The Alchemist of Krydon

By yumekawaalchemy

3.8K 161 48

The story revolves around a young man named Kiro Ashenvar. Being an apprentice alchemist, his family's legacy... More

Chapter One - An Alchemist's Tale
Chapter Two - The Elegant Elf
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Outcome
Chapter Four - Kiro and the Single Tail
Chapter Five - At the Crossroads
Chapter Six - A Lone Depature
Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World
Chapter Eight - Trial, Errors and New Beginnings
Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye
Chapter Ten - Acceptance and Trust
Chapter Eleven - Audience with the Lord
Chapter Twelve - Together The Future
Chapter Thirteen - The Kiridorian Blade Dancer
Chapter Fourteen - Vacant Streets
Chapter Fifteen - A Step Forth into Rasheingal
Chapter Sixteen - The Price of Blood
Chapter Eighteen - Purpose and Investigation
Chapter Nineteen - Culprit Behind the Disturbance
Chapter Twenty - At Wits End
Chapter Twenty One - Reiguma's Natural Enemy
Chapter Twenty Two - Preparations and Family
Chapter Twenty Three - Progress and Instability
Chapter Twenty Four - Shrine of the Serabrae's
Chapter Twenty Five - The Maiden of Flames
Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Overseer of Devotion
Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise
Chapter Twenty Nine - Party Amidst the Mist
Chapter Thirty - To Her Place of Origin
Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior
Chapter Thirty Two - The Demon's Awakening
Chapter Thirty Three - The Demon's Prowess
Epilogue - Records of an Alchemist

Chapter Seventeen - Reassurance and Promises

161 5 1
By yumekawaalchemy

After the Succubus incident was resolved, the following week had been quite hectic. The moment I updated daily feed with what I've done, they were fascinated with my story.

With the papers sent out the following noon, the streets started bustling again.

"You really are the Ashenvar's son, thank you for what you've done."

Yes, it was here that I first made my own impact in Krydon.


"Man, no matter how many times I read it. I still can't believe it."

Lying against the couch with the very first paper they handed out, I was still in complete bliss.

Succubus Silenced by Rookie Alchemist

"Kiroo, stop slouching around!"

With that a certain Serabrae flies onto my lap as I shout in agony.

"Oof! Don't go breaking my legs now..."

"Aren't you going to open up the store!?~"

"For today, I think I'll need to restock first. A few people who walked in didn't leave with what they wanted and that's not something I want to happen often."

"Ummm... So shouldn't you have done something about that, before opening?"


Clearly a novice mistake.


A dry laughter escapes as I pick Reiguma off of me.

"Uwaa, a-a bridal carry..?~"

Reiguma was blushing ear to ear as I had my arms across her back and at the back of her knees.

"Hmm.. I wonder if I should grill you now, or marinate you in flavours overnight."

"H-hey! Don't say that, you can't eat me! I wouldn't taste good you know!"

I place her on the couch.

"Oo, are you putting me to sleep?"

"Yes sleep here for the entire day. That way I can get some actual work done."

"Hey! That's mean!~ I-It's true I love naps, but I love helping you more."

"Then stay here, I need to check up on Lily."

"Muu... Why is she even still alive."

"Hey, you told me to help Jang Mi awhile back. So isn't it natural to help those in need? Besides it's from that, that I believe everyone can be of help if you treat them properly."

"Y-Yes, but she's a demon! She's a Succubus, she'll do all sorts of things. All this and that! She'll kill you and I'm worried!!"

"If you're worried, go bring Jang Mi her breakfast."

"W-what, why do I have to.."

She clicks her tongue.

"I wish we would of just left her."

"Hey, I can hear your thoughts. I don't say you have to get along, but some day you have to rely on each other. In the field we don't know what's going to happen, some of the requests I take may be dangerous."

It's not like we have to rush it, we can take our time. However, some things may call for it and we need to be ready.

"Do you really dislike Jang Mi that much, Reiguma?"


"Don't mweh me."

"Well, n-not really... I-It's just that... I just feel that you'll come to like them, more than me.."

"Oh? Feeling insecure?~ That's not like you."

"S-shut up! It's because of you!"

