All Alone (Nightmare!Sans×Abu...

By Shattered_Nightmare

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Y/N was their name. Yet, I cant say what kind of person they were, before all THIS happened. You may say, tha... More

A/N, first things
Chapter 1: Meeting (rewritten)
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 3: Who's this?
Chapter 4: Nightmare and ???
Chapter 5: New Student and Games?!
Thank You!
Chapter 6: The Competition
Important Message!
Chapter 7: His Words...
Chapter 8: Something Special
Chapter 9: The Medieval Times Festival
Chapter 10,5: Dark Religions (part 2-)

Chapter 10: Dark Religions (Late Halloween special, very late)

243 6 2
By Shattered_Nightmare

It's my fault, why did I even try, I shouldn't have had the idea! They're after me, run. Run. RUN!

~three hours before, you're PoV

It's Halloween! After months of waiting, we're finally at one of my favourite holidays in the year! The film is going to continue noww, we were free to dress up as whatever we want. I decided to do something simple, remembering that I made a pumpkin once! Its the oerfect costume, fitting perfectly on my head. Now I'm the headless horseman or just pumpkinhead. I take some matching clothes and decide to use a pillowcase for candy collecting. I mean, why not? "You coming already? I wanna watch you making the film!" I sigh and walk downstairs. I promised Star to bring her with me, since I was allowed to anyway.

"Looking good Y/N!" Its pretty obvious, saying, that she doesn't look half bad herself! I mean, look at her!

It's pretty good, considering that we didn't have that much to work with, for making a costume. It's not like Julia didn't have the money to buy stuff, she simply forgot/didn't think we would need it. It came rather suprising and she was always in a rush, who knew that I would need a good costume, but then came the letter, for what I needed...

Welp, out to go exploring, I guess. Moon said he would wait at my tree, the set is at an old castle in the woods, Regina said it was from her family, I can't really believe her, but who cares, I guess. Moon is leaning on the tree, reading a book. How long was he here? Star instantly calls him over, he looks up from his book and now I know what he was wearing!

(Didn't forget the background this time UwU, btw, this is (was supposed to) be a Halloween special. It is very late... but time isn't anyway in the story and I'mma make a better Christmas special in the future)

"You didn't have to colour your hair for the costume!" I say and he takes a bite of his cookie. "I did though, I lost a bet..." Now that's unfortunate. "Still looking goid though" Star replies and we take off on our journey into the woods.

As we step foot into the woods, we keep hearing howling, growling, everything you wouldn't wanna hear in a forest. It's ennerving. Star grabs me, hiding behind me. I'm not scared, but Moon seems worried, then, a scream, one we've heard already, it was Regina. We follow her screams, only to find what I thought: scenes. They are doing screaming scenes, as it seems.

Both Regina and Dexter have clothes on, similar to the style that was commen during king's reign. "There you are! Welcome to the party. Regina, may you put the ghost dress on?" "Sure thing, I hope you do remember the contract though." "I certainly do..." Emmett sighs and finally walks up to us, his costume is pretty creative, but qhat's with people getting new haircuts lately?

"That's a cool costume!" Star runs up and hugs him. Don't ask me how they met, I have no idea. Everyone is dressed up, even the crew. "You look worried Emmett, is something wrong?" Moon says, much to our surprise, because you couldn't really see it, I guess it's some cat thing, or something else... It's just weird. "Well, we needed not only one more person, but also... I'm sorry... Dean had to come aswell. We can't really say anything against his father. You both don't really like him, but I couldn't exactly stop it."

Now I'm kinda pissed off... Why did they insist to bring him? God, I hate this guy! His behaviour only got worse each week! He wouldn't leave me alone, always being like, three steps behind me! Talking about the devil, literally, he came walking here. Looks like he coloured his hair too... Why?

(I actually forgot the background. Eh, who cares?)

"It's so cool to see you, Y/N!" he says, with his smile across his face, looking like he's high. I sigh and say: "Yeah, sooo nice." Suddenly Dean and Moon seem to make a "Hold-on-the-eye-contact"-game. It's weird, but I don't mind it. Eventually Dean breaks free and we walk up to Dexter and Regina in their new costumes. They both seem pissed, what happened? Also, whats up with EVERYONE colouring their hair?

