Sixteen part six.

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Prince's POV:

Hearing a soft whisper fill the room very early the next morning, I slowly opened my eyes to see Mya dancing around the room with baby P in her arms. He was wide awake and seemed as though he was listening very intensely to what she was whispering to him. I laid there and watched her, thinking about our future, thinking about how far she's come from when we first met, thinking of her words to me about not being capable of bringing a child into the world. "He's staring at you," I whispered, smiling softly at my clothes on her body as Mya locked eyes with me and half smiled back. The baby in her arms was very content where he was and I figured by the tired look on her face that they had been up a long while.

Swinging my legs over the bed, I stretched my body and walked over to the piano on the floor before I sat down in front of it, placing my fingers on the keys when I felt Mya sit beside me. "Go on babe," She whispered encouragingly. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting my fingers float across the keys as a soft melody of Elephants and Flowers left my lips without me realizing. I felt peace wash over me for the first time since we had been there. "I think I'm gonna fall in love tonight.." I sang softly, using one hand to play and the other to play with Mya's hair since her head had made its way into my lap. She was staring at me with a smile on her face, I could feel it. We were in our own world and even though she was trying to hide her pain from me, in the moment, she was failing. But I didn't let her know that I knew. Instead, I continued playing and moved my right hand from her hair, to her stomach, gently pushing down on the tense area with my palm when I switched songs.

"Harder," Mya whispered, rubbing baby P's back and opening her eyes when I stopped playing and looked down at her with a knowing look. "You're hurting," I said, feeling her body shake as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I let the melody of Do Me, Baby flow throughout the room while I did what she asked and felt the curve of her very unnoticeable baby bump against my palm as I dug harder into the area I was massaging before. I sang quietly, afraid of waking up other patients as Mya whispered the words with her legs outstretched, thinking I couldn't hear her. Baby P's hand wrapped around Mya's finger and I realized that despite the circumstances we were in, this is what I wanted. I wanted a family with Mya. I longed for her to come back one day, for us to resume where we left off and now that we had, I felt whole again.

Feeling her get up, I knitted my eyebrows together until I saw her rummage through the cabinets with one hand, the other was holding baby P steady against her chest until she found an extra blanket and spread it on the floor by my leg. She gently laid him on it, watching as he stretched out on his back, the backpack that contained his feeding pump was laid beside him and Mya resumed her position with her head in my lap and rested one of her hands on baby P's stomach, softly rubbing it as she waited for me to play more. She was fully covered with the blanket she brought down and I smiled, moving my left hand across the piano once again while continuing to help Mya get relief in whatever way I could.

Pulling the other blanket baby P was laying on closer to her, I felt Mya's body curl into a fetal position as she laid on her side and seemed to ignore the silent alarm going off. She stared at my hands sitting still on the keys as I watched the monitor on the wall display high heart rates for her and the baby. "Play for me, I know you miss it," She whispered softly, not daring to tell me the truth when she glanced up and smiled. She was ignoring the seriousness of the situation and I stared at the monitor until a knock on the door snapped me out of it. "Come in," I said loud enough for whoever it was to hear my response. Mya's right arm was across baby P's stomach and they were both trying to fall asleep just as Dr. Smith walked in the room.

Time Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora