Our One Night Romance (A Rike...

By MCRlover_19

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Mikey Way loves Ray? how could this happen? Mikey never came off to be gay or to really even have crushes on... More

Chapter One, Inner desires~
Chapter Two, Jealousy~
Chapter Three, Realization
Chapter Four, Strange feels under the moon light~
Chapter Five, Weird Dreams? Talk to Gerard...
Chapter Six Early Morning Blues
Chapter Seven~ Childish~
Chapter Eight Love Bites~
Chapter Ten~ Loving Him Was A Mistake
Chapter Eleven, Let Me Be Your Soldier
Chapter Twelve ~Heart Monitor
Chapter Thirteen Morning Comes
Chapter Fourteen Secrets~
Chapter Fifteen~Bitter Betrayal
Chapter Sixteen I Need You Now!~
Chapter Seventeen Here's To All the Times We Fucked Up.~
Chapter Eighteen I Don't Love you~
Chapter Nineteenth Why Does My Heart Make a Fool Out of Me?
Chapter Twenty One Night Romance (Last Chapter)

Chapter Nine~ so fuckin happy

2.7K 109 225
By MCRlover_19

Chapter Nine~ so fuckin happy

~Mikey's POV~

The whole bus ride I could feel Ray staring at me and when I turned over to see if he was, he would obviously turn away and blush.

I hope he isn't mad at me, I mean kissing him was a mistake...It was...I couldn't control myself and I didn't think about him or Christa or the band or anyone else as a matter of fact, all I could think about was myself...an him...together...GRR! Stop it Mikey Stop it Stop it Stop it!

I looked out the window as our bus made an immediate stop; everyone got up quickly and ran out the door. Everyone except me and Gerard, who was at the front of the tour bus either talking on the phone or just being Gerard and doing Gerard-y things I don't know.

I climbed off the bus and looked around, usually Ray would wait for me by the bus for he could help me get my equipment but he wasn't there, he was already grabbing and taking in his things as fast as he could. Was he avoiding me or was it because we were behind schedule I don't know but I'm starting to get worried that I may have ruined what took me years to build, our friendship.

I slowly walked to the back of the bus and saw Frank and Bob who were staring at me. "What!" I said with an annoyed and intimidating voice.

Frank looked at Bob, whispered something and then looked back at me; Bob nodded to Frank and then walked up to me.

"Mikey, we just want to know...what's up with Ray for real and why is he acting so moody and distant lately? I mean today he yelled at me and Ray never yells at anyone, unless there was something going on now tell me is there something that we can help with or fix?"

I shook my head, grabbing my bass from under the bus as quickly as I could. "Bob, nothing's wrong with him okay, and if it was its none of your business alright. If there were something wrong with Ray don't you think he should tell you himself rather than me telling you? You aren't getting nowhere with asking me because even if there was a problem I'm not going to tell you so how about you drop all this 'worrying' you're doing and move on okay. Rays a grown man and if he wants to keep secrets god dammit let him, okay! Oh and by the way, if he yelled at you maybe it's because you deserved to get yelled at!"

I saw that I left Bob speechless and left it just lke that, walking past him and into the building.


It was literally five minutes before we were on, everyone was ready except me...I mean I was dressed and all but my bass wasn't tuned and I don't think I could tune it fast enough so I had to go to Ray to help me.

Ray was sitting in a chair by the back of the room cleaning of his guitar when I walked up to him.

When he noticed me walking up to him, he started to give me this look that full out screamed nervousness.

"Hey Ray c-could...no I mean can you tune my Bass for me? I-I can't tune it as fast as you can and we have less than four minutes to get out there." I said, timidly holding up my bass for him to grab it.

He smiled, nodded, and apprehensively placed his guitar down only to have it timber over to the floor. "Shit!" He said as got up, pick up the guitar and checked it for any broken strings that the impact could have cause. I giggled at the way he nervously tried to sit it back up and then watched him as he started to frequently bumping and tripping over random objects that seem to have appeared out of nowhere.

It was so cute to see him struggle to not embarrass himself in front of me; it just made me giggle more.

"Ha! What you find my clumsiness funny Mikey Way?" he said, blushing really hard yet smiling really big.

I nodded and laughed out big "Ha! Yeah because it's funny" He pouted as he grabbed my Bass and sat down, he looked for his automatic tuner and started to tune it as fast as he could.

I wanted to talk to him, to tell him how I felt without kissing him but I was scared, I didn't want him to hate me or anything.

It was like he read my mind because the next thing he whimpered out of his mouth was "Mikey...can we talk, about the kiss?"

I looked up at him and acted nonchalant about the topic that he (And basically me) choose to talk about, "Yeah...the kiss..." I said. I tried to lean into the table that was next to me but I complete dorked it up and missed the table completely, landing hard on the floor. I felt like I was back in high school and I was trying to talk to the girl I liked but something embarrassing happened and screws everything up.

"Owe!" I said rubbing my head and looking up. Ray giggled quietly before getting up lending me a hand to help me up but then moved quickly to grab my waist and brought me up to my feet...Just like in one of my dreams...

"You okay Mikey?" he said, still giggling quietly.

"Yeah thanks Ray." I said looking to the floor again, trying to hide the mass flush of color that filled my checks and forehead.

Ray laughed and he pulled me closer to him, not to close that we were skin to skin but close enough that I could reach his lips if I wanted to kiss him again, which I really did. I notice that he was still holding my waist firmly. He quickly brought his right index finger to my chin so that I was looking at him and not the ground anymore and he smiled.

He gave me a look that spoke hope to me and start to say "About the kiss...you honestly confused me Mikey Way, I now don't know what I want...but at the moment I can say I really enjoyed the kiss and I really do l-l-"

Just as he was about to finish, he let go off me and looked up. I turned around to see Gerard standing at the dressing room door. He looked at us and giggled loud, did he see Ray and me did he hear anything Ray just said to me? I'm not sure but I kinda think he did because he's acting like one of those silly fangurls.

"Hehe guys sorry to 'bother' you but it's time for us to go on and we need our lead guitarist and Bassist, like it isn't MCR without the M or the R...then it would just be C and that makes no sense what's so ever so come on guys!" he said before running out of the room.

I looked up at Ray and smiled, "Gerard's right...he made no sense at all..."

Ray laughed and turned around to get both my Bass and his Guitar. "When does Gerard ever make sense?" he said laughing louder.

I smiled and nodded, grabbing my bass from him."true" I said before leaving the room.

Ray followed close behind, he stopped me in the hall and whispered quietly in my ear "Hey Mikey, what I wanted to tell you is...I...kinda loved the kiss and that I think...I'm not sure but I'm positive that I might kinda like you a lot." He kissed my cheek and bega running away to the stage with Gerard Frank and Bob.

I stood there froze in my tracks, did he just say that he might like me too? My heart started to race and the adrenaline started to pump in my blood. Either I'm having a panic attack, an anxiety attack or I'm just completely happy but whatever was happening was happening because of Ray Toro. He said he liked me too...before a concert...either things are going to go epically bad or horribly good but whatever happeneds, it happened because I was so fuckin happy at that moment.

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