(Totally not just because I'm too stupid to get the right hair colours-)

"Where the f*ck is he?! He was supposed to be here an hour ago!" Regina says, bitter as always. Dexter didn't look any better, I wonder who they got into joining their group... There are many 'victims' out there, that can't do anything against Regina or Dexter. To make it better: Regina starts complaining about her costume, how her hair is done and some more crappy things, I wouldn't wanna say.

After a while, someone seems to be running towards us, maybe its the new victim of Regina... There he is! The big idiot from my prophecy's class... wait, what?!

(Credits to Disney on this one. And no, it's totally not because I just watched the movie 3 times-)

Bruno. This guy was tricked into staying with Regina and Dexter? Omg this... uhh, is there any not-mean word to be mean to someone ... Noodle! Yeah, noodle works just fine. This big noodle! I warned him from Regina and Dexter, did he learn? No. No he didn't.

"Bruno, where the f*ck where you?! I told you to be here an hour ago!" Regina instantly harasses him. "Now you can leave him be." I say and Moon walks up to me, saying "Yeah, we don't know why he came late, so just let it go." Bruno stands there, it's become pretty awkward (how the fish do you write that? I'm too lazy to sesrch it up-). "Well- I can explain myself!" He suddenly says. "It's just, so many things can go wrong, like we all turn into weird creatures or someone goes on a killing spree, even worse, it could start to rain! So I bought an umbrella!" He smiles, while we are just prosessing what he said. "Well, can we all just say what we're dressed up as? I cant seem to know what some of us are... Especially you, Elisabeth." I turn around, not having had time to realise, she showed up. "It is indeed weird."

"I didn't have time, or ideas, to dress up..." she eventually says. That explains most of it. I start us of, telling my idea of the headless horseperson. "In Asian mythology us the Kitsune pretty popular! So that's what I decided to be. We went on a flower festival once, so I already had the Kimono." Moon replies. "Me and Dexter are just wearing what we need for the film." Plain and simple for once, Regina. "What about you then, Bruno?" I patiently ask him, I actually thought it was obvious that he's some kind of wizard, but he looks like he wants to tell someone. "I'm so happy you ask! I really wanted to tell, but it's more than just a wizard! I actually decided to get like, this ancient vibe of this old "Time Keeper" clan, that used to exist hundreds of years ago. But no one actually listens to this story anymore, so matching to their tribe's clothes, I got a witch hat!" His smile across his face warms my heart, I hope his boyfriend feels the same. I don't know, he's like a brother to me. "Well I'm a knight... if that wasn't obvious enough." Emmett says awkwardly, I conpletely forgot about him, oops.

Just a moment after, we start doing some scenes. "Listen up everyone, the story plot should be clear, Regina, aka princess Jane, was murdered by her knight, who simply followed orders. Years later, the new generation of the people, who were in with the tragedy, find an old castle in the woods, right on the night of Halloween, where the ghost of princess Jane appears. It is connected to a series of weird events and everyone involved is bound to suffer. In the end, our magician and ghosthunter, Bruno and Moon, aka Merlin and Alastor, free the ghost of princess Jane and help our main characters to flee. Moon looks confused and says "I'm not really dressed up for a ghostbuster-" She looks at him "Maybe you can take a double role? Regina should've told you your role though..." She laughs and I instantly know it was on purpose. "We said, no more bullying, got it?" I look at her with blank eyes, due to the costume, and she actually shuts up. Wow! But I think it's rather because Moon looked annoyed, than actually mean. I'm gonna wait, for when she decides, to get Moon on her side. I really don't like her, but who does? Even Dexter will lose his hope in her, if he even had hope to begin with.

After that argument it's just scenes, the first plays like that:

~3rd PoV

Y/N walks up to Dexter, standing infront of an old castle, the walls were withered and broken. No one knew, that there's a castle in the woods. Y/N then says: "Did you know about this? Where is Alastor? Didn't he want to come too?" Dexter sighs, "Yeah, but he's always late, remember? I don't think he shows up soon..." Walking around, they both find an entrance and decide to search the inside of the ruin. "I'm surprised there's still in tact bookshelfs, would've thought everything was... burned?" Y/N realises that, it wasn't part of the script, but it was true, the, in the beginning, new bookshelfs are now burned. How come know one realised that? Emmett blows a whistle and asks whats wrong.

