Winter's Widow pt 1!

By mcuislife01

1.6M 19.2K 9.5K

‼️The story is in 2 parts, Enjoy!! Self-insert‼️ You are a former Black Widow who has been in hiding for year... More

The Reunion
The Memory- Plane Ride from Siberia
"The last 5 years"
All Fun and Games..
Fun Times and Thin Walls
Hydra, Odette, and WTF
Date Night
Where is all the Whipped Cream
The plan and the distraction
Playing the Part
Till the End of the Line
Is it Hot in here
Home Movies
An Honest to God Date
Its only Tuesday
Will You...
Never a Dull moment
Down time
Dresses and Bets
Sex Dreams
The Bet p2
The Build up
Going to the Chapel
The Wedding and the Wedding Night
The Honeymoon pt1 ⚠️⚠️⚠️
The Honeymoon pt2 ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Home sweet Home
Be Safe
If Something Should Happen...
Wreck me First
40's Style Lovin
Baby Hormones
12 Weeks
So Much Love
Please Explain
Deja Vu
Take Care..
Just Be
Not so Boring Now..
Boring?!? Me?!?⚠️⚠️
Hey Little one ⚠️⚠️
Yes Mistress
Can we get a Moment.. please
Baby Barnes and a Proper Send off
Trust me
Think about Grant
Now Kiss and Make Up
Yes Mistress pt2
Yes Mistress, Thank you Daddy
Bed Rest
Grant Buchanan Barnes
Let's go Home
The First 2 Weeks
We make some Cute Babies
Just One more Day
Where were we?
Just you
Only You
Let me Take Care of You
A Big Softy
The Night Of Firsts
Will You pt2
Memory Lane
Sexy Roulette ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Its all Fun and Games..
You're gonna be the Death of me⚠️⚠️⚠️
Hop to it
Attention Sexual Deviants
If this is what Disobeying get me...
Alright Big Guy
You ready Kitten
Tomorrow the Real Fun Begins
Daddy's Hungry
Lets make some Art Daddy
I'll Buy You a Really Nice Present
Pink and White.. Loved and Safe
It Involves Margaritas and Journey
Daddy's on Vacation but Winter Soldier is still here
Make up Day
Yeah, I'm not fine..
Always Expect the Unexpected
It Was All Real
Do You Know His Name
Just Fine
Nothing is Going to Happen
It's Not You I Want
They Want Her
Come Back to Me
Give Them a Minute
None Of This Is On You
Christmas Eve pt1
Christmas Eve pt2
Christmas Eve pt3
Christmas Day pt1 ⚠️⚠️
Christmas Day pt2
Christmas Day pt3
Christmas Day pt4
Christmas Day pt5 - A New Toy
Is This A New Kink..
The Best Gift
Cool It
Its Friday Baby Girl
Okay... Where Were We??
Ruin Me
I'll be Nice and Slow
Harder Than You Thought
I'm Not Stopping You, Love
Take Me Home... Now
My Safe Place
But I Make It Worth While ⚠️⚠️
All Is Well
Happy Little Family
You Should Know
Enough Water-Works
Where to Begin
Little Swan
Who's First
Its Simple Really
Thats Enough Trauma For Today
Come Look! You're Adorable!
A Man That Can Do Both
Naughty, Nasty, Not Enough
Whats Up Grant
All Grown Up
How Much More
Don't Let Me See Another Person's Ass
Great Kids & Hot Wives
Get Through This Day
Slow F*ck Day pt1
Slow F*ck Day pt2- Lead Me Here
Slow F*ck Day pt 3- Do We Wake Him
What Were You Gonna Give Me
I Won't Be Needing Them
She Is The Worst
House Arrest
I Love You But I Don't Like You
Shady Bitch
Will You Stop Punching
I Was Staking My Claim
What We've Been Up To
Fake Jealousy and Toys Make For A Good Day
Be Nice⚠️⚠️
Along For The Dirty Ride
Don't Worry
What Brings You Back
Good Dreams Last Night?
That Is Not For Us To Decide
It Is Not Permanent
Tell Me What You Want
Whole And Safe
On A Happier Side Note
I Have Been Ready For Awhile
Remember Every Detail
A Beautiful Life
My Naughty Girl
Just Thinking About You
A Women Worth Getting Dirty For
I am Going To Take My Time
Between A Husband And A Wife
You Think I'm Soft
I Won't Forget
We Were So Cute
Share Your Burdens And Sorrows With Me
On Her Way
Let The Game Begin

If You Pass... If You Fail..

