Karn Putra Daksh

By AnweshaDas173

62.7K 3.5K 1.3K

Mahabharat, this simple word brings many thoughts, questions, conflicts. It's brings upon admiration as well... More

~: The Dyut Sabha : ~
~: The Unknown:~
~: It's Over Now :~
~: Magadh :~
~: Guests :~
~: Coronation :~
~: Mata Draupadi :~
~: Meeting Him :~
~: Suryaputra :~
~: New Steps :~
~: Birth of Daksh :~
~: The good bye :~
~: Digvijaya Yatra :~
~: Swayamvar :~
~: Marriage and Return :~
~: Reactions :~
~: The wait is over :~
~: Discussion :~
~: My son :~
~: Daan :~
~: Peace Proposal :~
~: Kurukshetra :~
~: Ploy :~
~: Dakshina :~
~: Please save him :~
~: Aftermath :~
~: Awake :~
~: Punishment :~
~: Har Har Mahadev :~
~:The Beginning:~
~:The Change:~
~: Hastinapur Under Attack? :~
~: Illusions :~

~: Questions :~

2K 115 23
By AnweshaDas173

So people, I unpublished this chapter and now I am uploading this again because i have made a huge change. Some of my readers were telling me to pair karn with ome good girl and someone not just in my latest chapter but also in my previous chapters. But I am sorry guys I am against this. I don't want to pair him anyone now. So I wrote this part so to give you all a valid reason why Karn didn't want to marry. So please read this chapter again.


Now you can proceed if you want.


1 month passed by. Karn was trying to bring changes in his kingdom. He was working hard day and night to bring equality in the society. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat and rest properly sometimes. But Daksh didn't let him stay without having food or rest even in this busy schedule. He planned to build schools and defence training hubs for men and women both. He felt lucky that the court members also supported him in this matter. To him the point of views of the common people mattered. So he insisted people to appoint a representative who would present their problems and necessities in the king's court. Daksh actively participated in all the stately matters. He himself trained the kids who were interested in weaponry. Changes were occuring fast. All were happy. Today Daksh is going to Hastinapur to meet his pitamahi Radha.

He started his journey towards Hastinapur. Daksh didn't want to go back to that kingdom but his grandma and grandfather were there and he can't stay far in another kingdom without even meeting them for once. After 4 days they reached the kuru kingdom.

Daksh went to his Radha's home. He went inside and saw Radha busy in kitchen most probably preparing dinner. He tiptoed to her and closed her eyes from back.

Radha: Daksh. You came putra.

Daksh: How can you identify me so easily daadima?

Radha: Arre putra, your father used to do the same thing to surprise me. But I always recognised him. Same way I recognised you too bachha. Afterall I am a mother and a grandmother.

Daksh: Ok ok my Beauty Queen. Now feed me something or else I have to starve. And my poor stomach will scold me na.

Radha: Yeah. I was preparing for that only. Your pitamah will also join in a few moments he went to freshen up. You to go and wash your hands.

Daksh: Ok madam. Going.

Daksh went outside and after few minutes came back along with Adhirat. The family had their dinner and slept while talking about various things going on in Magadh and other stuffs.

Next day

It was still dawn. As usual Daksh woke up and went to the banks of Ganga to do his suryapuja. After sunrise he went back to his home where Radha was waiting for him.

Daksh: Suprabhaat pitamahi.

Radha: Suprabhat putra.

Suddenly a soldier came.

Soldier: Mahamahim Bhishma asked for yuvraj Daksh.

Daksh: Ok I will come. You can go now.

Adhirath: Why did he call you?

Daksh: Don't know. Let's go and find out.

Radha: Ok putra. Take care.

Daksh and Adhirat started their journey towards the palace. After a while they reached there and Daksh directly went to Bheeshma's chamber.

Inside Bheeshma's chamber

Bheeshma was busy in his official documents when gaurd announced that Daksh wants to meet him. He immediately gave him permission. Hearing Daksh's name a smile formed on his face. He was ecstatic.
Daksh came and touched his feet.

