Maniac || Choi Beomgyu

By x_Amethyst_Queen_x

1.7K 57 3

"You tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad" "You're a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath" ... More

✨D I S C L A I M E R✨
Chp.2- AlCoHoL
Chp.3-Tell them
Chp.4-Want me
Chp.5-Love and Hate
Chp.6-Angel or Devil
Chp.9-Parental Guidance
Chp.10-I'm okay
Chp.11-What Did you...

Chp.8-Blue as a bruise

64 4 0
By x_Amethyst_Queen_x

He hit me.

I can't believe he is capable of causing me physical harm.

After the rose incident he just got stalker -like and highly protective but never in these years I have been with him had he hurt me physically.

My eyes line up with tears as I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Can't you see I'm trying to talk... shut up and listen"

My eyes widen even more if that's possible. Why was I expecting an apology.

He grabs my jaw harshly and stares directly at me "I didn't fucking do anything, you don't even listen but just act based on your assumption.Never! In these 4 years did I even look at another woman apart from you and one little incident and you do this!"

His grip got unbearable as it tightened with each word he spoke I used my hands in a weak attempt to get him to let go.

"Gyu... you're hurting me" I say meekly hoping he'd hear me but he wasn't loosening his grip.

"I'll listen to what you have to say just please let go" I croak out and he lets go,thankfully.

I sit back and wait for him to speak but I don't look at him.

"She and a group of friends came into the store I was waiting for them to leave so we can go to our date but then she came and asked for my help so I went. She took me to the lingerie section and I told her I can't assist her she placed her hand on my chest but I told her I had to leave and that's when I left and waited for you but you didn't show"

He finishes.

I wanted to say and ask so many things... like any girlfriend would but right now...I was honestly scared of him.

So I just decided on "Okay,I see. I'm sorry for misunderstanding you,Gyu" I force out a small smile.

He smiles back and pulls me for a hug I couldn't stop the involuntarily flinch but he seemed to ignore it.

He wraps his arms around me and pats my head gently "I'd never leave you or cheat on you" he whispers in my ear.

"I love you,Princess" He says kissing my head.

I blink away a few stray tears "I love you too,Bear"

We decide to go to sleep not long after that...I let out a deep sigh and cuddle a little closer to him for warmth.

'I'm trying to change for the better for you Bear...

Please don't change for the worst because of me...'.

With that thought I feel my eyes get heavy and I fall into a deep sleep.


I woke up at the feeling of Beomgyu shaking me slightly trying to get me to wake up I peek open my eyes and I meet his brown orbs.

"Get up or you are going to be late to work" He says and I let out a groan of discomfort, he chuckles lightly.

He wraps his hands in mine "Come on" He says pulling me up so I'm in a standing position.

I see him grin and he kisses my cheek "I'm heading out now, I'll stop by your work on my break" he gives me one last hug and leaves.

I go to get ready for work I look into the mirror and my heart almost stopped.

I bring my shaky hand up to my face gently caressing the new color now lining my jaw.

A deep blue bruise.

'Did He not see it?'

I was shocked,I didn't expect his grip from yesterday to have been that bad that it had left me with a bruise.

I quickly brush my teeth, shower and get dressed, I take out the first aid kit and gently apply an ointment on the area.

Afterwards I do my make up and do my best to cover it up. I leave for work forgetting to have breakfast.

I work as a barista at the café not far from the mall Beomgyu works in.

We couldn't really get good jobs because of our grades,I guess that's all my fault huh.

Maybe if I hadn't been a bad influence on him and just left him alone he'd probably be better off. He would of graduated college, got a good paying job and maybe even settled down with a girl his parents accepted.

His parents never accepted me and I don't blame them I mean... my own parents didn't even accept me so why would his.

I look up and see I'm already outside the café,I take a deep breath preparing myself for the day ahead  and then go inside.

I greet my coworkers who don't respond back, yeah, no one here likes me.Nothing new though.

'Let's get this day over with'


It was now 01:35pm Beomgyu should be arriving soon, if my sleepy brain remembers correctly he said he'd stop by on his lunch break.

I hear the bell signaling a customer walked in,I look up and it's Beomgyu.I announce I'm taking my break and go up to him.

"Hey" he says as I reach him and I peck his lips in response.

We sat down at a table near the back.He stood up saying he's going to get us some coffee and pastries.I nod and start dreaming while waiting.

I don't look around feeling self conscious about the bruise on my face, I've been keeping a very low profile all day because I don't want anyone to notice and start rumors.

He comes back with the orders and I immediately go for the coffee blowing on it gently as to not get burned.

"How's your day been so far?" I ask him and he sighs "Boring,Tuesday's are worse than Mondays there's like a handful of customers, how about you?"

I shrug my shoulders "Pretty much the same, aside from the usual morning rush the day is pretty slow"

He looks down with an expression on his face that I can't read he stirs his coffee absentmindedly.

I place my hand on his stopping his actions "What's wrong? Something on your mind?" He shrugs his shoulders but by his expression I can tell he wants to say something.

He suddenly looks up at me "Why do you work here?" I was taken back "Because... this was the only job I could get that helped pay the bills...?" I answer a little unsure.

"Why?" I ask him again "I heard your coworkers talking about you... when I was getting the order" I look down not meeting his eyes.

I already knew what they were saying but Beomgyu said it anyway "They were saying... some inappropriate stuff and called you many harsh names..." he trails off looking at me.

"I know" I say softly "I'm kind of used to it"

He places his hand under my chin gently making me look up at him "You shouldn't have to be used to it" He spoke his voice gently and his eyes all sparkly.

"Quit your job...we'll find you a new one" I smile shaking my head "We can't afford that-"

"We can" he cuts me off "Remember that account my parents would put money in every month to help us out" I nod my head and then speak "But we kept it in case of an emergency"

"There's plenty of money in there we can use some of it till we find you a better job"

I smile at him tears lining my eyes once again "Oh Bear..."

I place my hand on his cheek gently.

" the You I fell in love with"


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