jogging after them.

"What're you gonna do?" Matt asked Bonnie.

"I have no idea," she answered. "The curse he's talking about is a thousand years old. My grimoires don't go back that far."

"Can you ask those dead witches that helped you before?" 

"I don't have contact with them anymore— they cut me off when I brought Jeremy back to life," Bonnie rushed out frantically.

"Might I offer a solution?" Madelyn said, coming up alongside the witch. "I know a thing or two about witches, especially the dead ones."

"You're only helping us for Klaus," Matt accused angrily.

"Quite the contrary," Madelyn said. "I'm rather fond of witches, but, as you know, witches aren't very fond of vampires, much less the Mikaelsons. But some covens tolerated me, including your ancestors, Bonnie."

"My ancestors? Why?"

"Because I kept the Mikaelsons from abusing the witches' power— kept them safe from the Originals for centuries. For that, they are forever indebted, even in death."

"How would that help us keep Tyler alive?" Matt asked.

"I know a witch who can help, but I need Bonnie to cast a spell so I can contact them," Madelyn explained. "It should be a rather simple spell for someone of your power."

"I don't have a lot of power," Bonnie said. "Not as much as before."

"Don't doubt yourself, Bonnie," Madelyn chided. "You're a Bennett witch."

"And why should we trust you?" Matt asked.

"Because— no matter how loyal I am to the Mikaelsons— I was a witch first."


Madelyn, Bonnie, and Matt arrived at the Bennett household, walking up the porch steps. The two teens simply walked in while Madelyn waited, her annoyance growing.

"Excuse me. You seem to have forgotten my invitation," Madelyn said. "Unless you prefer to do the spell on the porch."

Bonnie turned to face her. "How do I know you won't just kill us if I do invite you in? You are one of Klaus's allies after all."

"You don't know anything," Madelyn said. "There's a reason I stick around him. Helping him will get me one step closer to what I want, and then I'll have my freedom."

"Is that why you're helping us?" Matt asked.

"Partly, yes," Madelyn admitted. "But it's also because I will help witches above all others, even Klaus. They're my real family."

Bonnie sighed. "Come in."

Madelyn stepped over the threshold, joining them in the living room.

"So, what's this spell?" Bonnie asked.

"It's called the Liminal spell," Madelyn said. "Meaning—"

"Halfway between life and death," Bonnie said, her and Matt beginning to flip through grimoires. "How is that supposed to be a simple spell?"

"It'll be easier to put me in the space between life and death, considering I'm technically already dead," Madelyn said. "It will take considerably less power to send a vampire than a human."

"How does it work?" Matt asked.

"It will make me able to communicate with both the dead and the living."

"How do you know the witch we need will answer?"

"Their a personal... friend of mine," Madelyn said. "They have to answer."

"Isn't their coven still alive? Why don't we just find them?" Matt asked.

"Not all witches live in Mystic Falls," Madelyn scowled. "These are French witches. You know, from France? Besides, I trust this witch with my life."

Before Matt could ask another stupid question, Bonnie announced that she had found the spell.

Bonnie set up for the spell with her candles and other witchy things. Her and Madelyn kneeled across from each other, joining hands and holding them over the grimoire.

Bonnie closed her eyes and began to chant. 

It took a while before Madelyn started to feel it. Her body tensed before her back arched uncomfortably. She heard hushed voices before a single voice became clear.


"William." She smiled.

Madelyn could hear Bonnie's chanting stop, letting her have better focus on the dead witch.

"It's good to see you, Maddy."

Madelyn opened her eyes to see her brother stood behind Bonnie as a ghost. "I miss you, Will."

"I know you do." Will smiled. "I miss you too, sister, but we haven't much time."

"What do you mean?"

"This spell isn't as simple as you've made it out to be. If Bonnie loses control, you could be stuck in the space between life and death forever."

"Well then tell me what I need to know," Madelyn said. "You've obviously been listening."

"You're right. I have." William moved to kneel in front of his older sister. "And this game you're playing with Klaus is dangerous."

"I know that. But I won't give up on my chance to have Kol back."

"If Klaus finds out what your true intentions are after he has returned Kol to you, do you know what he'll do?"

"I don't care, Will. Now just tell me the answer to this hybrid problem."

William stood up. "I always knew you were impulsive."

Bonnie cried out in pain, candle flames rising higher. "I can't hold it much longer!"

"Please, Will!"

"The answer is simple. It's in Elena's blood."

Madelyn groaned in pain. "Bring me back, Bonnie!"

Bonnie began her chanting again, the pain in Madelyn growing worse before fizzling out completely. Both girls panted as they dropped hands.

"Who's Kol?" Matt asked.

"Doesn't matter," Madelyn said, standing up. "I have what we need. Let's head back."


Madelyn exited Matt's truck quickly, while Bonnie stayed behind with him after the vampire promised to save their friend. She jogged into the school, listening intently to try and find Klaus, Tyler, and hopefully the doppelganger.

As she jogged through the school, she passed the gym as the buzzer sounded, smelling blood. Curios, she opened the doors to a conflicted Stefan inching closer to Elena. As the veins appeared under Stefan's eyes, Madelyn sped in front of Elena.