Daksh: Pranipat Mahamahim.

Bheeshma's : Ayushman bhava putra.

Daksh: How are you?

Bheeshma: I am fine yuvraj Daksh.

Daksh: You wanted to meet me?

Bheeshma: I have many questions. But will you feel bad if I ask those questions?

Daksh: I know that my presence brought several questions to everyone's mind. But I will try to answer your questions anyhow.

Bheeshma: It's nothing like that putra. I am just confused. You call karna father. But we all know that Karn didn't marry. You saved putri Draupadi from giving up on her life. And even at this little age of 18 you are such a strong warrior. I am not able to join any of these knots to form some clue.

Hearing all these Daksh laughed loud. Bheeshma was presenting his confusions like a small child curious to know about Daksh.

Daksh: Sorry for laughing in the middle. But your curiosity made you look like a 5 year old kid who is eager to know more. Well, everyone has confusion about my true identity. I can tell you and remove all your confusions. But can you really bear the truth?

Bheeshma: I can. You say.

Daksh: Have a seat. And hold some thing for your support. Because you may get some shock.

Daksh then went to every corner of the chamber to see if there was any spy of that Shakuni or not. Then he went back to Bheeshma.

Daksh: It's true that I am not biological son of pitashree. But that didn't alter his love for me even a little bit.

Bheeshma: Yeah I know that. But who is your mother? Do you have any clue as you know that you are not biological son of Karn.

Daksh: Yes I know. But you will not be able to bear the shock Mahamahim.

Bheeshma: Tell me if you are comfortable.

Daksh: I am eldest son of Agnisuta Draupadi.

Bheeshma: What? How is this even possible that you are son of Draupadi and no-one knows about it.

Daksh: It's truth Mahamahim. I am her son. But nobody knows. Only Radha pitamahi, Adhirat pitamah, kakashree krishna knows about my birth. I am part of the boon that she asked from mahadev in her previous birth. She prayed to Mahadev to get me as her son.

Bheeshma was numb. He didn't know how to react

Daksh: Yes. According to Mahadev's boon she will have a son who will have all the five qualities she asked for in her husband. Since the five qualities have been divided among the Pandavas so she was curious if the boon was valid or not. She asked mahadev to fulfill the boon and bless her with a son. But before taking me to the palace she indirectly asked Samrat Yudhisthir But that didn't happen as samrat Yudhisthir if he would accept me or not. But samrat Yudhisthir didn't accept me because according to him that may bring shame to the vansh according to samrat and that led Samragyi Draupadi to abandon me. But my Kakashree krishna saved me in the right time and handed me over to my pitashree. And my matamah Agni Dev gave me powers to control fire.

Bheeshma: I don't know what to say. So much happened and I don't know. I wish Yudhishthir's answer was different. I would be glad to have you as my great grand son. But I still can't believe my ears.

Daksh: You can ask Mata Ganga. She was one of the witnesses when my Vasudev Shree Krishna named me Daksh in front of Samragyi Draupadi and my father.

All of a sudden Daksh started to feel uneasy. He could predict that something very bad is gonna happen. And that bad thing is related to Pandavas, especially Draupadi. But what he had to find out. He went to a nearby mashaal and used his powers to see what was going to happen. What he saw angered him more. Bheeshma noticed this sudden change in him.

Bheeshma: What happened?

Daksh: I can't say now Mahamahim. But allow me to leave now. I am needed somewhere else.

Saying so he moved out leaving a confused and startled Bheeshma behind. Bheeshma went to his mother immediately to know what exactly happened and when and how.

At the banks of Ganga

Bheeshma went to the banks of Ganga and called his mother. Soon a divine looking beautiful women came out of the water. She was none other than Devi ganga. Bheeshma went forward and touched her feet.

Bheeshma: Pranipat Mata.

Ganga: Ayushman bhava putra Devrath. Why have you called me all of a sudden?

Bheeshma: Mata you know why I came here.

