What Is Real?

By Motive8889

32.6K 349 46

When life is tough and end you.... You write your own story More

Ch 2
Ch 3
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Ch 5
Ch 6

Ch 1

4.2K 63 11
By Motive8889

In the forest of death, naruto crash into a tree and want straight through other trees, he spit out blood as he feel his ribs broken and parts of the broken ribs pierce one of his lungs, orochimaru land right in fort of him and he smiled as he took out his sword Kusanagi, naruto tried to got up but he stabbed by snake sannin

Orochimaru: aww poor naruto, unwanted by your mother, father, sister, brother and now even by your teammates it's really funny hhahaha

Naruto look back to place where his team was to see no one there, he felt his heart being crashed, he was abandoned again this time it was his team the ones he thought he could trust to be there for him, the tears want to fall but they never did not a single one, naruto look up at orochimaru as slowly his eyes started to glow red, the snake summoner slammed his foot into the stomach of naruto making the blonde spit out more blood

Orochimaru: thanks to you boy, I couldn't give the cure mark to sasuke so you stop me from getting my prefect body

Naruto was started to close his eyes as orochimaru took out his sword from the body of naruto only for to stab him in the heart then orochimaru left the dying uzumaki

Naruto just laid there with emotionless look, he was going to die in the forest alone like he always was, maybe if he wasn't so weak, he have survived this, if he wasn't weak, maybe he could have saved both haku and zabuza, just maybe if he wasn't so god damn weak,naruto wish he was stronger that he had the strength to protect other life, if only he had more power to protect himself

As his life departs he finds himself in a void where a few clones of himself but acting differently as if they have different personalities saying the name.


Naruto looked to his side seeing a version of himself frightened and trembled on the floor while repeating the name Motive.

Out of curiosity he starts approaching him. "Hey Naruto?" he called out to his other version not bothered by the sperate personality.

The other Naruto would be startled. "uh, y-you are a-another me?" he said in a trembling voice.

Naruto asks "Who is Motive?"

A worrily dimented Naruto would say. "H-he c-created me but I k-killed him...."

Naruto would be surprised by this and knows why he would see his alternative self be worrily dimented. He realized this version of naruto is a pacifist. Not only he is different version of him but reveals what he is truly afraid of, taking a life or inflict violence.

"This why I can't save everyone including myself. My fear of violence effects my confidence."

A dimented Naruto would sigh. "Yeah I suppose, I guess now you or me are in power, you could hardly do anything with it,because I or you killed my creator.

Naruto narrowed his eyes
Before shifting to another personality meeting a another version himself who flared at him.

"Oh and look what we have here the narcissist has approached me." A contempt version of himself woukd say.

Naruto flinched a little that he didn't realize that he is actually a narcissist

"OK what's going on here?" Naruto asked

"Didn't you know, we are God now after I killed Motive."

Naruto having trouble to understand this would say. "I don't get it. First I die and now I'm God?"

The contempt version of naruto would scoff. "Don't worry about it. Atleast you can finally get what you at this rate.


In the forest of death Naruto would wake up gasping for air. He observes his hands blowing in bright blue before the fade.

He stands up and begins to realize. Everything around him is beneath him and he has the power. Everyone he has ever known are now ants him. The only important person for him is himself.

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