"...But you know, no matter how close I become with the others. The fact that you're my partner remains the same. I-I mean it is official that we're... Seen as contract partners, to the point of lovers.."


"Ahh never mind that, forget it. After I check up on Lily, we'll start working. I need you to help me with the forge, Reiguma. Think you can do it?"

"I won't forget it one bit, Kiro!~"

She swipes the cold pasta dish off the table and zooms towards Jang Mi's room.

"Jang Mee, wake up, wake up!! It's morning you sleepy bum!~ I have your food right here, if you don't get up I'll eat it!~"

She knocks repeatedly on the door but quickly gets impatient and throws a flurry of pounds with one hand, balancing the dish on the other.

"I'm already up! So stop shouting, and stop hitting the door!"

Well as long as she's energetic, that's okay. Though I feel sorry for ruining Jang Mi's quiet morning.

"Then I'm coming in!!~"

She proceeds in whilst closing the door behind her. Behind closed doors, I have no idea what they're going to be doing, I just hope they don't make a mess. Taking the measuring tape off the counter, I proceed towards the shed.


"Lilly, are you awake?"

I open up the door of the shed.

She was still fast asleep on the pile of hay in the corner. The shed isn't large but it'd be enough for her to be spread out a bit. With her body rising and falling ever so gently to her breathing, at times her tail also moves.

"...Well as long as she stays asleep, that's the best I could ask for."

When she's sound asleep like this, if you exclude her wings and tail. It's as if she's a normal girl, taking a nap at the stables. An orphan with nowhere to go.

No, why am I having sympathy for such a thing?


A faint giggle snaps me out of thought.



It couldn't be Reiguma and I never heard Jang Mi laugh.

"You're awake aren't you?"

"Awwts, you can tell..?"

Stretching her wings outwards first, she rises with a long yawn. Using her hand to rub her eyes, her indecent figure was in view yet again.

"Were you perhaps going to assault me thinking I was asleep?~"

"Enough, I don't want to hear it. Honestly, it's too early for your perverted thoughts. Is that all you talk about?"

"...Well that's just how it is.~"

"I rarely see my parents, and it's not like there were other Vampire Succubi's around.~ Once my Father left too It was up to me to survive on my own, so I didn't have anyone else to talk to.~"

Without even a glimpse of sorrow, it's as if she thought it was the norm. It's not like I have any knowledge of the Succubus family. However if what she said is true, don't they share the same emotions we humans do?

Having a family, wanting someone to talk to. Aren't we similar, in more ways than people realise?

"I mean I do want to talk about other things, but nothing really comes to mind, y'know?~ And since I'm an offspring of two different species, we don't get treated the same, ufufu. So anyway Kiro, did you come in here just to check up on little old me?~"

Even though we're so far apart, demons and humans. They get treated the same in their own area.

"Well there's one thing I wanted to do but, just keep your end of the bargain. I don't really care for your past, but the present you better stay obedient."

"Ufufu, of course. Both obedient in bed and street.~"

...There's no use, her minds filled with perversion whether I like it or not. If she speaks with other girls, will she learn something? I highly doubt Jang Mi or Reiguma would want to converse with the likes of Lilly though.

However, maybe if they did, Lilly could stop talking about indecent topics.

"Staying in here's depressing, you can walk in the yard at least. Get some exercise and what not, but any further than that is forbidden."

"You know, you're probably the only human who has been considerate of me."

Yeah well, maybe it's because all the others are smart enough not to communicate with demons.

"Oh right, you remember the time you shattered my sword?"

"Umm... You mean that toy thing in your hand when we first met?"

"L-Listen here... It wasn't a toy, and it was a sword but not an ordinary one. It was a gift from a teacher that I respected."

Unlike a certain someone, he understood my complications. He was perhaps the only one that I could get along with then.

"Oh, you mean that ritual where one would exchange things with another? What about it?"

"...You're going to make it up to me. One way or another, I haven't thought about it. But just to put it out there, you're going to help my job as an Alchemist."

"B-But that wasn't in our agreement!"

"Would you rather just sit here all day, walk around in the yard at night then back to sleep? Then one week will pass, take some of my blood and repeat?"