5.9K 101 53
By mcuislife01

‼️Trigger Warning- Blood, Abuse, Knife usage, implied forced Sexual activity‼️
‼️Proceed with caution‼️

*You look down at little Grant*
Y/N- Hey... why you acting like this? You're okay.. *He hides his face even more and he grabs your hair*
Y/N- Ouch... Okay, okay... chill.. *You hold him really close and tight and he calms down... You kiss his head and he coos and smiles*
Bucky- Okay kid... watch it.. *He tickles Grant and He smiles... Bucky takes him from you and Grant pouts but deals with it.. You laugh and kiss him*
Y/N- Okay... I was gonna leave that file for later but I need to read it now.. *Bucky takes your hand and kisses it*
Bucky- Okay... do you want me to read over anything? Or help?
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- Yeah.. if little Wolf will let you go..
*Bucky laughs and bounces Grant*
Bucky- Will you hang out with Peter? Huh?? *Grant smiles* are you gonna be nice or cause problems? *He gives Grant a look and Grant gives him a mischievous smile.. Bucky laughs* be nice.. *He yells for Peter*
Peter- Yeah?
*Can you watch Grant? We have something's we need to go through*
Peter- Yeah! Sure thing! Come on G
*He takes Grant and walks away*

*You settle back in the conference room*
Nat- I found a file that says "Operation Winter Widow Army- Active"
Steve- What is that?
Nat- Their plan... they planned to use Bucky and Y/N as their own personal breeders... they would have a baby and then they would stick y/n and Bucky back in Cryo... once the child was at least a year they would bring y/n and Bucky back out and make them produce another baby... With Cryo sleep they could do this for decades... it says that the synopsis of how they ended up here is in Elizabeth's file...

*With hands shaking you pull out the blood stained file.. you take a deep breath and open it.... Your eyes take it all in but you can't comprehend.... You slam it down and shove back from the table.. Bucky, Steve, and Nat look at you but you don't say a word.. you rest your head in your hands. Bucky picks up the file*
Steve- Bucky?
*Bucky chokes up and looks at you... you look up and nod*
Bucky- Umm... it says here that Elizabeth, y/n's mom, was the best like y/n... she and her twin brother Johnny were taken at the age of 15 and trained... Hydra and their new leader Alexander Pierce wanted more like her so when she was 21 they....*Bucky stops reading and looks up.. he sees your tears and his heart breaks* they made her get pregnant..

Steve- Oh my god..
*He continues reading*
Bucky- Elizabeth became Pregnant and she ran... she was able to stay in hiding for 5 years but Pierce eventually found her... He came back to claim his daughter and dispose of the traitor with the help of the Winter Soldier.
Bucky- Your moms file ends there... But then yours begins..
*Bucky looks at you and continues to read*
Bucky- Winter soldier was charged with guarding the child until he became too attached and was placed in Cryo. He was to be taken out again when the child was ready to be trained. Until then the child was trained by her uncle..
Nat- Johnny's file says he was discovered to be a turncoat and an undercover shield agent who was working at getting the child out. He discovered Pierces plans for her and wanted her to have a better life then his sister... so he reached out to a shield agent, one named Nick Fury... he worked on the inside and gathered intel in return for the child's freedom but before he could report back his plans were discovered and he was disposed of in front of the child.. in order to teach her a lesson in allegiance.

Bucky- The child was to be sent away to be Trained by Dreykov in the red room at the age of 8 but an outburst from the Winter Soldier showed Pierce that there was much to be gained by keeping the child close.. they saw that she was like her mother and that they could fulfill their dream of Super Soldier Black Widows through her.. They sent Natasha and Yelena in her place to the red room and she trained with Johnny for 2 more years until his termination... the child would visit the red room for months at a time but alway come back to Hydra.

*Steve looks at Bucky and then at you.. You cry even more.. Bucky is choking up... Steve takes the folder and finishes reading*
Steve- The child trained and kept her memory till her 18th birthday.. she was then given the serum and she survived... she was Brainwashed and her memory wiped..she met her real teacher and "old friend" the Winter Soldier.. She is proving to be better than her mother... So far every mission has been a success and there seems to be a romance blooming between the Winter soldier and her... We have decided we will use this to activate project Winter Widow Army and if all goes well we will have our first new soldier soon..
*Steve looks between you two... Nat speaks up*
Nat- they we're going to create a whole army... this file has been updated recently.. they have Grant and Winnie written down.. in Hydras mind they are their property.. the first of their army..

*You are leaning back against your chair.. you rub your face and rage fills your body... You storm out of the room.. Bucky follows you and try's to stop you... You throw him against the wall and continue to walk towards the containment wing...Steve grabs your arm and you punch him and slam him on the ground.. you rip open the door to Pierces Cell... everyone is now behind you and trying to stop you... not for pierces sake but for Yours and the teams.. you sadly still need Pierce alive.*

Pierce- I'm guessing you read the file... tell me how does it feel to know I am the one who made your little family.. I'm the one who made your children possible... I'm the one who gave you the life you now have..if it weren't for me you'd be just like your friend, Natasha.. I think I deserve a thank you..
*You storm over and without hesitation your grab his neck and squeeze*
Y/N- You didn't orchestrate some big love story.. we found love in spite of the fucking hell hole we were in. Our love isn't some bullshit political game and our children are sure as hell not hydra's... you will bleed for everything you've done to me, to Bucky, and to Natasha..Starting now..
*in one fluid motion you let go of him and grab out a knife and quickly slide it across his neck... He gasps and grabs his throat... you walk out without even one speck of blood on you... you are a highly trained assassin after everyone else walks in you pass by and look at Wanda and Bruce*
Y/N- Save him....
*You leave*

*Bucky finds you rocking Grant to sleep as he lays on your chest and you hold your belly*
Bucky- He's gonna live...
*Your face doesn't change*
Y/N- What a shame... I must be going soft.
*Bucky kneels down beside you and stops the chair... You meet his gaze.. He sees the pain in your eyes... He doesn't speak, he just waits for you to*
Y/N- I always thought my mom wanted to have me... That even if my father was a piece of shit that she still wanted me... But I was forced upon her... by Pierce... *A tear falls*
Bucky- she did want you... I remember that day vividly now... She was ready to die for you and then she did... there is no greater act of love than to lay down your life for another..
*You smile*
Y/N- Did you just quote the Bible?
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- Yeah... my mom would be happy that at least one stuck after all these years...

*You smile and kiss Bucky.. But he can tell that something still isn't right*
Bucky- Talk to me y/n... what is it? Let me help you..
Y/N- Bucky- *You catch your breath* Bucky my whole purpose was to create an army of murders... I was made with the intention of being the first and when their plan failed I became plan B... I was to become the best, take down world governments, and then literally give birth to an army.... *Your voice breaks* how is any of this different?!? *You motion to Grant laying on your chest, Winnie in your belly and the giant compound you are sitting in*
*Bucky takes your hand and rubs it.. his eyes soften and he speaks gently*
Bucky- Because you had a choice here... Baby look at me *you do* In Hydra your memory would have been wiped after each one and you never would have known them.. you would have been forced to do this... Here, Now... you chose this, we chose this... *Grant makes a cute noise in his sleep and Bucky laughs and you smile* we created this little guy because WE wanted to.. and we will have more because WE want to. And they don't become murders, y/n.... They are hero's, they save the world and defeat organizations like Hydra.. it's like you told Pierce... he had nothing to do with this *He points in between you two* WE created this.. *Bucky lightens the mood* we had some help from Winter *You laugh* but that's not the point right now.. we did this, not him... he could never create something as good as this.. *He motions to your little family... your face falls* and before you say it... he had nothing to do with who you are today... that was your moms goodness, your uncles bravery, Nat's friendship, and my love that helped shape you... all he did was put his name on the group project and try to take the credit

