
By elephantsandflowers

9.5K 529 2.2K

"We'll be together until the end of time," 2016 Prince. More

Sixteen part one.
Sixteen part two.
Sixteen part three.
Sixteen part four.
Sixteen part five.
Sixteen part six.
Sixteen part seven.
Seventeen part two.
Seventeen part three.
Seventeen part four.
Seventeen part five.
Seventeen part six.
Seventeen part seven.
Nineteen part two.
Nineteen part three.
Nineteen part four.
Nineteen part five.
Nineteen part six.
Twenty-Two part two
Twenty-two part three


363 19 43
By elephantsandflowers

"How much do you love me?" She asked, walking around the soundstage in a sundress that was too short for her boyfriend's liking.

"On what scale?" He replied, walking towards her with a smug look on his face. She wondered how he had the energy to be made up 24/7. He always went all out. Makeup, dressed like he was going to the Oscars, and the heels..Mya always thought that he was the only man that could pull them off, and he did it effortlessly.

"Whatever," She mumbled. Eyeing her outfit from head to toe, Prince licked his lips and acted like he was thinking. "Hm..well, how does infinity sound?" Mya playfully rolled her eyes before nodding in approval. "I love you."

"I know." He whispered, leaning in to kiss her lips before stopping. "I love you,"


The rest of the morning went by in a blur of pleasure as Mya and Prince spent hours taking advantage of his new found energy that would only last a short time. They'd had the place to themselves ever since the party and Prince had specific instructions for the staff to not return until he said so, and for some odd reason, he had them return for half a day starting that afternoon, even though he would've preferred to stay in bed to partake in more love making sessions with Mya, who was kissing his thighs with a smirk on her face as he trembled, holding back the noises that were making their way up his throat. She made her way to his hip bone and smirked in victory when his eyes closed. "Don't be silent now.." She mumbled, being taken off guard when she was flipped on her back and felt his hands on her knees before he moved his body between her legs and copied her smirk from moments prior. "Your turn," He whispered, listening as the sounds of pleasure filled the room with just a few thrusts.

"Oh my God, is that the iconic red jumpsuit of P's?" Amber asked later that afternoon as him and Mya walked into the clothing department hours after their last round. "You wear it better than him..and let me tell you something, he looked sexy." She whispered lowly so he couldn't hear. Mya snickered and shook her head. She was so happy and content for the first time since leaving, she prayed it stayed that way.

"I'll be back babe, don't go anywhere." He said, kissing her cheek and raising his eyebrows at Amber. "Don't be talking about me, neither." Mya smirked as she watched him walk away with a slight limp. When he was out of sight, Amber crossed her arms over her chest with a knowing look.

"You've been having sex all morning," Amber said bluntly as Mya ignored the statement and continued to fix the concealer on her neck as she held back a laugh. "I knew it! You're covering a hickey. You know how I know?" She asked. "When you thought I wasn't here, you'd come to cover them with P, it was between you and him, but you would always laugh because you were afraid of getting caught." Amber finished, watching as the girl who made Prince commit, fix her hair to make it look presentable.

"Considering how hard you're blushing, I'd say he's still a master in bed." Hitting Amber's arm, Mya just bit her lip as Prince returned in a pair of heels and an eyeliner tube. "Fix me up, please?" He asked, sitting against the vanity in the same position as before and counted the hours until another event that would be taking place on the Soundstage.


"Brian, I just don't understand why she'd keep it from me!" Bella whined as they pulled up to Paisley Park just as the party was getting started. "I had to Google her! We were supposed to be best friends," She mumbled as they both got out of the car and walked through the side entrance.

"She's a very private person, Bella. Her life with Prince was something she never talked about with anyone. I still don't know why she left. But, her and him were long broken up by the time she moved to New York. Maybe she didn't mention it because it wasn't important at the time." Brian replied, smiling softly as the woman of the hour walked up to them with a coke can in her hand.