Ganga: yes I know. Ok. Ask what you want to know. But don't you believe your great grand son?

Bheeshma: Mata I do believe him. But I want to know everything about his birth from you. Please tell me. Who is Daksh actually? What is the secret behind his birth?

Ganga: Ok. So listen. You all know about Draupadi's boon because Krishna said that at the time of her wedding. But that was half part of the boon. The other part of the boon is only known to Draupadi, Krishna, Karn and Daksh.

Bheeshma: Half part? Then what is the other part Mata?

Ganga: As everyone knows her boon from Mahadev was to have a husband who is righteous, a husband whose strength is equivalent to 1000 elephants, a husband who is a great archer, a husband who is handsome and a husband who is wise. Mahadev warned her to rethink about her boon. But she was adamant. So he granted her to have 5 husbands with one quality each. Nalayini ( Draupadi) was shocked by the revelation that the boon she asked for had turned into a curse as society doesn't support polyandry. So she again asked mahadev to grant her another boon. In her second boon she asked for a son whose father will have all the 5 qualities and her son will also have all the five qualities. Mahadev agreed. She thought that this boon will ensure that she gets married to only one man with all the qualities. Only Karn had all the qualities but she rejected him at her swayamvar and married Arjun which led her to marry all the Pandavas in order to fulfill Mahadev's boon.

Bheeshma was stunned to know about the boon and all. But managed to let his other questions out of his mouth with great difficulty.

Bheeshma: So Daksh is really the son she asked for as a boon from Mahadev. But why did she decide to abandon him? Why did Karn adopt him?

Ganga: As Daksh told you already, she had to abandon him because Yudhishthir didn't accept the child. But she could have convinced him to accept Daksh by revealing the truth. But she rather decided to know his point of view in an indirect way. And as per Mahadev's boon, Daksh's father will have all the qualities that Draupadi asked for. So when she was about to flow the baby in my water, Krishna came and made her understand and later he handed him over to Karn and Karn adopted him.

Bheeshma: Mata, why didn't Karn marry any other girl. Daksh could have a mother then.

Ganga: That son of mine is just like my other son that is you. He vowed celibacy after the death of his first wife and son.

Bheeshma: What? Who was his wife?

Ganga: When karn returned to Hastinapur after receiving education from Bhagwan Parshuram, he got married to his childhood friend Vrushali. Duryodhan also attended his wedding. Vrushali was a very simple village girl from sut community only. So she never lived in Anga. After few months of marriage Vrushali got pregnant with their first child. Everything was going good. But then suddenly one day..


Unknown woman: Mata, are you ready? Let's go then.

Unknown woman 2: Yes yes I am ready. Let's get going. And Radhey will also join the journey tommorow so we should leave now.

So the first woman is Vrushali and the second one is Radha maa. They were going towards Anga as karn strictly said that at the time of child birth his Vrushu must stay in Anga along with his mother so that there would be less problem. So both the women were going to start their journey and Karn will be joining them tommorow on the way itself as he had gone to some kingdom for some political affair.

As per the plan Vrushali and Radha maa started moving towards Anga in a chariot with some other passengers among which some were middle aged women and some old and middle aged men. They were travelling for a long time. And soon the sun set below the horizon marking the beginning of night. From the starting itself they were travelling in a moderately good speed so their destination was not even a prahar away. So they didn't stop travelling. But some unusual events occurred that day unfortunately. Suddenly a group of 4 dacoits attacked them. There was chaos all around. People tried to run away but those dacoits threatened them. They snatched everything the passengers had. But they were not satisfied. Their eyes fell on Vrushali.

Dacoit 1: Hey you, girl. Come here.

Vrushali was shaking by that time. She didn't even know that she was being called untill one of them pulled her hair and made her look at the group leader.

Radha: Please i beg you. Leave her. Please. Leave my child. Please for god's sake. Don't do anything to her.

Group leader: Hey you shut up old woman. We will do whatever we want. You cannot stop us. And why should we miss the chance? Afterall your daughter is so beautiful.

Vrushali: Please leave me. Please. I have a child inside me. Please I beg you. Leave me.

The group leader suddenly slapped her. He slapped her so hard that she feel on the ground. But she had her hand on her belly as if securing her child. The leader again pulled her head up and slapped her hard a multiple times. By then her soft face turned red. Her eyes were swollen and lips were bleeding. But the next thing they did was even more brutal. They kicked her. They kicked her right on her stomach and Vrushali gasped out of pain. She closed her eyes shut as it was very difficult to take such a hard blow. All the dacoits started laughing and the people present there could not even look up. Radha was crying and yelling at them to stop. But the dacoits didn't spare the old lady also. The kept a knife at her throat and seeing this Vrushali signalled her mother-in-law to stop yelling or else they will kill her. But the worst was yet to come. Suddenly the group leader started dragging her behind a nearby tree. Vrushali was shouting so much. She was telling them to leave her and she was in so much pain. Her hips started to bleed with the action of dragging. But those bustards didn't stop there. They took her behind the huge tree. And ripped her clothes. The sound was clearly audible in the silent forest. The sobs and cries of Vrushali soon turned into heart wretching screams. They took turns and the 4 of them didn't leave a single chance in breaking her soul, body and mind. They crossed every limit. She was on the verge of loosing her conscious. So the dacoits left her there only. Soon they vanished in the forest. By the time they left it was almost midnight. Soon the women went towards Vrushali. Radha was not in a state to react. So other women had to go there and what they saw was enough to traumatize anyone. Now they can't even think of the what Vrushali is going through. She was bleeding not only from her feminine organ but also from other parts of the body. Her head was bleeding. Her face had marks of fingers and slaps. Her body including her baby bump had blue and purple marks as well as scratches. Those who looked at her were sure that the baby was no more. But it was important for her to gain back her consciousness. And if the baby is dead then it should be removed as soon as possible. They made her wear clothes. After a long time she became concious. And when she woke up, her eyes were blank. Her face had no expressions. She remembered everything that happened with her. No one except Vrushali, knew what was going inside her. She literally wanted to die. But when she touched her bump she remembered that she still has her baby. Maybe she did not loose all the hopes. But soon another heart wretching scream was heard.

Meanwhile Karn who was travelling alone thought to cross the forest soon and he would surprise his wife and mother by reaching soon. And according to his calculation they would cross the forest tommorow and maybe till now they just reached they outskirts of the forest. It was a small forest and would not take a long time to cross. So he started his journey at midnight only. When he was in the middle of journey he heard a scream. A scream that could make ears bleed. And he found it similar. Quickly he went to that direction. He soon reached there and what he saw, shocked him to the core.

He saw his Radha maa sitting on the ground with a blank face. Women surrounding stood in a circular way holding sarees like curtains. And screams were coming from insider that circle when he was about to go to his mother a man stopped him.

Man 1: Mahoday please don't give us more pain. Please we already suffered so much. Please.

Karn: But why would I harm you. Mahoday. I am karn, king of Anga. And the woman sitting over there is my mother.

The men's eyes went wide.

Man 2: Hey Angraj, May God give you strength to face the future.

But karn was very much confused. He was searching for Vrushali. But she was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly another scream was heard. nd this time he recognised the voice. It was his Vrushu who was screaming. But why would she scream. And why are women surrounding her like this. He went towards his mother and started calling her. Getting no response he started shaking her.

Karn: Radha maa! Radha maa! What is happening Radha Maa? Why are they surrounding Vrushali like this? Why is she screaming? They are not even letting me in.

Radha came to her senses after hearing her son's voice. She was looking at her son and suddenly burst into tears.

Radha: Radhey!!! Radhey I couldn't save her Radhey. I couldn't save her from them.

Radha with a lot of difficulty told him everything. Every single thing that happened to Vrushali. Karn was now breathing heavily. His eyes were red due to anger. He looked like a raging bull who was ready to kill those bustards who did this to his wife. A few moments later a woman came out with a something in her hand which was wrapped in a red yellow cloth. Karn jumped up and went towards that lady.

Karn: How is my wife. Where is she. Let me see her please. Why are you not saying anything.

But suddenly his eyes fell on the yellow bundle in her hands. He looked closely and found a very small baby inside it. His eyes became teary.

Karn: This... This baby....My son. Give him to me. My son. My Vrishasena.

Karn noticed that the baby was breathing so slowly. He was scared at first. He didn't want to hurt the baby. But at the same time he was happy. He became a father. Though the baby was premature but he prayed to God to save his baby. Soon the women moved and he saw his Vrushali laying on the ground. Her eyes were half open. She immediately went to her and sat on the ground beside her with the baby on his lap.

Karn: Vrushali see our child. Open you eyes Vrushali. See naa. He looks just like you. Won't you look at him. See I am here na. Everything will be alright. Vrushu, say something please.

Vrushali: Arya, Arya I am sorry. I couldn't save our child. He got hurt because of me.

Karn: No no Vrushali, see our child is fine. And now we will go to Anga and provide him the best treatment and you will see that our son will run around the entire palace and you would be fed up of his shenanigans. And have patience Vrushu. You will be alright too.

All these sounded like he was not assuring his wife but himself. Though both husband and wife were crying but karn was trying his best to console Vrushali. But she knew that her end is near.

Vrushali: No Arya. I wouldn't be able to make it. I feel so weak. I know this is difficult for you. But please handle yourself. I know our son will never let you feel my absence. Our son will be the reason of your happiness. After so many struggles in life he will be your peace. And Arya, I love you so much. But now it's time.

Karn: Vrushali, no Vrushu, please, don't leave me like this. Please. I beg you Vrushali. I can't take this much pain. There is a limit na. Vrushali everything will be fine and.. and I lo....

Before he could complete his sentence Vrushali's soul left her body. Karn was looking at her lifeless face.

Karn: ...and I love you too....

Today his life lost its rainbow. She was the colour to his fade life the shine of suryaputra. And her death caused left a deep wound on his heart and sole. Still he had some hopes. Because he had his son in his arms. So he looked down at his son who was sleeping peacefully in his lap. But something about the child was unusual. He brought his child closer buthe didn't feel any breathing. He even placed his head on the child's chest. But the heart was not beating any more. And that day he lost all the happiness of his life. He became a a lifeless person. He lost his wife and then his son. And now he had no hope to survive.

Flashback ends

Bheeshma: So much happened in his life and no one knew about it. I don't... I don't know what to say mata. When Pandu died i was so much in grief. But I can't even imagine the pain Karn went through. And his wife Vrushali, that poor girl had to suffer so much.

Ganga: Putra, you know, Daksh looks similar to Vrushali. And Karn sometimes thought that vrishasena took rebirth as Daksh. Daksh filled his life again with happiness. And now he is living again like a human. And he never married anyone else because he loved Vrushali so much to get married again.

Bheeshma: Ok Mata thank you for telling me the truth. I will take care of my great grand son. I wish Draupadi for once accepted the truth like Kunti. I would have made it sure that Daksh gets his right.

Ganga: It's destiny putra. You know the truth of karn. But still nothing can be done. You can't make him sit on the throne of Hastinapur. Even if Draupadi accepts the truth I am not sure if it would help Daksh rule Hastinapur in future. No-one can change it. And he doesn't need it by the way. Because Daksh will ultimately rule whole Aryavart in future. So Hastinapur throne doesn't matter to him.

Bheeshma: Ok mata. I shall leave now.


So how is the chapter guys?
Where do you think Daksh has gone?
The 2nd part of the boon is revealed.
Finally Bheeshma got his answers.
But I will give details of the birth of Daksh next chapter or maybe after that.

If you guys want to give suggestions regarding anything then you can. And please inform me if there is any spelling mistake or anything as I wrote this chapter in haste. And didn't get time for editing

Til then tata good bye.
Loads of love and hugs. 🤗🤗

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