~Dexter PoV

They're right... the bookshelfs are burned, didn't we need to pick some up, to accidently awake the princess' spirit? What's happening? I pick up the only, not burned book. That's the book we need to accidently summon the ghost. I take a good look at it, what are those freaky symbols? I know the art club helped, but what? This isn't the same book! "Guys! This isn't the same spellbook from the art club!" I turn to face Y/N, who's coming towards me. "You're right... how did it get here?" Now we're both confused, I take the book outside the ruin and show it to our producer's.

~Regina PoV
Ugh, this beech, why are they ruining everything? I take the book out of Dexter's hands and take a good look at it, I think I can read some of those words...

~Your PoV

Is Regina reading some of the words? "Stop that! We don't know how it got there, nor the fact, what it can do!" Suddenly, she stops and I realise, the camera hasn't turned off. Why didn't they stop recording, when the script broke away? "Regina? Are you alright?" Dexter asks, something is definitely wrong here. Regina screams, some black and red smoke is forming around her... This definitely wasn't in the script! "Emmett!" I turn to find the same thing happen to him. Then there's a flash and a.. creature appears.

"Who are you? What are you doing to my friends?!" I scream at the creature, suddenly, it turns human, looking like.. me? It has dark hair, covering parts of their face and the deep red eyes it has. "My name is Amon. I was sent by master, to protect you. Those people are not your friends, they're hereby cursed, by the spell, this silly human said." It's voice is similar to mine, but darker and with aa dark tone to it, like an echo. "Can you free-" A scream cut me off, an inhuman one. Then Regina comes bashing towards me, she's not a human anymore! How was this possible. Amon grabbed and pulled me away, this is scary. Just after that, I hear growling, Dexter was affected too, a dark, red and tall demonic monster, stands now infront of me, trying to hit me with it's claws, but Emmett appears just in time, to vut off one of it's fingers. "This was some kind of weird spell! We turned into qhat we were wearing." Emmett explains, now looking like a fleshed out knight. His sword is touched by fire, ready to help me.

Amon didn't seem to like that and they pushed him away qith dark magic. "Master doesn't want anyone to interfere." Just when he lashed out for Emmett's final blow, they were grabbed by something dark. A weird goopy tentacle grabs its and pulls them away. I see Moon, standing there... the tantacle coming out of his back, his face is covered by half of this stuff and realise something.

~little flashback

"Y/N, I really need to show you something." Nightmare says, I look at him. "Well, go on" "I'm scared... I dont want you to look at me differently." He sighs and assure him it's alright. The sky gets darker and darker, some goopy stuff starts to form around him, covering him. Four black tentacles start to build up behind his back, he slightly caughs, his voice now being a whole lot deeper than before. "Well?" He asks... I look at him, he seems sad and in fear, he's scared I will look different at him, now I know, but I would never. "That's so cool! Why didnt you tell me before?" Night looks at me, his hope has come back, I just know that. I smile and wake up in my bed, knowing, that this was the beginning of something special.

~back to our current time

"Nightmare?" 'Moon' looks up, then down again. "I should've told you sooner, I know..." There it is, the voice of my swedt Nightmare. Bruno appears out of nowhere, where has he been? "Quick! We need to get away!" Emmett screams, Regina and Dexter have recovered, just like Amon. So we all turn to run, only to be stopped... by Dean? Why hasn't he turned aswell? Just then, I realise, I haven't changed aswell. I turn and see Amon, Dexter and Regina. We're trapped. "Dean what the hell is your problem?! We need to leave!" Emmett screams at him. Suddenly, he summons a bow, pulling the string and forming a light blue, glowing arrow. This reminds me of the battle! So thats why 'Moon' didn't like him! It's Dream, his brother! Emmett blocks an arrow with his fire sword. "Y/N! Please understand, I'm doing this to protext you!" 'Dean' says, but I didn't care. I am angry. Everyone is lying to me. The one thing, I don't like. "Without me, he spell will infiltrate your mind aswell, Y/N. Master needs you, if he can't have you, no one can." Amon has catched up to us, it's getting intense. The headless horseperson is a vengeful spirit, if the spell infects me, I will lose control... Wait, I wont, I mean, I have my head! So the vengefulness would be erased. "I'm not scared of you, or the curse Regina read. We'll just destroy the book!" I feel powerful and just figured out why: the smoke from the curse surrounds me, making me feel even stronger.

I quickly feel like this was a bad idea though, I feel my bones cracking, seeming to rearrange themselves in a different position, my head feels like it explodes. No one can see me though, because of the smoke! I caugh up blood, my flesh feels like melting away, until only bones remain and ofcourse the pumpkin for a head. The pain is actually unbearable, until the smoke starts to fade away and I feel the power from before coming back. The pumpkin's eyes start to glow, I can see now.  There is the clapping of hooves in the distance and then a roar of a horse (however thats called, btw I'm having a completely english blackout Xp). I have been on a horse before, but never actually build up the skill to perfection, but that feels different now. I grab the horse and swiftly sit on its back, it went way to fast but, I feel like I know what I'm doing.

Regina and Dexter actually back away, the cameras are still filming, the crew is nowhere to be seen. "We need to get away! Jump on." My voice changed aswell, but the clue to end this curse is probably the book itself, where is it though?


I will help you, don't you worry. I know this is a lot to take in, but you are sacred, my child. People have done both you and him wrong. The demons wont get a hold of you, I promise.

~Noots PoV
I managed to just look like Moon now, however it's scary what a simple curse can do. I could try and find a cure, it's not gonna be easy.    Y/N doesn't seem to have lost their mind, I'm glad. We're gonna need to watch out for their head, we have lost, once they lost it. Y/N has know a sword on their back though, I believe they can manage. "Can you actually pull off your head though?" "Great timing, Bruno." He's such an idiot at times, his abilities will help us though.

Once we're far away enough, it's quiet. Y/N actually decides to grab their head and try to pull it off, it's not really a surprise, that it works. Y/N is still pretty shocked however. I laugh at the silliness. They're just so cute. I wish I could tell them, how much I loved them... but I just can't. Not here, not now. I want to see their pretty face, but I guess we'll just have to manage right now. "Bruno, how do we break the spell?" Everyone seems confused, but I know what I'm talking about. He sits down and his eyes start to glow, it takes a while, but then he says: "We need the book. I might say that was obvious. But don't destroy it! There's a page, in it is how to rewind the curse." Now that is pretty helpful. In case anyone's confused, he has the power of vision, without it, he would be blind. He can simply see anything, his blind eyes can't see, which is basically everything. "I remember where she put it." Emmett says, I'm sutprised he's not shocked, everyone around him turned nuts, along with me and Dream revealing ourselves... Well, can't do anything about it.

Suddenly a dark portal opens, weird creatures run out of it, looking for anything they can devour! Y/N grabs us and pulls us on the horse, getting us away from the creatures. "The book is at the ruined castle!" Emmett screams, he's in fear. Y/N makes way towards it, U pick up the book with a tentacle and we get away, but Emnett stops us. "We need to save Elisabeth!" She's about to get eaten, but Emmett shoots out fire and humps off the horse to protect her. Now this guy is nuts, but who wouldn't sacrifice themselves for a loved one? I know this feeling too well, but Dream ruined it by appearing. He protects them aswell, I think he got it. "Thanks for helping arsehole!" It was time he showed up. "You got it, keep what you're doing, while we lift the spell." I can feel Dreams annoyance, Y/N can be a savage sometimes.

We made it to a safe place, I take the book, all the pages are there. I start reading a bit, qhere is this page? "56, the rewind should be located in that page." Bruno looks over my shoulder, Y/N is playing with their head... what? But anyway, there it is, page 56... I try to read out the spell, but we're again interrupted by a portal. What are those demons?! "Shoot, how can they keep up that quickly?!"

~Your PoV

How? It's getting annoying, they probably want that book! I pick up my head and start walking towards my newfound horse, I hope atleast they get to stay. I need to find out, wether they're male or female... Wait a sec, where did Star go? She suddenly disappeared, oh god. (I actually forgot about her, that's sad... there's just too much going on, I need to actually split the chapter, ouch)

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