Grande Amour

By AhnRieJin

487K 24.1K 7.8K

๑Reconsidering๑ Wei Ying roamed the streets of Yiling. Desperately calling for his mother and father as the b... More

Chapitre Un: Toucher chaleureux
Chapitre Deux : Être une seule famille
Chapitre trois : Te connaissant
Chapitre quatre : Soie cramoisie et fleurs
Chapitre cinq : Les cieux accueillants
Chapitre Six : Soie blanche et doré noyaux
Chapitre Huit : Lotus Piere, celui aux neuf pétales
Chapitre neuf : Aimer ton sourire
Chapitre dix : Mon garçon spécial
Chapitre Onze : Papillons D'or
Chapitre douze : Ceux en blanc avec Des nuages ​​bleus
Chapitre treize : Foi entrelacées
Chapitre quatorze : Cordialement moi
Chapitre quinze : Le mal du pays
Chapitre seize : L'eau profonde
Annonce (2)
Chapitre dix-sept : Eaux noires
Chapitre dix-huit : Mots ivres
Chapitre dix-neuf : Je ne suis pas ma mère
Chapitre vingt : Le prince des trois royaumes
Annonce (3)
Chapitre vingt et un : Eau froide
Chapitre vingt-deux : La réparation
Chapitre vingt-trois : Aller et retour
Chapitre vingt-quatre : Dédicace
Annonce (4)
Annonce importante (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapitre vingt-cinq : À celui aux yeux d'or
Chapitre vingt-six : Un autre aux teintes noisette
Chapitre vingt-sept : Juste un lien que nous avons formé
Chapitre vingt-huit : Quelqu'un à aimer, c'est ce que je veux
Annonce (5)
Joyeux anniversaire, Guérison (Special)
Chapitre vingt-neuf : Ils disent que je suis le fils de la fleur sanglante
Chapitre trente : Je suis à la maison mais j'ai trouvé de chaleur dansun autre
Chapitre trente et un : Écouter la suite de la coulée
Chapitre trente-deux : J'entends des voix tout le temps, mais ce n'est pas la mi
Annonce (6)
Chapitre trente-trois : Arc et flèches pour tirer
Chapitre trente-quatre : Tout jusqu'ici et ce que j'ai fait
Chapitre trente-cinq : Les souhaits que je souhaite se réaliser
Anonce (7)
Je Suis Revenu
Chapitre trente-six : Damnés avec ces règles
Chapitre trente-sept.5 : Eau dure

Chapter Seven : Faites-moi confiance

14K 669 257
By AhnRieJin

Yin Yu walked his way to where Wei Ying said they would meet. When he reached the near end if the garden, just by the lake, he saw Wei Ying who was fiddling something in his hands. He let out a small smile behind that mask and walked over towards the young master.

"Young Master Wei, I'm here."

Wei Ying turned around and brightly grinned at Yin Yu.

"Yu-ge! Come quickly!"

Yin Yu letting out a breath as he walked over to the young master.

"I told you to keep your mask off"

"That is something I can't do, Young Master Wei."

Yin Yu knelt down besides Wei Ying.

"Then take it off when you come and play with me."

"I shall see your needs then."

"Stop being so formal! It feels like you're not my Bestfriend..."

Wei Ying gave a pout.

"You know I can't do that to the young master."


Wei Ying stood up and took Yin Yu's mask off.

"You know Yu-ge is my best friend. No more formalities!"

Yin Yu sighed as he placed his hand on Wei Yings' head.

"Such a stubborn young master."

"You talk like the dead."

"Is there anything else before we go play?"


Wei Ying placed the made flower crown on his head."

"It will make you prettier!"

Yin Yu let out a breath as his cheeks tinted pink.

"You're always up to something when you mention appearances, how come you never forget my face?"

"Because Yu-ge is very pretty!"

Yin Yu just chuckled as he watched Wei Ying smile.

"Young master looks really pretty when he smiles. Please smile more."

"I will always smile because being sad isn't good! Because sad backwards is das and das not good!"

Yin Yu let out a fit of laughter. He knows that he got this sense of humor from Xie Lian but when the young master delivers it, it's enough to make your belly ache.

"Yu-ge! Breath! Breath!"

Yin Yu continues to laugh on the ground as Wei Ying held him tightly. Only to stop with tears in his eyes.

"I've never laughed this hard in such a long time..."

Yin Yu looked at Wei Ying who was looking at him worried.

"Don't worry about me A-Ying, let's go play and-"

"Little Child."

Hua Cheng had called Wei Ying who was playing with Yin Yu.

"Sorry to disturb your playdate but I want to introduce Wei Ying to some of my subordinates."

Wei Ying looked at Yin Yu and gave him a soft smile.

"Wait for me Yu-ge! I'll come play with you later."

Wei Ying made his way to Hua Cheng who gladly took his hand. Yin Yu stood with his mask in hand.

"I'll always wait for the young master to come back."

Hua Cheng and Wei Ying made their way to the Paradise Hall.

"He Xuan, You green goblin. This is my son, Wei Ying."

"This young master greets you! I'm Wei Ying!"

"You never told me he looked like you and the Taizi Dianxia mixed together but with different eyes."

"He's sooo ugly."

Hua Cheng had looked at Qi Rongs' direction, ready to smash his head to a concrete wall over and over again.

"Young Master Wei, please don't mind my father. I'm sorry, Hua Cheng-zhu."

"It's okay, GuZi. Just help me shut his mouth before I burry him more than six feet under."

Hua Cheng froze as he felt small but lethal resentful energy coming from his child who looked at Qi Rong with dead eyes. He Xuan staring at the young master with interest.

"What bought you to hate this piece of shit like this, Young Master Wei?"

GuZi looked at the direction of the young master as he felt the dead locked gaze of his, striking straight through his soul.

