12. Hey Babe

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It's one week after that memorable night on my birthday, and Ollie and I have been texting nonstop.

I like texting him. It feels like he's almost right beside me. He helps me forget all my problems, and keep me calm, like nothing is wrong.

Then reality hits me like a bus.

Damn. Life sucks sometimes.

But, he just surprised me.
I got a ding from my phone, telling me I have a new text, and guess who it was. Fucking Ollie Marcs.

Ollie: Hey babe! Meet me at my house at 11:00am tomorrow morning!

Me: Why??

Ollie: just trust me, it'll be fun ;). And wear just casual nice clothes, do your hair nice and whateves, but bring all your money you have.

Me: Um okay so I'm going to your house, at 11, not even knowing what we are doing?

Ollie: Pretty much. Bye babe😘

So, that night, i slept with my mind wandering about where we were going. I woke up, dressed up kinda casual, skinny jeans, nirvana muscle tank and converse shoes. I put on some makeup, but not so I look like a freak, oh wait, I already am one.

Anyways, I was driving to his house turning the music on, not even noticing that I almost ran into a stop sign (oops). I parked my car at their house, and I didn't even have to knock before a beaming Ollie opened the door. Then, Maia runs down the stairs, "I knew you guys were together!! Your so cute, it's actually pathetic." She says to us before running and hugging me.

Then like right after I walked in the door, another knock came from behind the door. Maia opens it this time to a standing Andrew, also in casual clothes. Not to fancy, not to lazy, perfect.

Ah shut up Kylie you have a fucking boyfriend! I said to myself before looking at Maia, then to Ollie, then to Andrew, and back to Maia.

Andrew was the first one to speak, "So what are we doing. I'm confused." "Well, we are going to go out, on a double date. Kinda. I invited Andrew, and Ollie invited Kylie," Maia replied with a joyful smile.

"So where are we going??" I asked.

"You'll see," Maia and Ollie said in sync.

"No really where the hell are we going?? I think this is illegal!!" Andrew blurted out from sitting beside me in the back seat of Ollie's car, driving to God knows where!!

We drove not that long, pulled up, and looked out the window. "The fucking mall? Aren't mainly white girls supposed to go to the mall?!" Andrew said. Maia told him to shut up or we're going back. He never said anything stupid after that hehe.


As we went into the mall, surprisingly it wasn't that busy for a Saturday.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Ollie asked me and Maia.

"Well, let's go to-" but Maia was cut off by Andrew "-babe, please don't list out all the places. Let's just walk around until you find a store you like," Andrew exclaimed. Good thing I brought all my money.

We walked around, went in a few stores, but then Ollie and I got all of a sudden really hungry. So, we ate at A&W, then later Maia and I got Starbucks. I need to go on a diet, I'm already fat enough.

After our lunch, Maia jumped up and down and said, "let's go actually buy something! That's why the hell you go shopping!!!"

So, of course, we went on a huge shopping haul. Ollie and I held hands most of the time, except when we physically couldn't. Andrew had his arm around Maia. Damn they were so cute. But Ollie is bae. He's there for me, respects me, and treats me like a princess.

"Hey babe, this would look great on you," he said while holding up a beautiful light blue dress. It was gorgeous. It was strapless, but you could add straps too. It had a sweetheart neckline, and that part was white laced, and then the bottom was flowy and a light blue/baby blueish greenish colour. It was beautiful.
He begged me to try it on, but first I had to find a strapless bra to go with it.

So, once I had everything I liked (including the dress which they had in my size), I went to try the stuff on while Ollie sat and waited for me to come out in the outfits. I first tried on the dress.

It fit perfectly. I loved it. So, I went out to show Ollie.

He just starred at me, frozen.
"Ky, you look beautiful," he said before blushing, and of course, I blushed too.

He's so cute.

"Well I don't think I'm beautiful, I'm ugly, and this dress is beautiful, not me, but if you really think so, then I don't know cuz nobody has ever said anything like that and I don't know," I said without taking a breath, and I could feel tears coming. Dammit.

Ollie ran over to me and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"Sweetheart, your the only beautiful girl in this world," he said before placing a long and comforting kiss on my lips.

"Pathetic," Maia said while smirking at us.
"Yeah, like you guys are any different," Ollie replied back to Maia, giving her a glare.

After trying on the other clothes, which only 3/6 looked good on me, we went to pay. "I'll pay for the dress," Ollie whispered in my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my ear. "No, I can't let you," I whispered back to him. "Yes, I'm paying. Stop," Ollie said back to me. Ollie went to buy the dress first.
"That's 70 dollars and 85 cents sir," the cashier said to Ollie. 70 bucks for a dress. Crap, my others are like $20. He pulled out his wallet and smiled at me.

When he paid, and I paid, we waited for Maia and Andrew. "You shouldn't have paid for that," I said to him before looking him in the eye. "It was my pleasure," he said with a smirk.


After about like 3 more hours of shopping, we were all dead. Like literally, we couldn't walk, or hold any more bags from all the stores.

"Okay, I'm done," We all said at the same time. We walked back to the car, threw our bags in, and drove home.

"That was fun," Maia said while twirling her long hair between her fingers. We had gotten our hair and makeup done. My hair was already short, a bit past shoulder length, but I got a little trim, and died a bit of the ends a pink/red colour. Ollie's favourite colour is red, so he loved it. Again, Ollie insisted on paying for some of my stuff, but I kinda loved him for that.

I sat in the back of the car beside Maia, counting my money. I started out with $250, now I have $50.



OMG guys I'm so sorry about how damn long this took!! I had the idea of this chapter in my head, then I forgot what it was so I had to write most of what I could remember AHHH.

But OMG Mexico was amazing! It was so hot, and I loved it!! I miss it :(
But, I'll try to update ASAP
Plus my teacher is like "this is due blah blah blah, this is due blah blah blah" ugh I had like 4 assignments due.

Bye loves😘


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