Three Eyes, Six Fingers (Stan...

By RynnTabris

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"It can be difficult at times. But if you having knowledge of events that happen in future that you can't te... More

Some things before we get started
Chapter 1: The Necklace
Chapter 2: The Kings of New Jersey
Chapter 3: A Bus Ride
Chapter 4: Prom (part 1)
Chapter 6: Prom (part 3)
Chapter 7: The Science Project (part 1)
Chapter 8: The Science Project (part 2)
Chapter 9: The Mistake
Chapter 10: Welcome to Backupsmore
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: The Grant
Chapter 13: Home Again (part 1)
Chapter 14: Home Again (part 2)
Chapter 15: Welcome to Gravity Falls
Chapter 16: The Unexpected
Chapter 17: The Portal (part 1)
Chapter 18: The Portal (part 2)
Chapter 19: Catching Up
Chapter 20: The Murder Hut
Chapter 21: April 25th, 1982
Chapter 22: Someone to Trust
Chapter 23: The Accident
Chapter 24: New Research
Chapter 25: Intimacy
Chapter 26: The Truth
Author's Note
Chapter 27: Answers
Chapter 28: New Friendships
Chapter 29: Ahmad's Shop of Wonders
Chapter 30: The Rabbit
Chapter 31: Soos
Chapter 32: Talking to Abuelita
Chapter 33: The Girl
Chapter 34: Worry
Chapter 35: Engagement
Chapter 36: Tourist Trapped
Chapter 37: The Boy Who Cried... Werewolf?
Chapter 38: Not What They Seem
Chapter 39: A Tale of Two Stans
Chapter 40: Forgiveness
Chapter 41: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Chapter 42: The Dream
Chapter 43: The Last Mabelcorn
Chapter 44: Comfort

Chapter 5: Prom (part 2)

2.3K 99 45
By RynnTabris

Ford's POV:
Prom Night

I adjust my bow tie and breathe in deeply to try to calm my anxiety. Which didn't work. "Stan, I'm nervous."

He rolled his eyes. "You can't chicken out when we're in front of her door, Poindexter." Stan clapped me on the back. As much as he tried to appear calm and collected, I could tell he was just as nervous as I was.

Here goes nothing. I knocked on the door. After a couple moments, Elise opened the door. "Hello Ms. Sanderson. Is Y/N ready?" I say politely.

"Ford, I keep telling you to call me Elise." She laughed. "Come inside you two. I'll go check up on her."

  We walked in as Elise went down the hallway and into Y/N's bedroom.  Pretty soon they both came out and my heart nearly stopped.  From her hair all the way down to her shoes, she looked absolutely radiant.

"Boys, you better close your mouths or else you're gonna catch flies." Y/N smirked.

I shut my mouth and grinned. "You look beautiful, Y/N." Wait, was that too forward? That was too forward. Oh God, please end me. I felt the blood rush to my face.

She blushed. "Thank you, Fordsie. You two look rather dashing yourselves."

Stan struck a goofy pose and winked. "You know it, Toots." 

  "Stan the Man, you are a dork."  Y/N laughed.

  Elise clapped her hands together.  "Alright kids, get in close so I can take some pictures."  She pulled out a Polaroid camera.  Y/N put her arms around Stan and I's necks as we all smiled.  "Hold those poses!  I want to give all of you one as well."  The camera went off four times before she put it down and handed us each a photo. 

  "I'm going to put this in my photo album!"  Y/N said happily before she rushed to her bedroom. 

  Elise turned back to us.  "Have her home before midnight, okay boys?"

"We will." I reassured her.

Y/N came back out and hugged the older woman. "See you later, Elise."

"Have fun!" She called out as we piled into Stanley's car and drove off to the high school.


When we entered the gym, I felt many eyes staring at us. Or rather, at Y/N specifically. I had to fight the urge to hold her close to keep the lustful guys and jealous girls away from her.

"Alright, let's go mingle!" Stan patted my back.

I look at Y/N and then at him with uncertainty. "Are you sure that's a good idea? There's a lot of people looking at Y/N the wrong way."

"Don't worry, Stanford. I'll keep an eye on her."

"I'm right here, you know." Y/N crossed her arms and scowled at us.

I blushed. "Sorry."

Stan gently squeezed her shoulder. "If you need help, do a gentle tug on your ear and I'll come get you."

"Thanks, Stan the Man. See you guys in a bit." She smiled and walked off to find someone to talk to.

"Alright, Poindexter." Stan turned to me and pointed at a random girl that was standing by the punch bowl. "I want you to talk to her, and bonus points if you get her to dance with you."

"I don't know.... The only women I ever really talk to are Y/N and mom."

"Just do it." He pushed me in the redhead's direction.

I take a deep breath and slowly walk up to her. "So... um... some party, right?" I say hesitantly.

She examined me, her face turning to disgust when she saw my hands. "Why are you talking to me, freak?"

"Well... I... uh... was hoping you would dance with me?" I chuckled nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I wouldn't be caught dead with the likes of you!" She threw her punch in my face and stalked off.

Y/N's POV:

I look over to Ford just as Mirabelle splashed her drink onto his face.  Anger immediately started building up in me.

  "Excuse me for a moment."  I told the guy who was trying to hit on me as I composed myself and walked behind the punch table so Ford couldn't see me.  I took a cup and filled it up with the very liquid that now both Stanley and Stanford were drenched in. 

  I walked up to Mirabelle.  "Hey Mira." 

  "Only friends get to call me Mira.  What do you want?"

  "Oh... well I noticed that your cup was empty.  You must've been thirsty!"  I smiled as sweetly as I could.  "So I took the liberty of getting you a new one." 

  She gave me a surprised look.  "That's... nice of you.  Thank-"

  Before she could finish her sentence, I splashed the punch right onto her face and dress.  "You're welcome."  I walked away as she started wailing and screaming profanities.

  I approached the stunned twins.  "Do either of you want to dance?"  I asked them. 

  Ford was surprisingly the first to snap out of it.  "Of course!" 

  As Ford was about to take my hand, Stan quickly swooped in.  "Hey, maybe we can all dance together!" 

  "That's a great idea, Stan the Man!"  I chuckled. 

Ford's POV

  I glared at Stan, and he glared back at me.  This is more than not wanting to ruin the friendship we have with her, not with that kind of reaction. 

  Y/N took both of our hands as dragged us to the dance floor.  Pretty soon I had forgotten my annoyance with Stanley as we all danced not so seriously.  Until a slow song came up. 

  Y/N looked between us, seeming unsure what to do.  Eventually she grabbed...

My attempt at a cliffhanger.  Not the best but hopefully it's to keep the few people who are reading this on the edge of their seats.  I'll get the next chapter out as soon as possible!


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