"Sorry, Stef, but I need your girl," Madelyn said before grabbing Elena and speeding off to find Tyler.

Stefan chased after them until Klaus intervened, taking Elena from Madelyn's grasp.

"Thank you for the delivery, my dear," Klaus said.

"Klaus, Tyler needs her blood. That's the answer," Madelyn said.

Klaus's jaw clenched. "So it would be."

He pulled an empty vial from his pocket, handing it to her. "Go on, take a sample. But do it quickly as I've got business to attend to with our doppelganger here."

Madelyn grabbed the vial in one hand, Elena's wrist in the other. The vampire bit down into the skin, causing blood to flow into the vial.

"You are rather tasty, love," Madelyn said with a smirk. "Now I understand why you've got both brothers."

Madelyn dropped Elena's wrist, the vial full. "I best be off to save your friend. Ta-ta for now."


Madelyn finally found the room Tyler was in along with Caroline and Rebekah. She jogged over to his sweating form and held out the vial. "Elena's blood. Drink it."

Caroline spat out protests.

"If he doesn't drink it, he dies," Madelyn said. "But I can't force it down the poor lad's throat."

Tyler, who knew he was dying, was hesitant. He looked Madelyn in the eyes, her giving him a reassuring smile. He looked to the vial once more before taking it and drinking the blood.

Tyler fell, spasming and clutching his head in pain. Madelyn watched as he got control over his pain before looking up at her, his yellow eyes and fangs present.

"Well, that's a good sign."


Madelyn leaned up against a random car in the hospital parking lot. Rebekah sat on the hood next to her and Klaus stood in front of them.

"So the doppelganger isn't the problem," Rebekah said. "Her blood is the solution."

"Seems so," Klaus said.

"How did you find out?" Rebekah asked.

Madelyn hesitated for a moment. The two Mikaelsons knew about her real family, but she wasn't sure she wanted disclose that she had contacted her brother.

Madelyn sighed through her nose. "I had Bonnie do a spell that could get me in contact to the older witches."

"Did you talk to the Original witch?" Klaus said.

Madelyn swallowed. "I did," she lied. "She told me that Elena had to be dead, but I know from the stories how much she hated you. So, I thought maybe it would be smarter to do the opposite of what she said."

"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you," Rebekah told Klaus.

"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective," he said. "It was her failsafe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelganger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..."

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species," Rebekah finished.

"Leaving me alone for all time."

"Is that what this is about?" Rebekah asked. "Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?"

"What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid the hell out of this one pony town," Klaus said. "You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you both get the truck? I'll get Elena."

Rebekah slide off the hood of the car, stomping away. Madelyn hurriedly followed after her, knowing she was upset.

"You know he didn't mean it like that," Madelyn said when they were far enough away. "He knows that he'll always have you and me."

Rebekah turned around, a fierce look in her eyes. "Will he? How many times does he think he can dagger us before we leave him? How many times can he abuse your friendship until you leave? Or worse, until you end up dead for aligning with him."

"Bex, you know he'd never let that happen."

"Do I? By the skip in your heart it seems like you don't believe your own statement either." Rebekah walked closer, grabbing her friends hands gently. "All I want is to be happy and to see you happy, and we can't do that with Nik around."

"Well, I can't be happy with Kol daggered in a box," Madelyn said softly. "I have to stay. At least until Kol is free."

Rebekah was quiet for a moment before nodding. "Okay. We'll stick with him until we have Kol back. I promise."

Madelyn smiled. "Thank you."

Their quiet moment was ruined by Klaus storming towards them and the truck. "We need to go."

"What? Why?" Rebekah asked.

"Damon and Katherine told Mikael we're here."

"What about Elena?" Madelyn asked.

"We can come back for her once Mikael is dealt with. Just get in the truck."

The girls stood there for a moment.

"What are you waiting for? Get in the truck!"

"I want to stay," Rebekah said.

"What?" Klaus growled.

"I want to stay," Rebekah repeated. "I want to stay and live like everything is normal for once. And you're not going to dagger me this time."

Klaus's jaw clenched. "Fine. Madelyn, get in. Let's go."

Madelyn felt a wave of confidence. "I'm not leaving Rebekah. Not again."

"You dare disobey me?" Klaus roared. "After everything I have done for you?"

"You mean everything I've done for you!" Madelyn shouted. "You've pushed me around for centuries, using me to get what you want. I'm sick of it!"

"This is not how you're going to get your precious Kol back," Klaus threatened.

Madelyn felt tears fall from her eyes, but she remained strong. "Kol wouldn't want me to be at your beck and call anyway. He'd want me to be independent and happy. I can't be either of those things with you."

There was a fire in Klaus's eyes. "Fine, you've both made your choice. But don't think I'll be so kind when you inevitably come crawling back."

"You're abandoning us, Klaus," Rebekah said, reaching to pull Madelyn into her side. "Not the other way around."

Klaus watched as Madelyn turned into Rebekah's side, crying against her shoulder. Rebekah consoled her as best she could while still giving her brother an angry glare.

Klaus swallowed thickly before turning around and getting in the truck that held his brothers, starting on his long drive far away from Mystic Falls.

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