A Hidden Dragon and A Dragon...

By Hs_JoKerPT

8.7K 231 54

Miss Kobayashi is your average office worker who lives a boring life, along with her roommate Y/n L/n in her... More

Chapter 2: Getting a Dragon Maid 2/2
Chapter 3: Second Dragon, Kanna! Pt. 1

Chapter 1: Getting a Dragon Maid 1/2

4.1K 79 23
By Hs_JoKerPT

The camera pans down onto a guy waking up out of bed before walking out of his room to a room right next to his knocking on the door.

???: Kobayashi...It's time to get up...

Kobayashi: Alright... Thanks, Y/n

The guy now known as Y/n walks back to his room before wrapping his right and left arms in bandages to hide his dragon arms and grabbing his cast before placing his right arm in his cast and getting dressed.

Y/n: Another day.

Y/n walked out of his room fully dressed as he sees Kobayashi in her work outfit.

Kobayashi: Oh... You're ready?

Y/n: Yep! Let's go

They both head towards the door of their apartment as Y/n opened the door to be greeted by a green dragon at the door.

Y/n: I'm not seeing things right? You see this too?

Kobayashi: Yeah. 

A magic circle appeared in front of the dragon as it shrunk and turned into a girl with horns, a tail, and a maid outfit.

???: Tada!



???: Good morning, Miss Kobayashi and Master Y/n.

Y/n: Um Good Morning

???: Would it be alright if I came in?

Kobayashi: Uhh sure...come on in...

She moves aside to let the girl in as she walks but not before staring at Y/n a little bit.

Y/n: Another dragon here. Things are getting troublesome.


Kobayashi: So let me get this straight, Y/n and myself met you yesterday and offered to let you stay here?

Y/n: The one time I go drinking with you and Takiya. We end up doing something crazy.

Kobayashi: And your name is Tohru?

Tohru: Yes! All of that is true!

Y/n: Where did we meet you anyways?

Tohru: We wet in the mountains!

Y/n: The mountains?!

Tohru: It's true, Master Y/n! I'll never forget the words you said to me. How you said you would make me and Kobayashi completely submissive under you~ It was so lovely~

Hearing this caused Y/n and Kobayashi to completely red.

Y/n: H-Huh!? I said that?!

Kobayashi: I wouldn't mind if it is with Y/n.

Tohru: Please allow me to work here as your maid!

Kobayashi: Well we can't...

Tohru: Why wouldn't you be able to?

Kobayashi: I barely have any money while Y/n's job pays him well. Maids are expensive.

Tohru: I wouldn't need any pay!

Y/n: Money isn't our only problem.

Tohru: I can be useful!

She crawls on top of the table in front of Y/n and Kobayashi.

Tohru: I could turn this place into a place of death and burn everyone!

Y/n: So she's from the Chaos Faction

Kobayashi: No, no, no!

Y/n: Though why a maid?

Tohru: Because Kobayashi said a maid would be best and you said that you someday wanted to bang a maid.

Y/n: That...sounds like something I'd say drunk.

Kobayashi: Look we made a promise we can't keep. But I hope you'll understand...we can't change the impossible.

Tohru's eyes widened before she put her head down.

Tohru: It's impossible?

Y/n: Yeah, we're sorry 

Tohru looks up with a sad smile before she got up.

Tohru: Understood, my apologies as well, for dropping in so suddenly...

As she walks by, they catch a glimpse of a tear going down her face.

Y/n: Damn, I feel bad.

Kobayashi: It's not a dream, then...

Kobayashi looks up at the clock as it turns to 9 o'clock

Kobayashi: I'm late!

Y/n: Shoot! Me too. Tohru!

He gets up and grabs her hand.

Y/n: What a dumb question I'm about to ask. Can you fly?

She turns around before gaining a smile.


We now see Tohru in her dragon form with Y/n and Kobayashi on her back as she flys through the air.

Y/n: It's been a while since I've flown in my dragon form. Has it always been this fast?

Kobayashi: So fast!

As they flew for a bit, they got used to the speed.

Y/n: Wait, I've always wanted to try something...

Y/n spits in the air but it comes back and hits his cheek as Kobayashi laughs.

Kobayashi: You idiot...My idiot

Y/n: You know in my head I thought that would go differently, but whatever.

Y/n then wrapped his arms around Kobayashi's waist as she blushed but smiled.

~Timeskip after work~

Kobayashi: Okay, let's see what you consider to be proper form for a maid...

Tohru tries her best by showing an ad for a maid company she saw on the way here.

Kobayashi: Looks like I'll have to teach you from scratch...First, as a housemaid, you clean!

Y/n: That's obvious.

Kobayashi: S-Shut up, Y/n.

Tohru: I'm good at cleaning.

She charges a light from her mouth as it clears the whole room is clean but also empty.

Y/n: My stuff!

She puts her hand up as everything returns.

Kobayashi: You can bring it back!?