"Is that P's jumpsuit?" Brian asked, watching Bella glance over at Mya with a small smile. "You're already back to wearing his clothes? I mean did you.." He couldn't finish his sentence fully before Prince came and greeted them both. "Bella, you look wonderful, is that custom made?" Prince asked, gaining her attention.

"Yeah, Mya had it made in New York. She always had an eye for things like that. I guess that's why she looks so good in that jumpsuit of yours," She replied, smirking as she embraced her friend and hugged her tight, the both of them apologizing to one another and pulling away when a man tapped Mya on the shoulder. "Miss Mya, bring your man out where it's not so loud and introduce me, yeah?" He whispered before disappearing into the crowd of people.

Grabbing his hand, she led Prince out the double doors and walked to a secluded space with couches and a table before sitting down. It was just them two and because they were alone, she could see the sweat start to form on his face. "Here, take one of these," She whispered, reaching into her coat pocket and taking out a packet before popping two strips out of their packaging and handing him one. "This will keep you from withdrawing until the party's over. You'll start to if you don't." He skeptically looked at her and sighed, knowing he wasn't ready for that.

"How do you do it?" He asked, looking at the strip in her hand. "It goes under your tongue. It also helps with cravings, so.." She trailed off, putting the first one under her tongue and watching him do the same as he gagged and scrunched his face.

"Why'd you take one?" Mya smiled softly, laying her head on his shoulder as a sigh escaped her lips. "I'm craving a little tonight. I need to call my sponsor. But that can wait till later. I want you to meet a friend of mine." She said just as the man who tapped her shoulder appeared. He was tall, had a few tattoos, his eyes were a piercing blue, and he had brown hair. Prince stood up, extending his hand.

"I'm John, an old friend of Mya's. It's nice to finally meet you. She turned me into a admirer I must say. You're fantastic." John said sincerely, shaking his hand. "Did she now?" Prince asked, turning his head towards Mya who stuck her tongue out. "I'm Prince, nice to meet you man,"

John sat across from the two, taking notice of the glow radiating off her skin and the sparkle in her eye that he hadn't seen since she first spoke of her ex. "You look happy," He said. "I haven't seen you this happy since you first introduced me to his music," Mya blushed, hiding her face in the crease of Prince's neck.

"So, how do you know this lovely woman?" Prince asked with curiosity as John looked at Mya who nodded with an encouraging smile. "I met Mya when she was in her twenties. Her father did some business with my family and we hit it off. She would never allow me to get to know her more seriously because she said her heart and soul belonged to her boyfriend. I had no idea she was talking about you," John paused, clearing his throat.

"I had no idea what was happening to her, neither did my parents until she showed up at my door one morning. She could barely walk. She told me she was in the deep in of drugs, and there were times I'd catch her in my bathroom." He mumbled, sighing softly. "I tried to get her help. But if an addict isn't ready, the help won't work. She stayed over quite often and she'd always play records, you specifically, when she was at her lowest. I asked her about it one day and she said the artist calmed her soul and took her back to happier times." Mya smiled as she realized Prince was intensively listening to every word. "I chewed her out when I caught her father's shooting her up. But, it was like she wasn't there. She was whispering lyrics to a song and when the drugs took affect, the guy shut the door to her bedroom and locked it." Prince sighed, his heart sank as he listened.

"I was the person she had at the time. She'd confide in me and tell me things. The first time I asked about you, her eyes lit up as I was covering her face with makeup. Man, we talked about you for hours. She was so proud of you. I asked if you knew, she shook her head and said you could never know because you had a no drugs tolerance. She wrote you letters, I read some of them by accident one day when she was at her father's." Mya laughed. "But I wasn't there when everyone left. She never came back." John finished, saying one last thing. "When I heard she linked up with the man she played for hours, I just had to come see it for myself."

John smirked, watching Mya drink the untouched Coke can on the table and cross her legs as she sat in silence. "So, how'd you two meet? Enlighten me." He asked, leaning forward with his elbows on the table and a wide smile on his face. He loved Mya liked a little sister, and Prince could tell that. "Well.."

