Αηd Τhατs Whεη Ιτ Ηαρρεηεd

By kaileyswims

517 15 14

Kylie Rose Smith is a flawless girl that every body loved, until she was diagnosed with bone cancer at the en... More

1. My Life is Horrible
2. So This Was Fun
3. What The Hell?
4. Okay??
6. AHHH!!!! BEST DAY!!
7. Flashback
8. So Yeah
9. Its Ma Birthday!
10. Ollie's Point Of View
12. Hey Babe
13. NO!
14. Damn Cancer
15. Love

5. Oh La La

32 1 1
By kaileyswims

"Can I at least say something!" Ollie asked Maia.
"Fine what?" Maia looked at him and gave him the death glare. "I can invite Andrew over...if I can talk." He smiled and replied to Maia. "Okay! Say anything you want now" She said.

He smiled and called Andrew. Did Mia like Andrew? Then she leaned over to me and said "hot soon-to-be-boyfriend". I nodded and let out a bit of a laugh.

Oliver came back to us and told us "He will be here in 15 mins." Mia smiled. We played the movie and Ollie touched my shoulder that had cancer and I twitched. Of course I couldn't feel it but no one has ever touched me there before, except like, my doctors and and parents. Maia smacked his hand off.

She stood up and Ollie followed. I could hear them whispering in the other room. She was probably telling him about my cancer. Oh crap.

"Ding dong!" Oliver sprinted to the door and answered it. "Hey man! Looking good!" Andrew said. I looked at him and I get why Maia liked him. He's like really, really cute. But then again, she likes him, so back off idiot. I saw them do the "man hug" or whatever they call it, but this time he stuck his tongue out at Maia.
She rolled her eyes and they all joined me in tv the room.

Andrew sat on one side of Maia and I was beside her and Ollie on the other side of me. We watched another movie it was a horror movie. It was Paranormal Activity 4. We've all seen all of them and we didn't care, but it was the only movie we could all agree on.
It's reviews are good and I love horror movies and so does Maia. Everyone else finds them, well scary.

But, they remind me of how people should normally die, and not by stupid ass bone cancer.

The movie isn't really that scary but we all still like it.
Maia would look at me every now and then. All of a sudden Andrew broke the silence. "Well this is really awkward, and I'm gonna go take a piss,"

And me, Maia, and Ollie, sat in silence, with the movie paused, 'till Andrew came back.

After the movie was over, Ollie asked if I could maybe go outside and have a "private chat" with him about something. So, I have nothing to do, except pretty much be forced to go outside with him, which isn't really a bad thing. By this point my heart was racing.

OMG!! Sorry, getting kinda excited 'bout my own book...Yeah

Anyway, this is where it kinda starts to get romantic with some drama, so ya know, keep reading if u want, or just stop. That's cool too.

Bye loves❤️


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