"E-ehhh... T-the blood sounds nice but..."

"When time calls for your support, you're coming with me. I hate to say that you're perhaps stronger than Reiguma at the moment."

"Reiguma... That Serabrae? I honestly thought they'd be a lot stronger than that-"

"She's a mere child at the moment, however once her skill improves. She probably can go toe to toe with you and prevail with no trouble."

"I-Is that so..."

"W-well, I'm sure I can take on that other one..."

Her expression drops so that of a scared kitten as she rubs her stomach.

"M-maybe not... She's scary... Uuu, my precious stomach almost got ruined because of her."

And you're not the scary one?

"Also since you're going to be living here, we need to do something about your clothes. It's unsightly."

"Whaa, what do you mean my clothes? They're fine as it is, I love it!"

"You do know you're basically 80% in the nude. You're just covering the minimum."

Baring only ornaments and a few fabric around the chest and in the southern region as the hems seem to be made of black metal.

"With this I can move around freely!~"

"Yesterday you said you like being wrapped in something, encased. Did you not?"

"W-well, that's one thing and another.~"

She averts her eyes.

"I mean I do like it, but that's not the point! Plus this was strictly tailored for me!~ Where else would you get fitting clothing for a beautiful Vampire Succubus such as I?~"

She flips her short hair and sticks out her chest.

"Are you forgetting that I'm an Alchemist? Armour's no trouble for me."

"...Meh, if you're going to make me something, it better be good!"

Appealing to the fashion statement of a demon wasn't something I'd dream about.

Pulling the tape out from my pocket I stretch it out in front of her.

"What's that?"

"As unfortunate as it is for me, I have to take your measurements, if you want something fitting."

"Can't you tell my 3 sizes just by looking at me? That's what a man does right?"

"A womaniser perhaps, and I'm not one of them. Just, stand still for a few minutes. It won't take long."


Being up close with someone like Lilly, really makes me anxious. Fortunately the measurements wasn't up to an absurd amount. Her frame is larger than both Reiguma and Jang Mi though.

"Lilly, do you know what was used in your clothing? Like the specific material of any kind?"

"I can't say I do.~"



"This isn't just some act so you can touch me, right?~"

"I wouldn't want to touch you in the first place. But if it's to make you fitting clothing for the others, it's something I must do."

"Just to make it clear, I want it to be light and easy to move in!"

"Yes yes..."


After troubles of keeping up with Lilly, eventually she goes back to sleep. It seems she doesn't enjoy being out during the day.

As I make my way towards the forge, Jang Mi exits from her room.

"Oh, morning Jang Mi."


She heaves a sigh straight after.

"Is something the matter?"

"Nothing at all. What's the plan for today?"

"Hmm.. Well, I plan on crafting another sword first. I need to see how Reiguma fares in helping me. Also some clothing to cover up Lilly, so you're free until late evening."

"Clothing for that demon? Well... It's true she's lightly clothed. But doesn't that mean you needed to take her measurements?"

"W-well yeah, how else am I suppose to-"

Jang Mi glares at me as if I had ill intentions.

"L-look it's not as if she had to undress, and besides all that touched her was the tape!"

"...Fair enough."

I breath a sigh of relief.

"Do you want anything made though? I might as well make everything I can for the day."

"So you can measure me as well? I'll pass, if you need me I'll be in the yard."

Well it was worth a shot, n-not like I wanted to measure her anyway. She'd probably cut our ties and stab me in the rear.

"Well, the offer still stands for future references. But you know, even if you are my guard. I'll be inside up until then, so you can head into the city. "

"I'd rather not, since you'll be inside with Reiguma. Who's going to keep watch on the demon in the shed?"

"But, It's not like-"

"What's stopping her from going back on her word? Honestly, you're too trusting. Some day that's going to get everyone hurt, that includes Reiguma."

"...Well, in truth. There's nothing stopping her from nullifying our agreement. But, ever since I met you and Reiguma. I think I've changed, I used to trust no one besides myself and Wil."


She averts her head to the side and crosses her arms.

"I'm indeed, thankful that you two were the two I first met. That much is a fact, but... That doesn't mean I trust you in the same way."