Mya cut him off by kissing his lips and John watched in amusement as Prince picked her up and threw her over his shoulder in a playful manner as a squeal was heard. "P, put me down so I can say bye. Geez don't be rude!" Laughing, John hugged her and with a smirk, stood in front of and swirled his hips before whispering in her ear. "Go get some more girl, and call me later. You sure he's not gay? He's fine. I'd bang that too!"

Mya snickered and whispered back so low Prince couldn't hear. "Oh I will, and sorry babe, but that fine man is all mine. I don't bang, I make love. Tell Eric I said hey and go get you some.." John blushed and shook Prince's hand. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for bringing the light back in her soul. I'll see you soon." Waving, John walked back into the corner.

Turning to Prince Mya raised her eyebrows as he was staring with the same idea. "He's nice. Thanks for letting him meet me," Mya nodded, kissing his lips once more and dragging him to a place no one would ever come into. "Before you become miserable," She started, slowly taking her coat off and locking the door. "Let's bang,"

Prince watched her walk towards him and all he could was obey, the thought of being caught red handed didn't even cross his mind as he placed her down on the couch in the corner of the room.


"How'd you do this?" He mumbled, struggling to get up from his position on the bathroom floor as his symptoms hit him full force on the way upstairs. He felt like he'd been hit by a freight train. His headache was more intense and his stomach was cramping so bad that he couldn't stand up without dry-heaving. Mya stood behind him and watched his back muscles tense from the pain he was experiencing. Mya softly picked him off the ground and ignored his pleas for her to not to touch him. "It hurts," He whispered, even his hair follicles hurt. Pulling the sheet back, Mya softly laid him down before unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it over his head before doing the same with his pants.

"I know P, I know you're hurting," She whispered, wiping the tears from his cheeks very slowly with her thumb as she turned the light out and stripped out of the jumpsuit that clung to her body and putting it in the hamper in the bathroom. Seeing him fast asleep in the fetal position he had been in the night prior, she changed into a pair of white pajamas and placed a little trash can on his side of the bed before crawling into bed beside him and attempting to doze off but the sound of his groans as he attempted to throw up kept her awake all night long. Telling him he'd be okay as he laid in the bathroom floor barely clothed and shaking as his body attempted to break his 104.8 fever was something that she never wanted to re-live. He was hurting just as she was and it brought back memories she hadn't thought about in almost two decades.

"Here babe, this'll help you. I promise," She whispered softly, watching him take the Tylenol she had gotten from her suitcase and swallow it down. It was past four in the morning and as he finally slept, she was wide awake, staring at the man she hurt so badly.


"Good morning sir, Mya requested that you have something easy on the stomach, so she actually prepared it herself this morning," Ray said happily as Prince sat down and smiled. "Thank you, what do you mean she fixed it herself? She should be sleeping," Ray shook his head.

"She went on a walk and said she'd be back before you got up. She mentioned having to make a phone call," Nodding, Prince didn't think anything about it until she didn't come back.

"Hey P, it's some John guy. He's called at least twenty times," Kirk said an hour later causing Prince to get up from his spot at the sound table and walk into his office, shutting the door. "Hey man, what's up?" John was out of breath and it took him a minute to gain his composure before he said something that made Prince freeze.

"It's Mya..I..I found her underneath the bridge by your place and I don't know what to do. She won't stop seizing." He tuned John out after he said he found Mya and was up and out the front door in a matter of seconds along with Kirk and Brian.


Chapter SIX of "TIME" is here and you know what? I'm just going to leave this here. I know this chapter is a lot. Once I got in the groove, I couldn't stop.

There's going to be one more update before I go out of town Saturday. The happy times are coming and I'm so excited.

Introducing, John! He's one of my favorite characters ever. You'll be seeing more of him for sure. As you read, there's some more insight into Mya's past. (: P's withdrawal hurts my heart every time I write it.

Also...the beginning 🙊

Until next time...


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