I Love You Dumbass (Raccooneg...

By thatoneguy052

8.6K 233 54

"our love is basically beastiality" "Go to bed you dumbass" Also the character is gonna have they/them pronou... More



143 8 1
By thatoneguy052

                   Masons pov

I wake up and hear very faint music, i wake myself up and walk downstairs and see Swagger and y/n cleaning.

"It was a story of the two always on the move, they got nothing left to lose" Swagger sings

"Except their guns and they wounds" y/n finished.

"Now they crossing borders, police officer on their tail" they both say.

"But they would rather die together then be stuck up in a cell" i say.

They both turn towards me. "Oh morning Mase, we have bagels on the table if you want some" swagger says.

I nod and walk over to y/n. I give them a peck on the lips. "I didnt know you knew that song" they said. "Its Lay Me Down by Sublime With Rome, right?" I asks. They nod and smile.

(If you havent listened to that song yet
.. Plz do)

"Why are you guys cleaning?" I ask. "Well the person who sold us this house has already found people to show the house and they are coming next week so we have to speed run clean the house, then pack our shit then figure something out." Swagger says. "Well shit alright does Tobi and Fitz already know?" I ask. "Yeah their cleaning us their rooms right now" y/n says.

"Thanks for the heads up i gotta go" i say grabbing a couple of trash bags and sprinting up to my room.

                 Y/ns pov

Me and swagger continue cleaning. I move on to the living room and start packing stuff. There was a knock at the door.

I open it and i saw Matt. "Oh hey whats up" i greet him. "Tobi told me that yall were gonna be busy all day today so i decided to help also i brought donuts" he says. "Oh thank you" i say hr hands me a bag of said donuts.

I put them in the kitchen and text everyone saying thats there is donuts. I go back to cleaning.

I see Mason and Tobi sprint towards the kitchen. I shake my head and smile.

Soon i get finished with the living room, i get finished with my room and everyone gets together and cleans the garage.

"Oh gross theres a dead rat!" Tobi says. "Oh look at this little fella" Mason says. We all look at him. He picks up a bird. "Aw poor guy" i say. Matt lifts up the garage door. The bird wakes up and pecks at Mason before flying away.

"Aw fuck he got my eye" he yells. "Oh shit come of sweet heart" i say. I take him inside.

"Ok hon im gonna need you to take your hand off your eye ok?" I says.

He does so. Damn that bird fucked him up. "Aw shit it got you right underneath your eye." I say. "Oh im gonna go get some alcohol you stay there" i say.  "Im not 21 yet" he says. I sigh. "I meant rubbing alcohol darling" i say. He laughs "yeah i know" he says.

I grab some cotton balls and the alcohol. I go over to him. "Ok this will sting just a little bit, if you want i can get you something to hol onto" i say.

"Can i just hold your hand?" He asks. "Yeah sure" i say. I douse the cotton ball in alcohol. "Ok ready?" I ask. He nods and grabs my hand.

"Ok 3..2..1.." I say. I put the cotton ball on his eye. He winces and tightens his grip. "Ok that should be all the pain in going to go over it again" i say. He releases my hand.

I grab a fresh cotton ball and do the same thing.

"You all better, little Mase-o?" Fitz asks. "Piss off you cunt" he says. I smile and grab him a bandaid. I put it where the wound was.

"Ok lets get back to work" i say.

"But mo- sorry- but parenttttt" Swagger complains. I laugh.

"Lets go Swag man."i say. We go back and finish the garage. We all go back inside and me and Mason immediately crash on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Tobi ask. "I might fall asleep but sure" i say.

She puts on some movie i wasnt exactly paying attention.

I feel myself fall asleep.


I wake up in my bed, mason was next to me he had put on some of the misfits content. "Morning sweetie" he says. I look at him and smile. "Did i wake you im sorry" he says. "Oh no your fine, im am pretty tired though what time is it?" I ask. "Uhh its 5 in the morning" he says.

Someone knocks on the door before opening it. We turn and see Tobi. "Sorry love birds, but um y/n we need you to come and throat punch Ezra real quick or at least knock some sense into him" she says. "Fucking what?" I ask. "Just come on" she says. I groan and both me and Mason go downstairs.

"Just get the fuck out of the house dude its 5 in the fucking morning" Swagger yells. We get down and everyone was down there, even Matt. "Whats going on?" I ask.  Everyone turns to me.

"Oh shit right you were sleeping" Matt says. I look at Ezra. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask.

"Listen, i just want you back thats all i want, i miss you, i miss your hugs, your kisses, your humor, you in general" he says.

"Ezra.. Remember when you cheated on me after we slept together imagine how insecure i feel right now, come on man just fucking be honest for once in your life, you arent in love with me if you were me and you would have no issues, you literally cheated on me with a girl from my school, i dont even know who the fuck invited her, i think im the only person who knows her. But still anyways if you can leave right now that would be great i mean you could have come at a better time like i dont, say, not at 6 in the fucking morning??" I say.

"Anyways, i would love to hear you out just so you can stop annoying these guys and so that i can get some sleep."i say. I sigh and rub my eyes. "If you want we can go to the coffee shop down the street so we can hear each other out, sound fair?" I ask. "Yeah thats fine" he says i nod. "Wait what time?" He asks. "Lets do 2pm can you do that?" I ask. He nods.

I give a thumbs up. "Alright good night guys i cant deal with this right now"  i say. I go back upstairs and crash on my bed almost immediately passing out

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