"That much is okay, I'm not forcing you to change your view on me. But that doesn't mean I can't hope that someday, you'll view me as more of a friend than your client."

"Right now, all I'm focused on is the task you've given me. I can't do it if I'm simply walking the streets."

"...After all, I know that compared the past me. The current state I'm in, is pitiful. She won't talk to me, not like this."

She swings her sword and runs her fingers against the face of the blade.

"It just feels strange..."

If you know the current you is pitiful, just how powerful were you in top shape?

The blade of Jang Mi's sword's clean, even after piercing the back of Lilly, it still retains the gleam. They say the blade of a Kiridorian forged sword is strong enough to cut through stone. Not even the Lord have managed to craft such an absurd weapon.

What secrets lies within the Kiridorian blade? What materials do they use? What's the process? That's what I want to know.

When I first carried it, It was much heavier than I thought. At first I believe they could have used Velno steel just judging by the gleam of the blade and how pure it looks. However it's known that such a steel is very light, and I doubt that it could withstand the pressure of striking through stone.

"Jang Mi.."

"What is it?"

"...Your sword, could I look at it?"

"What's this all of a sudden? Does she interest you that much?"

"It's not everyday one lays eyes upon a Kiridorian blade."

"...Well, if it's just looking, then I can allow it."

Stepping closer, she presents the blade before me in her hands.

Longer than the usual sword, the blade itself is thin accompanied by the actual handle. There's a golden ornament for the cross guard, but what catches my eye is an unusual red and yellow jewel in the center. It was as if both halves somehow fused together.

"This is..."

Almost reaching out for it, Jang Mi pulls her sword back.

"A-ahh, s-sorry I was only meant to look."


"...Perhaps another time... She's like apart of my body, and like it, I won't just let anyone touch it."

"I understand, it's like me with-"

She shakes her head.

"No that's not it... You know how I'm calling out her all the time?"


"... It's because... Never mind, it's nothing."

Without waiting for a reply, she storms out clinging to her sword towards her chest.

That's to be expected.

Not wanting to keep Reiguma waiting, I move into my workshop as Reiguma was sitting on the stool beside the counter.

"What took you so long!?~"

She hops off in a bad mood.

"Sorry, just got caught up in a few things."

"Muu... Okay. A-ahem..."

She clears her throat.

"So, what are we going to do today, Kiro?"

"A few things. Since you're my partner, you'll helping me with the forge, the flame itself. Make sure to keep it at a constant heat and-"

"Oookayy, and how am I suppose to do that?"


Working whilst explaining the process to another, is even more tough work. Melting the ingots was one thing, but Reiguma's constant questioning and amazement was getting quite tedious.

However I could understand her excitement, after all. When I first saw my parents at work, I was really interested to see how they could create things. Be it weapons or armour.

There were a lot of mistakes made by Reiguma, however none of them were life threatening, asides from the sudden bursts of heat. I wanted to scold her, however she was trying her very best in helping me.

If she keeps this up, perhaps I could continue my parents line of work. Elemental armour was what they left behind after all. Starting with Reiguma, that'd be one set I hope to achieve.

By the time we were finished, we were covered in soot and I was drenched in sweat. We did pace ourselves with breaks whenever time called for it, however It was still exhausting.


"So Kiro... What's this?"

Lilly's new armour that could be mistaken for ordinary clothing was on the counter top. Beside it was my personal sword, using ordinary techniques, however the metal's quite sturdy and light.

"Ah, that's for Lilly."

"L-Lilly, you mean that- W-why?"

"What's more reason than wanting to cover her up?"

"A-are you that crazy for her, you can't control yourself? I knew it!"

"Would you like to run around, wearing the same thing as her and be okay with it? I know I wouldn't be."

"Muu... I-It's because she's sizeable."

She clutches her chest and soon rubs her hands around her waist.

I'm not sure if I should tell her that I don't exactly like Lilly's figure. Though I know if I did say that, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

I rise up from the ground with a stretch.

"Well, what do you say. Do you want to clean up first while I make us food?"

"I'm fine, you can go wash up first!~ You look really tired, e-eheeehee.~"

"Umm.. Okay then... In the yard, there should be a tap though. So you can at least clean up a bit before hand."