"What? Y'all think I'm scared to make a lil shit shit himself? Hell I'll even feed him to my own liege."

Qi Rong felt another eye land on him, making him flinch as the red pupil locked on him.

"Talk more and I'll make your time less."

He Xuan made his way and knelt down to level the young master.

"I'm He Xuan, Black Water Submerging Boats."

With an emotionless smile painted on his face.

"You submerge boats?"

Wei Ying asked curiously.

"Yes I do, do you want to drown too?"

"Mmm, no. But I like playing with boats!"

His naivety made He Xuan crack a little laugh.

"Why aren't you something..."

"He's my son after all."

"Where'd you kidnapped this kid from then?"

He Xuan stood up and walked back in place.

"Gege and I found him in Yiling and decided to take him home. Don't rest too well, he's much more terrifying than he looks."

"What the fuck could a child do? Bite my leg?"

"A-diē, please lessen your profanities in front if a child."

GuZi made his way to Wei Ying and knelt down.

"I'm GuZi, it's nice to finally meet the charming Young Master Wei."

GuZi let out a soft smile, matching his soft spoken demeanor. With this, Wei Ying became less hostile towards him.


A smile now on his face. GuZi letting out another smile as he accepted the hand Wei Ying gave and shook it.

"Well now that we met your son, it's time for me to go back then."

"This was a fucking waste if time."

"We'll see each other once again, until then so. Hua Cheng, Qi Rong."

"Piss off"

The two other ghosts left the Paradise hall. Qi Rong was walking rather fast while GuZi had a hard time following.


"Walk faster GuZi. We'll buy a whole store and we'll kidnap the young master so we could play with him."


Hua Cheng knelt down and kissed Wei Yings' cheek.

"Do you like them?"

"Hu Xuan xiangsheng seems nicer than he looks! But Qi Ring xiangsheng is really bad in my eyes, I like Zi-gege though!"

Hua Cheng chuckled as he stood up.

"That's good then, you can go play with Yin Yu now."

"Okay! See you later, A-diē!"

Wei Ying ran out of the Paradise Manor, running to the waiting Yin Yu by the river.


Yin Yu turned his head as he saw the young master in red run towards him.

"Let's play! Let's play! Let's play!"

"Alright alright, let's play."

Wei Ying giggled as Yin Yu stood up and began playing with Wei Ying in the garden. It went on with the young master playing with Yin Yu's hair and mask. Telling various stories and running as they cought each other and exchanging the role. With just this, Wei Ying and Yin Yu were the happiest at the moment. After so, Wei Ying and Yin Yu sat by the river end.

"Yu-ge is really fun to play with! I want to play with Yu-ge always!"

"Me too, Young Master Wei."

"I thought I told you to call me A-Ying."

"But I can't do that."


Those eyes enough to make Yin Yu give in.

"A... A-Ying it is then..."

Wei Ying giggled and smiled in excitement.

"Yu-ge is always going to be the best playmate ever! Thank you for always playing with me!"

"I'll always do anything you want, A-Ying."

"You should do what you love too, Yu-ge."

"I love serving under Hua Cheng-zhu. I also love serving under A-Ying."

"But for me, Yu-ge isn't a servant and never was one."

Yin Yu looked at Wei Ying with a small smile in his face.

"Yu-ge is the bravest Waning Moon Officer!"

"And A-Ying is the most special boy in this world."

"No I'm not!"

A giggle leaving the young master.

"Yes, you are. You are special."

Wei Ying just laughed.

"I know I'm not, I'm just A-Ying!"

"Then being A-Ying must be a big reputation to have."

"So confusing but I'll just say I get it."

Yin Yu chuckled as he locked his gaze on the young master who was smiling at the moon.

"Yu-ge will always be my Bestfriend because he's the best! You're the best best best bestfriend ever!"

Yin Yu sighed as he stood up and knelt in one knee. Wei Ying was startled as he stood up and shaked Yin Yu.

"Stand up Yu-ge! What are you doing?"

"I've long served Hua Cheng-zhu for more than hundred of years and soon served Taizi Dianxia for two hundred more."

Wei Ying was confused but Yin Yu looked up with a smile and a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Please put your trust in me."

Wei Ying widened his eyes, Yin Yu was never this expressive. He's never been that kind of person that will smile widely or someone who will laugh that loudly. Wei Ying being here is enough to cause a metanoia. Yin Yu took this chance to change, to do something he won't regret. Something that he couldn't do back then and more so. Yin Yu let his left hand out with his right still on his heart whilst kneeling. Tilting his head a little to the side with his mouth open in a smile. Wei Ying giggles and took Yin Yu's hand as placed it on his cheek.

"Okay! I trust you. I'm not saying I didn't trust you before but I really trust you now if that's what you want!"

Yin Yu chuckled and plastered a smile softer than a pillow.

"Young Master Wei is really beautiful right now."

"I'm not! Because Yu-ge is more pretty!"

The both of them laugh as they continue to play so.

"Gege, why do you look stressed?"

"San Lang, my conscience is eating me up..."

"What's the matter?"

They both sat down on the bed, hands held each other.

"I think we need to atleast familiarize Wei Ying with his supposed clan."

"But Gege, We can't guarantee his safety there."

"Have you heard his conversation with Yin Yu?"


"And if he does get into trouble Fu Yao and Nan Feng will be there. I over heard them earlier."

Xie Lian scratched his cheek with a nervous sweat. Hua Cheng sighed.

"Well I guess it's time. I just want Little Child to be safe."

"Me too, I want him to be safe too."

Hua Cheng kissed Xie Lians' forehead.

"We'll bring him there tomorrow and at least make him stay there for a week."

"Okay, thank you, San Lang"

"Anything for Gege and Little Child."

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