Y/n: Whatever, just tell her the next step.

Kobayashi: Fine...Next, laundry!

Tohru: I can do that too!

She grabs one of Y/n's shirts and puts it in her mouth.

Tohru: I can produce saliva that only removes stains.

Y/n: Gah! My shirt!

Kobayashi: That's filthy! Be mindful of appearances!

Kobayashi clears her throat.

Kobayashi: Next, Parlour maid! Entertain the guest!

Tohru: Leave it to me!

Y/n: I'll be your example.

Y/n went outside and rang the doorbell as Tohru opened the door.

Y/n: Hello?

Tohru: We have no need for inferior humans like you!

Y/n: I would feel hurt by that if I was human

Kobayashi: Hey!

Tohru: You two are an exception of course!

Kobayashi: Last one! Kitchen maid!

Tohru: I'm the best at cooking!

A few moments later, she puts a plate of her roasted tail on the table.

Tohru: Here's my roasted tail!

Y/n & Kobayashi: No way...

Y/n: I would like to eat it but I should keep up my human act.

Tohru: Wha! Should I have roasted it longer?

Y/n: I don't think that's the problem.

Tohru: I'm confident you'll enjoy it, Y/n and Kobayashi!

Kobayashi: It doesn't work ethically or physiologically.

Tohru: Oh, I see. You two are picky eaters, then?

Kobayashi: You're biased.

Tohru then started eating her tail.

Tohru: Jeez, you're hopeless.

She finished her tail as it grew back underneath her dress.

Kobayashi: It grew back?!

Tohru: It took time to remove the poison you know?

Kobayashi: Why is it poisonous!

Y/n: You know nothing of being a maid, huh?

Tohru: You know of being a maid?

Y/n: For males, it's more of a butler but the basics still apply.

Tohru: I understand...So what do you dislike, Y/n?

Y/n: Mostly rude people and people who make fun of Kobayashi.

Kobayashi blushed but shook it off.

Kobayashi: Shouldn't you be asking what we like?

Tohru: Many of my friends were killed by things they like...but Y/n...

She winks at him and smiles.

Tohru: I love you, Y/n!

He turns red with a bloody nose while Kobayashi pouted.

Y/n: Uh...okay

Kobayashi: Are you gonna eat him?

Tohru: Not like that! I mean sexually! 

Y/n/Kobayashi: Huh?!/Eh?!

Tohru looks at Y/n

Tohru: You and Kobayashi saved me so I owe my entire being to you even if that includes my body!

Tohru grabs Y/n's hands before placing them on her chest shocking him and Kobayashi.

Tohru: You can use my body to however you like.

Y/n: What. the. hell?!

Kobayashi got in between them pushing Y/n away from Tohru.

Kobayashi: There's no way he will!

Tohru: Why?

Kobayashi: Because dragons are better left for holding down the fort!

Tohru: Holding the fort?!

Y/n: What is she comparing us to? Dogs? Yeah, to keep our apartment safe

Kobayashi: You're one of the stronger dragons, right, Tohru?

Tohru: Strong enough to bring about Armageddon, but there's another dragon who can destroy the world completely and that's the Mad Dragon King Accor. But he disappeared a long time ago. Many believed he died but I know he's alive somewhere.

Y/n: Me? Dead? Not in a million years.

Kobayashi: Sounds crazy. But the world's more dangerous lately. It'll be a relief to know you're here keeping the house safe.

Tohru: Understood! Leave it to me!

Y/n: What a cheap trick, Kobayashi.

Kobayashi: Simple-gon.

~Next Day~

Y/n and Kobayashi are now dressed for work.

Y/n: Well we're heading to our jobs.

Kobayashi: If anyone calls, please answer...

Tohru: Calls?

Kobayashi: Oh right...

They both walk over to the phone.

Kobayashi: This is a phone, when it rings, you pick it up and speak into it...

Tohru: Got it!

Y/n: Now we're leaving okay?

Tohru: Be safe!

Y/n: One more thing.

Tohru looked confused but Y/n walked up and grabbed her head before placing a kiss on her cheek.

Y/n: Do your best, alright?

Tohru blushed before smiling.

Tohru: You got it!

Y/n and Kobayashi left the apartment.

Kobayashi: What was that!?

Y/n: A good luck kiss?

Kobayashi: If she gets one, I want one.

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n then grabbed Kobayashi's head before placing a kiss on her cheek.

Y/n: Better?

Kobayashi: Y-Yeah.

~After Work~

Both Y/n and Kobayashi were coming back from their jobs as they see two men screaming to the police.

Man: You gotta help us! We saw a monster!

Y/n: You don't think...

Kobayashi: No...

Y/n: Right...

When they finally arrive home, Tohru greets them.

Tohru: Welcome home! 

Y/n: How did it go?

Tohru: Great! But I didn't get to kill them though...

Kobayashi: Mhmm. Wait, what?!

Tohru: I said I didn't!

Kobayashi: That doesn't make it okay!

Y/n: What have we gotten into?

He takes a look at Kobayashi and Tohru.

Y/n: At least things will be more interesting...



(Bouns Scene. Been a while since I've written one let's see how I do)

Y/n is seen in his room getting ready for bed as he was about to unwrap his bandaged arms, there was a knock at his door. He tightened his bandages back on as he opened the door to see Kobayashi and Tohru in their pajamas.

Y/n: Are you two alright?

Tohru: We wanted to sleep with you tonight, Y/n!

Y/n: Really?

Kobayashi was embarrassed about what's happening as she grabbed Tohru's hand.

Kobayashi: You know what! Nevermind! It's fine, Y/n.

Tohru: Huh, but Kobayashi we said we try.

Kobayashi: Y/n looks like he doesn't want to be bothered.

Y/n: it's fine.

Kobayashi: Eh?!

Y/n: You two can sleep here.

Tohru: Yay!

Tohru ran in and jumped on the bed as Kobayashi followed behind slowly as Y/n closed the door but turned to see Kobayashi and Tohru getting undressed.

Y/n: Why are you two undressing?!

Tohru: Well sleeping is one thing I wanted to try but I also wanted to give my body to you, Y/n. As well as Kobayashi.

Kobayashi: Don't make it so weird.

Both Tohru and Kobayashi laid in bed with their naked bodies showing.

Y/n: Ah! What should I do? With Kobayashi, she'll be done in one round but Tohru's a dragon she'll probably go more. Think, Y/n, Think. I got it. I'll make them cum before me. With these fingers, they won't stand a chance.

Y/n walked up to both of them before inserting his fingers in both of them as he went into overdrive moving his fingers at a fast pace as Kobayashi and Tohru moaned out loud.

Tohru: Ah!~ Y/n~ T-This is so intense!~ S-So Good!~

Kobayashi: I-Idiot!~ S-Slow down a minute!~ I-I'm not u-used to this yet!~

Y/n: I'll get the both of you off before anything!

Y/n continued fingering them as they both cried out in moans before both Tohru and Kobayashi came onto his fingers before they both laid back exhausted.

Y/n was a little exhausted but could only focus on Kobayashi's body.

Y/n: This is Kobayashi's first time doing this. Kobayashi's...first time... and she wants to give it to me...then I'll take it.

Y/n took out his manhood before pressing against Kobayashi's womanhood as she sat up to see him push into her.

Kobayashi: Aaa~ Ah~ S-So big~

Y/n: Kobayashi...Wait, I should have probably used a condom, huh?

Kobayashi wrapped her legs around Y/n's waist.

Kobayashi: No, let's do it raw. Now, start thrusting idiot.

Y/n nodded before he started thrusting in and out of her.

Kobayashi: Haa!~ You're hitting to my womb already!~ Ahh~ Go deeper, Y/n!~

Y/n: You're so tight. It feels really good~

Y/n continued thrusting while his hands moved to Kobayashi's face as he held her cheek and kissed her.

Kobayashi: My mind's going blank!~ Y/n, I'm cumming!~

Y/n felt that his end was near as well.

Y/n: Me too! Where do you want it!

Kobayashi: Inside!~ Inside me, Idiot!~

Y/n then released all he had inside of her before pulling out.

Y/n: Haa!~ That was great!

Kobayashi: Y-Yeah!

Tohru: My turn!

Tohru was bent over the bed with her butt and tail out.

Y/n: Looks like I have one more to satisfy huh?

Kobayashi: Yeah. Go ahead while I rest.

Y/n walked over to Tohru as she moved her tail to show her womanhood.

Tohru: Whenever you're ready, Master Y/n~

Y/n grabbed her hips before plunging himself deep inside her.

Tohru: Ah!~ Yes!~

Y/n started thrusting in and out of her while spanking her ass.

Y/n: You like that, Naughty Dragon!

Tohru: Ahh!~ Yes!~ Harder Master!~ Ahh!~

Each spank made her womanhood tighter and wetter. Y/n stopped spanking her and reach his hands around grabbing her breast giving them a good squeeze making her moan.

Tohru: Ahh!~ Harder!~ Keep squeezing them~ Ahh!~

Y/n could feel his end coming and started thrusting faster in her.

Y/n: Tohru, I'm close.

Tohru: Inside!~ Do it inside like Kobayashi!~

Y/n released another load inside of her before pulling out of her

Tohru: Ahh!~ It's so hot inside me!~ S-so good!~

Lemon End

Y/n: Geez, I need a shower now.

Tohru: Let me join you, Master Y/n.

Y/n: Alright. What about Kobayashi?

Y/n turned to Kobayashi as she was passed out.

Y/n: I guess she'll take one in the morning.

Tohru: So we can continue in the bath?~

Y/n: Oh boy...

See you next chapter✌

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