"I'll do that!"


Why is she so excited all of a sudden?

Going through numerous scenarios in my head, only one seemed plausible.

She can't be... Wanting to make me food yet again... I can't afford to be wasting any funds on things that can be prevented.

...I should hurry.

Proceeding to have cold water poured onto me I reach for the soap-



In an instant I look towards the door as I could see her silhouette behind it. She was tapping around her body as if she were removing her clothes.

"What are you doing!?"

"I'll wash your back! It'll be a lot faster if we both took one at the same time, right? You can wash mine too after!"

"N-no thats!-"

"Andd open the door!~"

In plain view, Reiguma's chest sways just a bit as the towel held against it wasn't obscuring my view.



When one takes a bath by themselves, they don't have a need to cover themselves up. So at this very moment, I was in the complete nude.



"Don't just flaunt your body like that, cover up! No don't cover up, just get out!"

I pull the nearest object to cover my southern region, in this case it was the bottle of soap.

"If you don't get out, I'll use the shower head on you."

"Oho, you want to clean me first? I don't mind!"

"Aren't Serabrae's, you know. Effected by water?"

"Hmm... It's true."

She closes the door behind her.

"D-don't just take the as an opportunity to-"

"I don't like it when my tail's wet, or my ears. But if it's to enjoy a bath with, Kiro, then I'm all okay with it!"

"Don't just be okay with it..."

"Ehehee, why are you so shy, Kiro?~ We've seen each other without clothes numerous times already.~ And we already had that night-"

"Hey now, don't let someone misunderstand, nothing happened! And I'm not the type of person who's okay to be in the nude with someone else!"

"Okay, okay.~ Just show me your back!"


"...You're pressing up against me."

"How else am I going to wash you?~"


"Scrub scrub, scrub scrub.~"

I heave a heavy sigh.

"Listen, Reiguma."


"...Why are you doing this? I mean, you don't have to do this."

"I know I don't have to, I choose to. So that's why I'm here.~"

"I just want to help you, Kiro. I've been thinking on how to be of more use, so when you asked of me to help you with your work, I was so happy to hear that."

"... I know you don't feel the same way about me, Kiro. That's okay with me, you're nice and willing to help anyone out, it's just that you don't see it. You're lying to yourself, you think that I was the one who changed you."


No longer moving the cloth in her hand, she paused.

"After all, I'm just someone you summoned to help you with your work, so it's not as if you actually wanted someone like me."

"Do you regret it, Kiro? Do you regret, having a partner like me?"


"You know, Kiro... I was really happy, when I first saw you though. It's strange, I don't have any memories of what happened before then. I'm a Serabrea, that's what people say. But I really don't feel all that special as others see me, all I know is, that I'm not a human like you, Kiro."

"Even now, you say you don't want me to do this. But you're not forcing me out."


"Because you don't want to hurt me, like before?"


"I mean... If you don't like it, you can tell me to stop. I'll leave you alone.. I won't bother you any more."

With her body trembling against mine, It's as if she opened up more to me. What kind of a Master would I be, if I had her cry yet again?

"You're wrong, I don't regret it, Reiguma. Not a single bit of it."


"What I've told you in the past, isn't a lie, Reiguma. I do cherish you, and I do enjoy being with you."

"...I just, don't know how to express it. I don't understand these feelings I have for you, I don't know if it's love or something else entirely different. That's why... I'm just scared of saying the wrong things, I've always been terrible at expressing how I feel."

"...I'm sorry Reiguma, you don't have to feel that way. I'm glad that you're here with me, and I'm happy that you'd do such things for me."

"T-then... You're okay with me being this way? I can continue doing these things?"

"Of course, you did well today, Reiguma, and I'm proud of you."


All of a sudden, Reiguma wraps her arms around my torso and squeezes up against me.

"H-hey, w-what are you-"

"Uwaa, Kiro.~ I love you soo much!!"


In the yard, Jang Mi practised her sword form without breaks. She felt as though she wasn't up to par with her past self, she believes that because of that. Her sword won't speak to her any more.


Upon sheathing her blade, she looks towards the house as they completely ruined the atmosphere.

"What are those two idiots doing?"

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