3. What The Hell?

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"Hey Maia, do you have a older brother?" I asked her on the phone the next day.

"Yep. Why?" She replied. OMG! What the hell?! She had a brother?! Huh??

I told her that I bumped into him in the hospital.

"Wait. I'll be right back." She told me. I heard her run upstairs and yell "Ollie Wally Polly!!!!" I herd him yell back
"Yeah what!"

"Did you run into someone named Kylie yesterday?"

"Yeah why?" Then I heard her ever so quietly say

"If you hook up with my god damn best friend, and then hurt her, I will squash you to pieces and you'll wish you've never been born you butthead." Then it was silent.

"Is she on the phone down stairs" My hot lovely lover asked. Yeah Kylie. You wish. That's never gonna happen.

"Yep" Maia said.

"Get out!" He kind of yelled at her. I heard her stomp out of his room and down the stairs.

"Hey! Did you hear any of that?" She asked. I replied with a no. I didn't want her to know that I heard her very lovely convo with her brother aka my soon-to-be-boyfriend.

"Wanna come over right now?" She said loudly, assuming that Ollie would hear.

"Sure. I'll ask."

So I asked and my mother said yes.

"Okay I'll come over." I said. Then she replied with a loud squeal and the phone line at a dead end.
That ass. I thought to myself as I got changed out of supper fluffy and comfy pjs and into an outfit/look to impress someone *hint hint*

So, how's everyone?? Sorry this isn't romantic, but Bae's it will, it will. Btw, the pic of the outfit is above^

Anyways, I'll be updating again today!

Bye loves❤️


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