*You smile and laugh*
Y/N- Did they have group projects in the 40's?
Bucky- Ha! No... but Peter was complaining about them the other day and they sound horrible...
*You smile and take his hand.. he kisses yours*
Bucky- Are you okay?
*You smile gently*
Y/N- I will be... do me a favor and hide those boxes and files... if I see them I will be tempered to read them and I don't need that right now...
*Bucky kisses the side of your head*
Bucky- You got it baby...
*You put Grant down in his crib and walk out to the kitchen.. you see Steve and his black eye*
Y/N- Oh Stevie... *You chuckle* I'm so sorry! *You hug him and he lightly laughs*
Steve- You pack quite a punch.. I haven't been on the receiving end of it in awhile.. I forgot how bad it hurts...
Y/N- Again, I'm so sorry.. *You hug him when Bucky walks in*
Bucky- you gave Stevie a bad shiner babe... he cried like a little baby..
*Steve rolls his eyes and tease him*
Y/N- Did you cry?? Do you need an ice pack? Will a cute eye patch make it better?
*Bucky and you laugh... Nat walks in and was laughing as well*
Nat- Stops teasing Steve.. to be fair I'd decked you in the face you'd cry too...
*You laugh*
Y/N- Yeah but not like a little bitch.. *You say under your breath*
*Steve gasps and pokes you in the side.. it tickles... you laugh and he does it again... Sarah and Grant walk in*
Grant- could y'all not...
*You roll your eyes and walk over and hug Bucky*
Grant- Thank you..
Sarah- Well I think it's sweet! I'd like to have a friendship like that one day..
*You smile and run back over and hug Steve again*
Y/N- Yeah.. it's a pretty great friendship...
Steve- Yup! *He kisses your head and Grant looks visibly ill... Bucky and Nat laugh*
Nat- What's wrong Grant?
Grant- It's just weird to see Uncle Steve hugging on my mom...
Bucky- what? Do they not do that in the future?
Sarah- No they do! He hates it's there too..
*She laughs*
*You and Steve look at each other and smile.. Bucky and Nat know what your about to do and they just get ready to watch the freak out*
Steve- So what was your reaction when you found out we used to fuc-
Grant- Nope!!
*Grant leaves and you all laugh*
Sarah- Thanks dad.. now he's not gonna kiss me for like a month...
*Steve and You high-five*
Steve- Fine by me! But may I ask why?
Sarah- Because he said it's weird to kiss me when he knows our parents used to do the nasty before they had us with different people..
*You and Bucky laugh and Steve just shakes his head.. Nat smiles*
Nat- Wow, Grant sounds very tame compared to Bucky...
*Sarahs eyes get big and you swear you see a slight blush come across her face*
Sarah- Ha! Umm sure... *She leaves.. You 4 look at each other*
Y/N- Did you see that?!? Your daughter blushed at the thought of Grant being tame...
Bucky- What can I say... the apple didn't fall far from the tree! *He acts all smug and you laugh*
Nat- Sarah blushes just like Stevie does when he's embarrassed and turn- wait.... *Nat looks at Steve and they both take off to find Sarah*

*You turn around in Bucky's arms*
Y/N- I'm just glad our son isn't a player.. he seems to really like Sarah..
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- Yeah...
*He kisses you*
Y/N- I am exhausted... I'm gonna turn in..
Bucky- Okay Baby.. I'm right behind you..

*Tony catches Bucky in the hall*
Tony- So are we going to talk about what y/n did?! Cause that was out of line.. called for but out of line.
Bucky- We will when she's in a better place.. look he's alive and if anything he has learned to not mess with y/n anymore..
*Tony nods*
Tony- Okay, well let's just keep her away from Pierce and Walker..
Bucky- Agreed..

*As you are laying in bed, Bucky slips in behind you.. He wraps his arms around you and it reminds you of a certain night in Hydra*

*You are thrown into your room.. you're bloody and beaten.. every part of you aches.. You crawl over to your bed and lay down. You had your first training test today and well you didn't pass.. when you didn't pass you got the shit beat out of you.. Winter was not allowed at this because he would have killed anyone who laid a finger on you and Pierce couldn't have all of his men dead... You are sure he will give you some sort of punishment for your failure... so you lay in bed and wait.. as you may there your body becomes more and more sore.. you can't keep your eyes open.. you suddenly hear the door slam closed.. you shoot awake and just lay still. Your back is to the door and you hope he leaves you be and just legs you sleep.. you don't know if you could follow a command now*
Winter- I heard you failed...
Y/N- Yes... it won't happen again *It would.. for at least the next few months... after that no one left your training test without a bloodied or broken something*
*He walks towards you, heavy boots pounding into the ground.. you wait for him to strike you or pull you out of the bed but instead you feel a cold metal hand rest on your black and blue jaw.. you feel a warm hand slide in between your body and the bed.. you feel a strong chest lay pressed against your back.. a lips graze your ear. He whispers*
Winter- You will learn... *He kisses your neck and moves his cold metal hand to another bruised spot on your face... You are still tense, just waiting for the onset of force and anger.. he can tell* I will never punish you on testing days... if you pass, I will praise and treat you. If you fail, I will comfort and hold you... you have been through enough, my punishment would be nothing more than abuse at that point.. I might be a heartless assassin but even I'm not abusive...
*He kisses your neck again and holds you close... You relax into his arms and drift off to sleep.. right as your eyes close your hear his breath become more even as he fully relaxes around you... you smile*
‼️Flashback ends‼️

*You lay in Bucky's arms as he falls asleep.. you lay awake and think back on your time in Hydra*

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