The Act

Af xXFinancialAngelXx

5.2K 131 7

Dove and Kameron's managers made them put up an act of being together. Originally they were faking but then f... Mere



563 11 1
Af xXFinancialAngelXx


                  Dove and I made it to the flat, looking around it was pretty nice, Dove and I looked at the bedroom then looked around some more. I looked at the kitchen in awe.

"Wow this is beautiful." Dove giggled, "You're excited about a kitchen?" I nodded looking in the cabinets and fridge like a kid on Christmas. "Are you hungry?" I turned to face Dove, she nodded. "What're you in the mood for? I can make whatever you'd like princesa." I bowed jokingly making Dove laugh.

"Hmmmm can you make coconut rice? And some garlic bread? I'm reallyyy craving those two." I smiled, I looked in the cabinets for some rice grabbing it along with coconut milk, salt and sugar. "I can indeed, would you like cheesy garlic bread?" She nodded biting her lip in hunger by the looks of it. "Alright you can unpack your stuff if you'd like while I cook." Dove smiled, "Would you like for me to unpack yours as well?" I nodded not necessarily caring what she found in there.

         I grabbed the loaf of Italian bread out of the cabinet beginning the work of an artist. I laughed at my little joke. I began cooking the rice making sure to get it cooked throughly. While I left that to cook in the rice cooker my manager bought for me, knowing my love for cooking, I worked on the garlic bread.

Doves POV

              I began unpacking Kameron's stuff first seeing as I brought more than Kameron which was kind've embarrassing. As I unzipped her suitcase I was hit with Ethica underwear, Nike sports bras, wow. I laughed to myself.

"Wow does she love her Ethicas and Nike." I said to myself.

               She does have some style, I see a lot of dress shirts, ripped jeans, cargo pants, damn. Her boxers have Japanese styles on them along with some anime like Naruto and Zero Two by the looks of it. I'm learning a lot just by her underwear. I wonder if she has any tattoos? Kameron wears a lot of long sleeves. I've never really examined her like that. Maybe I should start.

             I smelled the air, garlic bread going through the air made my mouth start to drool. I finished putting her clothes away in the dresser and hanging them up on one side of the closet. So I began to put mine away. Making sure to keep them separate. The difference in our styles was really starting to show.

As I was putting my makeup away, she knocked on the door. "Hey is it okay if I come in." I giggled, "We're sharing the room, you can come in dummy." Kameron opened the door the smell of the food hit me making me smile. "The room looks great. Hey you can put your makeup on the desk I don't mind if you use it as your little makeup station." I smiled, "Thanks." She stuck her hand out to me as I was sitting on the floor. "Dinners done and plated come eat." I nodded eagerly following her to the table.

"Wow, it looks absolutely stunning. What's all of that on the plate?" She looked worried, "I decided to add blackened Salmon, and mango salsa as the sides besides garlic bread. I felt it added a nice touch. Do you not like fish? Should I make you a different pl-" I stopped her putting my finger on her lips, causing my cheeks to turn red. Moving my finger quickly I smiled, "Yes Kam I like fish." That caused her to smile.

              Kameron pulled out my chair for me, I sat down as she pushed it in and headed to her seat.

Kameron's POV

"Thank you for the food Kameron it means a lot."  I smiled, "I can cook everyday if you'd like? I don't mind, I love cooking" Dove smiled, "Let me take a bite first then I'll decide if you're worthy to cook for me." I put my hand to my chest bowing lightly. "Why of course my queen by all means dig in." We both laughed.

            Dove picked up her fork cutting a piece of the salmon, and picking up some of the rice and salsa. As she put it in her mouth she slowly removed the fork from her lips. The slow chewing was digging at my soul. I was eager to see what she thought. Dove smiled causing me to smile.

"This is amazing Kam absolutely Incredible wow." I smiled, "I'm glad you like it." We both began to eat, starting a small conversation. "So tell me about yourself." This took me aback, "Well, there's not much really to tell." She scoffed, "There has to be, tell me about your family, why you started singing, why you started cooking, anything." I grabbed my napkin wiping my lips of any food, "Well I have a little brother whos 16 and a little sister whos 12. My father passed away 3 years ago, my mother lives in my hometown, New Jersey." Dove frowned, "I'm sorry for your loss." I smiled lightly, "It's okay, no need to apologize. I started singing when I was 10 and just posted little videos on YouTube which blew up for some reason. Cooking has always been a passion of mine since I was 7. I used to watch Gordon Ramsey videos and shows, falling in love with it, my mom would buy me ingredients for different recipes. I really just used it as a coping mechanism a lot more after my father passed. I'm 24, Hispanic, African American, which I got from both my father and mother. That's pretty much it. Now what about you?" Dove smiled.

"I'm 25, I was born in Bainbridge Island, Washington. I started acting when I was 8, moved to California at the age of 14. I have an older sister she's 32, Claire Hosterman, she's a singing coach. My father died in 2011, and my mother is still alive and well. And here I am now in New York with a very handsome woman." I chuckled, "Thank you, but I think me sitting in front of a very beautiful woman is more important." Dove blushed, I stood up holding out my hand to her.

           She took my hand as I led her to the stereo, connecting my phone putting on Frank Sinatra, whom I loved dearly. His song 'I'll never smile again' played first.

"Care to dance malady?" She smiled, "Why yes, I'd love to." I spun her around causing us both to laugh.

             I brought her closer to me holding her waist with my right hand and my left holding her hand. Dove put her other hand on my shoulder. We swayed back and forth around the living room. Dove moved closer putting her head on my chest, causing me to put my other hand on her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck causing me to smile.

           We danced losing track of time. It was peaceful. I can really refer to this as the best night I've ever had. Maybe this arrangement wasn't too bad.

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